Пример #1
    def mapPath(self, fsPathString):
        Map the given FS path to a ZipPath, by looking at the ZipImporter's
        "archive" attribute and using it as our ZipArchive root, then walking
        down into the archive from there.

        @return: a L{zippath.ZipPath} or L{zippath.ZipArchive} instance.
        za = ZipArchive(self.importer.archive)
        myPath = FilePath(self.importer.archive)
        itsPath = FilePath(fsPathString)
        if myPath == itsPath:
            return za
        # This is NOT a general-purpose rule for sys.path or __file__:
        # zipimport specifically uses regular OS path syntax in its pathnames,
        # even though zip files specify that slashes are always the separator,
        # regardless of platform.
        segs = itsPath.segmentsFrom(myPath)
        zp = za
        for seg in segs:
            zp = zp.child(seg)
        return zp
Пример #2
    def mapPath(self, fsPathString):
        Map the given FS path to a ZipPath, by looking at the ZipImporter's
        "archive" attribute and using it as our ZipArchive root, then walking
        down into the archive from there.

        @return: a L{zippath.ZipPath} or L{zippath.ZipArchive} instance.
        za = ZipArchive(self.importer.archive)
        myPath = FilePath(self.importer.archive)
        itsPath = FilePath(fsPathString)
        if myPath == itsPath:
            return za
        # This is NOT a general-purpose rule for sys.path or __file__:
        # zipimport specifically uses regular OS path syntax in its pathnames,
        # even though zip files specify that slashes are always the separator,
        # regardless of platform.
        segs = itsPath.segmentsFrom(myPath)
        zp = za
        for seg in segs:
            zp = zp.child(seg)
        return zp