Пример #1
 def addParas(words):
     words = [asUnicode(w) for w in words]
     txt = u' '.join([(len(w) > 5 and u'<index item=%s/>%s' %
                       (quoteattr(commajoin([w[:2], w[:3], w])), w)
                       or w) for w in words])
     para = Paragraph(txt, makeBodyStyle())
Пример #2
    def test0(self):
        Test case for Indexes. This will draw an index %sat the end of the
        document with dots seperating the indexing terms from the page numbers.
        Index terms are grouped by their first 2, and first 3 characters.
        The page numbers should be clickable and link to the indexed word.
        # Build story.

        for headers in False, True:
            path = outputfile("test_platypus_index%s.pdf" % (headers and "_headers" or ""))
            doc = MyDocTemplate(path)
            story = []
            styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
            bt = styleSheet["BodyText"]

            description = "<font color=red>%s</font>" % (
                self.test0.__doc__ % (headers and "with alphabetic headers " or "")
            story.append(Paragraph(description, bt))
            index = SimpleIndex(dot=" . ", headers=headers)

            for i in range(20):
                words = randomtext.randomText(randomtext.PYTHON, 5).split(" ")
                txt = " ".join(
                        (len(w) > 5 and "<index item=%s/>%s" % (quoteattr(commajoin([w[:2], w[:3], w])), w) or w)
                        for w in words
                para = Paragraph(txt, makeBodyStyle())

            # test ampersand in index term
            txt = '\nMarks &amp; Spencer - purveyors of fine groceries, underwear and ampersands - should have their initials displayed however they were input.\n<index item="M&amp;S,groceries"/><index item="M&amp;S,underwear"/><index item="M&amp;S,ampersands"/>'
            para = Paragraph(txt, makeBodyStyle())


            doc.build(story, canvasmaker=index.getCanvasMaker())
Пример #3
    def test0(self):
        Test case for Indexes. This will draw an index %sat the end of the
        document with dots seperating the indexing terms from the page numbers.
        Index terms are grouped by their first 2, and first 3 characters.
        The page numbers should be clickable and link to the indexed word.
        # Build story.

        for headers in False, True:
            path = outputfile('test_platypus_index%s.pdf' %
                              (headers and '_headers' or ''))
            doc = MyDocTemplate(path)
            story = []
            styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
            bt = styleSheet['BodyText']

            description = '<font color=red>%s</font>' % (
                self.test0.__doc__ %
                (headers and 'with alphabetic headers ' or ''))
            story.append(Paragraph(description, bt))
            index = SimpleIndex(dot=' . ', headers=headers)

            for i in range(20):
                words = randomtext.randomText(randomtext.PYTHON, 5).split(' ')
                txt = ' '.join([(len(w) > 5 and '<index item=%s/>%s' %
                                 (quoteattr(commajoin([w[:2], w[:3], w])), w)
                                 or w) for w in words])
                para = Paragraph(txt, makeBodyStyle())

            #test ampersand in index term
            txt = '\nMarks &amp; Spencer - purveyors of fine groceries, underwear and ampersands - should have their initials displayed however they were input.\n<index item="M&S,groceries"/><index item="M&S,underwear"/><index item="M&amp;S,ampersands"/>'
            para = Paragraph(txt, makeBodyStyle())


            doc.build(story, canvasmaker=index.getCanvasMaker())
Пример #4
 def addParas(words):
     words = [asUnicode(w) for w in words]
     txt = u' '.join([(len(w) > 5 and u'<index item=%s/>%s' % (quoteattr(commajoin([w[:2], w[:3], w])), w) or w) for w in words])
     para = Paragraph(txt, makeBodyStyle())