def _try_parse_value(cls, vals: utils.misc.dotdict, child: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement, tag: str, text: str, custom_types: CustomTypes) -> bool: if tag == 'icon_url': vals.icon_url = text elif tag == 'banner_url': vals.banner_url = text elif tag == 'thumbnail_url': vals.thumbnail_url = text elif tag == 'title': xmlutils.validate_schema(child, {'name': None, 'icon_url': None, 'banner_url': None, 'thumbnails': {'thumbnail': None}}, True) if hasattr(child, 'thumbnails'): thumbnails = [common.SamuraiThumbnail._parse(t) for t in child.thumbnails.thumbnail] else: thumbnails = [] vals.title = SamuraiMovieLinkedTitle( ids.ContentID(child.get('id')),, xmlutils.get_text(child, 'icon_url'), xmlutils.get_text(child, 'banner_url'), thumbnails ) elif tag == 'rating_info': vals.rating_info = custom_types['rating_info']._parse(child) else: return False return True
def _read(self, reader, config): ec_info = xmlutils.load_root(reader, 'title_ec_info') xmlutils.validate_schema( ec_info, { 'title_id': None, 'content_size': None, 'title_version': None, 'disable_download': None, 'content_lock': { 'seed_published': None, 'external_seed': None, 'playable_date': None } }, True) self.title_id = ids.TitleID(ec_info.title_id.text) self.content_size = int(ec_info.content_size.text) self.version = int(ec_info.title_version.text) self.download_disabled = utils.misc.get_bool( ec_info.disable_download.text) if hasattr(ec_info, 'content_lock'): self.seed_published = utils.misc.get_bool( ec_info.content_lock.seed_published.text) self.external_seed = xmlutils.get_text(ec_info.content_lock, 'external_seed') self.playable_date = xmlutils.get_text(ec_info.content_lock, 'playable_date')
def _read_title(self, title): assert xmlutils.get_child_tags(title) <= { 'name', 'aocs_banner_url', 'aocs_description', 'aocs' } = self.banner_url = xmlutils.get_text(title, 'aocs_banner_url') self.description = xmlutils.get_text(title, 'description') self._read_dlcs(title.aocs)
def _parse_internal(cls, xml): return { 'required': utils.misc.get_bool(xml.get('required')), 'type': int(xml.get('type')), 'id': int(, 'name':, 'icons': [common.SamuraiIcon._parse(icon) for icon in xml.icons.icon] if hasattr(xml, 'icons') else None, 'description': xmlutils.get_text(xml, 'description'), 'ext_info': xmlutils.get_text(xml, 'ext_info') }
def _try_parse_value(cls, vals: utils.misc.dotdict, child: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement, tag: str, text: str, custom_types: title_list.CustomTypes) -> bool: if 'is_public' not in vals: xml = child.getparent() vals.is_public = utils.misc.get_bool(xml.get('public')) if tag == 'formal_name': vals.formal_name = text elif tag == 'genres': vals.genres = [] for genre in child.genre: xmlutils.validate_schema(genre, {'name': None}, False) vals.genres.append(common.IDName(int(genre.get('id')), elif tag == 'keywords': vals.keywords = [keyword.text for keyword in getattr(child, 'keyword', [])] elif tag == 'ticket_available': vals.has_ticket = utils.misc.get_bool(text) elif tag == 'download_code_sales': vals.sales_download_code = utils.misc.get_bool(text) elif tag == 'download_card_sales': xmlutils.validate_schema(child, {'image_url': None}, True) vals.sales_download_card = SamuraiDownloadCardSales( utils.misc.get_bool(child.get('available')), xmlutils.get_text(child, 'image_url') ) else: return super()._try_parse_value(vals, child, tag, text, custom_types) return True
def _parse_internal(cls, xml): return { 'id': int(xml.get('id')), 'device': xml.get('device'), 'category': xml.get('category'), 'name':, 'icon_url': xmlutils.get_text(xml, 'icon_url') }
def _parse_internal(cls, xml): descriptors = [] if hasattr(xml, 'descriptors') and hasattr(xml.descriptors, 'descriptor'): for d in xml.descriptors.descriptor: descriptors.append( SamuraiRatingDescriptor( xmlutils.get_text(d, 'name'), [SamuraiIcon._parse(icon) for icon in d.icons.icon] if hasattr(d, 'icons') else None)) return {**super()._parse_internal(xml), 'descriptors': descriptors}
def test_xml__get_text(xml_element): assert xml.get_text(xml_element.node, 'el2') == 'text2' assert xml.get_text(xml_element.node, 'doesnotexist') is None
def _try_parse_value(cls, vals: utils.misc.dotdict, child: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement, tag: str, text: str, custom_types: title_list.CustomTypes) -> bool: if tag == 'package_url': vals.package_url = text elif tag == 'thumbnails': vals.thumbnails = [common.SamuraiThumbnail._parse(t) for t in child.thumbnail] elif tag == 'hero_banner_url': vals.hero_banner_url = text elif tag == 'web_sales': vals.sales_web = utils.misc.get_bool(text) elif tag == 'top_image': xmlutils.validate_schema(child, {'type': None, 'url': None}, False) vals.top_image_type = child.type.text vals.top_image_url = child.url.text elif tag == 'description': vals.description = text elif tag == 'price_description': vals.price_description = text elif tag == 'features': vals.features = [SamuraiTitleFeature._parse(feature) for feature in child.feature] elif tag == 'play_styles': xmlutils.validate_schema(child, {'play_style': { 'controllers': {'controller': {'id': None, 'name': None, 'icons': {'icon': None}}}, 'features': {'feature': SamuraiTitleFeature._get_schema()[0]}} }, True) vals.play_styles = [] for play_style in child.play_style: if hasattr(play_style, 'controllers'): controllers = [ SamuraiTitleController( utils.misc.get_bool(controller.get('required')), int(controller.get('type')), int(,, [common.SamuraiIcon._parse(icon) for icon in controller.icons.icon] if hasattr(controller, 'icons') else None ) for controller in play_style.controllers.controller ] else: controllers = [] if hasattr(play_style, 'features'): features = [SamuraiTitleFeature._parse(feature) for feature in play_style.features.feature] else: features = [] vals.play_styles.append(SamuraiTitlePlayStyle(play_style.get('type'), controllers, features)) elif tag == 'languages': vals.languages = [] for language in child.language: xmlutils.validate_schema(language, {'iso_code': None, 'name': None}, False) vals.languages.append(SamuraiTitleLanguage(language.iso_code.text, elif tag == 'number_of_players': # sometimes this field contains additional text in a second line, discard it for now and use the first non-empty line cleaned_text = next(line for line in text.replace('<br>', '\n').split('\n') if line) matches ='(\d+)(?:\s*-\s*(\d+))?', cleaned_text) if matches: vals.num_players = (int(matches[1]), int(matches[2] or matches[1])) elif cleaned_text.startswith('*'): # disclaimer instead of specific player numbers (example: 50010000037675) vals.num_players = None elif'[\u3040-\u30ff\u3400-\u4dbf\u4e00-\u9fff\uf900-\ufaff\uff66-\uff9f]', cleaned_text): # ignore errors if text contains japanese/chinese/korean characters vals.num_players = None else: raise RuntimeError(f'Could not parse player details: {text}') vals.num_players_raw = text elif tag == 'disclaimer': vals.disclaimer = text elif tag == 'copyright': xmlutils.validate_schema(child, {'text': None, 'image_url': None}, True) vals.copyright = SamuraiTitleCopyright(child.find('text').text, xmlutils.get_text(child, 'image_url')) elif tag == 'screenshots': vals.screenshots = [SamuraiTitleScreenshot._parse(screenshot) for screenshot in child.screenshot] elif tag == 'main_images': vals.main_images = [SamuraiTitleScreenshot._parse(image) for image in child.image] elif tag == 'preference': target = child.find('target_player') style = child.find('play_style') vals.preferences = SamuraiTitlePreference( SamuraiTitlePreferenceTarget(int(target.everyone.text), int(target.gamers.text)), SamuraiTitlePreferenceStyle(int(style.casual.text), int(style.intense.text)) ) elif tag == 'web_sites': vals.websites = [] for website in child.web_site: xmlutils.validate_schema(website, {'name': None, 'url': None, 'official': None}, False) vals.websites.append(SamuraiTitleWebsite(, website.url.text, utils.misc.get_bool(website.official.text) )) elif tag == 'movies': vals.movies = [movie_list.SamuraiListMovie._parse(m) for m in] elif tag == 'demo_titles': vals.demos = [ SamuraiTitleLinkedDemo( ids.ContentID(demo.get('id')),, xmlutils.get_text(demo, 'icon_url') ) for demo in child.demo_title ] elif tag == 'peripheral_description': vals.peripheral_description = text elif tag == 'network_feature_description': vals.network_feature_description = text elif tag == 'spec_description': vals.spec_description = text elif tag == 'data_size': vals.size = int(text) elif tag == 'alternate_rating_image_url': vals.rating_info_alternate_image_url = text elif tag == 'save_data_count': vals.save_data_count = text elif tag == 'save_data_volume': vals.save_data_volume = text elif tag == 'catch_copy': vals.catch_copy = text elif tag == 'shared_movies': vals.shared_movies = [SamuraiSharedMovie._parse(movie) for movie in child.shared_movie] elif tag == 'title_notices': xmlutils.validate_schema(child, {'title_notice': {'url': None, 'display_name': None, 'description': None}}, False) vals.title_notices = [ SamuraiTitleNotice( notice.get('type'), notice.url.text, notice.display_name.text, notice.description.text ) for notice in child.title_notice ] elif tag == 'title_metas': xmlutils.validate_schema(child, {'title_meta': {'value': None}}, False) vals.title_metas = [(m.get('type'), m.value.text) for m in child.title_meta] elif tag == 'digital_manuals': xmlutils.validate_schema(child, {'digital_manual': {'name': None, 'url': None}}, False) vals.digital_manuals = [SamuraiDigitalManual(, manual.url.text) for manual in child.digital_manual] elif tag == 'aoc_infos': vals.aoc_infos = text else: return super()._try_parse_value(vals, child, tag, text, custom_types) return True