try: wiz.copytree(ADDONPATH, newpath) except Exception, e: pass wiz.forceUpdate(True) if not os.path.exists(ADVANCED): writeAdvanced() try: mybuilds = xbmc.translatePath(MYBUILDS) if not os.path.exists(mybuilds): xbmcvfs.mkdirs(mybuilds) except: pass wiz.log("Flushing Aged Cached Text Files") wiz.flushOldCache() wiz.log("[Auto Install Repo] Started", xbmc.LOGNOTICE) if AUTOINSTALL == 'Yes' and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ADDONS, REPOID)): workingxml = wiz.workingURL(REPOADDONXML) if workingxml == True: ver = wiz.parseDOM(wiz.openURL(REPOADDONXML), 'addon', ret='version', attrs={'id': REPOID}) if len(ver) > 0: installzip = '' % (REPOID, ver[0]) workingrepo = wiz.workingURL(REPOZIPURL + installzip) if workingrepo == True: DP.create(ADDONTITLE, 'Downloading Repo...', '', 'Please Wait') if not os.path.exists(PACKAGES): os.makedirs(PACKAGES)
try: wiz.copytree(ADDONPATH, newpath) except Exception, e: pass wiz.forceUpdate(True) if not os.path.exists(ADVANCED): writeAdvanced() try: mybuilds = xbmc.translatePath(MYBUILDS) if not os.path.exists(mybuilds): xbmcvfs.mkdirs(mybuilds) except: pass wiz.log("Flushing Aged Cached Text Files") wiz.flushOldCache() wiz.log("[Auto Install Repo] Started", xbmc.LOGNOTICE) if AUTOINSTALL == 'Yes' and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ADDONS, REPOID)): workingxml = wiz.workingURL(REPOADDONXML) if workingxml == True: ver = wiz.parseDOM(wiz.openURL(REPOADDONXML), 'addon', ret='version', attrs = {'id': REPOID}) if len(ver) > 0: installzip = '' % (REPOID, ver[0]) workingrepo = wiz.workingURL(REPOZIPURL+installzip) if workingrepo == True: DP.create(ADDONTITLE,'Downloading Repo...','', 'Please Wait') if not os.path.exists(PACKAGES): os.makedirs(PACKAGES) lib=os.path.join(PACKAGES, installzip) try: os.remove(lib) except: pass