def reload_fix(default=None): from resources.libs import db from resources.libs.common import logging from resources.libs import skin from resources.libs import update dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR red]ADVERTENCIA:[/COLOR] [COLOR {0}] A veces, Recargando el Perfil hace que Kodi se bloquee. Mientras Kodi está Recargando el Perfil, Por Favor No Presione Ningún Botón![/COLOR]" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) if not os.path.exists(CONFIG.PACKAGES): os.makedirs(CONFIG.PACKAGES) if default is None: skin.look_and_feel_data('save') redo_thumbs() xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(Home)') reload_profile() xbmc.sleep(10000) if CONFIG.KODIV >= 17: db.kodi_17_fix() if default is None: logging.log("Switching to: {0}".format( CONFIG.get_setting('defaultskin'))) gotoskin = CONFIG.get_setting('defaultskin') skin.switch_to_skin(gotoskin) skin.look_and_feel_data('restore') update.addon_updates('reset') update.force_update() xbmc.executebuiltin("ReloadSkin()")
def reload_fix(default=None): from resources.libs import db from resources.libs.common import logging from resources.libs import skin from resources.libs import update dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]WARNING: Sometimes Reloading the Profile causes Kodi to crash. While Kodi is Reloading the Profile Please Do Not Press Any Buttons![/COLOR]".format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) if not os.path.exists(CONFIG.PACKAGES): os.makedirs(CONFIG.PACKAGES) if default is None: skin.look_and_feel_data('save') redo_thumbs() xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(Home)') reload_profile() xbmc.sleep(10000) if CONFIG.KODIV >= 17: db.kodi_17_fix() if default is None: logging.log("Switching to: {0}".format(CONFIG.get_setting('defaultskin'))) gotoskin = CONFIG.get_setting('defaultskin') skin.switch_to_skin(gotoskin) skin.look_and_feel_data('restore') update.addon_updates('reset') update.force_update() xbmc.executebuiltin("ReloadSkin()")
def reload_fix(default=None): from resources.libs import db from resources.libs.common import logging from resources.libs import skin from resources.libs import update dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]AVISO: Às vezes, recarregar o perfil causa o travamento do Kodi. Enquanto Kodi estiver recarregando o perfil, não pressione nenhum botão![/COLOR]" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) if not os.path.exists(CONFIG.PACKAGES): os.makedirs(CONFIG.PACKAGES) if default is None: skin.look_and_feel_data('save') redo_thumbs() xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(Home)') reload_profile() xbmc.sleep(10000) if CONFIG.KODIV >= 17: db.kodi_17_fix() if default is None: logging.log("Switching to: {0}".format( CONFIG.get_setting('defaultskin'))) gotoskin = CONFIG.get_setting('defaultskin') skin.switch_to_skin(gotoskin) skin.look_and_feel_data('restore') update.addon_updates('reset') update.force_update() xbmc.executebuiltin("ReloadSkin()")
def install_addon_from_url(name, url): from resources.libs.downloader import Downloader from resources.libs import db from resources.libs import extract from resources.libs.common import logging from resources.libs import skin from resources.libs.common import tools progress_dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() response = tools.open_url(url, check=True) if not response: logging.log_notify( "[COLOR {0}]Addon Installer[/COLOR]".format(CONFIG.COLOR1), '[COLOR {0}]{1}:[/COLOR] [COLOR {2}]Invalid Zip Url![/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR1, name, CONFIG.COLOR2)) return if not os.path.exists(CONFIG.PACKAGES): os.makedirs(CONFIG.PACKAGES) progress_dialog.create( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}][B]Downloading:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, name), '', '[COLOR {0}]Please Wait[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) urlsplits = url.split('/') lib = os.path.join(CONFIG.PACKAGES, urlsplits[-1]) try: os.remove(lib) except: pass Downloader().download(url, lib) title = '[COLOR {0}][B]Installing:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, name) progress_dialog.update( 0, title, '', '[COLOR {0}]Please Wait[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) percent, errors, error = extract.all(lib, CONFIG.ADDONS, title=title) progress_dialog.update( 0, title, '', '[COLOR {0}]Installing Dependencies[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) installed(name) installlist = db.grab_addons(lib) logging.log(str(installlist)) db.addon_database(installlist, 1, True) install_dependency(name, progress_dialog) progress_dialog.close() xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateAddonRepos()') xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLocalAddons()') xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh()') for item in installlist: if item.startswith('skin.') and not item == 'skin.shortcuts': if not CONFIG.BUILDNAME == '' and CONFIG.DEFAULTIGNORE == 'true': CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') skin.switch_to_skin(item, 'Skin Installer')
def install_skin(self, name, url): from resources.libs.downloader import Downloader from resources.libs import db from resources.libs import extract from resources.libs.common import logging from resources.libs import skin from resources.libs.common import tools progress_dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() response = tools.open_url(url, check=False) if not response: logging.log_notify( "[COLOR {0}]Instalador de Add-ons[/COLOR]".format( CONFIG.COLOR1), '[COLOR {0}]{1}:[/COLOR] [COLOR {2}]Url del Zip Inválida![/COLOR]' .format(CONFIG.COLOR1, name, CONFIG.COLOR2)) return if not os.path.exists(CONFIG.PACKAGES): os.makedirs(CONFIG.PACKAGES) progress_dialog.create( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}][B]Descargando:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, name) + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Espere por Favor[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) urlsplits = url.split('/') lib = xbmc.makeLegalFilename( os.path.join(CONFIG.PACKAGES, urlsplits[-1])) try: os.remove(lib) except: pass Downloader().download(url, lib) title = '[COLOR {0}][B]Instalando:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, name) progress_dialog.update( 0, title + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Espere por Favor[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) percent, errors, error = extract.all(lib, CONFIG.HOME, title=title) installed = db.grab_addons(lib) db.addon_database(installed, 1, True) progress_dialog.close() logging.log_notify( "[COLOR {0}]Instalador de Add-ons[/COLOR]".format(CONFIG.COLOR1), '[COLOR {0}]{1}: Instalado![/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2, name)) xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateAddonRepos()') xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLocalAddons()') for item in installed: if item.startswith('skin.') and not item == 'skin.shortcuts': if not CONFIG.BUILDNAME == '' and CONFIG.DEFAULTIGNORE == 'true': CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') skin.switch_to_skin(item, 'Skin Installer') xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh()')
def install_addon_from_url(self, plugin, url): from resources.libs.downloader import Downloader from resources.libs import db from resources.libs import extract from resources.libs import skin response = tools.open_url(url, check=True) if not response: logging.log_notify( "[COLOR {0}]Instalador de Add-ons[/COLOR]".format( CONFIG.COLOR1), '[COLOR {0}]{1}:[/COLOR] [COLOR {2}]URL inválido zip![/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR1, plugin, CONFIG.COLOR2)) return tools.ensure_folders(CONFIG.PACKAGES) self.progress_dialog.create( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}][B]Descargando:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, plugin) + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Espere por Favor[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) urlsplits = url.split('/') lib = os.path.join(CONFIG.PACKAGES, urlsplits[-1]) try: os.remove(lib) except: pass Downloader().download(url, lib) title = '[COLOR {0}][B]Instalando:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, plugin) self.progress_dialog.update( 0, title + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Espere por Favor[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) percent, errors, error = extract.all(lib, CONFIG.ADDONS, title=title) self.progress_dialog.update( 0, title + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Instalando Dependencias[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) installed(plugin) installlist = db.grab_addons(lib) logging.log(str(installlist)) db.addon_database(installlist, 1, True) self.install_dependency(plugin) self.progress_dialog.close() xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateAddonRepos()') xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLocalAddons()') xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh()') for item in installlist: if item.startswith('skin.') and not item == 'skin.shortcuts': if not CONFIG.BUILDNAME == '' and CONFIG.DEFAULTIGNORE == 'true': CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') skin.switch_to_skin(item, 'Skin Installer')
def theme(self, name, theme='', over=False): installtheme = False if not theme: themefile = check.check_build(name, 'theme') response = tools.open_url(themefile, check=True) if response: from resources.libs.gui.build_menu import BuildMenu themes = BuildMenu().theme_count(name, False) if len(themes) > 0: if self.dialog.yesno( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]The Build [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR] comes with [COLOR {3}]{4}[/COLOR] different themes" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, name, CONFIG.COLOR1, len(themes)), "Would you like to install one now?[/COLOR]", yeslabel= "[B][COLOR springgreen]Install Theme[/COLOR][/B]", nolabel="[B][COLOR red]Cancel Themes[/COLOR][/B]"): logging.log("Theme List: {0}".format(str(themes))) ret =, themes) logging.log("Theme install selected: {0}".format(ret)) if not ret == -1: theme = themes[ret] installtheme = True else: logging.log_notify( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}]Theme Install: Cancelled![/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) return else: logging.log_notify( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}]Theme Install: Cancelled![/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) return else: logging.log_notify( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}]Theme Install: None Found![/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2)) else: installtheme = self.dialog.yesno( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}]Would you like to install the theme:'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2), '[COLOR {0}]{1}[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR1, theme), 'for [COLOR {0}]{1} v{2}[/COLOR]?[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR1, name, check.check_build(name, 'version')), yeslabel="[B][COLOR springgreen]Install Theme[/COLOR][/B]", nolabel="[B][COLOR red]Cancel Themes[/COLOR][/B]") if installtheme: themezip = check.check_theme(name, theme, 'url') zipname = name.replace('\\', '').replace('/', '').replace( ':', '').replace('*', '').replace('?', '').replace('"', '').replace( '<', '').replace('>', '').replace('|', '') response = tools.open_url(themezip, check=True) if not response: logging.log_notify( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}]Theme Install: Invalid Zip Url![/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) return False self.dialogProgress.create( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}][B]Downloading:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]' .format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, theme), '', 'Please Wait') lib = os.path.join(CONFIG.PACKAGES, '{0}.zip'.format(zipname)) try: os.remove(lib) except: pass Downloader().download(themezip, lib) xbmc.sleep(500) if os.path.getsize(lib) == 0: try: os.remove(lib) except: pass return self.dialogProgress.update(0, "", "Installing {0}".format(name)) test1 = False test2 = False from resources.libs import skin from resources.libs import test test1 = test.test_theme( lib) if CONFIG.SKIN not in skin.DEFAULT_SKINS else False test2 = test.test_gui( lib) if CONFIG.SKIN not in skin.DEFAULT_SKINS else False if test1: skin.look_and_feel_data('save') swap = skin.skin_to_default('Theme Install') if not swap: return False xbmc.sleep(500) title = '[COLOR {0}][B]Installing Theme:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, theme) self.dialogProgress.update(0, title, '', 'Please Wait') percent, errors, error = extract.all(lib, CONFIG.HOME, title=title) CONFIG.set_setting('buildtheme', theme) logging.log('INSTALLED {0}: [ERRORS:{1}]'.format(percent, errors)) self.dialogProgress.close() db.force_check_updates(over=True) installed = db.grab_addons(lib) db.addon_database(installed, 1, True) if test2: skin.look_and_feel_data('save') skin.skin_to_default("Theme Install") gotoskin = CONFIG.get_setting('defaultskin') skin.switch_to_skin(gotoskin, "Theme Installer") skin.look_and_feel_data('restore') elif test1: skin.look_and_feel_data('save') skin.skin_to_default("Theme Install") gotoskin = CONFIG.get_setting('defaultskin') skin.switch_to_skin(gotoskin, "Theme Installer") skin.look_and_feel_data('restore') else: xbmc.executebuiltin("ReloadSkin()") xbmc.sleep(1000) xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh()") else: logging.log_notify( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}]Theme Install: Cancelled![/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2))
def check_skin(): from resources.libs.common import logging from resources.libs.common import tools dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() logging.log("[Build Check] Invalid Skin Check Start") gotoskin = False if not CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN == '': if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CONFIG.ADDONS, CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN)): if dialog.yesno( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]It seems that the skin has been set back to [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, CONFIG.SKIN[5:].title()), "Would you like to set the skin back to:[/COLOR]", '[COLOR {0}]{1}[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR1, CONFIG.DEFAULTNAME)): gotoskin = CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN gotoname = CONFIG.DEFAULTNAME else: logging.log("Skin was not reset") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') gotoskin = False else: CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskin', '') CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinname', '') CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN = '' CONFIG.DEFAULTNAME = '' if CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN == '': skinname = [] skinlist = [] for folder in glob.glob(os.path.join(CONFIG.ADDONS, 'skin.*/')): xml = "{0}/addon.xml".format(folder) if os.path.exists(xml): g = tools.read_from_file(xml).replace('\n', '').replace( '\r', '').replace('\t', '') match = tools.parse_dom(g, 'addon', ret='id') match2 = tools.parse_dom(g, 'addon', ret='name') logging.log("{0}: {1}".format(folder, str(match[0]))) if len(match) > 0: skinlist.append(str(match[0])) skinname.append(str(match2[0])) else: logging.log("ID not found for {0}".format(folder)) else: logging.log("ID not found for {0}".format(folder)) if len(skinlist) > 0: if len(skinlist) > 1: if dialog.yesno( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]It seems that the skin has been set back to [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, CONFIG.SKIN[5:].title()), "Would you like to view a list of avaliable skins?[/COLOR]" ): choice ="Select skin to switch to!", skinname) if choice == -1: logging.log("Skin was not reset") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') else: gotoskin = skinlist[choice] gotoname = skinname[choice] else: logging.log("Skin was not reset") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') else: if dialog.yesno( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]It seems that the skin has been set back to [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, CONFIG.SKIN[5:].title()), "Would you like to set the skin back to:[/COLOR]", '[COLOR {0}]{1}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR1, skinname[0])): gotoskin = skinlist[0] gotoname = skinname[0] else: logging.log("Skin was not reset") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') else: logging.log("No skins found in addons folder.") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') gotoskin = False if gotoskin: from resources.libs import skin if skin.switch_to_skin(gotoskin): skin.look_and_feel_data('restore') logging.log("[Build Check] Invalid Skin Check End")
def check_skin(): from resources.libs.common import logging from resources.libs.common import tools dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() logging.log( "[Verificación Build] Inicio de Comprobación del Skin Inválido") gotoskin = False if not CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN == '': if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CONFIG.ADDONS, CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN)): if dialog.yesno( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]Parece que el skin se ha vuelto a poner [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, CONFIG.SKIN[5:].title()) + '\n' + "Le gustaría volver a poner el skin en:[/COLOR]" + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]{1}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR1, CONFIG.DEFAULTNAME)): gotoskin = CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN gotoname = CONFIG.DEFAULTNAME else: logging.log("El Skin no se reseteó") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') gotoskin = False else: CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskin', '') CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinname', '') CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN = '' CONFIG.DEFAULTNAME = '' if CONFIG.DEFAULTSKIN == '': skinname = [] skinlist = [] for folder in glob.glob(os.path.join(CONFIG.ADDONS, 'skin.*/')): xml = "{0}/addon.xml".format(folder) if os.path.exists(xml): g = tools.read_from_file(xml).replace('\n', '').replace( '\r', '').replace('\t', '') match = tools.parse_dom(g, 'addon', ret='id') match2 = tools.parse_dom(g, 'addon', ret='name') logging.log("{0}: {1}".format(folder, str(match[0]))) if len(match) > 0: skinlist.append(str(match[0])) skinname.append(str(match2[0])) else: logging.log("ID no encontrado para {0}".format(folder)) else: logging.log("ID no encontrado para {0}".format(folder)) if len(skinlist) > 0: if len(skinlist) > 1: if dialog.yesno( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]Parece que el skin se ha vuelto a poner [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, CONFIG.SKIN[5:].title()) + '\n' + "Le gustaría ver una lista de skins disponibles?[/COLOR]" ): choice = "Seleccione el skin para cambiarlo!", skinname) if choice == -1: logging.log("El Skin no se reseteó") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') else: gotoskin = skinlist[choice] gotoname = skinname[choice] else: logging.log("El Skin no se reseteó") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') else: if dialog.yesno( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR {0}]Parece que el skin se ha vuelto a poner [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]" .format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, CONFIG.SKIN[5:].title()) + '\n' + "Le gustaría volver a poner el skin en:[/COLOR]" + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]{1}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR1, skinname[0])): gotoskin = skinlist[0] gotoname = skinname[0] else: logging.log("El Skin no se reseteó") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') else: logging.log("No se encontraron skins en la carpeta de addons.") CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') gotoskin = False if gotoskin: from resources.libs import skin if skin.switch_to_skin(gotoskin): skin.look_and_feel_data('restore') logging.log("[Verificación Build] Fin de Comprobación del Skin Invalido")
def install_skin(self, name, url): from resources.libs.downloader import Downloader from resources.libs import db from resources.libs import extract from resources.libs.common import logging from resources.libs import skin from resources.libs.common import tools if 78 - 78: O0.oO0o.II111iiii % OOooOOo O0oOoOOOoOO = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() if 49 - 49: Ii1I / OoO0O00.II111iiii oo0Ooo0 = tools.open_url(url, check=False) if 68 - 68: i11iIiiIii % I1ii11iIi11i + i11iIiiIii if not oo0Ooo0: logging.log_notify( "[COLOR {0}]Addon Installer[/COLOR]".format(CONFIG.COLOR1), '[COLOR {0}]{1}:[/COLOR] [COLOR {2}]Invalid Zip Url![/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR1, name, CONFIG.COLOR2)) return if 31 - 31: II111iiii.I1IiiI if not os.path.exists(CONFIG.PACKAGES): os.makedirs(CONFIG.PACKAGES) if 1 - 1: Oo0Ooo / o0oOOo0O0Ooo % o0OO0 * Oo0ooO0oo0oO.i11iIiiIii O0oOoOOOoOO.create( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}][B]Baixando:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, name) + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Por favor, aguarde[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) if 2 - 2: I1ii11iIi11i * I11i - iIii1I11I1II1 + I1IiiI.oO0o % o0OO0 Ii11Ii1I = url.split('/') O00oO = xbmc.makeLegalFilename( os.path.join(CONFIG.PACKAGES, Ii11Ii1I[-1])) try: os.remove(O00oO) except: pass Downloader().download(url, O00oO) I1 = '[COLOR {0}][B]Baixando:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, name) O0oOoOOOoOO.update( 0, I1 + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Por favor, aguarde[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) OO00Oo, O0OOO0OOoO0O, O00Oo000ooO0 = extract.all(O00oO, CONFIG.HOME, title=I1) IiiIII111iI = db.grab_addons(O00oO) db.addon_database(IiiIII111iI, 1, True) O0oOoOOOoOO.close() logging.log_notify( "[COLOR {0}]Addon Installer[/COLOR]".format(CONFIG.COLOR1), '[COLOR {0}]{1}: Installed![/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2, name)) xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateAddonRepos()') xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLocalAddons()') for Oo0oOOo in IiiIII111iI: if Oo0oOOo.startswith('skin.') and not Oo0oOOo == 'skin.shortcuts': if not CONFIG.BUILDNAME == '' and CONFIG.DEFAULTIGNORE == 'true': CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') skin.switch_to_skin(Oo0oOOo, 'Skin Installer') xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh()') # Team KelTec Media'Play
def install_addon_from_url(self, plugin, url): from resources.libs.downloader import Downloader from resources.libs import db from resources.libs import extract from resources.libs import skin if 50 - 50: I1IiiI oo0Ooo0 = tools.open_url(url, check=True) if 34 - 34: I1IiiI * II111iiii % o0OO0 * OoOoOO00 - I1IiiI if not oo0Ooo0: logging.log_notify( "[COLOR {0}]Addon Installer[/COLOR]".format(CONFIG.COLOR1), '[COLOR {0}]{1}:[/COLOR] [COLOR {2}]Invalid Zip Url![/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR1, plugin, CONFIG.COLOR2)) return if 33 - 33: o0oOOo0O0Ooo + OOooOOo * OoO0O00 - Oo0Ooo / oO0o % Ii1I tools.ensure_folders(CONFIG.PACKAGES) if 21 - 21: OoO0O00 * iIii1I11I1II1 % oO0o * i1IIi self.progress_dialog.create( CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR {0}][B]Baixando:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'. format(CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, plugin) + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Por favor, aguarde[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) Ii11Ii1I = url.split('/') O00oO = os.path.join(CONFIG.PACKAGES, Ii11Ii1I[-1]) if 39 - 39: Oo0ooO0oo0oO - II111iiii * OoO0O00 % o0oOOo0O0Ooo * II111iiii % II111iiii try: os.remove(O00oO) except: pass if 59 - 59: iIii1I11I1II1 + I1IiiI - o0oOOo0O0Ooo - I1IiiI + OOooOOo / I1ii11iIi11i Downloader().download(url, O00oO) I1 = '[COLOR {0}][B]Baixando:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR {1}]{2}[/COLOR]'.format( CONFIG.COLOR2, CONFIG.COLOR1, plugin) self.progress_dialog.update( 0, I1 + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Por favor, aguarde[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) OO00Oo, O0OOO0OOoO0O, O00Oo000ooO0 = extract.all(O00oO, CONFIG.ADDONS, title=I1) self.progress_dialog.update( 0, I1 + '\n' + '' + '\n' + '[COLOR {0}]Baixando Dependencies[/COLOR]'.format(CONFIG.COLOR2)) IiiIII111iI(plugin) OoO0O00IIiII = db.grab_addons(O00oO) logging.log(str(OoO0O00IIiII)) db.addon_database(OoO0O00IIiII, 1, True) self.install_dependency(plugin) self.progress_dialog.close() if 80 - 80: Oo0ooO0oo0oO.oO0o xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateAddonRepos()') xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLocalAddons()') xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh()') if 25 - 25: OoOoOO00.II111iiii / o0OO0.OOooOOo * OoO0O00.I1IiiI for Oo0oOOo in OoO0O00IIiII: if Oo0oOOo.startswith('skin.') and not Oo0oOOo == 'skin.shortcuts': if not CONFIG.BUILDNAME == '' and CONFIG.DEFAULTIGNORE == 'true': CONFIG.set_setting('defaultskinignore', 'true') skin.switch_to_skin(Oo0oOOo, 'Skin Installer') if 58 - 58: II111iiii * OOooOOo * I1ii11iIi11i / OOooOOo