Пример #1
def vagrant_run(args):
    """Runs the experiment in the virtual machine.
    target = Path(args.target[0])
    use_chroot = read_dict(target / '.reprounzip').get('use_chroot', True)
    cmdline = args.cmdline


    # Loads config
    runs, packages, other_files = load_config(target / 'config.yml', True)

    selected_runs = get_runs(runs, args.run, cmdline)

    hostname = runs[selected_runs[0]].get('hostname', 'reprounzip')

    # X11 handler
    x11 = X11Handler(args.x11, ('local', hostname), args.x11_display)

    cmds = []
    for run_number in selected_runs:
        run = runs[run_number]
        cmd = 'cd %s && ' % shell_escape(run['workingdir'])
        cmd += '/usr/bin/env -i '
        environ = x11.fix_env(run['environ'])
        cmd += ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k, shell_escape(v))
                        for k, v in iteritems(environ))
        cmd += ' '
        # FIXME : Use exec -a or something if binary != argv[0]
        if cmdline is None:
            argv = [run['binary']] + run['argv'][1:]
            argv = cmdline
        cmd += ' '.join(shell_escape(a) for a in argv)
        uid = run.get('uid', 1000)
        gid = run.get('gid', 1000)
        if use_chroot:
            userspec = '%s:%s' % (uid, gid)
            cmd = ('chroot --userspec=%s /experimentroot '
                   '/bin/sh -c %s' % (userspec, shell_escape(cmd)))
            cmd = 'sudo -u \'#%d\' sh -c %s' % (uid, shell_escape(cmd))
    if use_chroot:
        cmds = [
            'chroot /experimentroot /bin/sh -c %s' % shell_escape(c)
            for c in x11.init_cmds
        ] + cmds
        cmds = x11.init_cmds + cmds
    cmds = ' && '.join(cmds)
    # Sets the hostname to the original experiment's machine's
    # FIXME: not reentrant: this restores the Vagrant machine's hostname after
    # the run, which might cause issues if several "reprounzip vagrant run" are
    # running at once
    cmds = ('OLD_HOSTNAME=$(/bin/hostname); /bin/hostname %s; ' % hostname +
            cmds + '; RES=$?; /bin/hostname "$OLD_HOSTNAME"; exit $RES')
    cmds = '/usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh -c %s' % shell_escape(cmds)

    # Gets vagrant SSH parameters
    info = get_ssh_parameters(target)


    interactive = not (args.no_stdin
                       or os.environ.get('REPROUNZIP_NON_INTERACTIVE'))
    retcode = run_interactive(info, interactive, cmds, not args.no_pty,
    sys.stderr.write("\r\n*** Command finished, status: %d\r\n" % retcode)

    signals.post_run(target=target, retcode=retcode)
Пример #2
def vagrant_run(args):
    """Runs the experiment in the virtual machine.
    target = Path(args.target[0])
    unpacked_info = read_dict(target)
    use_chroot = unpacked_info.get('use_chroot', True)
    cmdline = args.cmdline


    # Loads config
    config = load_config(target / 'config.yml', True)
    runs = config.runs

    selected_runs = get_runs(runs, args.run, cmdline)

    hostname = runs[selected_runs[0]].get('hostname', 'reprounzip')

    # X11 handler
    x11 = X11Handler(args.x11, ('local', hostname), args.x11_display)

    cmds = []
    for run_number in selected_runs:
        run = runs[run_number]
        cmd = 'cd %s && ' % shell_escape(run['workingdir'])
        if use_chroot:
            cmd += '/busybox env -i '
            cmd += '/usr/bin/env -i '
        environ = x11.fix_env(run['environ'])
        environ = fixup_environment(environ, args)
        cmd += ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k, shell_escape(v))
                        for k, v in iteritems(environ))
        cmd += ' '
        # FIXME : Use exec -a or something if binary != argv[0]
        if cmdline is None:
            argv = [run['binary']] + run['argv'][1:]
            argv = cmdline
        cmd += ' '.join(shell_escape(a) for a in argv)
        uid = run.get('uid', 1000)
        gid = run.get('gid', 1000)
        if use_chroot:
            userspec = '%s:%s' % (uid, gid)
            cmd = ('chroot --userspec=%s /experimentroot '
                   '/bin/sh -c %s' % (
            cmd = 'sudo -u \'#%d\' sh -c %s' % (uid, shell_escape(cmd))
    if use_chroot:
        cmds = ['chroot /experimentroot /bin/sh -c %s' % shell_escape(c)
                for c in x11.init_cmds] + cmds
        cmds = x11.init_cmds + cmds
    cmds = ' && '.join(cmds)
    # Sets the hostname to the original experiment's machine's
    # FIXME: not reentrant: this restores the Vagrant machine's hostname after
    # the run, which might cause issues if several "reprounzip vagrant run" are
    # running at once
    cmds = ('OLD_HOSTNAME=$(/bin/hostname); /bin/hostname %s; ' % hostname +
            cmds +
            '; RES=$?; /bin/hostname "$OLD_HOSTNAME"; exit $RES')
    cmds = '/usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh -c %s' % shell_escape(cmds)

    # Gets vagrant SSH parameters
    info = machine_setup(target, unpacked_info['use_chroot'])


    interactive = not (args.no_stdin or
    retcode = run_interactive(info, interactive,
                              not args.no_pty,
    stderr.write("\r\n*** Command finished, status: %d\r\n" % retcode)

    # Update input file status
    metadata_update_run(config, unpacked_info, selected_runs)
    write_dict(target, unpacked_info)

    signals.post_run(target=target, retcode=retcode)
Пример #3
def vagrant_run(args):
    """Runs the experiment in the virtual machine.
    target = Path(args.target[0])
    unpacked_info = read_dict(target)
    use_chroot = unpacked_info['use_chroot']
    cmdline = args.cmdline


    # Loads config
    config = load_config(target / 'config.yml', True)
    runs = config.runs

    selected_runs = get_runs(runs, args.run, cmdline)

    hostname = runs[selected_runs[0]].get('hostname', 'reprounzip')

    # Port forwarding
    ports = parse_ports(args.expose_port)

    # If the requested ports are not a subset of the ones already set on the
    # VM, we have to update the Vagrantfile and issue `vagrant reload`, which
    # will reboot the machine
    req_ports = set(ports)
    set_ports = set(unpacked_info.get('ports', []))
    if not req_ports.issubset(set_ports):
        # Build new set of forwarded ports: the ones already set + the one just
        # requested
        # The ones we request now override the previous config
        all_ports = dict(
            (host, (guest, proto)) for host, guest, proto in set_ports)
        for host, guest, proto in req_ports:
            all_ports[host] = guest, proto
        unpacked_info['ports'] = sorted(
            (host, guest, proto)
            for host, (guest, proto) in iteritems(all_ports))

        write_vagrantfile(target, unpacked_info)
        logger.info("Some requested ports are not yet forwarded, running "
                    "'vagrant reload'")
        retcode = subprocess.call(['vagrant', 'reload', '--no-provision'],
        if retcode != 0:
            logger.critical("vagrant reload failed with code %d, aborting",
        write_dict(target, unpacked_info)

    # X11 handler
    if unpacked_info['gui']:
        x11 = LocalX11Handler()
        x11 = X11Handler(args.x11, ('local', hostname), args.x11_display)

    cmds = []
    for run_number in selected_runs:
        run = runs[run_number]
        cmd = 'cd %s && ' % shell_escape(run['workingdir'])
        if use_chroot:
            cmd += '/busybox env -i '
            cmd += '/usr/bin/env -i '
        environ = x11.fix_env(run['environ'])
        environ = fixup_environment(environ, args)
        cmd += ' '.join('%s=%s' % (shell_escape(k), shell_escape(v))
                        for k, v in iteritems(environ))
        cmd += ' '
        # FIXME : Use exec -a or something if binary != argv[0]
        if cmdline is None:
            argv = [run['binary']] + run['argv'][1:]
            argv = cmdline
        cmd += ' '.join(shell_escape(a) for a in argv)
        uid = run.get('uid', 1000)
        gid = run.get('gid', 1000)
        if use_chroot:
            userspec = '%s:%s' % (uid, gid)
            cmd = ('chroot --userspec=%s /experimentroot '
                   '/bin/sh -c %s' % (userspec, shell_escape(cmd)))
            cmd = 'sudo -u \'#%d\' sh -c %s' % (uid, shell_escape(cmd))
    if use_chroot:
        cmds = [
            'chroot /experimentroot /bin/sh -c %s' % shell_escape(c)
            for c in x11.init_cmds
        ] + cmds
        cmds = x11.init_cmds + cmds
    cmds = ' && '.join(cmds)
    # Sets the hostname to the original experiment's machine's
    # FIXME: not reentrant: this restores the Vagrant machine's hostname after
    # the run, which might cause issues if several "reprounzip vagrant run" are
    # running at once
    cmds = ('OLD_HOSTNAME=$(/bin/hostname); /bin/hostname %s; ' % hostname +
            cmds + '; RES=$?; /bin/hostname "$OLD_HOSTNAME"; exit $RES')
    cmds = '/usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh -c %s' % shell_escape(cmds)

    # Gets vagrant SSH parameters
    info = machine_setup(target)


    interactive = not (args.no_stdin
                       or os.environ.get('REPROUNZIP_NON_INTERACTIVE'))
    retcode = run_interactive(info, interactive, cmds, not args.no_pty,
    stderr.write("\r\n*** Command finished, status: %d\r\n" % retcode)

    # Update input file status
    metadata_update_run(config, unpacked_info, selected_runs)
    write_dict(target, unpacked_info)

    signals.post_run(target=target, retcode=retcode)