Пример #1
 def start_index(self,attr):
     defn = ABag()
     if 'item' in attr:
         label = attr['item']
         self._syntax_error('<index> needs at least an item attribute')
     if 'name' in attr:
         name = attr['name']
         name = DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME
     format = attr.get('format',None)
     if format is not None and format not in ('123','I','i','ABC','abc'):
         raise ValueError('index tag format is %r not valid 123 I i ABC or abc' % offset)
     offset = attr.get('offset',None)
     if offset is not None:
             offset = int(offset)
             raise ValueError('index tag offset is %r not an int' % offset)
     defn.label = encode_label([label,format,offset])
     defn.name = name
Пример #2
 def start_index(self, attr):
     attr = self.getAttributes(attr, _indexAttrMap)
     defn = ABag()
     if 'item' in attr:
         label = attr['item']
         self._syntax_error('<index> needs at least an item attribute')
     if 'name' in attr:
         name = attr['name']
         name = DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME
     format = attr.get('format', None)
     if format is not None and format not in ('123', 'I', 'i', 'ABC',
         raise ValueError(
             'index tag format is %r not valid 123 I i ABC or abc' % offset)
     offset = attr.get('offset', None)
     if offset is not None:
             offset = int(offset)
             raise ValueError('index tag offset is %r not an int' % offset)
     defn.label = base64.encodestring(pickle.dumps(
         (label, format, offset))).strip()
     defn.name = name
     defn.kind = 'index'
 def start_index(self, attr):
     attr = self.getAttributes(attr, _indexAttrMap)
     defn = ABag()
     if "item" in attr:
         label = attr["item"]
         self._syntax_error("<index> needs at least an item attribute")
     if "name" in attr:
         name = attr["name"]
         name = DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME
     format = attr.get("format", None)
     if format is not None and format not in ("123", "I", "i", "ABC", "abc"):
         raise ValueError("index tag format is %r not valid 123 I i ABC or abc" % offset)
     offset = attr.get("offset", None)
     if offset is not None:
             offset = int(offset)
             raise ValueError("index tag offset is %r not an int" % offset)
     defn.label = base64.encodestring(pickle.dumps((label, format, offset))).strip()
     defn.name = name
     defn.kind = "index"
Пример #4
    def start_onDraw(self, attr):
        defn = ABag()
        if 'name' in attr: defn.name = attr['name']
        else: self._syntax_error('<onDraw> needs at least a name attribute')

        if 'label' in attr: defn.label = attr['label']
        defn.kind = 'onDraw'
Пример #5
    def start_onDraw(self,attr):
        defn = ABag()
        if 'name' in attr: defn.name = attr['name']
        else: self._syntax_error('<onDraw> needs at least a name attribute')

        if 'label' in attr: defn.label = attr['label']
    def start_onDraw(self, attr):
        defn = ABag()
        if "name" in attr:
            defn.name = attr["name"]
            self._syntax_error("<onDraw> needs at least a name attribute")

        if "label" in attr:
            defn.label = attr["label"]
        defn.kind = "onDraw"
Пример #7
 def end_img(self):
     frag = self._stack[-1]
     assert getattr(frag, '_selfClosingTag', ''), 'Parser failure in <img/>'
     defn = frag.cbDefn = ABag()
     defn.kind = 'img'
     defn.src = getattr(frag, 'src', None)
     defn.image = ImageReader(defn.src)
     size = defn.image.getSize()
     defn.width = getattr(frag, 'width', size[0])
     defn.height = getattr(frag, 'height', size[1])
     defn.valign = getattr(frag, 'valign', 'bottom')
     del frag._selfClosingTag
Пример #8
 def end_a(self):
     frag = self._stack[-1]
     sct = getattr(frag, '_selfClosingTag', '')
     if sct:
         assert sct == 'anchor' and frag.name, 'Parser failure in <a/>'
         defn = frag.cbDefn = ABag()
         defn.label = defn.kind = 'anchor'
         defn.name = frag.name
         del frag.name, frag._selfClosingTag
         del self._stack[-1]
         assert frag.link != None
Пример #9
 def end_a(self):
     frag = self._stack[-1]
     sct = getattr(frag, '_selfClosingTag', '')
     if sct:
         if not (sct == 'anchor' and frag.name):
             raise ValueError('Parser failure in <a/>')
         defn = frag.cbDefn = ABag()
         defn.label = defn.kind = 'anchor'
         defn.name = frag.name
         del frag.name, frag._selfClosingTag
         if self._pop('a').link is None:
             raise ValueError('<link> has no href')
Пример #10
    def drawPara(self, debug=0):
        """Draws a paragraph according to the given style.
        Returns the final y position at the bottom. Not safe for
        paragraphs without spaces e.g. Japanese; wrapping
        algorithm will go infinite."""

        #stash the key facts locally for speed
        canvas = self.canv
        style = self.style
        blPara = self.blPara
        lines = blPara.lines

        #work out the origin for line 1
        leftIndent = style.leftIndent
        cur_x = leftIndent

        if debug:
            bw = 0.5
            bc = Color(1, 1, 0)
            bg = Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
            bw = getattr(style, 'borderWidth', None)
            bc = getattr(style, 'borderColor', None)
            bg = style.backColor

        #if has a background or border, draw it
        if bg or (bc and bw):
            op = canvas.rect
            kwds = dict(fill=0, stroke=0)
            if bc and bw:
                kwds['stroke'] = 1
                br = getattr(style, 'borderRadius', 0)
                if br and not debug:
                    op = canvas.roundRect
                    kwds['radius'] = br
            if bg:
                kwds['fill'] = 1
            bp = getattr(style, 'borderPadding', 0)
            op(leftIndent - bp, -bp,
               self.width - (leftIndent + style.rightIndent) + 2 * bp,
               self.height + 2 * bp, **kwds)

        nLines = len(lines)
        bulletText = self.bulletText
        if nLines > 0:
            _offsets = getattr(self, '_offsets', [0])
            _offsets += (nLines - len(_offsets)) * [_offsets[-1]]
            #canvas.addLiteral('%% %s.drawPara' % _className(self))
            alignment = style.alignment
            offset = style.firstLineIndent + _offsets[0]
            lim = nLines - 1
            noJustifyLast = not (hasattr(self, '_JustifyLast')
                                 and self._JustifyLast)

            if blPara.kind == 0:
                if alignment == TA_LEFT:
                    dpl = _leftDrawParaLine
                elif alignment == TA_CENTER:
                    dpl = _centerDrawParaLine
                elif self.style.alignment == TA_RIGHT:
                    dpl = _rightDrawParaLine
                elif self.style.alignment == TA_JUSTIFY:
                    dpl = _justifyDrawParaLine
                f = blPara
                cur_y = self.height - f.fontSize
                if bulletText <> None:
                    offset = _drawBullet(canvas, offset, cur_y, bulletText,

                #set up the font etc.

                tx = self.beginText(cur_x, cur_y)

                #now the font for the rest of the paragraph
                tx.setFont(f.fontName, f.fontSize, style.leading)
                ws = lines[0][0]
                t_off = dpl(tx, offset, ws, lines[0][1], noJustifyLast
                            and nLines == 1)
                if f.underline or f.link or f.strike:
                    xs = tx.XtraState = ABag()
                    xs.cur_y = cur_y
                    xs.f = f
                    xs.style = style
                    xs.lines = lines
                    xs.underlines = []
                    xs.underlineColor = None
                    xs.strikes = []
                    xs.strikeColor = None
                    xs.links = []
                    xs.link = f.link
                    dx = t_off + leftIndent
                    if dpl != _justifyDrawParaLine: ws = 0
                    if f.underline: _do_under_line(0, dx, ws, tx)
                    if f.strike: _do_under_line(0, dx, ws, tx, lm=0.125)
                    if f.link: _do_link_line(0, dx, ws, tx)

                    #now the middle of the paragraph, aligned with the left margin which is our origin.
                    for i in xrange(1, nLines):
                        ws = lines[i][0]
                        t_off = dpl(tx, _offsets[i], ws, lines[i][1],
                                    noJustifyLast and i == lim)
                        if dpl != _justifyDrawParaLine: ws = 0
                        if f.underline:
                            _do_under_line(i, t_off + leftIndent, ws, tx)
                        if f.strike:
                                           t_off + leftIndent,
                        if f.link: _do_link_line(i, t_off + leftIndent, ws, tx)
                    for i in xrange(1, nLines):
                        dpl(tx, _offsets[i], lines[i][0], lines[i][1],
                            noJustifyLast and i == lim)
                f = lines[0]
                cur_y = self.height - f.fontSize
                # default?
                dpl = _leftDrawParaLineX
                if bulletText <> None:
                    offset = _drawBullet(canvas, offset, cur_y, bulletText,
                if alignment == TA_LEFT:
                    dpl = _leftDrawParaLineX
                elif alignment == TA_CENTER:
                    dpl = _centerDrawParaLineX
                elif self.style.alignment == TA_RIGHT:
                    dpl = _rightDrawParaLineX
                elif self.style.alignment == TA_JUSTIFY:
                    dpl = _justifyDrawParaLineX
                    raise ValueError, "bad align %s" % repr(alignment)

                #set up the font etc.
                tx = self.beginText(cur_x, cur_y)
                xs = tx.XtraState = ABag()
                xs.textColor = None
                xs.rise = 0
                xs.underline = 0
                xs.underlines = []
                xs.underlineColor = None
                xs.strike = 0
                xs.strikes = []
                xs.strikeColor = None
                xs.links = []
                xs.link = None
                xs.cur_y = cur_y
                xs.f = f
                xs.style = style

                tx._fontname, tx._fontsize = None, None
                t_off = dpl(tx, offset, lines[0], noJustifyLast
                            and nLines == 1)
                _do_post_text(0, t_off + leftIndent, tx)

                #now the middle of the paragraph, aligned with the left margin which is our origin.
                for i in range(1, nLines):
                    f = lines[i]
                    t_off = dpl(tx, _offsets[i], f, noJustifyLast and i == lim)
                    _do_post_text(i, t_off + leftIndent, tx)

Пример #11
    def test0(self):

        The story should contain...

        Features to be visually confirmed by a human being are:

            1. ...
            2. ...
            3. ...

        story = []
        SA = story.append

        #need a style
        styNormal = ParagraphStyle('normal')
        styGreen = ParagraphStyle('green',parent=styNormal,textColor=green)
        styDots = ParagraphStyle('styDots',parent=styNormal,endDots='.')
        styDots1 = ParagraphStyle('styDots1',parent=styNormal,endDots=ABag(text=' -',dy=2,textColor='red'))
        styDotsR = ParagraphStyle('styDotsR',parent=styNormal,alignment=TA_RIGHT,endDots=' +')
        styDotsC = ParagraphStyle('styDotsC',parent=styNormal,alignment=TA_CENTER,endDots=' *')
        styDotsJ = ParagraphStyle('styDotsJ',parent=styNormal,alignment=TA_JUSTIFY,endDots=' =')

        istyDots = ParagraphStyle('istyDots',parent=styNormal,firstLineIndent=12,leftIndent=6,endDots='.')
        istyDots1 = ParagraphStyle('istyDots1',parent=styNormal,firstLineIndent=12,leftIndent=6,endDots=ABag(text=' -',dy=2,textColor='red'))
        istyDotsR = ParagraphStyle('istyDotsR',parent=styNormal,firstLineIndent=12,leftIndent=6,alignment=TA_RIGHT,endDots=' +')
        istyDotsC = ParagraphStyle('istyDotsC',parent=styNormal,firstLineIndent=12,leftIndent=6,alignment=TA_CENTER,endDots=' *')
        istyDotsJ = ParagraphStyle('istyDotsJ',parent=styNormal,firstLineIndent=12,leftIndent=6,alignment=TA_JUSTIFY,endDots=' =')

        # some to test
        stySpaced = ParagraphStyle('spaced',

        SA(Paragraph("This is a normal paragraph. "+ randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("There follows a paragraph with only \"&lt;br/&gt;\"", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("<br/>", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("This has 12 points space before and after, set in the style. " + randomText(), stySpaced))
        SA(Paragraph("This is normal. " + randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""<para spacebefore="12" spaceafter="12">
              This has 12 points space before and after, set inline with
              XML tag.  It works too.""" + randomText() + "</para",

        SA(Paragraph("This is normal. " + randomText(), styNormal))
        styBackground = ParagraphStyle('MyTitle',
        SA(Paragraph("This is a title with a background. ", styBackground))
        SA(Paragraph("""<para backcolor="pink">This got a background from the para tag</para>""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""<para>\n\tThis has newlines and tabs on the front but inside the para tag</para>""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""<para>  This has spaces on the front but inside the para tag</para>""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""\n\tThis has newlines and tabs on the front but no para tag""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""  This has spaces on the front but no para tag""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has <font color=blue>blue text</font> here.""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has <i>italic text</i> here.""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has <b>bold text</b> here.""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has <u>underlined text</u> here.""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has <font color=blue><u>blue and <font color=red>red</font> underlined text</u></font> here.""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""<u>green underlining</u>""", styGreen))
        SA(Paragraph("""<u>green <font size=+4><i>underlining</font></i></u>""", styGreen))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has m<super>2</super> a superscript.""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has m<sub>2</sub> a subscript. Like H<sub>2</sub>O!""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has a font change to <font name=Helvetica>Helvetica</font>.""", styNormal))
        #This one fails:
        #SA(Paragraph("""This has a font change to <font name=Helvetica-Oblique>Helvetica-Oblique</font>.""", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("""This has a font change to <font name=Helvetica><i>Helvetica in italics</i></font>.""", styNormal))

        SA(Paragraph('''This one uses upper case tags and has set caseSensitive=0: Here comes <FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="14pt">Helvetica 14</FONT> with <STRONG>strong</STRONG> <EM>emphasis</EM>.''', styNormal, caseSensitive=0))
        SA(Paragraph('''The same as before, but has set not set caseSensitive, thus the tags are ignored: Here comes <FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="14pt">Helvetica 14</FONT> with <STRONG>strong</STRONG> <EM>emphasis</EM>.''', styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph('''This one uses fonts with size "14pt" and also uses the em and strong tags: Here comes <font face="Helvetica" size="14pt">Helvetica 14</font> with <Strong>strong</Strong> <em>emphasis</em>.''', styNormal, caseSensitive=0))
        SA(Paragraph('''This uses a font size of 3cm: Here comes <font face="Courier" size="3cm">Courier 3cm</font> and normal again.''', styNormal, caseSensitive=0))
        SA(Paragraph('''This is just a very long silly text to see if the <FONT face="Courier">caseSensitive</FONT> flag also works if the paragraph is <EM>very</EM> long. '''*20, styNormal, caseSensitive=0))

        SA(Paragraph('''Simple paragraph with dots''', styDots))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple indented paragraph with dots''', istyDots))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple centred paragraph with stars''', styDotsC))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple centred indented paragraph with stars''', istyDotsC))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple right justified paragraph with pluses, but no pluses''', styDotsR))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple right justified indented paragraph with pluses, but no pluses''', istyDotsR))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple justified paragraph with equals''', styDotsJ))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple justified indented paragraph with equals''', istyDotsJ))
        SA(Paragraph('''A longer simple paragraph with dots''', styDots))
        SA(Paragraph('''A longer simple indented paragraph with dots''', istyDots))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' simple paragraph with dots', styDots))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' simple indented paragraph with dots', istyDots))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' centred simple paragraph with stars', styDotsC))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' centred simple indented paragraph with stars', istyDotsC))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' right justified simple paragraph with pluses, but no pluses', styDotsR))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' right justified simple indented paragraph with pluses, but no pluses', istyDotsR))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' justified simple paragraph with equals', styDotsJ))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' justified simple indented paragraph with equals', istyDotsJ))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple paragraph with dashes that have a dy and a textColor.''', styDots1))
        SA(Paragraph('''Simple indented paragraph with dashes that have a dy and a textColor.''', istyDots1))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex <font color="green">paragraph</font> with dots''', styDots))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with dots''', istyDots))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex centred <font color="green">paragraph</font> with stars''', styDotsC))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex centred <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with stars''', istyDotsC))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex right justfied <font color="green">paragraph</font> with pluses, but no pluses''', styDotsR))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex right justfied <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with pluses, but no pluses''', istyDotsR))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex justfied <font color="green">paragraph</font> with equals''', styDotsJ))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex justfied <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with equals''', istyDotsJ))
        SA(Paragraph('''A longer complex <font color="green">paragraph</font> with dots''', styDots))
        SA(Paragraph('''A longer complex <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with dots''', istyDots))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' complex <font color="green">paragraph</font> with dots', styDots))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' complex <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with dots', istyDots))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex <font color="green">paragraph</font> with dashes that have a dy and a textColor.''', styDots1))
        SA(Paragraph('''Complex <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with dashes that have a dy and a textColor.''', istyDots1))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' centred complex <font color="green">paragraph</font> with stars', styDotsC))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' centred complex <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with stars', istyDotsC))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' right justified <font color="green">complex</font> paragraph with pluses, but no pluses', styDotsR))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' right justified <font color="green">complex</font> indented paragraph with pluses, but no pluses', istyDotsR))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' justified complex <font color="green">paragraph</font> with equals', styDotsJ))
        SA(Paragraph('A very much' +50*' longer'+' justified complex <font color="green">indented paragraph</font> with equals', istyDotsJ))

        SA(Paragraph("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm' bulletOffsetY='2'><seq id='s0'/>)</bullet>Indented list bulletOffsetY=2. %s</para>" % randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s0'/>)</bullet>Indented list. %s</para>" % randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s0'/>)</bullet>Indented list. %s</para>" % randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(XPreformatted("<para leftIndent='0.5cm' backcolor=pink><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s1'/>)</bullet>Indented list.</para>", styNormal))
        SA(XPreformatted("<para leftIndent='0.5cm' backcolor=palegreen><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s1'/>)</bullet>Indented list.</para>", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s0'/>)</bullet>Indented list. %s</para>" % randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("<para>Indented list using seqChain/Format<seqChain order='s0 s1 s2 s3 s4'/><seqReset id='s0'/><seqFormat id='s0' value='1'/><seqFormat id='s1' value='a'/><seqFormat id='s2' value='i'/><seqFormat id='s3' value='A'/><seqFormat id='s4' value='I'/></para>", stySpaced))
        SA(Paragraph("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s0'/>)</bullet>Indented list. %s</para>" % randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s0'/>)</bullet>Indented list. %s</para>" % randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s0'/>)</bullet>Indented list. %s</para>" % randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(XPreformatted("<para backcolor=pink boffsety='-3'><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s1'/>)</bullet>Indented list bulletOffsetY=-3.</para>", styNormal))
        SA(XPreformatted("<para backcolor=pink><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s1'/>)</bullet>Indented list.</para>", styNormal))
        SA(Paragraph("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s0'/>)</bullet>Indented list. %s</para>" % randomText(), styNormal))
        SA(XPreformatted("<para backcolor=palegreen><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s1'/>)</bullet>Indented list.</para>", styNormal))
        SA(XPreformatted("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s2'/>)</bullet>Indented list. line1</para>", styNormal))
        SA(XPreformatted("<para><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s2'/>)</bullet>Indented list. line2</para>", styNormal))
        SA(XPreformatted("<para backcolor=palegreen><bullet bulletIndent='-1cm'><seq id='s1'/>)</bullet>Indented list.</para>", styNormal))

        template = SimpleDocTemplate(outputfile('test_paragraphs.pdf'),
            onFirstPage=myFirstPage, onLaterPages=myLaterPages)
Пример #12
    def drawPara(self, debug=0):
        """Draws a paragraph according to the given style.
        Returns the final y position at the bottom. Not safe for
        paragraphs without spaces e.g. Japanese; wrapping
        algorithm will go infinite."""

        #stash the key facts locally for speed
        canvas = self.canv
        style = self.style
        blPara = self.blPara
        lines = blPara.lines
        leading = style.leading
        autoLeading = getattr(self, 'autoLeading',
                              getattr(style, 'autoLeading', ''))

        #work out the origin for line 1
        leftIndent = style.leftIndent
        cur_x = leftIndent

        if debug:
            bw = 0.5
            bc = Color(1, 1, 0)
            bg = Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
            bw = getattr(style, 'borderWidth', None)
            bc = getattr(style, 'borderColor', None)
            bg = style.backColor

        #if has a background or border, draw it
        if bg or (bc and bw):
            op = canvas.rect
            kwds = dict(fill=0, stroke=0)
            if bc and bw:
                kwds['stroke'] = 1
                br = getattr(style, 'borderRadius', 0)
                if br and not debug:
                    op = canvas.roundRect
                    kwds['radius'] = br
            if bg:
                kwds['fill'] = 1
            bp = getattr(style, 'borderPadding', 0)
            tbp, rbp, bbp, lbp = normalizeTRBL(bp)
            op(leftIndent - lbp, -bbp,
               self.width - (leftIndent + style.rightIndent) + lbp + rbp,
               self.height + tbp + bbp, **kwds)

        nLines = len(lines)
        bulletText = self.bulletText
        if nLines > 0:
            _offsets = getattr(self, '_offsets', [0])
            _offsets += (nLines - len(_offsets)) * [_offsets[-1]]
            #canvas.addLiteral('%% %s.drawPara' % _className(self))
            alignment = style.alignment
            offset = style.firstLineIndent + _offsets[0]
            lim = nLines - 1
            noJustifyLast = not (hasattr(self, '_JustifyLast')
                                 and self._JustifyLast)

            if blPara.kind == 0:
                if alignment == TA_LEFT:
                    dpl = _leftDrawParaLine
                elif alignment == TA_CENTER:
                    dpl = _centerDrawParaLine
                elif self.style.alignment == TA_RIGHT:
                    dpl = _rightDrawParaLine
                elif self.style.alignment == TA_JUSTIFY:
                    dpl = _justifyDrawParaLine
                f = blPara
                if rl_config.paraFontSizeHeightOffset:
                    cur_y = self.height - f.fontSize
                    cur_y = self.height - getattr(f, 'ascent', f.fontSize)
                if bulletText:
                    offset = _drawBullet(canvas, offset, cur_y, bulletText,

                #set up the font etc.

                tx = self.beginText(cur_x, cur_y)
                if autoLeading == 'max':
                    leading = max(leading, blPara.ascent - blPara.descent)
                elif autoLeading == 'min':
                    leading = blPara.ascent - blPara.descent

                #now the font for the rest of the paragraph

                #----------------------DAVID ADDDED THESE LINES------------------------
                if not self.firstLineSpace is None:
                    tx.setFont(f.fontName, f.fontSize,
                               leading + self.firstLineSpace)
                    tx.setFont(f.fontName, f.fontSize, leading)

                ws = lines[0][0]
                t_off = dpl(tx, offset, ws, lines[0][1], noJustifyLast
                            and nLines == 1)

                #----------------------DAVID ADDDED THESE LINES------------------------
                tx.setFont(f.fontName, f.fontSize, leading)

                if f.underline or f.link or f.strike or style.endDots:
                    xs = tx.XtraState = ABag()
                    xs.cur_y = cur_y
                    xs.f = f
                    xs.style = style
                    xs.lines = lines
                    xs.underlines = []
                    xs.underlineColor = None
                    xs.strikes = []
                    xs.strikeColor = None
                    xs.links = []
                    xs.link = f.link
                    xs.textColor = f.textColor
                    xs.backColors = []
                    dx = t_off + leftIndent
                    if dpl != _justifyDrawParaLine: ws = 0
                    underline = f.underline or (f.link
                                                and platypus_link_underline)
                    strike = f.strike
                    link = f.link
                    if underline: _do_under_line(0, dx, ws, tx)
                    if strike: _do_under_line(0, dx, ws, tx, lm=0.125)
                    if link: _do_link_line(0, dx, ws, tx)
                    if noJustifyLast and nLines == 1 and style.endDots and dpl != _rightDrawParaLine:
                        _do_dots(0, dx, ws, xs, tx, dpl)

                    #now the middle of the paragraph, aligned with the left margin which is our origin.
                    for i in xrange(1, nLines):
                        ws = lines[i][0]
                        t_off = dpl(tx, _offsets[i], ws, lines[i][1],
                                    noJustifyLast and i == lim)
                        dx = t_off + leftIndent
                        if dpl != _justifyDrawParaLine: ws = 0
                        if underline: _do_under_line(i, dx, ws, tx)
                        if strike: _do_under_line(i, dx, ws, tx, lm=0.125)
                        if link: _do_link_line(i, dx, ws, tx)
                        if noJustifyLast and i == lim and style.endDots and dpl != _rightDrawParaLine:
                            _do_dots(i, dx, ws, xs, tx, dpl)
                    for i in xrange(1, nLines):
                        dpl(tx, _offsets[i], lines[i][0], lines[i][1],
                            noJustifyLast and i == lim)
                f = lines[0]
                if rl_config.paraFontSizeHeightOffset:
                    cur_y = self.height - f.fontSize
                    cur_y = self.height - getattr(f, 'ascent', f.fontSize)
                # default?
                dpl = _leftDrawParaLineX
                if bulletText:
                    oo = offset
                    offset = _drawBullet(canvas, offset, cur_y, bulletText,
                if alignment == TA_LEFT:
                    dpl = _leftDrawParaLineX
                elif alignment == TA_CENTER:
                    dpl = _centerDrawParaLineX
                elif self.style.alignment == TA_RIGHT:
                    dpl = _rightDrawParaLineX
                elif self.style.alignment == TA_JUSTIFY:
                    dpl = _justifyDrawParaLineX
                    raise ValueError("bad align %s" % repr(alignment))

                #set up the font etc.
                tx = self.beginText(cur_x, cur_y)
                xs = tx.XtraState = ABag()
                xs.textColor = None
                xs.backColor = None
                xs.rise = 0
                xs.underline = 0
                xs.underlines = []
                xs.underlineColor = None
                xs.strike = 0
                xs.strikes = []
                xs.strikeColor = None
                xs.backColors = []
                xs.links = []
                xs.link = None

                #----------------------DAVID ADDDED THESE LINES------------------------
                if not self.firstLineSpace is None:
                    xs.leading = style.leading + self.firstLineSpace
                    xs.leading = style.leading

                xs.leftIndent = leftIndent
                tx._leading = None
                tx._olb = None
                xs.cur_y = cur_y
                xs.f = f
                xs.style = style
                xs.autoLeading = autoLeading

                tx._fontname, tx._fontsize = None, None
                dpl(tx, offset, lines[0], noJustifyLast and nLines == 1)

                #----------------------DAVID ADDDED THESE LINES------------------------
                xs.leading = style.leading

                #now the middle of the paragraph, aligned with the left margin which is our origin.
                for i in xrange(1, nLines):
                    f = lines[i]
                    dpl(tx, _offsets[i], f, noJustifyLast and i == lim)
