class Authentication: """ Code responsible for the Authentication """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise object """ self._auth = Auth(kodiutils.get_setting('username'), kodiutils.get_setting('password'), kodiutils.get_setting('loginprovider'), kodiutils.get_setting('profile'), kodiutils.get_tokens_path()) self._api = Api(self._auth) @staticmethod def verify_credentials(): """ Verify if the user has credentials and if they are valid. """ retry = False while True: # Check if the user has credentials if retry or not kodiutils.get_setting( 'username') or not kodiutils.get_setting('password'): # Ask user to fill in his credentials if not kodiutils.yesno_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize( 30701)): # You need to configure your credentials... # The user doesn't want to do this. Abort to Home screen. return False kodiutils.open_settings() try: # Create Auth object so we actually do a login. Auth(kodiutils.get_setting('username'), kodiutils.get_setting('password'), kodiutils.get_setting('loginprovider'), kodiutils.get_setting('profile'), kodiutils.get_tokens_path()) return True except InvalidLoginException: kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize( 30203)) # Your credentials are not valid! retry = True except NoStreamzSubscriptionException: kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize( 30201)) # Your Streamz account has no valid subscription! retry = True except NoTelenetSubscriptionException: kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize( 30202)) # Your Telenet account has no valid subscription! retry = True except LoginErrorException as exc: kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize( 30702, code=exc.code)) # Unknown error while logging in: {code} return False except HTTPError as exc: kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize( 30702, code='HTTP %d' % exc.response.status_code) ) # Unknown error while logging in: {code} return False def select_profile(self, key=None): """ Show your profiles. :type key: str """ profiles = self._auth.get_profiles() # Show warning when you have no profiles if not profiles: # Your account has no profiles defined. Please login on and create a profile. kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize(30703)) kodiutils.end_of_directory() return # Select the first profile when you only have one if len(profiles) == 1: key = profiles[0].key # Save the selected profile if key: profile = [x for x in profiles if x.key == key][0] _LOGGER.debug('Setting profile to %s', profile) kodiutils.set_setting('profile', '%s:%s' % (profile.key, profile.product)) kodiutils.set_setting('profile_name', kodiutils.redirect(kodiutils.url_for('show_main_menu')) return # Show profile selection when you have multiple profiles listing = [ TitleItem( title=self._get_profile_name(p), path=kodiutils.url_for('select_profile', key=p.key), art_dict=dict(icon='DefaultUser.png'), info_dict=dict(, ), ) for p in profiles ] kodiutils.show_listing(listing, sort=['unsorted'], category=30057) # Select Profile @staticmethod def _get_profile_name(profile): """ Get a descriptive string of the profile. :type profile: resources.lib.streamz.Profile """ title = # Convert the Streamz Profile color to a matching Kodi color color_map = { '#F20D3A': 'red', '#FF0A5A': 'crimson', '#FF4B00': 'darkorange', '#FED71F': 'gold', '#5EFF74': 'palegreen', '#0DF2E8': 'turquoise', '#226DFF': 'dodgerblue', '#6900CC': 'blueviolet', } if color_map.get(profile.color.upper()): title = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (color_map.get( profile.color.upper()), kodiutils.to_unicode(title)) # Append (Kids) if profile.product == 'STREAMZ_KIDS': title = "%s (Kids)" % title return title
class Authentication: """ Code responsible for the Authentication """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise object """ self._auth = Auth(kodiutils.get_tokens_path()) def login(self): """ Start the authorisation flow. """ auth_info = self._auth.authorize() # Show the authorization message progress_dialog = kodiutils.progress( message=kodiutils.localize(30701, url=auth_info.get('verification_uri'), code=auth_info.get('user_code'))) progress_dialog.update(0) # Check the authorization until it succeeds or the user cancels. delay = auth_info.get('interval') expiry = auth_info.get('expires_in') time_start = time_end = time_start + timedelta(seconds=expiry) while < time_end: # Update progress progress_dialog.update( int(( - time_start).seconds * 100 / expiry)) # Check if the users has cancelled the login flow if progress_dialog.iscanceled(): progress_dialog.close() return # Check if we are authorized now check = self._auth.authorize_check() if check: progress_dialog.close() kodiutils.notification(kodiutils.localize(30702)) kodiutils.redirect(kodiutils.url_for('show_main_menu')) return # Sleep a bit sleep(delay) # Close progress indicator progress_dialog.close() kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize(30703)) def select_profile(self, key=None): """ Show your profiles. :type key: str """ profiles = self._auth.get_profiles() # Show warning when you have no profiles if not profiles: # Your account has no profiles defined. Please login on and create a profile. kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize(30704)) kodiutils.end_of_directory() return # Select the first profile when you only have one if len(profiles) == 1: key = profiles[0].key # Save the selected profile if key: profile = [x for x in profiles if x.key == key][0] _LOGGER.debug('Setting profile to %s', profile) self._auth.set_profile(profile.key, profile.product) kodiutils.redirect(kodiutils.url_for('show_main_menu')) return # Show profile selection when you have multiple profiles listing = [ TitleItem( title=self._get_profile_name(p), path=kodiutils.url_for('select_profile', key=p.key), art_dict=dict(icon='DefaultUser.png'), info_dict=dict(, ), ) for p in profiles ] kodiutils.show_listing(listing, sort=['unsorted'], category=30057) # Select Profile @staticmethod def _get_profile_name(profile): """ Get a descriptive string of the profile. :type profile: resources.lib.streamz.Profile """ title = # Convert the Streamz Profile color to a matching Kodi color color_map = { '#F20D3A': 'red', '#FF0A5A': 'crimson', '#FF4B00': 'darkorange', '#FED71F': 'gold', '#5EFF74': 'palegreen', '#0DF2E8': 'turquoise', '#226DFF': 'dodgerblue', '#6900CC': 'blueviolet', } if color_map.get(profile.color.upper()): title = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (color_map.get( profile.color.upper()), kodiutils.to_unicode(title)) # Append (Kids) if profile.product == PRODUCT_STREAMZ_KIDS: title = "%s (Kids)" % title return title def clear_tokens(self): """ Clear the authentication tokens """ self._auth.logout() kodiutils.notification(message=kodiutils.localize(30706))
class Authentication: """ Code responsible for the Authentication """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise object """ self._auth = Auth(kodiutils.get_setting('username'), kodiutils.get_setting('password'), kodiutils.get_setting('loginprovider'), kodiutils.get_setting('profile'), kodiutils.get_tokens_path()) self._api = Api(self._auth) def select_profile(self, key=None): """ Show your profiles :type key: str """ profiles = self._auth.get_profiles() # Show warning when you have no profiles if not profiles: # Your account has no profiles defined. Please login on and create a profile. kodiutils.ok_dialog(message=kodiutils.localize(30703)) kodiutils.end_of_directory() return # Select the first profile when you only have one if len(profiles) == 1: key = profiles[0].key # Save the selected profile if key: profile = [x for x in profiles if x.key == key][0] _LOGGER.debug('Setting profile to %s', profile) kodiutils.set_setting('profile', '%s:%s' % (profile.key, profile.product)) kodiutils.set_setting('profile_name', kodiutils.redirect(kodiutils.url_for('show_main_menu')) return # Show profile selection when you have multiple profiles listing = [ TitleItem( title=self._get_profile_name(p), path=kodiutils.url_for('select_profile', key=p.key), art_dict=dict(icon='DefaultUser.png'), info_dict=dict(, ), ) for p in profiles ] kodiutils.show_listing(listing, sort=['unsorted'], category=30057) # Select Profile @staticmethod def _get_profile_name(profile): """ Get a descriptive string of the profile :type profile: resources.lib.streamz.Profile """ title = # Convert the Streamz Profile color to a matching Kodi color color_map = { '#F20D3A': 'red', '#FF0A5A': 'crimson', '#FF4B00': 'darkorange', '#FED71F': 'gold', '#5EFF74': 'palegreen', '#0DF2E8': 'turquoise', '#226DFF': 'dodgerblue', '#6900CC': 'blueviolet', } if color_map.get(profile.color.upper()): title = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (color_map.get( profile.color.upper()), kodiutils.to_unicode(title)) # Append (Kids) if profile.product == 'STREAMZ_KIDS': title = "%s (Kids)" % title return title