Пример #1
def update_playlist(type=''):
    id = vars.args['id'][0]
    xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(vars.__addonname__, 'Updating '+dev.typeName(type)+' Playlist '+id, vars.__icon__, 3000)
    service.update_playlist(id, type=type)
    xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(vars.__addonname__, 'Done updating '+dev.typeName(type)+' Playlist '+id, vars.__icon__, 3000)
    #Should we also update the video library?
    if vars.update_videolibrary == "true":
        update_dir = vars.tv_folder_path
        if type == 'musicvideo':
            update_dir = vars.musicvideo_folder_path
        dev.log('Updating video library is enabled. Updating librarys directory %s' % update_dir, True)
def update_playlist(id, type=''):
    xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(vars.__addonname__, 'Updating '+dev.typeName(type)+' Playlist '+id, vars.__icon__, 3000)
    service.update_playlist(id, type=type)
    xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(vars.__addonname__, 'Done updating '+dev.typeName(type)+' Playlist '+id, vars.__icon__, 3000)
    #Should we also update the video library?
    if vars.update_videolibrary == "true":
        update_dir = vars.tv_folder_path
        if type == 'musicvideo':
            update_dir = vars.musicvideo_folder_path
        elif type == 'movies':
            update_dir = vars.movies_folder_path
        dev.log('Updating video library is enabled. Updating librarys directory %s' % update_dir, True)
Пример #3
def update_playlists(type=''):
    xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(vars.__addonname__, 'Updating Youtube '+dev.typeName(type)+' Playlists...', vars.__icon__, 3000)
    dev.log('Updating All '+type+' Youtube Playlists')
    scan_interval = 'service_interval'
    if type == 'musicvideo':
        scan_interval = 'service_interval_musicvideo'
    pl = m_xml.document.findall('playlists/playlist')
    if pl is not None: 
        for child in pl: #Loop through each playlist
            if child.attrib['enabled'] == 'yes': #Playlist has to be enabled
                #Check when this playlist was last updated, and if it is time for this playlist to be updated again
                import datetime
                    s = child.attrib['scansince']
                    scansince = datetime.datetime.strptime(s,"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
                    scansince = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=3*365)
                timenow = datetime.datetime.now()
                dev.log('Playlist last scanned on: '+str(scansince)+', now: '+str(timenow), 1)
                #diff = (timenow-scansince).total_seconds()
                diff = dev.timedelta_total_seconds(timenow-scansince)
                dev.log('Difference is '+str(diff))
                if diff < (int(vars.__settings__.getSetting(scan_interval)) * 60 * 60):
                    dev.log('Difference '+str(diff)+' was not enough, '+str(int(vars.__settings__.getSetting("service_interval")) * 60 * 60)+' seconds needed. This Playlist will not be updated now.')
                update_playlist(child.attrib['id'], type=type) #Update the nfo & strm files for this playlist
    xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(vars.__addonname__, 'Done Updating Youtube '+dev.typeName(type)+' Playlists', vars.__icon__, 3000)
    #Should we also update the video library?
    if vars.update_videolibrary == "true" and type=='':
        update_dir = vars.tv_folder_path
        if type == 'musicvideo':
            update_dir = vars.musicvideo_folder_path
        dev.log('Updating video library is enabled. Updating librarys directory %s' % update_dir, True)
def searched_playlist(result, type='', pagetoken=''):
    response = ytube.search_playlist(result, type, pagetoken)

    if isinstance(response['items'], list):
        # Go through each playlist and display the playlist
        for playlist in response['items']:
            title = playlist['snippet']['title']
            url = dev.build_url({
                'mode': 'addPlaylist',
                'id': playlist['id']['playlistId'],
                'type': type
                       description=dev.lang(31010) + ' ' + dev.typeName(type) +
                       ' \n--------\nPlaylist Description:\n' +

    if 'prevPageToken' in response:
        if response['prevPageToken'] is not None:
            url = dev.build_url({
                'mode': 'searchedplaylist',
                'search': result,
                'type': type,
                'pagetoken': response['prevPageToken']
                '<< Prev Page',
                description='Go to the previous page of available playlists')

    if 'nextPageToken' in response:
        if response['nextPageToken'] is not None:
            url = dev.build_url({
                'mode': 'searchedplaylist',
                'search': result,
                'type': type,
                'pagetoken': response['nextPageToken']
                'Next Page >>',
                description='Go to the next page of available playlists')

        vars.addon_handle)  #Adds a playlist & loads the view to edit it
Пример #5
def show_playlists_by_channel(Channelid, type=''):
    search_response = ytube.yt_get_channel_info(Channelid)
    #Grab the playlists from the response
    playlists = search_response['items'][0]['contentDetails']['relatedPlaylists']
    # Go through each playlist and display the playlist
    for key, value in playlists.iteritems():
      #Grab the number of videos to
      pl = ytube.yt_get_playlist_info(value)
      number_vids = str(pl['items'][0]['contentDetails']['itemCount'])
      url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'addPlaylist', 'id': value, 'type': type})
      dev.adddir(key.capitalize()+' ('+number_vids+')', url, search_response['items'][0]['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url'], fanart=search_response['items'][0]['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url'], description=dev.lang(31010)+' '+dev.typeName(type)+' \n--------\nPlaylist Description:\n'+search_response['items'][0]['snippet']['description'])
    # Grab other playlists this user has created to
    response = ytube.yt_get_playlists_by_channel(Channelid)
    if isinstance(response, list):
        # Go through each playlist and display the playlist
        for playlist in response:
          title = playlist['snippet']['title']+' ('+str(playlist['contentDetails']['itemCount'])+')'
          url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'addPlaylist', 'id': playlist['id'], 'type': type})
          dev.adddir(title, url, playlist['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url'], fanart=playlist['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url'], description=dev.lang(31010)+' '+dev.typeName(type)+' \n--------\nPlaylist Description:\n'+playlist['snippet']['description'])
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(vars.addon_handle)#Adds a playlist & loads the view to edit it
Пример #6
def search_channel(type=''):
    result = dev.user_input('', 'Search for '+dev.typeName(type)+' Channel')
    if len(result) > 0:
        ytube.search_channel(result, type)
def show_playlists_by_channel(Channelid, type='', pagetoken='default'):
    if pagetoken == 'default' or pagetoken == '':
        search_response = ytube.yt_get_channel_info(Channelid)

        #Grab the playlists from the response
        playlists = search_response['items'][0]['contentDetails'][

        # Go through each playlist and display the playlist
        for key, value in playlists.iteritems():
            if value == 'WL' or value == 'HL':
                continue  #The watch later and watch history playlists are not giving their normal id's, so skip them
            #Grab the number of videos to
            pl = ytube.yt_get_playlist_info(value)
            number_vids = str(pl['items'][0]['contentDetails']['itemCount'])
            url = dev.build_url({
                'mode': 'addPlaylist',
                'id': value,
                'type': type
            dev.adddir(key.capitalize() + ' (' + number_vids + ')',
                       description=dev.lang(31010) + ' ' + dev.typeName(type) +
                       ' \n--------\nPlaylist Description:\n' +

    # Grab other playlists this user has created to
    response = ytube.yt_get_playlists_by_channel(Channelid, pagetoken)

    if isinstance(response['items'], list):
        # Go through each playlist and display the playlist
        for playlist in response['items']:
            title = playlist['snippet']['title'] + ' (' + str(
                playlist['contentDetails']['itemCount']) + ')'
            url = dev.build_url({
                'mode': 'addPlaylist',
                'id': playlist['id'],
                'type': type
                       description=dev.lang(31010) + ' ' + dev.typeName(type) +
                       ' \n--------\nPlaylist Description:\n' +

    if 'prevPageToken' in response:
        if response['prevPageToken'] is not None:
            url = dev.build_url({
                'mode': 'pickedChannel',
                'id': Channelid,
                'type': type,
                'pagetoken': response['prevPageToken']
                '<< Prev Page',
                description='Go to the previous page of available playlists')

    if 'nextPageToken' in response:
        if response['nextPageToken'] is not None:
            url = dev.build_url({
                'mode': 'pickedChannel',
                'id': Channelid,
                'type': type,
                'pagetoken': response['nextPageToken']
                'Next Page >>',
                description='Go to the next page of available playlists')

        vars.addon_handle)  #Adds a playlist & loads the view to edit it
def search_playlist(type=''):
    result = dev.user_input('',
                            'Search for ' + dev.typeName(type) + ' Playlist')
    if len(result) > 0:
        searched_playlist(result, type)
def search_channel(type=''):
    result = dev.user_input('',
                            'Search for ' + dev.typeName(type) + ' Channel')
    if len(result) > 0:
        ytube.search_channel(result, type)
def show_playlists_by_channel(Channelid, type='', pagetoken='default'):
    if pagetoken == 'default' or pagetoken == '':
        search_response = ytube.yt_get_channel_info(Channelid)
        #Grab the playlists from the response
        playlists = search_response['items'][0]['contentDetails']['relatedPlaylists']
        # Go through each playlist and display the playlist
        for key, value in playlists.iteritems():
          if value == 'WL' or value == 'HL':
             continue #The watch later and watch history playlists are not giving their normal id's, so skip them
          #Grab the number of videos to
          pl = ytube.yt_get_playlist_info(value)
          number_vids = str(pl['items'][0]['contentDetails']['itemCount'])
          url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'addPlaylist', 'id': value, 'type': type})
          dev.adddir(key.capitalize()+' ('+number_vids+')', url,  dev.playlist_highest_thumbnail(search_response['items'][0]), fanart=dev.playlist_highest_thumbnail(search_response['items'][0]), description=dev.lang(31010)+' '+dev.typeName(type)+' \n--------\nPlaylist Description:\n'+search_response['items'][0]['snippet']['description'])
    # Grab other playlists this user has created to
    response = ytube.yt_get_playlists_by_channel(Channelid, pagetoken)
    if isinstance(response['items'], list):
        # Go through each playlist and display the playlist
        for playlist in response['items']:
          title = playlist['snippet']['title']+' ('+str(playlist['contentDetails']['itemCount'])+')'
          url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'addPlaylist', 'id': playlist['id'], 'type': type})
          dev.adddir(title, url, dev.playlist_highest_thumbnail(playlist), fanart= dev.playlist_highest_thumbnail(playlist), description=dev.lang(31010)+' '+dev.typeName(type)+' \n--------\nPlaylist Description:\n'+playlist['snippet']['description'])
    if 'prevPageToken' in response:
        if response['prevPageToken'] is not None:
            url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'pickedChannel', 'id': Channelid, 'type': type, 'pagetoken': response['prevPageToken']})
            dev.adddir('<< Prev Page', url, description='Go to the previous page of available playlists')
    if 'nextPageToken' in response:
        if response['nextPageToken'] is not None:
            url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'pickedChannel', 'id': Channelid, 'type': type, 'pagetoken': response['nextPageToken']})
            dev.adddir('Next Page >>', url, description='Go to the next page of available playlists')

    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(vars.addon_handle)#Adds a playlist & loads the view to edit it
def searched_playlist(result, type='', pagetoken=''):
    response = ytube.search_playlist(result, type, pagetoken)
    if isinstance(response['items'], list):
        # Go through each playlist and display the playlist
        for playlist in response['items']:
          title = playlist['snippet']['title']
          url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'addPlaylist', 'id': playlist['id']['playlistId'], 'type': type})
          dev.adddir(title, url, dev.playlist_highest_thumbnail(playlist), fanart=dev.playlist_highest_thumbnail(playlist), description=dev.lang(31010)+' '+dev.typeName(type)+' \n--------\nPlaylist Description:\n'+playlist['snippet']['description'])
    if 'prevPageToken' in response:
        if response['prevPageToken'] is not None:
            url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'searchedplaylist', 'search': result, 'type': type, 'pagetoken': response['prevPageToken']})
            dev.adddir('<< Prev Page', url, description='Go to the previous page of available playlists')
    if 'nextPageToken' in response:
        if response['nextPageToken'] is not None:
            url = dev.build_url({'mode': 'searchedplaylist', 'search': result, 'type': type, 'pagetoken': response['nextPageToken']})
            dev.adddir('Next Page >>', url, description='Go to the next page of available playlists')

    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(vars.addon_handle)#Adds a playlist & loads the view to edit it
def search_playlist(type=''):
    result = dev.user_input('', 'Search for '+dev.typeName(type)+' Playlist')
    if len(result) > 0:
        searched_playlist(result, type)