Пример #1
    def _get_profile_name(profile):
        """ Get a descriptive string of the profile.
        :type profile: resources.lib.streamz.Profile
        title = profile.name

        # Convert the Streamz Profile color to a matching Kodi color
        color_map = {
            '#F20D3A': 'red',
            '#FF0A5A': 'crimson',
            '#FF4B00': 'darkorange',
            '#FED71F': 'gold',
            '#5EFF74': 'palegreen',
            '#0DF2E8': 'turquoise',
            '#226DFF': 'dodgerblue',
            '#6900CC': 'blueviolet',
        if color_map.get(profile.color.upper()):
            title = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (color_map.get(
                profile.color.upper()), kodiutils.to_unicode(title))

        # Append (Kids)
        if profile.product == PRODUCT_STREAMZ_KIDS:
            title = "%s (Kids)" % title

        return title
Пример #2
    def _get_profile_name(profile):
        """ Get a descriptive string of the profile
        :type profile: resources.lib.vtmgo.vtmgo.Profile
        title = profile.name

        # Convert the VTM GO Profile color to a matching Kodi color
        color_map = {
            '#64D8E3': 'skyblue',
            '#4DFF76': 'mediumspringgreen',
            '#0243FF': 'blue',
            '#831CFA': 'blueviolet',
            '#FFB24D': 'khaki',
            '#FF4DD5': 'violet',
            '#FFB002': 'gold',
            '#FF0257': 'crimson',
        if color_map.get(profile.color.upper()):
            title = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (color_map.get(
                profile.color), kodiutils.to_unicode(title))

        # Append (Kids)
        if profile.product == 'VTM_GO_KIDS':
            title = "%s (Kids)" % title

        return title
Пример #3
    def get_selection(cls):
        """Retrieve information about the selected ListItem."""

        # The selected ListItem is available in sys.listitem, but there is not enough data that we can use to know what
        # exact item was selected. Therefore, we use xbmc.getInfoLabel(ListItem.xxx), that references the currently
        # selected ListItem. This is not always the same as the item where the Context Menu was opened on when the
        # selection was moved really quick before the Python code was started. This often happens when using the mouse,
        # but should not happen when using the keyboard or a remote control. Therefore, we do a check to see if the
        # sys.listitem.getPath is the same as xbmc.getInfoLabel(ListItem.FolderPath) before continuing.
        # For now, this is the best we can do.
        # The sys.listitem.getPath() returns a string like "pvr://guide/0016/2020-05-28 09:24:47.epg". We could use the
        # date to find out what item was selected, but we can't match the channel with something that makes sense. It's
        # not the same ID as the ID in the JSON-RPC "PVR.GetChannels" or "PVR.GetChannelDetails" commands.
        # The available fields are:
        # * sys.listitem.getLabel()  # Universiteit van Vlaanderen
        # * sys.listitem.getPath()   # pvr://guide/0016/2020-05-28 09:24:47.epg
        # I would have preferred to use the Channel ID we use for for the epg (like een.be), but that isn't available.
        # We only have a name (ListItem.ChannelName), or the channel number (ListItem.ChannelNumberLabel).

        # Check if the selected item is also the intended item
        if sys.listitem.getPath() != kodiutils.get_info_label('ListItem.FolderPath'):  # pylint: disable=no-member
            # We are in trouble. We know that the data we want to use is invalid, but there is nothing we can do.
            kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize(30712))  # Could not determine the selected program...
            return None

        # Load information from the ListItem
        date = kodiutils.get_info_label('ListItem.Date')
        duration = kodiutils.get_info_label('ListItem.Duration')
        channel = kodiutils.to_unicode(kodiutils.get_info_label('ListItem.ChannelName'))

        # Parse begin to a datetime. The ListItem.Date doesn't contain seconds
        date_format = kodiutils.get_region('dateshort') + ' ' + kodiutils.get_region('time').replace(':%S', '')
            start = datetime.strptime(date, date_format)
        except TypeError:
            start = datetime(*(time.strptime(date, date_format)[0:6]))

        # Parse duration to seconds
        splitted = duration.split(':')
        if len(splitted) == 1:  # %S
            seconds = int(splitted[0])

        elif len(splitted) == 2:  # %M:%S
            seconds = int(splitted[0]) * 60 + int(splitted[1])

        elif len(splitted) == 3:  # %H:%M:%S
            seconds = int(splitted[0]) * 3600 + int(splitted[1]) * 60 + int(splitted[2])

            raise Exception('Unknown duration %s' % duration)

        return dict(
Пример #4
    def _delay_subtitles(self, subtitles, json_manifest):
        """ Modify the subtitles timings to account for ad breaks.
        :type subtitles: list[string]
        :type json_manifest: dict
        :rtype list[str]
        # Clean up old subtitles
        temp_dir = os.path.join(kodiutils.addon_profile(), 'temp', '')
        _, files = kodiutils.listdir(temp_dir)
        if files:
            for item in files:
                if kodiutils.to_unicode(item).endswith('.vtt'):
                    kodiutils.delete(temp_dir + kodiutils.to_unicode(item))

        # Return if there are no subtitles available
        if not subtitles:
            return None

        import re
        if not kodiutils.exists(temp_dir):

        ad_breaks = list()
        delayed_subtitles = list()
        webvtt_timing_regex = re.compile(
            r'\n(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}) --> (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3})\s')

        # Get advertising breaks info from json manifest
        cues = json_manifest.get('interstitials').get('cues')
        for cue in cues:

        for subtitle in subtitles:
            output_file = temp_dir + subtitle.get('name') + '.' + subtitle.get(
            webvtt_content = util.http_get(subtitle.get('url')).text
            webvtt_content = webvtt_timing_regex.sub(
                lambda match: self._delay_webvtt_timing(match, ad_breaks),
            with kodiutils.open_file(output_file, 'w') as webvtt_output:
        return delayed_subtitles
Пример #5
 def send_upnext(upnext_info):
     """ Send a message to Up Next with information about the next Episode.
     :type upnext_info: object
     from base64 import b64encode
     from json import dumps
     data = [kodiutils.to_unicode(b64encode(dumps(upnext_info).encode()))]
     sender = '{addon_id}.SIGNAL'.format(addon_id='plugin.video.vtm.go')
     kodiutils.notify(sender=sender, message='upnext_data', data=data)
Пример #6
 def __get_subtitle_paths():
     """ Get the external subtitles path """
     temp_path = kodiutils.addon_profile() + 'temp/'
     files = None
     if kodiutils.exists(temp_path):
         _, files = kodiutils.listdir(temp_path)
     if files and len(files) >= 1:
         return [temp_path + kodiutils.to_unicode(filename) for filename in files]
     _LOGGER.debug('Player: No subtitle path')
     return None
Пример #7
    def do_search(self, search):
        """ Do a search in the full catalog.
        :type search: str
        :rtype list[Union[Movie, Program]]
        response = util.http_get(API_ENDPOINT + '/%s/search/?query=%s' % (self._mode(),
        results = json.loads(response.text)

        items = []
        for category in results.get('results', []):
            for item in category.get('teasers'):
                if item.get('target', {}).get('type') == CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE:

                elif item.get('target', {}).get('type') == CONTENT_TYPE_PROGRAM:
        return items
Пример #8
    def _download_subtitles(subtitles):
        # Clean up old subtitles
        temp_dir = os.path.join(kodiutils.addon_profile(), 'temp', '')
        _, files = kodiutils.listdir(temp_dir)
        if files:
            for item in files:
                kodiutils.delete(temp_dir + kodiutils.to_unicode(item))

        # Return if there are no subtitles available
        if not subtitles:
            return None

        if not kodiutils.exists(temp_dir):

        downloaded_subtitles = list()
        for subtitle in subtitles:
            output_file = temp_dir + subtitle.get('name')
            webvtt_content = util.http_get(subtitle.get('url')).text
            with kodiutils.open_file(output_file, 'w') as webvtt_output:
        return downloaded_subtitles