Пример #1
class EnvDict(Mapping):
    Implements the initialization functionality for Env, except it allows
    to more than one instance to exist, this is used internally to allow
    factory functions introspection without having to create an actual Env

    source : dict or str
        If str, it will be interpreted as a path to a YAML file

    path_to_here : str or pathlib.Path
        Value used to expand the {{here}} placeholder. If None, it uses the
        location of the YAML spec. If initialized with a dict and None,
        the {{here}} placeholder is not available.

    defaults : dict, default=None
        Default values to use. If not None, it uses these as defaults and
        overwrites keys using values in source

    By default, it includes the following placeholders (unless the passed
    dictionary already contains those keys): {{user}} (current user)
    {{cwd}} (working directory), {{here}} (env.yaml location, if any), {{root}}
    (project's root folder, if any)
    def __init__(self, source, path_to_here=None, defaults=None):

        # if initialized from another EnvDict, copy the attributes to
        # initialize
        # this happens in the  CLI parser, which instanttiates the env
        # because it needs to create one and then replace cli args, then
        # passes this modified object to DAGSpec
        if isinstance(source, EnvDict):
            for attr in (
                original = getattr(source, attr)
                setattr(self, attr, deepcopy(original))
                # load data
                # this will be None if source is a dict
                self._path_to_env) = load_from_source(source)

            if defaults:
                raw_data = {**defaults, **raw_data}

            # add default placeholders but override them if they are defined
            # in the raw data
            default = self._default_dict(include_here=path_to_here is not None)
            self._default_keys = set(default) - set(raw_data)
            raw_data = {**default, **raw_data}

            # check raw data is ok

            # expand _module special key, return its expanded value
            self._preprocessed = raw_preprocess(raw_data, self._path_to_env)

            # initialize expander, which converts placeholders to their values
            # we need to pass path_to_env since the {{here}} placeholder
            # resolves to its parent
            if path_to_here is None:
                # if no pat_to_here, use path_to_end
                path_to_here = (None if self._path_to_env is None else Path(
                path_to_here = Path(path_to_here).resolve()

            self._expander = EnvironmentExpander(self._preprocessed,
            # now expand all values
            self._data = self._expander.expand_raw_dictionary(raw_data)

            self._repr = Repr()

    def find(cls, source):
        Find env file recursively, currently only used by the @with_env
        if not Path(source).exists():
            source_found, _ = default.find_file_recursively(source)

            if source_found is None:
                raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find file "{}" in the '
                                        'current working directory nor '
                                        '6 levels up'.format(source))
                source = source_found

        return cls(source, path_to_here=Path(source).parent)

    def default_keys(self):
        """Returns keys whose default value is used (i.e., if the user
        overrides them, they won't appear)
        return self._default_keys

    def _default_dict(include_here):
        placeholders = {
            'user': '******',
            'cwd': '{{cwd}}',
            'now': '{{now}}',

        if default.try_to_find_root_recursively() is not None:
            placeholders['root'] = '{{root}}'

        if include_here:
            placeholders['here'] = '{{here}}'

        return placeholders

    def path_to_env(self):
        return self._path_to_env

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        error = AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(
            type(self).__name__, key))
        # do not look up special atttributes this way!
        if key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('__'):
            raise error

        if key in self:
            return self[key]
            raise AttributeError("{} object has no atttribute '{}'".format(
                repr(self), key))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            return self._getitem(key)
        except KeyError as e:
            # custom error will be displayed around quotes, but it's fine.
            # this is due to the KeyError.__str__ implementation
            msg = "{} object has no key '{}'".format(repr(self), key)
            e.args = (msg, )

    def _getitem(self, key):
        if key in self._preprocessed:
            return FrozenJSON(self._preprocessed[key])
            return FrozenJSON(self._data[key])

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._data[key] = value

    def __iter__(self):
        for k in self._data:
            yield k

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
        content = self._repr.repr_dict(self._data, level=2)
        return f'{type(self).__name__}({content})'

    def _replace_value(self, value, keys_all):
        Replace a value in the underlying dictionary, by passing a value and
        a list of keys

        e.g. given {'a': {'b': 1}}, we can replace 1 by doing
        _replace_value(2, ['a', 'b'])
        keys_to_final_dict = keys_all[:-1]
        key_to_edit = keys_all[-1]

        dict_to_edit = self._data

        for e in keys_to_final_dict:
            dict_to_edit = dict_to_edit[e]

        if dict_to_edit.get(key_to_edit) is None:
            dotted_path = '.'.join(keys_all)
            raise KeyError('Trying to replace key "{}" in env, '
                           'but it does not exist'.format(dotted_path))

        dict_to_edit[key_to_edit] = (self._expander.expand_raw_value(
            value, keys_all))

    def _inplace_replace_flatten_key(self, value, key_flatten):
        Replace a value in the underlying dictionary, by passing a value and
        a list of keys

        e.g. given {'a': {'b': 1}}, we can replace 1 by doing
        _replace_flatten_keys(2, 'env__a__b'). This function is used
        internally to overrive env values when calling factories (functions
        decorated with @with_env or when doing so via the command line
        interface - ploomber build pipeline.yaml --env--a--b 2)

        Returns a copy
        # convert env__a__b__c -> ['a', 'b', 'c']
        parts = key_flatten.split('__')

        if parts[0] != 'env':
            raise ValueError('keys_flatten must start with env__')

        keys_all = parts[1:]
        self._replace_value(value, keys_all)

    def _replace_flatten_key(self, value, key_flatten):
        obj = copy(self)
        obj._inplace_replace_flatten_key(value, key_flatten)
        return obj

    def _inplace_replace_flatten_keys(self, to_replace):
        """Replace multiple keys at once

        Returns a copy
        for key, value in to_replace.items():
            self._inplace_replace_flatten_key(value, key)

    def _replace_flatten_keys(self, to_replace):
        obj = copy(self)
        return obj