Пример #1
 def count_successors_by(node_id: str, edge_type: str,
                         path: List[str]) -> Dict[str, int]:
     result: Dict[str, int] = {}
     to_visit = list(self.successors(node_id, edge_type))
     while to_visit:
         visit_next: List[str] = []
         for elem_id in to_visit:
             if elem_id not in visited:
                 elem = self.nodes[elem_id]
                 if not value_in_path_get(elem, NodePath.is_phantom,
                     extracted = value_in_path(elem, path)
                     if isinstance(extracted, str):
                         result[extracted] = result.get(extracted,
                                                        0) + 1
                 # check if there is already a successor summary: stop the traversal and take the result.
                 existing = value_in_path(elem,
                 if existing and isinstance(existing, dict):
                     for summary_item, count in existing.items():
                         result[summary_item] = result.get(
                             summary_item, 0) + count
                         a for a in self.successors(elem_id, edge_type)
                         if a not in visited)
         to_visit = visit_next
     return result
Пример #2
def test_value_in_path() -> None:
    js = {"foo": {"bla": {"test": 123}}}
    assert value_in_path(js, ["foo", "bla", "test"]) == 123
    assert value_in_path_get(
        js, ["foo", "bla", "test"],
        "foo") == "foo"  # expected string got int -> default value
    assert value_in_path(js, ["foo", "bla", "test", "bar"]) is None
    assert value_in_path_get(js, ["foo", "bla", "test", "bar"], 123) == 123
    assert value_in_path(js, ["foo", "bla", "bar"]) is None
    assert value_in_path_get(js, ["foo", "bla", "bar"], "foo") == "foo"
Пример #3
 def expect_expires(reported: Json,
                    expires: Optional[Union[str, Pattern[Any]]]) -> None:
     result = adjuster.adjust({"reported": reported})
     if expires is None:
         assert value_in_path(result, ["metadata", "expires"]) is None
     elif isinstance(expires, str):
         assert value_in_path(result, ["metadata", "expires"]) == expires
     elif isinstance(expires, Pattern):
         assert expires.fullmatch(
             value_in_path(result, ["metadata", "expires"]))
Пример #4
    def adjust(self, json: Json) -> Json:
        def first_matching(paths: List[List[str]]) -> Optional[str]:
            for path in paths:
                value: Optional[str] = value_in_path(json, path)
                if value:
                    return value
            return None

            expires_tag = first_matching(self.expires_value)
            expires: Optional[str] = None
            if expires_tag:
                expires = DateTimeKind.from_datetime(expires_tag)
                expiration_tag = first_matching(self.expiration_values)
                if expiration_tag and expires_tag != "never" and DurationRe.fullmatch(
                    ctime_str = value_in_path(json, NodePath.reported_ctime)
                    if ctime_str:
                        ctime = from_utc(ctime_str)
                        expires = DateTimeKind.from_duration(
                            expiration_tag, ctime)

            if expires:
                if "metadata" not in json:
                    json["metadata"] = {}
                json["metadata"]["expires"] = expires
        except Exception as ex:
            log.debug(f"Could not parse expiration: {ex}")
        # json is mutated to save memory
        return json
Пример #5
    def validate_config_entry(task_data: Json) -> Optional[Json]:
        def validate_core_config() -> Optional[Json]:
            config = value_in_path(task_data, ["config", ResotoCoreRoot])
            if isinstance(config, dict):
                # try to read editable config, throws if there are errors
                read = from_js(config, EditableConfig)
                return read.validate()
                return {"error": "Expected a json object"}

        def validate_commands_config() -> Optional[Json]:
            config = value_in_path(task_data,
                                   ["config", ResotoCoreCommandsRoot])
            if isinstance(config, dict):
                # try to read editable config, throws if there are errors
                read = from_js(config, CustomCommandsConfig)
                return read.validate()
                return {"error": "Expected a json object"}

        holder = value_in_path(task_data, ["config"])
        if not isinstance(holder, dict):
            return {"error": "Expected a json object in config"}
        elif ResotoCoreRoot in holder:
            return validate_core_config()
        elif ResotoCoreCommandsRoot in holder:
            return validate_commands_config()
            return {"error": "No known configuration found"}
Пример #6
    def check_complete(self) -> None:
        # check that all vertices are given, that were defined in any edge definition
        # note: DiGraph will create an empty vertex node automatically
        for node_id, node in self.graph.nodes(data=True):
            assert node.get(Section.reported), f"{node_id} was used in an edge definition but not provided as vertex!"

        edge_types = {edge[2] for edge in self.graph.edges(data="edge_type")}
        al = EdgeType.all
        assert not edge_types.difference(al), f"Graph contains unknown edge types! Given: {edge_types}. Known: {al}"
        # make sure there is only one root node
        rid = GraphAccess.root_id(self.graph)
        root_node = self.graph.nodes[rid]

        # make sure the root
        if value_in_path(root_node, NodePath.reported_kind) == "graph_root" and rid != "root":
            # remove node with wrong id +
            root_node = self.graph.nodes[rid]
            root_node["id"] = "root"
            self.graph.add_node("root", **root_node)

            for succ in list(self.graph.successors(rid)):
                for edge_type in EdgeType.all:
                    key = GraphAccess.edge_key(rid, succ, edge_type)
                    if self.graph.has_edge(rid, succ, key):
                        self.graph.remove_edge(rid, succ, key)
                        self.add_edge("root", succ, edge_type)
Пример #7
 def validate_core_config() -> Optional[Json]:
     config = value_in_path(task_data, ["config", ResotoCoreRoot])
     if isinstance(config, dict):
         # try to read editable config, throws if there are errors
         read = from_js(config, EditableConfig)
         return read.validate()
         return {"error": "Expected a json object"}
Пример #8
def render_dot(gen: Iterator[JsonElement]) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    # We use the paired12 color scheme: https://graphviz.org/doc/info/colors.html with color names as 1-12
    cit = count_iterator()
    icon_map = generate_icon_map()
    colors: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: (next(cit) % 12) + 1)
    node = "node [shape=plain colorscheme=paired12]"
    edge = "edge [arrowsize=0.5]"
    yield render_dot_header(node, edge)
    in_account: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    for item in gen:
        if isinstance(item, dict):
            type_name = item.get("type")
            if type_name == "node":
                uid = value_in_path(item, NodePath.node_id)
                if uid:
                    name = value_in_path_get(item, NodePath.reported_name,
                    kind = value_in_path_get(item, NodePath.reported_kind,
                    account = value_in_path_get(item,
                    id = value_in_path_get(item, NodePath.reported_id, "n/a")
                    parsed_kind = parse_kind(kind)
                    paired12 = kind_colors.get(parsed_kind, colors[kind])
                    resource = ResourceDescription(uid, name, id, parsed_kind,
                    yield render_resource(resource, icon_map, paired12)
            elif type_name == "edge":
                from_node = value_in_path(item, NodePath.from_node)
                to_node = value_in_path(item, NodePath.to_node)
                if from_node and to_node:
                    yield f' "{from_node}" -> "{to_node}" '
            raise AttributeError(
                f"Expect json object but got: {type(item)}: {item}")
    # All elements in the same account are rendered as dedicated subgraph
    for account, uids in in_account.items():
        yield f' subgraph "{account}" {{'
        for uid in uids:
            yield f'    "{uid}"'
        yield " }"

    yield "}"
Пример #9
async def respond_dot(
        gen: AsyncIterator[JsonElement]) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
    # We use the paired12 color scheme: https://graphviz.org/doc/info/colors.html with color names as 1-12
    cit = count_iterator()
    colors: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: (next(cit) % 12) + 1)
    node = "node [shape=Mrecord colorscheme=paired12]"
    edge = "edge [arrowsize=0.5]"
    yield f"digraph {{\nrankdir=LR\noverlap=false\nsplines=true\n{node}\n{edge}"
    in_account: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    async for item in gen:
        if isinstance(item, dict):
            type_name = item.get("type")
            if type_name == "node":
                uid = value_in_path(item, NodePath.node_id)
                if uid:
                    name = re.sub(
                        "[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "",
                        value_in_path_get(item, NodePath.reported_name, "n/a"))
                    kind = value_in_path_get(item, NodePath.reported_kind,
                    account = value_in_path_get(item,
                    paired12 = colors[kind]
                    yield f' "{uid}" [label="{name}|{kind}", style=filled fillcolor={paired12}];'
            elif type_name == "edge":
                from_node = value_in_path(item, NodePath.from_node)
                to_node = value_in_path(item, NodePath.to_node)
                edge_type = value_in_path(item, NodePath.edge_type)
                if from_node and to_node:
                    yield f' "{from_node}" -> "{to_node}" [label="{edge_type}"]'
            raise AttributeError(
                f"Expect json object but got: {type(item)}: {item}")
    # All elements in the same account are rendered as dedicated subgraph
    for account, uids in in_account.items():
        yield f' subgraph "{account}" {{'
        for uid in uids:
            yield f'    "{uid}"'
        yield " }"

    yield "}"
Пример #10
async def result_to_graph(
        gen: AsyncIterator[JsonElement],
        render_node: Callable[[Json], Json] = identity) -> DiGraph:
    result = DiGraph()
    async for item in gen:
        if isinstance(item, dict):
            type_name = item.get("type")
            if type_name == "node":
                uid = value_in_path(item, NodePath.node_id)
                json_result = render_node(item)
                if uid:
                    result.add_node(uid, **json_result)
            elif type_name == "edge":
                from_node = value_in_path(item, NodePath.from_node)
                to_node = value_in_path(item, NodePath.to_node)
                if from_node and to_node:
                    result.add_edge(from_node, to_node)
            raise AttributeError(
                f"Expect json object but got: {type(item)}: {item}")
    return result
Пример #11
    async def do_work(worker_id: str,
                      task_descriptions: List[WorkerTaskDescription]) -> None:
        async with task_queue.attach(worker_id, task_descriptions) as tasks:
            while True:
                task: WorkerTask = await tasks.get()
                if task.name == success.name:
                    await task_queue.acknowledge_task(worker_id, task.id,
                                                      {"result": "done!"})
                elif task.name == fail.name:
                    await task_queue.error_task(worker_id, task.id, ";)")
                elif task.name == wait.name:
                    # if we come here, neither success nor failure was given, ignore the task
                elif task.name == WorkerTaskName.validate_config:
                    cfg_id = task.attrs["config_id"]
                    if cfg_id == "invalid_config":
                        await task_queue.error_task(worker_id, task.id,
                                                    "Invalid Config ;)")
                        await task_queue.acknowledge_task(
                            worker_id, task.id, None)
                elif task.name == WorkerTaskName.tag:
                    node = task.data["node"]
                    for key in GraphResolver.resolved_ancestors.keys():
                        for section in Section.content:
                            if section in node:
                                node[section].pop(key, None)

                    # update or delete tags
                    if "tags" not in node:
                        node["tags"] = {}

                    if task.data.get("delete"):
                        for a in task.data.get("delete"):  # type: ignore
                            node["tags"].pop(a, None)
                    elif task.data.get("update"):
                        for k, v in task.data.get(
                                "update").items():  # type: ignore
                            node["tags"][k] = v

                    # for testing purposes: change revision number
                    kind: str = value_in_path(
                        node, NodePath.reported_kind)  # type: ignore
                    if kind == "bla":
                        node["revision"] = "changed"

                    await task_queue.acknowledge_task(worker_id, task.id, node)
Пример #12
    def ancestor_of(self, node_id: str, edge_type: str, kind: str) -> Optional[Json]:
        # note: we are using breadth first search here on purpose.
        # if there is an ancestor with less distance to this node, we should use this one
        next_level = [node_id]

        while next_level:
            parents: List[str] = []
            for p_id in next_level:
                p: Json = self.nodes[p_id]
                kinds: Optional[List[str]] = value_in_path(p, NodePath.kinds)
                if kinds and kind in kinds:
                    return p
                    parents.extend(self.predecessors(p_id, edge_type))
            next_level = parents
        return None
Пример #13
def test_migration() -> None:
    cfg1 = migrate_config(
    assert value_in_path(cfg1, "resotocore.runtime.usage_metrics") is False
    assert value_in_path(cfg1, "resotocore.runtime.analytics_opt_out") is None
    cfg2 = migrate_config(
    assert value_in_path(cfg2, "resotocore.runtime.usage_metrics") is True
    assert value_in_path(cfg1, "resotocore.runtime.analytics_opt_out") is None
    cfg3 = migrate_config(
            runtime=dict(analytics_opt_out=True, usage_metrics=True))))
    assert value_in_path(cfg3, "resotocore.runtime.usage_metrics") is True
    assert value_in_path(cfg1, "resotocore.runtime.analytics_opt_out") is None
Пример #14
 def expect(jsons: List[Json], path: List[str], value: JsonElement) -> None:
     for js in jsons:
         v = value_in_path(js, path)
         assert v is not None
         assert v == value
Пример #15
 def from_node() -> Generator[Json, Any, None]:
     for node in node_list:
         yield node
     node_ids = [value_in_path(a, NodePath.node_id) for a in node_list]
     for from_n, to_n in interleave(node_ids):
         yield {"type": "edge", "from": from_n, "to": to_n}
Пример #16
 def expect_expires(reported: Json, expires: Optional[str]) -> None:
     result = adjuster.adjust({"reported": reported})
     assert value_in_path(result, ["metadata", "expires"]) == expires
Пример #17
 def first_matching(paths: List[List[str]]) -> Optional[str]:
     for path in paths:
         value: Optional[str] = value_in_path(json, path)
         if value:
             return value
     return None
Пример #18
 def with_ancestor(ancestor: Json, prop: ResolveProp) -> None:
     extracted = value_in_path(ancestor, prop.extract_path)
     if extracted:
         set_value_in_path(extracted, prop.to_path, node)