Пример #1
    def isPlayingZone(self):
        if WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePlaying():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isRecentEpisodesAdded():
            return False
        if WindowShowing.isPluginPath():
            return False
        if WindowShowing.isMovieInformation(
        ) and Settings.isPlayVideoInformation():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isSeasons() and Settings.isPlayTvShowSeasons():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isEpisodes() and Settings.isPlayTvShowEpisodes():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on movie list
        if WindowShowing.isMovies() and Settings.isPlayMovieList():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on TV list
        if WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles() and Settings.isPlayTvShowList():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on Music Video list
        if WindowShowing.isMusicVideoTitles(
        ) and Settings.isPlayMusicVideoList():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
            return True

        # Any other area is deemed to be a non play area
        return False
Пример #2
    def _checkListPlayingDelay(self, themes):
        # Check if we are playing themes on the list view, in which case we will want to delay them
        if (Settings.isPlayMovieList() and WindowShowing.isMovies()) or (
                Settings.isPlayTvShowList() and WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles()
        ) or (Settings.isPlayMusicVideoList()
              and WindowShowing.isMusicVideoTitles()):
            log("DelayedStartTheme: Movie List playing delay detected, anchorTime = %s"
                % str(self.anchorTime))
            if themes != self.themesToStart:
                # Theme selection has changed
                self.themesToStart = themes
                # Reset the current time as we need the delay from here
                self.anchorTime = 2  # for movie list delay, it is just a counter
                # reduce the anchor by one
                self.anchorTime = self.anchorTime - 1
                if self.anchorTime < 1:
                    return True
            return False

        # Default is to allow playing
        return True
Пример #3
    def endPlaying(self, fastFade=False, slowFade=False):
        # If we are stopping audio and we do not have a value for the original volume
        # then it means we are stopping something that we did not start, this means that
        # before we do anything like fade the volume out we should get the current
        # volume and store it as the base level
        if self.original_volume < 0:
            self.original_volume = self._getVolume()

        if self.isPlayingAudio() and Settings.isFadeOut():
            cur_vol = self._getVolume()

            # Calculate how fast to fade the theme, this determines
            # the number of step to drop the volume in
            numSteps = 10
            if fastFade:
                numSteps = numSteps / 2
            elif slowFade:
                numSteps = numSteps * 4

            vol_step = cur_vol / numSteps
            # do not mute completely else the mute icon shows up
            for step in range(0, int(numSteps - 1)):
                # If the system is going to be shut down then we need to reset
                # everything as quickly as possible
                if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu() or xbmc.Monitor(
                    log("ThemePlayer: Shutdown menu detected, cancelling fade out"
                vol = cur_vol - vol_step
                log("ThemePlayer: fadeOut_vol: %s" % str(vol))
                cur_vol = vol
            # The final stop and reset of the settings will be done
            # outside of this "if"
        # Need to always stop by the end of this
Пример #4
    def _getMovieSetFileList(self):
        # Create a map for Program name to video file
        movieSetMap = dict()

        # Check if the selection is a Movie Set
        if WindowShowing.isMovieSet():
            # Get Movie Set Data Base ID
            dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID")
            # Get movies from Movie Set
            json_query = executeJSONRPC(
                '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieSetDetails", "params": {"setid": %s, "properties": [ "thumbnail" ], "movies": { "properties":  [ "file", "title"], "sort": { "order": "ascending",  "method": "title" }} },"id": 1 }'
                % dbid)
            json_query = unicode(json_query, 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
            json_query = simplejson.loads(json_query)
            if ("result" in json_query) and ('setdetails'
                                             in json_query['result']):
                # Get the list of movies paths from the movie set
                items = json_query['result']['setdetails']['movies']
                for item in items:
                    log("TunesBackend: Movie Set file (%s): %s" %
                        (item['title'], item['file']))
                    movieSetMap[item['title']] = item['file']

        return movieSetMap
Пример #5
    # Make sure we have recorded this machines Id

    # Check if the settings mean we want to reset the volume on startup
    startupVol = Settings.getStartupVolume()

    if startupVol < 0:
        log("TvTunesService: No Volume Change Required")
        log("TvTunesService: Setting volume to %s" % startupVol)
        xbmc.executebuiltin('SetVolume(%d)' % startupVol, True)

    # Check if the video info button should be hidden, we do this here as this will be
    # called when the system is loaded, it can then be read by the skin
    # when it comes to draw the button

    # Make sure the user wants to play themes
    if Settings.isThemePlayingEnabled():
        log("TvTunesService: Theme playing enabled")

        # if Settings.isUploadEnabled():
        #    log("TvTunesService: Launching uploader")
        #    xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(%s)' % os.path.join(LIB_DIR, "upload.py"), False)
        # else:
        #    log("TvTunesService: Uploader not enabled")

        displayNotice = True
        json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Addons.GetAddonDetails", "params": { "addonid": "repository.urepo", "properties": ["enabled", "broken", "name", "author"]  }, "id": 1}')
        json_response = json.loads(json_query)
Пример #6
    # Make sure we have recorded this machines Id

    # Check if the settings mean we want to reset the volume on startup
    startupVol = Settings.getStartupVolume()

    if startupVol < 0:
        log("TvTunesService: No Volume Change Required")
        log("TvTunesService: Setting volume to %s" % startupVol)
        xbmc.executebuiltin('SetVolume(%d)' % startupVol, True)

    # Check if the video info button should be hidden, we do this here as this will be
    # called when the system is loaded, it can then be read by the skin
    # when it comes to draw the button

    # Make sure the user wants to play themes
    if Settings.isThemePlayingEnabled():
        log("TvTunesService: Theme playing enabled")

        # if Settings.isUploadEnabled():
        #    log("TvTunesService: Launching uploader")
        #    xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(%s)' % os.path.join(LIB_DIR, "upload.py"), False)
        # else:
        #    log("TvTunesService: Uploader not enabled")

        displayNotice = True
        json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(
            '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Addons.GetAddonDetails", "params": { "addonid": "repository.urepo", "properties": ["enabled", "broken", "name", "author"]  }, "id": 1}'
Пример #7
    def play(self, item=None, listitem=None, windowed=True, fastFade=False):
        self.tvtunesPlayerStarted = True

        # if something is already playing, then we do not want
        # to replace it with the theme
        if not self.isPlaying():
            # Save the volume from before any alterations
            self.original_volume = self._getVolume()
            # Perform and lowering of the sound for theme playing

            if Settings.isFadeIn():
                # Get the current volume - this is our target volume
                targetVol = self._getVolume()
                cur_vol_perc = 1

                # Calculate how fast to fade the theme, this determines
                # the number of step to drop the volume in
                numSteps = 10
                if fastFade:
                    numSteps = numSteps / 2

                vol_step = targetVol / numSteps
                # Reduce the volume before starting
                # do not mute completely else the mute icon shows up
                # Now start playing before we start increasing the volume

                # Wait until playing has started
                maxLoop = 100
                while (not self.isPlaying()) and (
                        not xbmc.abortRequested) and (maxLoop > 0):
                    maxLoop = maxLoop - 1

                for step in range(0, (numSteps - 1)):
                    # If the system is going to be shut down then we need to reset
                    # everything as quickly as possible
                    if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu() or xbmc.abortRequested:
                        log("ThemePlayer: Shutdown menu detected, cancelling fade in"
                    vol = cur_vol_perc + vol_step
                    log("ThemePlayer: fadeIn_vol: %s" % str(vol))
                    cur_vol_perc = vol
                # Make sure we end on the correct volume

            if Settings.isLoop():
                # We no longer use the JSON method to repeat as it does not work with videos
                # executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.SetRepeat", "params": {"playerid": 0, "repeat": "all" }, "id": 1 }')

                # If we had a random start and we are looping then we need to make sure
                # when it comes to play the theme for a second time it starts at the beginning
                # and not from the same mid-point
                if Settings.isRandomStart():
                    item[0].setProperty('StartOffset', "0")
                # We no longer use the JSON method to repeat as it does not work with videos
                # executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.SetRepeat", "params": {"playerid": 0, "repeat": "off" }, "id": 1 }')

            # Record the time that playing was started
            self.startTime = int(time.time())

            # Clear the current playlist, as we will re-populate it
            self.playListItems = []

            # Save off the number of items in the playlist
            if item is not None:
                self.playlistSize = item.size()
                log("ThemePlayer: Playlist size = %d" % self.playlistSize)

                # Store a list of all the tracks in the playlist
                    i = 0
                    while i < self.playlistSize:
                        i = i + 1
                    log("ThemePlayer: Failed to save off playlist")

                # Check if we are limiting each track in the list
                if not Settings.isLoop():
                    # Already started playing the first, so the remaining number of
                    # tracks is one less than the total
                    self.remainingTracks = self.playlistSize - 1
                self.playlistSize = 1
Пример #8
    def getThemes(self):
        themePath = ""
        # Only need the theme path for videos
        if not WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
            # Check if the files are stored in a custom path
            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled():
                if not WindowShowing.isMovies():
                    videotitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")
                    videotitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Title")
                videotitle = normalize_string(videotitle)
                themePath = os_path_join(Settings.getCustomPath(), videotitle)

            # Looking at the TV Show information page
            elif WindowShowing.isMovieInformation() and (
                    or WindowShowing.isTvShows()):
                themePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.FilenameAndPath")
                themePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Path")

        # To try and reduce the amount of "noise" in the logging, where the
        # same check is logged again and again, we record if it has been
        # logged for this video, and then do not do it again until the
        # video changes and what we would print wound be different
        debug_logging_enabled = False

        # Only log if something is different from the last time we logged
        if self.lastLoggedThemePath != themePath:
            debug_logging_enabled = True
            self.lastLoggedThemePath = themePath

        log("TunesBackend: themePath = %s" % themePath, debug_logging_enabled)

        # Check if the selection is a Movie Set
        if WindowShowing.isMovieSet():
            movieSetMap = self._getMovieSetFileList()

            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled():
                # Need to make the values part (the path) point to the custom path
                # rather than the video file
                for aKey in movieSetMap.keys():
                    videotitle = normalize_string(aKey)
                    movieSetMap[aKey] = os_path_join(Settings.getCustomPath(),

            if len(movieSetMap) < 1:
                themefile = ThemeFiles(
                    "", debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)
                themefile = ThemeFiles(

        # When the reference is into the database and not the file system
        # then don't return it
        elif themePath.startswith("videodb:"):
            # If in either the Tv Show List or the Movie list then
            # need to stop the theme is selecting the back button
            if WindowShowing.isMovies() or WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles():
                themefile = ThemeFiles(
                    "", debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)
                # Load the previous theme
                themefile = self.newThemeFiles
            if WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
                themefile = MusicThemeFiles(debug_logging_enabled)
                themefile = ThemeFiles(
                    themePath, debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)

                # Check if no themes were found for this item, there is a case if it is a
                # TV Show and it is nested Show-Name/Series-X/Episode-Directory/Episode.ext
                # Then this will not pick up themes in the root of the TV Show directory
                if (not themefile.hasThemes()) and (
                        not Settings.isCustomPathEnabled()
                ) and WindowShowing.isEpisodes():
                    tvshowTitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")
                    if tvshowTitle not in [None, ""]:
                            # Make a call to the database to find out the root path of this TV Show
                            filterStr = '{"operator": "is", "field": "title", "value": "%s"}' % tvshowTitle
                            cmd = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": {"properties": ["file"], "filter": %s},"id": 1 }' % filterStr
                            json_query = executeJSONRPC(cmd)
                            json_query = simplejson.loads(json_query)
                            if ("result" in json_query) and (
                                    'tvshows' in json_query['result']):
                                # Get the path to the TV Show and compare it to where we were previously
                                # looking
                                tvshowList = json_query['result']['tvshows']
                                if len(tvshowList) == 1:
                                    tvshowPath = json_query['result'][
                                    # Make sure we have not already checked this path
                                    # We will already have checked the parent path as well
                                    if (tvshowPath != themePath) and (
                                            tvshowPath !=
                                        # So we know that we haven't checked the root of this TV Show yet
                                            "TunesBackend: Checking root TV Show Path = %s"
                                            % tvshowPath,
                                        themefile = ThemeFiles(
                                "TunesBackend: Failed to check root TV Show %s"
                                % traceback.format_exc(),

        return themefile
Пример #9
    def runAsAService(self):
        logVideoLibraryNotShowing = True

        while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested():
            # Wait a little before starting the check each time

            # Check the forced TV Tunes status at the start of the loop, if this is True
            # then we don't want to stop themes until the next iteration, this stops the case
            # where some checks are done and the value changes part was through a single
            # loop iteration
            isForcedTvTunesContinue = WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePlaying(

            # Stop the theme if the shutdown menu appears - it normally means
            # we are about to shut the system down, so get ahead of the game
            if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu():

            # NOTE: The screensaver kicking in will only be picked up if the option
            # "Use Visualization if Playing Audio" is disabled
            if WindowShowing.isScreensaver():
                if self.isAlive:
                    log("TunesBackend: Screensaver active")

                    # It may be possible that we stopped for the screen-saver about to kick in
                    # If we are using Gotham or higher, it is possible for us to re-kick off the
                    # screen-saver, otherwise the action of us stopping the theme will reset the
                    # timeout and the user will have to wait longer
                    log("TunesBackend: Restarting screensaver that TvTunes stopped"
                    executebuiltin("ActivateScreensaver", True)

            # Check if TvTunes is blocked from playing any themes
            if xbmcgui.Window(10025).getProperty('TvTunesBlocked') not in [
                    None, ""

            if (not WindowShowing.isVideoLibrary()) and (
                    not WindowShowing.isMusicSection()):
                log("TunesBackend: Video Library no longer visible",
                logVideoLibraryNotShowing = False
                # End playing cleanly (including any fade out) and then stop everything
                logVideoLibraryNotShowing = True

            # There is a valid page selected and there is currently nothing playing
            if self.isPlayingZone(
            ) and not WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePrevious():
                newThemes = self.getThemes()
                if self.newThemeFiles != newThemes:
                    self.newThemeFiles = newThemes

            # Check if the file path has changed, if so there is a new file to play
            if self.newThemeFiles != self.oldThemeFiles and self.newThemeFiles.hasThemes(
                log("TunesBackend: old path: %s" %
                log("TunesBackend: new path: %s" %
                if self.start_playing():
                    # Now that playing has started, update the current themes that are being used
                    self.oldThemeFiles = self.newThemeFiles

            # Check the operations where we are currently running and we need to stop
            # playing the current theme
            if self.isAlive:
                if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme():
                    # There is no theme at this location, so make sure we are stopped
                    if not self.newThemeFiles.hasThemes():
                        log("TunesBackend: No themes to play for current item")
                        self.isAlive = False
                    # This will occur when a theme has stopped playing, maybe is is not set to loop
                    # There can be a delay when playing between playlist items, so give it a little
                    # time to start playing the next one
                    themeIsStillPlaying = False
                    maxLoop = 500
                    while (maxLoop > 0) and (not themeIsStillPlaying):
                        maxLoop = maxLoop - 1
                        if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme():
                            themeIsStillPlaying = True

                    if not themeIsStillPlaying:
                        log("TunesBackend: playing ended, restoring settings")
                        self.isAlive = False

            # This is the case where the user has moved from within an area where the themes
            # to an area where the theme is no longer played, so it will trigger a stop and
            # reset everything to highlight that nothing is playing
            if (not self.isPlayingZone()) and (not isForcedTvTunesContinue):
                # Check for the case where we are playing the trailer as a theme
                # video, if so we want to stop the trailer playing when the video
                # information screen is displayed. If we don't, when the trailer is
                # started then TvTunes will automatically stop it
                if Settings.useTrailers() and WindowShowing.isMovieInformation(
                ) and self.themePlayer.isPlayingTrailerTheme():

            # Check to see if the setting to restrict the theme duration is enabled
            # and if it is we need to stop the current theme playing

        # We have finished running, just make one last check to ensure
        # we do not need to stop any audio
        del self.themePlayer