Пример #1
async def test_query_aggregate(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                               foo_model: Model) -> None:
    agg_query = parse_query(
        "aggregate(kind: count(identifier) as instances): is(foo)").on_section(
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_aggregation(
            QueryModel(agg_query, foo_model)) as gen:
        assert [x async for x in gen] == [{
            "group": {
                "kind": "foo"
            "instances": 11

    agg_combined_var_query = parse_query(
        'aggregate("test_{kind}_{some_int}_{does_not_exist}" as kind: count(identifier) as instances): is("foo")'

    async with await filled_graph_db.search_aggregation(
            QueryModel(agg_combined_var_query, foo_model)) as g:
        assert [x async for x in g] == [{
            "group": {
                "kind": "test_foo_0_"
            "instances": 11

    agg_multi_fn_same_prop = parse_query(
        'aggregate(sum(f) as a, max(f) as b): is("bla")').on_section(
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_aggregation(
            QueryModel(agg_multi_fn_same_prop, foo_model)) as g:
        assert [x async for x in g] == [{"a": 2300, "b": 23}]
Пример #2
def test_special_cases() -> None:
    with pytest.raises(error.ParseError):
        # parser was able to read: is(instance) and sort in "stance_cores"
        parse_query("is(instance) and sort instance_cores")

    # parser read the reversed option as separate part, so following query became 3 parts
    q = parse_query(
        "all sort kind desc limit 1 reversed -default-> all sort kind asc")
    assert len(q.parts) == 2
Пример #3
def test_query_with_preamble() -> None:
    parse_query('id("root")')  # no preamble
    # edge type can be defined in preamble
    q1 = parse_query('(edge_type=delete): id("root") -[0:1]->')
    assert q1.parts[0].navigation.edge_types == ["delete"]  # type: ignore
    # edge type can be defined via kwargs
    q2 = parse_query('id("root") -[0:1]->', edge_type="delete")
    assert q2.parts[0].navigation.edge_types == ["delete"]  # type: ignore
    # aggregation and preamble
    q3 = parse_query(
        'aggregate(region: sum(cpu))(edge_type=delete): id("root") -[0:1]->')
    assert q3.aggregate.group_by[0].name == AggregateVariableName(
        "region")  # type: ignore
    assert q3.aggregate.group_func[0].name == "cpu"  # type: ignore
Пример #4
def test_ancestors_kind_lookup(foo_model: Model, graph_db: GraphDB) -> None:
    # 1234 is coerced to a string
    query = "ancestors.account.reported.name==1234"
    assert to_query(graph_db, QueryModel(parse_query(query),
                                         foo_model))[1] == {
                                             "b0": "1234"
Пример #5
def test_term_contains() -> None:
    term = parse_query('("test" or "fest") and (p>1 or p<2) {a: <-- is(foo)} not(a>23)').parts[0].term
    assert term.contains_term_type(IdTerm) is False
    assert term.contains_term_type(IsTerm) is True
    assert term.contains_term_type(FulltextTerm) is True
    assert term.contains_term_type(Predicate) is True
    assert term.contains_term_type(NotTerm) is True
    assert term.contains_term_type(FunctionTerm) is False
Пример #6
def test_fulltext_term() -> None:
    part = parse_query('(a>0 and ("foo" and (b>1 and c>2 and "d")))').parts[0]
    ft, remaining = fulltext_term_combine(part.term)
    assert str(remaining) == "((b > 1 and c > 2) and a > 0)"
    assert str(ft) == '("d" and "foo")'
    # there are 2 fulltext terms or combined with something else
    ft, remaining = fulltext_term_combine(
        parse_query('(a>0 and "b") or ("c" and "d")').parts[0].term)
    assert ft is None  # fulltext index can not be utilized
    ft, remaining = fulltext_term_combine(
        parse_query('a>0 {c: <--} "fulltext"').parts[0].term)
    assert ft is None  # fulltext index can not be utilized
    ft, remaining = fulltext_term_combine(
        parse_query('a>0 {c: <-- "fulltext" }').parts[0].term)
    assert ft is None  # fulltext index can not be utilized
    ft, remaining = fulltext_term_combine(
        parse_query('"a" and "b" or "c" and "d"').parts[0].term)
    assert str(ft) == '((("a" and "b") or "c") and "d")'
Пример #7
 async def parse_query(self,
                       to_parse: str,
                       on_section: Optional[str],
                       omit_section_expansion: bool = False,
                       **env: str) -> Query:
     expanded, _ = await self.expand(to_parse)
     result = query_parser.parse_query(expanded, **env)
     return result if omit_section_expansion else result.on_section(
Пример #8
def test_combine() -> None:
    query1 = Query.by(P("test") == True).traverse_out().combine(
    assert str(query1) == 'test == true -default-> (is("foo") and is("bla"))'
    query2 = (Query.by(P("test") == True).traverse_out().combine(
    assert str(
    ) == 'test == true -default-> is("foo") -default-> is("bla") -default->'
    query3 = (Query.by(P("test") == True).traverse_out().filter(
    assert str(
    ) == 'test == true -default-> is("boo") -default-> ((is("bar") and is("foo")) and is("bla"))'
    query4 = Query.by("a").with_limit(10).combine(Query.by("b").with_limit(2))
    assert query4.current_part.limit == Limit(0, 2)  # minimum is taken
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        # can not combine 2 aggregations
        parse_query("aggregate(sum(1)): is(a)").combine(
            parse_query("aggregate(sum(1)): is(a)"))
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        # can not combine 2 with statements
        parse_query("is(foo) with(empty, -default->)").combine(
            parse_query("is(bla) with(empty, -default->)"))
Пример #9
async def test_no_null_if_undefined(graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                                    foo_model: Model) -> None:
    await graph_db.wipe()
    # imported graph should not have any desired or metadata sections
    graph = create_graph("test", 0)
    for _, node in graph.nodes(True):
        del node["desired"]
        del node["metadata"]
    await graph_db.merge_graph(graph, foo_model)
    async with await graph_db.search_list(
            QueryModel(parse_query("all"), foo_model)) as cursor:
        async for elem in cursor:
            assert "reported" in elem
            assert "desired" not in elem
            assert "metadata" not in elem
Пример #10
async def test_query_list(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                          foo_model: Model) -> None:
    blas = Query.by("foo",
                    P("identifier") == "9").traverse_out().filter(
                        P("f") == 23)
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(
            QueryModel(blas.on_section("reported"), foo_model)) as gen:
        result = [from_js(x["reported"], Bla) async for x in gen]
        assert len(result) == 10

    foos_or_blas = parse_query("is([foo, bla])")
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(
            QueryModel(foos_or_blas.on_section("reported"), foo_model)) as gen:
        result = [x async for x in gen]
        assert len(result) == 111  # 113 minus 1 graph_root, minus one cloud
Пример #11
def test_on_section() -> None:
    query = parse_query(
        "aggregate(foo, bla, bar: sum(a) as a, sum(b) as b, sum(1) as c):"
        '(cpu > 4 and (mem < 23 or mem < 59)) with(any, <-- name == "test") sort mem asc --> '
        "(a < 1 and /metadata.b == 23) sort foo asc")
    on_section = (
        "aggregate(r.foo, r.bla, r.bar: sum(r.a) as a, sum(r.b) as b, sum(1) as c):"
        '(r.cpu > 4 and (r.mem < 23 or r.mem < 59)) with(any, <-default- r.name == "test") sort r.mem asc -default-> '
        "(r.a < 1 and metadata.b == 23) sort r.foo asc")
    with_section_r = query.on_section("r")
    # all variables are now prefixed with the section name
    assert str(with_section_r) == on_section
    # all variables that are prefixed with the section name have the section name removed -> reverse operation
    assert str(with_section_r.relative_to_section("r")) == str(query)
    # a query on section root does not change the query
    assert str(with_section_r.on_section(PathRoot)) == on_section
    # a query relative to section root does not change the query
    assert str(with_section_r.relative_to_section(PathRoot)) == on_section
Пример #12
async def test_query_merge(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                           foo_model: Model) -> None:
    q = parse_query("is(foo) --> is(bla) { "
                    "foo.bar.parents[]: <-[1:]-, "
                    "foo.child: -->, "
                    "walk: <-- -->, "
                    "bla.agg: aggregate(sum(1) as count): <-[0:]- "
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(QueryModel(q, foo_model),
                                                 with_count=True) as cursor:
        assert cursor.count() == 100
        async for bla in cursor:
            b = AccessJson(bla)
            assert b.reported.kind == "bla"
            assert len(b.foo.bar.parents) == 4
            for parent in b.foo.bar.parents:
                assert parent.reported.kind in ["foo", "cloud", "graph_root"]
            assert b.walk.reported.kind == "bla"
            assert b.foo.child == AccessNone()
            assert b.bla.agg == [{"count": 5}]
Пример #13
async def test_query_with_merge(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                                foo_model: Model) -> None:
    query = parse_query(
        '(merge_with_ancestors="foo as foobar,bar"): is("bla")')
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(QueryModel(query, foo_model)
                                                 ) as cursor:
        async for bla in cursor:
            js = AccessJson(bla)
            assert "bar" in js.reported  # key exists
            assert "bar" in js.desired  # key exists
            assert "bar" in js.metadata  # key exists
            assert js.reported.bar.is_none  # bla is not a parent of this node
            assert js.desired.bar.is_none  # bla is not a parent of this node
            assert js.metadata.bar.is_none  # bla is not a parent of this node
            assert js.reported.foobar is not None  # foobar is merged into reported
            assert js.desired.foobar is not None  # foobar is merged into reported
            assert js.metadata.foobar is not None  # foobar is merged into reported
            # make sure the correct parent is merged (foobar(1) -> bla(1_xxx))
            assert js.reported.identifier.startswith(
            assert js.reported.identifier.startswith(js.desired.foobar.node_id)
            assert js.reported.identifier.startswith(
Пример #14
 async def query(q: str) -> List[Json]:
     agg_query = parse_query(q)
     async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(
                        foo_model)) as cursor:
         return [bla async for bla in cursor]
Пример #15
 async def search(query: str) -> List[JsonElement]:
     async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(
             QueryModel(parse_query(query), foo_model)) as cursor:
         return [elem async for elem in cursor]
Пример #16
def test_marshal_query() -> None:
    q = Query.by("ec2", P("foo") > 23, P("test") >= "bummer", P("das") < "set")
    again = parse_query(str(q))
    assert str(q) == str(again)
Пример #17
 async def assert_result(query: str, nodes: int, edges: int) -> None:
     q = parse_query(query)
     graph = await filled_graph_db.search_graph(QueryModel(q, foo_model))
     assert len(graph.nodes) == nodes
     assert len(graph.edges) == edges
Пример #18
def test_escape_property_path(foo_model: Model, graph_db: GraphDB) -> None:
    raw = "metadata.replace.with.filter.sort.bla==true"
    query = to_query(graph_db, QueryModel(parse_query(raw), foo_model))[0]
    # aql keywords are escaped with backslashes
    assert "m0.metadata.`replace`.`with`.`filter`.`sort`.bla" in query
Пример #19
 def query_string(query: str) -> str:
     query_str, _ = to_query(graph_db,
                             QueryModel(parse_query(query), foo_model))
     return query_str
Пример #20
def test_special_queries() -> None:
    # unquoted date like test_date < @YESTERDAY
    assert str(
        parse_query("test_date < 2021-12-09")) == 'test_date < "2021-12-09"'
Пример #21
 async def cost(query_str: str) -> EstimatedSearchCost:
     query = parse_query(query_str)
     return await query_cost(graph_db, QueryModel(query, foo_model), False)
Пример #22
def test_generated_query(q: Query) -> None:
    assert str(q) == str(parse_query(str(q)))
Пример #23
def test_aggregation() -> None:
    q = parse_query(
        'aggregate("{a.a}_{a.b}" as a, a.c.d as v: sum(a.c.e) as c): all')
    assert q.aggregate.property_paths() == {"a.a", "a.b", "a.c.d",
                                            "a.c.e"}  # type: ignore
Пример #24
def test_rewrite_ancestors_descendants() -> None:
    # a query without ancestor/descendants is not changed
    assert str(parse_query(
        "(a<1 and b>1) or c==3")) == "((a < 1 and b > 1) or c == 3)"
    # a query with resolved ancestor is not changed
    assert (str(
        parse_query('a<1 and ancestors.cloud.reported.name=="test"').
        on_section()) == '(a < 1 and ancestors.cloud.reported.name == "test")')
    # the merge name is interpreted relative to the section
    assert (str(
        parse_query("a<1 {test: <-[1:]- is(account)}").on_section("reported")
    ) == 'reported.a < 1 {reported.test: all <-default[1:]- is("account")}')
    # the merge name is not interpreted relative to the section, when defined absolute
    assert (str(
        parse_query("a<1 {/test: <-[1:]- is(account)}").on_section("reported"))
            == 'reported.a < 1 {test: all <-default[1:]- is("account")}')
    # a query with unknown ancestor creates a merge query
    assert (
            parse_query('a<1 and ancestors.cloud.reported.kind=="cloud"').
            on_section()) ==
        'a < 1 {ancestors.cloud: all <-default[1:]- is("cloud")} ancestors.cloud.reported.kind == "cloud"'
    # multiple ancestors are put into one merge query
    assert (str(
            'a<1 and ancestors.cloud.reported.kind=="c" and ancestors.account.reported.kind=="a"'
        ).on_section()) ==
            'a < 1 {ancestors.cloud: all <-default[1:]- is("cloud"), '
            'ancestors.account: all <-default[1:]- is("account")} '
            '(ancestors.cloud.reported.kind == "c" and ancestors.account.reported.kind == "a")'
    # existing merge queries are preserved
    assert (
                'a<1 {children[]: --> all} ancestors.cloud.reported.kind=="c"'
            ).on_section()) ==
        'a < 1 {ancestors.cloud: all <-default[1:]- is("cloud"), children[]: all -default-> all} '
        'ancestors.cloud.reported.kind == "c"')
    # predefined merge queries are preserved
    assert (str(
            'a<1 {ancestors.cloud: --> is(region)} ancestors.cloud.reported.kind=="c"'
    ) == 'a < 1 {ancestors.cloud: all -default-> is("region")} ancestors.cloud.reported.kind == "c"'
    # This is an example of a horrible query: all entries have to be merged, before a filter can be applied
    assert (
        str(parse_query("(a<1 and b>1) or ancestors.d.c<1").on_section()) ==
        'all {ancestors.d: all <-default[1:]- is("d")} ((a < 1 and b > 1) or ancestors.d.c < 1)'
    # Test some special examples
    assert (
            parse_query("ancestors.d.c<1 and (a<1 or b>1) and /ancestors.a.b>1"
                        ).on_section()) ==
        '(a < 1 or b > 1) {ancestors.d: all <-default[1:]- is("d"), ancestors.a: all <-default[1:]- is("a")} '
        "(ancestors.d.c < 1 and ancestors.a.b > 1)")
    # the independent query terms are always in the pre-filter before the merge is applied
    assert (
            parse_query("(a<1 and b>1) and (c<d or /ancestors.d.c<1)").
            on_section()) == str(
                parse_query("(c<d or /ancestors.d.c<1) and (a<1 and b>1)").
                on_section()) ==
        '(a < 1 and b > 1) {ancestors.d: all <-default[1:]- is("d")} (c < "d" or ancestors.d.c < 1)'
    # multiple filters to the same kind only create one merge query
    assert (
                "/ancestors.a.b<1 and ancestors.a.c>1 and ancestors.a.d=3 and ancestors.b.c>1 and a==1"
            ).on_section()) ==
        'a == 1 {ancestors.a: all <-default[1:]- is("a"), ancestors.b: all <-default[1:]- is("b")} '
        "(((ancestors.a.b < 1 and ancestors.a.c > 1) and ancestors.a.d == 3) and ancestors.b.c > 1)"
    # aggregation queries with ancestors in the group variable trigger a merge
    assert (str(
            "aggregate(/ancestors.a.reported.name as a: sum(1)): is(volume)").
    ) == 'aggregate(ancestors.a.reported.name as a: sum(1)):is("volume") {ancestors.a: all <-default[1:]- is("a")}'