Пример #1
def report(report_id):
	report = report_util.get_report(report_id)
	if not report:

	dates = report_util.get_dates()
	if not dates:

	min_date = report.get('minDate')
	max_date = report.get('maxDate')
	date_pattern = report.get('datePattern')
	max_date_metric = report.get('maxDateMetric')

	# TODO: If a report doesn't explicitly have a min/max date,
	# but all of its metrics do, take the min/max of the metrics
	# and set that as the report's implicit min/max date.

	# Omit dates for which this report has no data.
	if max_date_metric:
		max_date = report_util.get_latest_date(max_date_metric)
	if min_date:
		dates = dates[:dates.index(min_date) + 1]
	if max_date:
		dates = dates[dates.index(max_date):]
	if date_pattern:
		date_pattern = re.compile(date_pattern)
		dates = [d for d in dates if date_pattern.match(d)]

	report['dates'] = dates
	report['lenses'] = report_util.get_lenses()

	start = request.args.get('start')
	end = request.args.get('end')

	# Canonicalize single-date formats.
	if end and not start:
		start, end = end, start

	# Canonicalize aliases.
	if start == 'latest':
		start = dates[0]
	elif start == 'earliest':
		start = dates[-1]
	if end == 'latest':
		end = dates[0]
	elif end == 'earliest':
		end = dates[-1]

	# This is longhand for the snapshot (histogram) view.
	if start == end:
		end = None

	# This is shorthand for the trends (timeseries) view.
	if not start and not end:
		# The default date range is 24 crawls (1 year).
		# May be shorter if the report's minimum date is more recent.
		start = dates[min(24, len(dates) - 1)]
		end = dates[0]

	if start and start not in dates:
	if end and end not in dates:

	viz = report_util.VizTypes.HISTOGRAM if (start and not end) else report_util.VizTypes.TIMESERIES

	if viz == report_util.VizTypes.TIMESERIES and report.get('timeseries') and not report.get('timeseries').get('enabled'):
		end = None
		viz = report_util.VizTypes.HISTOGRAM

		# The default for histograms should be the latest date.
		if not request.args.get('start'):
			start = dates[0]

	lens_id = get_lens_id(request)
	lens = report_util.get_lens(lens_id)
	if lens:
		report['lens'] = lens

	report['view'] = get_report_view(report, request)

	# Determine which metrics should be enabled for this report.
	for metric in report['metrics']:
		# Get a list of reports that also contain this metric.
		metric['similar_reports'] = report_util.get_similar_reports(metric['id'], report_id)

		# Mark the lens used for this metric, if applicable.
		if lens:
			metric['lens'] = lens

		metric[viz] = metric.get(viz, {})
		enabled = metric[viz].get('enabled', True)
		min_date = metric[viz].get('minDate', start)
		max_date = metric[viz].get('maxDate', end)

		# Disabled metrics should stay that way.
		if not enabled:

		# Disable the metric if it start/end is outside of the min/max window.
		enabled = start >= min_date
		if max_date and enabled:
			enabled = start <= max_date
		if end and enabled:
			enabled = end <= max_date

		metric[viz]['enabled'] = enabled

	if not request.script_root:
		request.script_root = url_for('report', report_id=report_id, _external=True)

	# Return as JSON if requested.
	if get_format(request) == 'json':
		return jsonify(status=200, report=report, start=start, end=end, viz=viz)

	return render_template('report/%s.html' % viz,
Пример #2
def report(report_id):
    report = reportutil.get_report(report_id)
    if not report:

    dates = reportutil.get_dates()
    if not dates:

    min_date = report.get('minDate')
    max_date = report.get('maxDate')

    # TODO: If a report doesn't explicitly have a min/max date,
    # but all of its metrics do, take the min/max of the metrics
    # and set that as the report's implicit min/max date.

    # Omit dates for which this report has no data.
    if min_date:
        dates = dates[:dates.index(min_date) + 1]
    if max_date:
        dates = dates[dates.index(max_date):]

    report['dates'] = dates

    start = request.args.get('start')
    end = request.args.get('end')

    # Canonicalize single-date formats.
    if end and not start:
        start, end = end, start

    # Canonicalize aliases.
    if start == 'latest':
        start = dates[0]
    elif start == 'earliest':
        start = dates[-1]
    if end == 'latest':
        end = dates[0]
    elif end == 'earliest':
        end = dates[-1]

    # This is longhand for the snapshot (histogram) view.
    if start == end:
        end = None

    # This is shorthand for the trends (timeseries) view.
    if not start and not end:
        # The default date range is 24 crawls (1 year).
        # May be shorter if the report's minimum date is more recent.
        start = dates[min(23, len(dates) - 1)]
        end = dates[0]

    if start and start not in dates:
    if end and end not in dates:

    viz = reportutil.VizTypes.HISTOGRAM if (
        start and not end) else reportutil.VizTypes.TIMESERIES

    if viz == reportutil.VizTypes.TIMESERIES and report.get(
            'timeseries') and not report.get('timeseries').get('enabled'):
        end = None
        viz = reportutil.VizTypes.HISTOGRAM

    # Determine which metrics should be enabled for this report.
    for metric in report['metrics']:
        # Get a list of reports that also contain this metric.
        metric['similar_reports'] = reportutil.get_similar_reports(
            metric['id'], report_id)

        metric[viz] = metric.get(viz, {})
        enabled = metric[viz].get('enabled', True)
        min_date = metric[viz].get('minDate', start)
        max_date = metric[viz].get('maxDate', end)

        # Disabled metrics should stay that way.
        if not enabled:

        # Disable the metric if it start/end is outside of the min/max window.
        enabled = start >= min_date
        if end and enabled:
            enabled = end <= max_date

        metric[viz]['enabled'] = enabled

    if not request.script_root:
        request.script_root = url_for('report',

    return render_template('report/%s.html' % viz,