def login(): loginData = json.dumps({"email": control.setting("email"), "password": control.setting("password"), "stayLoggedIn": True, "deviceToken": {"token": None, "platform": "web"}}).encode('utf-8') jwtToken = "" try: authAnswer = json.loads(client.request(auth_url, post=loginData, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Content-Length": len(loginData)})) if authAnswer["success"]: jwtToken = authAnswer["token"] res = json.loads(client.request(userinfo_url, cookie="jwt=%s" % jwtToken)) if res["success"]: control.setSetting("hasPremium", str(res["isPremium"])) except: pass return jwtToken
def get_Tv(): m = client.request('' + url) m = m.replace('\\', '') direct_url ='"file"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)', m).group(1) chunk_list = client.request('http:%s' % direct_url) chunk_list = chunk_list.replace('\n', '') chunk_list = re.compile('BANDWIDTH=([0-9]+)(.+?m3u8)').findall(chunk_list) if len(chunk_list) == 0: direct_url = direct_url[0] else: chunk_list = [(int(i[0]), i[1]) for i in chunk_list] chunk_list = sorted(chunk_list, reverse=True) q_list = [str(i[0]) for i in chunk_list] q_list = [q.replace('3000000', '720p').replace('1600000', '480p').replace('1200000', '360p').replace('800000', '290p').replace('400000', '180p') for q in q_list] auto_pick = control.setting('autopick') == '1' if auto_pick == True: stream = chunk_list[0][1] else: q = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(u'Min\u0151s\u00E9g', q_list) if q == -1: return else: stream = chunk_list[q][1] direct_url = direct_url.split('playlist')[0] + stream play_url('http:%s' % direct_url, iconimage, name)
def error(msg, caller=None): func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code if caller is not None: caller = "%s.%s()" % (caller, func.co_name) if control.setting('debug') == 'true': log('%s\n%s' % (msg, traceback.format_exc()), caller, level=LOGERROR)
def apiRibbons(): r = client.request("%s/ribbons/%s/%s" % (api_url, param, page)) data = json.loads(r) dirType = 'videos' for card in data["cards"]: thumb = "%s/%s" % ( base_url, card["imageUrl"] ) if "https://" not in card["imageUrl"] else card["imageUrl"] title = card["title"].encode('utf-8') if "contentLength" in card: plot = "" if control.setting('fillLead') == 'true': try: r = client.request("%s/search/%s" % (api_url, card["slug"])) episode = json.loads(r) plot = episode["lead"] if "lead" in episode else "" if plot.startswith("<p>"): plot = plot[3:] if plot.endswith("</p>"): plot = plot[:-4] except: pass if 'EPISODE' in card['cardType']: dirType = 'episodes' if 'MOVIE' in card['cardType']: dirType = 'movies' addDirectoryItem(title, "playvideo¶m=%s" % card["slug"], thumb, "DefaultFolder.png", meta={ 'title': title, 'duration': int(card["contentLength"]), 'plot': plot }, isFolder=False) else: if card["cardType"] != "ARTICLE": addDirectoryItem( title, "apisearch¶m=%s" % quote_plus(card["slug"]), thumb, "DefaultFolder.png", meta={ 'title': title, 'plot': card["lead"].encode('utf-8') if "lead" in card else '' }) r = client.request("%s/ribbons/%s/%d" % (api_url, param, int(page) + 1)) if r != None: addDirectoryItem( u'[I]K\u00F6vetkez\u0151 oldal >>[/I]', 'apiribbons¶m=%s&page=%d' % (param, int(page) + 1), '', 'DefaultFolder.png') endDirectory(type=dirType)
def get_liveTv(): from resources.lib import m3u8_parser title = name.split('-')[0].strip() if not title.lower() == 'm3': r = client.request(url) streamid ='"streamId"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)', r).group(1) drm_info = client.request('' % streamid) drm_info = json.loads(drm_info) drm_info = drm_info['drm'] if drm_info == True: control.infoDialog(u'Lej\u00E1tsz\u00E1s sikertelen. Az \u00E9l\u0151 ad\u00E1s DRM v\u00E9delemmel van ell\u00E1tva.', icon='') return r = client.request('' % streamid) r = r.replace('\\', '').replace('\n', '') direct_url = re.findall('"file"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)', r) direct_url = [i for i in direct_url if not 'FWC2018' in i][0] direct_url = direct_url.replace('\\', '') if not direct_url.startswith('http'): direct_url = 'http:' + direct_url result = client.request(direct_url) url_list = m3u8_parser.parse(result)['playlists'] url_list = [(i['stream_info']['resolution'].split('x')[1], i['uri']) for i in url_list] url_list = sorted(url_list, key=lambda tup: int(tup[0]), reverse=True) q_list = [x[0] + 'p' for x in url_list] auto_pick = control.setting('autopick') == '1' if len(url_list) == 1 or auto_pick == True: stream = url_list[0][1] else: q = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(u'Min\u0151s\u00E9g', q_list) if q == -1: return else: stream = url_list[q][1] stream = direct_url.split('index.m3u8')[0] + stream else: m3_cookie = client.request(url, output = 'cookie') m3_token ='Token=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', m3_cookie).group(1) m3_streamUrl = client.request('') m3_streamUrl = json.loads(m3_streamUrl).get('live') stream = m3_streamUrl.replace('[sessid]', m3_token) '''direct_url = '''' play_url(stream, iconimage, title)
def getJWTToken(): if control.setting("email") and control.setting("password"): jwtToken = control.setting("jwtToken") if jwtToken: m ='(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)', base64.b64decode(jwtToken).decode("utf-8")) if m: errMsg = "" try: errMsg = "TV2 Play: cannot base64 decode the group 2: %s" % decodedToken=base64.b64decode("===") if sys.version_info[0] == 3: errMsg = "TV2 Play: utf-8 decode error: %s" % decodedToken decodedToken = decodedToken.decode("utf-8", "ignore") errMsg = "TV2 Play: decodedToken is not a json object: %s" % decodedToken jsObj = json.loads(decodedToken) if "exp" in jsObj: if jsObj["exp"]-int(time.time())>0: return jwtToken else: xbmc.log("TV2 Play: jwtToken expired, request a new one.", xbmc.LOGINFO) else: xbmc.log("TV2 Play: match group 2 does not contains exp key: %s" %, xbmc.LOGERROR) except: xbmc.log(errMsg, xbmc.LOGERROR) else: xbmc.log("TV2 Play: jwtToken not match to (.*)\.(.*)\.(.*). jwtToken: %s" % jwtToken, xbmc.LOGERROR) jwtToken = login() if jwtToken: control.setSetting("loggedIn", "true") control.setSetting("jwtToken", jwtToken) else: control.setSetting("loggedIn", "false") control.setSetting("jwtToken", "") control.setSetting("hasPremium", "false") xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("TV2 Play", "Bejelentkezés sikerelen!") return jwtToken else: doLogout() return None
def playVideo(): from resources.lib import m3u8_parser try: r = client.request("%s/search/%s" % (api_url, param)) data = json.loads(r) playerId = data["playerId"] title = data["title"] thumb = "%s/%s" % ( base_url, data["imageUrl"] ) if "https://" not in data["imageUrl"] else data["imageUrl"] r = client.request("%s/streaming-url?playerId=%s" % (api_url, playerId)) data = json.loads(r) r = client.request(data["url"]) json_data = json.loads(r) m3u_url = json_data['bitrates']['hls'] m3u_url = json_url = re.sub('^//', 'https://', m3u_url) r = client.request(m3u_url) root = os.path.dirname(m3u_url) sources = m3u8_parser.parse(r) try: sources.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['resolution'].split('x')[0]), reverse=True) except: pass auto_pick = control.setting('autopick') == '1' if len(sources) == 1 or auto_pick == True: source = sources[0]['uri'] else: result = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(u'Min\u0151s\u00E9g', [ str(source['resolution']) if 'resolution' in source else 'Unknown' for source in sources ]) if result == -1: source = sources[0]['uri'] else: source = sources[result]['uri'] stream_url = root + '/' + source item = control.item(path=stream_url) item.setArt({'icon': thumb, 'thumb': thumb}) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels={'Title': title}) control.resolve(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( "TV2 Play", "Hiba a forrás elérésekor! Nem található?", xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR) return
def playVideo(): from resources.lib import m3u8_parser try: splittedParam = param.split("/") splittedParam[-1] = quote_plus(splittedParam[-1]) joinedParam = "/".join(splittedParam) r = client.request("%s%s/search/%s" % (api_url, "/premium" if ispremium else "", joinedParam), cookie="jwt=%s" % jwtToken if jwtToken else None) data = json.loads(r) playerId = data["playerId"] title = data["title"] plot = data["lead"] if "lead" in data else "" thumb = "%s/%s" % (base_url, data["imageUrl"]) if "https://" not in data["imageUrl"] else data["imageUrl"] r = client.request("%s%s/streaming-url?playerId=%s&stream=undefined" % (api_url, "/premium" if ispremium else "", playerId), cookie="jwt=%s" % jwtToken if jwtToken else None) data = json.loads(r) if (data["geoBlocked"] != False): xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("TV2 Play", "A tartalom a tartózkodási helyedről sajnos nem elérhető!", xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR) return r = client.request(data["url"]) json_data = json.loads(r) m3u_url = json_data['bitrates']['hls'] m3u_url = json_url = re.sub('^//', 'https://', m3u_url) r = client.request(m3u_url) root = os.path.dirname(m3u_url) sources = m3u8_parser.parse(r) try: sources.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['resolution'].split('x')[0]), reverse=True) except: pass auto_pick = control.setting('autopick') == '1' if len(sources) == 1 or auto_pick == True: source = sources[0]['uri'] else: result = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(u'Min\u0151s\u00E9g', [str(source['resolution']) if 'resolution' in source else 'Unknown' for source in sources]) if result == -1: source = sources[0]['uri'] else: source = sources[result]['uri'] stream_url = root + '/' + source item = control.item(path=stream_url) item.setArt({'icon': thumb, 'thumb': thumb}) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = {'Title': title, 'Plot': plot}) control.resolve(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("TV2 Play", "Hiba a forrás elérésekor! Nem található?", xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR)
def getVideo(): from resources.lib import m3u8_parser r = client.request(url) try: try: json_url ='jsonUrl\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]+)', r).group(1) json_url = re.sub('^//', 'https://', json_url) except: json_url = re.findall(r'&q;originalUrl&q;:&q;([^}]*)&q;', r) json_url = json_url[len(json_url) - 1].replace("&a;", "&") r = client.request(json_url) json_data = json.loads(r) m3u_url = json_data['bitrates']['hls'] m3u_url = json_url = re.sub('^//', 'https://', m3u_url) r = client.request(m3u_url) root = os.path.dirname(m3u_url) sources = m3u8_parser.parse(r) try: sources.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['resolution'].split('x')[0]), reverse=True) except: pass auto_pick = control.setting('autopick') == '1' if len(sources) == 1 or auto_pick == True: source = sources[0]['uri'] else: result = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(u'Min\u0151s\u00E9g', [ str(source['resolution']) if 'resolution' in source else 'Unknown' for source in sources ]) if result == -1: source = sources[0]['uri'] else: source = sources[result]['uri'] stream_url = root + '/' + source item = control.item(path=stream_url) item.setArt({'icon': iconimage, 'thumb': iconimage}) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels={'Title': name}) control.resolve(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: return
xbmc.log("TV2 Play: jwtToken not match to (.*)\.(.*)\.(.*). jwtToken: %s" % jwtToken, xbmc.LOGERROR) jwtToken = login() if jwtToken: control.setSetting("loggedIn", "true") control.setSetting("jwtToken", jwtToken) else: control.setSetting("loggedIn", "false") control.setSetting("jwtToken", "") control.setSetting("hasPremium", "false") xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("TV2 Play", "Bejelentkezés sikerelen!") return jwtToken else: doLogout() return None if control.setting("firstStart") in ["true", "True"]: if control.yesnoDialog("A [COLOR gold]PRÉMIUM[/COLOR] tartalmak eléréséhez [B]TV2 Play Prémium[/B] csomag szükséges! A kiegészítő beállításaiban megadhatod a bejelentkezési adataidat.", nolabel='Bezárás', yeslabel='Beállítások megnyitása') == True: control.openSettings() control.setSetting('firstStart', "false") jwtToken = getJWTToken() hasPremium = control.setting("hasPremium") == "true" params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2].replace('?', ''))) action = params.get('action') param = params.get('param') page = params.get('page') ispremium = True if params.get('ispremium') in ["true", "True"] else False if action == None:
def constructor(): _list_ = [] groups = [] if control.setting('local_or_remote') == '0': try: with open(control.setting('local')) as _file_: text = _file_.close() except IOError: return 'null' elif control.setting('local_or_remote') == '2': return 'Youtube' else: try: text = client.request(control.setting('remote')) if text is None: raise ValueError except ValueError: text = client.request(control.setting('remote'), close=False) if text is None: return 'null' result = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') items = re.compile('EXTINF:(-?\d*)(,| |.*?)\n#', re.U + re.S).findall(result + '\n#') for duration, item in items: title = re.findall('[^\d*?],(.*?)\\n', ' ' + item, re.U)[0] link = re.findall('\\n(.*?)$', item, re.U)[0] if not control.condVisibility( 'System.HasAddon(script.module.urlresolver)'): link = link.replace( '', 'plugin://') link = link.replace( '', 'plugin://') duration = int(duration) if 'tvg-logo' in item: icon = re.findall('tvg-logo="(.*?)"', item, re.U)[0] elif 'icon' in item: icon = re.findall('icon="(.*?)"', item, re.U)[0] elif 'image' in item: icon = re.findall('image="(.*?)"', item, re.U)[0] else: icon = control.addonInfo('icon') if 'group-title' in item: group = re.findall('group-title="(.*?)"', item, re.U)[0] else: group = '' data = ({ 'title': title.decode('utf-8'), 'image': icon, 'group': 'NULL' if group == '' else group.decode('utf-8'), 'url': link, 'duration': duration if duration > 0 else None }) _list_.append(data) groups.append(group.decode('utf-8')) trimmed_groups = list(ordereddict.OrderedDict.fromkeys(groups)) trimmed_groups.sort() if len(trimmed_groups) == 1: control.setSetting('group', 'ALL') if not text.startswith('#EXTM3U'): return else: return _list_, trimmed_groups
def main_menu(): _list_ = [] root_menu = [{ 'title': control.lang(30011), 'image': control.join(control.addonmedia('settings.png')), 'url': '{0}?action={1}'.format(sysurl, 'settings') }, { 'title': control.lang(30015).format( control.lang(30016) if control.setting('group') == 'ALL' else control.setting('group').decode('utf-8')), 'image': control.join(control.addonmedia('switcher.png')), 'url': '{0}?action={1}'.format(sysurl, 'switcher') }] try: if constructor() == 'Youtube': if 'playlist?list=' in control.setting('youtube_url'): _items_ = root_menu + cache.get( key='AIzaSyA8k1OyLGf03HBNl0byD511jr9cFWo2GR4'). playlist, int(control.setting('caching')) if int(control.setting('caching')) > 0 else 0, control.setting('youtube_url').partition('list=')[2]) del _items_[1] elif not bool(control.setting('youtube_url')): raise TypeError else: raise ValueError elif constructor() == 'null': raise TypeError elif not constructor()[0] == []: if len(constructor()[1]) == 1: del root_menu[1] if control.setting('group') not in constructor()[1]: control.setSetting('group', 'ALL') filtered = [ item for item in constructor()[0] if any( item['group'] == selected for selected in [control.setting('group').decode('utf-8')]) ] if not control.setting('group') == 'ALL' else constructor()[0] _items_ = root_menu + filtered else: raise ValueError except ValueError: _items_ = root_menu + nullify(30013) del _items_[1] except TypeError: _items_ = root_menu + nullify(30026) del _items_[1] for item in _items_: li = control.item(label=item['title']) li.setInfo('video', {'title': item['title']}) li.setArt({ 'icon': item['image'], 'thumb': item['image'], 'fanart': control.addonInfo('fanart') }) li.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') li.addContextMenuItems([ (control.lang(30012), 'RunPlugin({0}?action=refresh)'.format(sysurl)) ]) _url_ = '{0}?action=play&url={1}'.format(sysurl, item['url']) isFolder = False if control.setting('youtube') == 'true' and item['url'].startswith( 'plugin://'): _url_ = '{0}?action=play&url={1}'.format(sysurl, item['url']) if control.setting('youtube') == 'false' and item['url'].startswith( 'plugin://'): _url_ = item['url'] if item['url'].startswith('plugin://'): _url_ = item['url'] if item['url'].endswith(('settings', 'switcher')): li.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'false') _list_.append((_url_, li, isFolder)) control.addItems(syshandle, _list_), cacheToDisc=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, xbmc, re, datetime, time from resources.lib import client, control, cache gmt_offset = int(control.setting('gmt.offset')) local_time = local_time = local_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=gmt_offset) current_time = local_time.strftime("%H:%M") current_date = local_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") broadcast = { 'm1': '1', 'm2': '2', 'm4 sport': '30', 'm5': '33', 'duna': '3', 'duna world': '4' } def list_cache(channel): r = client.request( '' % (current_date, broadcast[channel.lower()])) items = client.parseDOM(r, 'Item') return items def get_list(channel): try: items = cache.get(list_cache, 15, channel)