Пример #1
 def display_lectures(self, url):
     """displays the lectures for a given course url"""
     html = urlread(url)
     #get the div which contains all of the <li> lecture tags
     div_tag = BS(html, parseOnlyThese=SS('div', {'class': 'results-list'}))
     #parse the name, url, desc, tn for each lecture
     dirs = [{'name': li.h4.a.text,
              'htmlurl': self._urljoin(li.h4.a['href']),
              'info': {'plot': li.p.text, 'title': li.h4.a.text},
                 li.find('img', {'class': 'thumb-144'})['src'])}
              for li in div_tag('li')]
     #for each dir, download the lecture's html page and parse the video url
     self.dp = DialogProgress(self.getString(30000),
     urls = [d['htmlurl'] for d in dirs]
     responses = async_urlread(urls, self.dp)
     [d.update({'url': self._get_video_url(response)}) 
         for d, response in zip(dirs, responses)]
     #filter out lectures that don't have urls, currently a fix for a chem
     #course which contains a bad link to a lecture
     dirs = filter(lambda d: d['url'] != None, dirs)
Пример #2
 def display_courses(self, url):
     """Takes a topic url and displays all courses"""
     html = urlread(url)
     courses, lectures = self._get_courses_lectures(html)
     #add listings to UI, courses first, lectures at the bottom.
     self.add_dirs(courses, end=False)
Пример #3
    def display_genres(self, url):
        src = urlread(url)
        #fix terrible html
        src = src.replace('</font color>', '</font>')
        src = src.replace(r'<ol class=\"latestnews \">', '<ol class="latestnews">')

        div_tag =  BS(src, parseOnlyThese=SS('div', {'id': 'rightcol'}))
        dirs = [{'name': a.span.string.replace('&amp;', '&'),
                 'url': self._urljoin(a['href']),
                 'mode': '1'}
                 for a in div_tag.find('div', {'class': 'moduletable'})('a')]
        print dirs
Пример #4
 def display_subjects(self, url):
     """Takes a url and displays subjects."""
     html = urlread(url)
     div_tags = BS(html, 
                   parseOnlyThese=SS('div', {'class': 'institution-list'}))
     #Build the list of subjects.  Sometimes there is more than one div_tag,
     #so loop through each div_tag, and then for each div_tag, loop through
     #all the <a> tags and parse the subject information.
     dirs = [{'name': a.text,
              'url': self._urljoin(a['href']),
              'mode': '1'}
              for div in div_tags for a in div('a')]
     #Filter out the paid courses subjects
     dirs = [d for d in dirs if d['name'] not in IGNORE_LIST]
Пример #5
 def display_topics(self, url):
     """Takes a subject url and displays a list of all topics on the page"""
     html = urlread(url)
     #get the div which contains all of the topic <a> tags
     div_topics = BS(html, 
                     parseOnlyThese=SS('div', {'class': 'results-side'}))
     #create the list of dirs by parsing all the a tags in the div
     dirs = [{'name': a.text, 'url': self._urljoin(a['href']), 'mode': '2'} 
             for a in div_topics('a')]
     #filter out paid courses and the 'All' listing, since we build our own
     dirs = [d for d in dirs if d['name'].startswith('Online') == False and
             'Courses for Credit' not in d['name'] and
             d['name'].startswith('All') == False]
     #make the first choice on the list = 'View All'
     dirs.insert(0, {'name': self.getString(30100), 
                     'url': url, 'mode': '4'})
Пример #6
 def display_allresults(self, url):
     """displays all results for a given url, used on a subject page t lis
     all video results without having to drill down into each category"""
     #dp = self.xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
     html = urlread(url)
     #get the div which contains all of the topic <a> tags
     div_topics = BS(html, 
                     parseOnlyThese=SS('div', {'class': 'results-side'}))
     #create a list of urls for all topics
     topic_urls = [self._urljoin(a['href']) for a in div_topics('a')
         if a.text.startswith('Online') == False and
         'Credit' not in a.text and not a.text.startswith('All')]
     self.dp = DialogProgress(self.getString(30000),
                              num_steps=(2 * len(topic_urls)))
     topic_htmls = async_urlread(topic_urls, self.dp)
     courses, lectures = self._get_courses_lectures(topic_htmls)
     courses = sorted(courses, key=lambda c: c['name'])
     lectures = sorted(lectures, key=lambda l: l['name'])
     self.add_dirs(courses, end=False)