Пример #1
def joke(intent_request):
    """Fulfillment for telling the user a joke."""

    # Clear session attributes to avoid confusion
    if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None:
        session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes']
        helper.try_ex(lambda: session_attributes.pop('lastParkingRequest'))

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'FulfillmentCodeHook':
        lamfunc.logger.debug('tell user joke')

        message = [
            "When is a car not a car? When it turns into a driveway.",
            "I couldn't figure out how to fasten my seatbelt. Then it "
            "What do you do when you see a spaceman? Park in it, man.",
            "I got complimented on my parking today. Someone left a note that "
            "said PARKING FINE."

        index = randint(0, 3)  # Choose random message.

        return response.close(
            'Fulfilled', {
                'contentType': 'PlainText',
                'content': message[index]

    raise Exception('Error fulfilling joke intent')
Пример #2
def get_comp(intent_request, key):
    Performs dialog management and fulfillment for getting phone number.
    Beyond fulfillment, the implementation of this intent demonstrates the use of the elicitSlot dialog action
    in slot validation and re-prompting.

    app_purpose = response.get_slots(intent_request)['rcomplaint']
    app_name = response.get_slots(intent_request)['rname']
    app_email = response.get_slots(intent_request)['remail']
    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'DialogCodeHook':
        slots = response.get_slots(intent_request)

        output_session_attributes = intent_request[
            'sessionAttributes'] if intent_request[
                'sessionAttributes'] is not None else {}
        if app_purpose is not None and app_name is not None and app_email is not None:

            memail = db_handlerapp(key)

                'app_state'] = "added to bot"  # Elegant pricing model

        return response.delegate(output_session_attributes,

    # Order the flowers, and rely on the goodbye message of the bot to define the message to the end user.
    # In a real bot, this would likely involve a call to a backend service.
    return response.close(
        intent_request['sessionAttributes'], 'Fulfilled', {
            'contentType': 'PlainText',
            'content': 'Complaint Registered and confirmation Email Sent'
Пример #3
def closing(intent_request):
    """Fulfillment for closing the conversation with the user."""

    # Clear session attributes to avoid confusion
    if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None:
        session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes']
        helper.try_ex(lambda: session_attributes.pop('lastParkingRequest'))

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'FulfillmentCodeHook':
        lamfunc.logger.debug('close conversation')

        message = [
            'See you later!'

        index = randint(0, 2)  # Choose random message.

        return response.close(
            'Fulfilled', {
                'contentType': 'PlainText',
                'content': message[index]

    raise Exception('Error fulfilling closing intent')
Пример #4
def greeting(intent_request):
    """Fulfillment for greeting the user."""

    # Clear session attributes to avoid confusion
    if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None:
        session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes']
        helper.try_ex(lambda: session_attributes.pop('lastParkingRequest'))

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'FulfillmentCodeHook':
        lamfunc.logger.debug('greet the user')

        message = [
            'Hey there! I can assist you with parking. Try asking me "Where '
            'should I park today?" or "Give me directions to State College '
            'Hello there! Need help parking? I can help you with that.'

        index = randint(0, 1)  # Choose random message.

        return response.close(
            'Fulfilled', {
                'contentType': 'PlainText',
                'content': message[index]

    raise Exception('Error fulfilling greeting intent')
Пример #5
def get_number(intent_request):
    Performs dialog management and fulfillment for getting phone number.
    Beyond fulfillment, the implementation of this intent demonstrates the use of the elicitSlot dialog action
    in slot validation and re-prompting.

    login_id = response.get_slots(intent_request)["loginId"]
    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'DialogCodeHook':
        # Perform basic validation on the supplied input slots.
        # Use the elicitSlot dialog action to re-prompt for the first violation detected.
        slots = response.get_slots(intent_request)

        validation_result = validate_idnum(login_id)
        if not validation_result['isValid']:
            slots[validation_result['violatedSlot']] = None
            return response.elicit_slot(
                intent_request['currentIntent']['name'], slots,

        # Pass the price of the flowers back through session attributes to be used in various prompts defined
        # on the bot model.
        output_session_attributes = intent_request[
            'sessionAttributes'] if intent_request[
                'sessionAttributes'] is not None else {}
        if login_id is not None:
            global key_id
            val = db_handler(login_id)

            if val > 0:
                key_id = str(login_id)
                stateof = 'logged in'
                stateof = 'no such account'
                val = 'not logged in'
                'Number'] = stateof  # Elegant pricing model

        return response.delegate(output_session_attributes,

    # Order the flowers, and rely on the goodbye message of the bot to define the message to the end user.
    # In a real bot, this would likely involve a call to a backend service.

    return response.close(intent_request['sessionAttributes'], 'Fulfilled', {
        'contentType': 'PlainText',
        'content': 'Welcome to Lex chatbot'
Пример #6
def optimal_parking(intent_request):
    """Fulfillment for finding the optimal parking lot to park at."""

    # Find optimal parking lot
    sorted_lots = helper.get_optimal_lots()
    parking_lot = sorted_lots['First']['Name']

    # Use of sessionAttributes to store information that can be used to guide
    # conversation. Session attributes are pieces of information that the user
    # has provided to the chatbot either in a previous intent or the current
    # one.
    if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None:
        session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes']
        session_attributes = {}

    # Load slot value history for parking lots
    parking_request = json.dumps({
        'ParkingRequest': 'OptimalLot',
        'ParkingLot': parking_lot

    # Track current parking request.
    session_attributes['currentParkingRequest'] = parking_request

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'FulfillmentCodeHook':
        # Called once the user has provided all information to fulfill the.
        # intent. In this case it is called immediately because there are no
        # slots for this intent.
            'request for optimal parking={}'.format(parking_request)

        # Clear settings from sessionAttributes
        helper.try_ex(lambda: session_attributes.pop('currentParkingRequest'))

        # Keep track of what was the last parking lot the user requested
        # information for.
        session_attributes['lastParkingRequest'] = parking_request

        # End the intent.
        return response.close(
            'Fulfilled', {
                'contentType': 'PlainText',
                'content': helper.build_optimal_msg(sorted_lots)

    raise Exception('Error fulfilling OptimalParking intent')
Пример #7
def get_time(intent_request, key):
    Performs dialog management and fulfillment for getting phone number.
    Beyond fulfillment, the implementation of this intent demonstrates the use of the elicitSlot dialog action
    in slot validation and re-prompting.

    open_time = response.get_slots(intent_request)['openTime']
    close_time = response.get_slots(intent_request)['closeTime']
    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'DialogCodeHook':
        slots = response.get_slots(intent_request)

        validation_result = validate_time(open_time, close_time)
        if not validation_result['isValid']:
            slots[validation_result['violatedSlot']] = None
            return response.elicit_slot(
                intent_request['currentIntent']['name'], slots,

        # Pass the price of the flowers back through session attributes to be used in various prompts defined
        # on the bot model.
        output_session_attributes = intent_request[
            'sessionAttributes'] if intent_request[
                'sessionAttributes'] is not None else {}
        if open_time is not None and close_time is not None:

            db_handlertime(open_time, close_time, key)
                'time'] = "added to bot open"  # Elegant pricing model

        return response.delegate(output_session_attributes,

    # Order the flowers, and rely on the goodbye message of the bot to define the message to the end user.
    # In a real bot, this would likely involve a call to a backend service.
    return response.close(intent_request['sessionAttributes'], 'Fulfilled', {
        'contentType': 'PlainText',
        'content': 'Contact Time Updated'
Пример #8
def get_job(intent_request, key):

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']
    if source == 'DialogCodeHook':

        output_session_attributes = intent_request[
            'sessionAttributes'] if intent_request[
                'sessionAttributes'] is not None else {}

        ad = db_handlerjob(key)
        output_session_attributes['buss_addre'] = ad  # Elegant pricing model

        return response.delegate(output_session_attributes,

    # Order the flowers, and rely on the goodbye message of the bot to define the message to the end user.
    # In a real bot, this would likely involve a call to a backend service.
    return response.close(intent_request['sessionAttributes'], 'Fulfilled', {
        'contentType': 'PlainText',
        'content': 'Shared Jobs'
Пример #9
def list_parking(intent_request):
    """Fulfillment for listing all available parking lots."""

    # Clear session attributes to avoid confusion
    if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None:
        session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes']
        helper.try_ex(lambda: session_attributes.pop('lastParkingRequest'))

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'FulfillmentCodeHook':
        lamfunc.logger.debug('request for lot list')

        return response.close(
            'Fulfilled', {
                'contentType': 'PlainText',
                'content': helper.build_list_lot_msg()

    raise Exception('Error fulfilling OptimalParking intent')
Пример #10
def specific_parking(intent_request):
    """Fulfillment for giving the user information regarding a specified lot"""

    # Check for any errors with the current slots
    parking_lot = helper.try_ex(
        lambda: intent_request['currentIntent']['slots']['ParkingLot']

    # Use of sessionAttributes to store information that can be used to guide
    # conversation.
    if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None:
        session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes']
        session_attributes = {}

    # Load slot value history for parking lots
    parking_request = json.dumps({
        'ParkingRequest': 'LotAvailability',
        'ParkingLot': parking_lot

    # Track current parking request.
    session_attributes['currentParkingRequest'] = parking_request

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'DialogCodeHook':
        # Called on each user input until intent has been fulfilled.

        # Check and validate the slots that have been specified.
        validation_result = helper.validate_parking_lot(
        if not validation_result['isValid']:
            # If invalid, re-elicit for the slot values.
            slots = intent_request['currentIntent']['slots']
            slots[validation_result['violatedSlot']] = None

            return response.elicit_slot(

        intent_request['currentIntent']['slots']['ParkingLot'] \
            = validation_result['newLotName']

        # Redirect to Amazon Lex to obtain slot values.
        return response.delegate(

    if source == 'FulfillmentCodeHook':
            'request for specific parking={}'.format(parking_request)

        # Clear settings from sessionAttributes
        helper.try_ex(lambda: session_attributes.pop('currentParkingRequest'))

        # Keep track of what was the last parking lot the user requested
        # information for.
        session_attributes['lastParkingRequest'] = parking_request

        # End the intent.
        return response.close(
            'Fulfilled', {
                'contentType': 'PlainText',
                'content': helper.build_specific_parking_msg(parking_lot)

    raise Exception('Error fulfilling SpecificParking intent')
Пример #11
def get_directions(intent_request):
    """Fulfillment for giving the user information regarding a specified lot"""

    # Check for any errors with the current slots
    parking_lot = helper.try_ex(
        lambda: intent_request['currentIntent']['slots']['ParkingLot']

    # Use of sessionAttributes to retrieve information that can be used to
    # guide conversation.
    if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None:
        session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes']
        session_attributes = {}

    # Check for a previous parking request the user had made.
    last_parking_req = helper.try_ex(
        lambda: session_attributes['lastParkingRequest']
    if last_parking_req:
        last_parking_req = json.loads(last_parking_req)

    # Load slot value history for parking lots
    parking_request = json.dumps({
        'ParkingRequest': 'Directions',
        'ParkingLot': parking_lot

    # Track current parking request.
    session_attributes['currentParkingRequest'] = parking_request

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'DialogCodeHook':
        # Check and validate the slots that have been specified.
        validation_result = helper.validate_parking_lot(
        if not validation_result['isValid']:
            # If invalid, re-elicit for the slot values.
            slots = intent_request['currentIntent']['slots']
            slots[validation_result['violatedSlot']] = None

            return response.elicit_slot(

        intent_request['currentIntent']['slots']['ParkingLot'] \
            = validation_result['newLotName']

        if parking_lot is None and last_parking_req:
            # If the slot empty and there is a parking lot already stored
            # from a previous conversation, then use that parking value
                'request for lot directions={}'.format(parking_request)

            # Clear settings from sessionsAttributes.
                lambda: session_attributes.pop('currentParkingRequest')
                lambda: session_attributes.pop('lastParkingRequest')

            # End the intent.
            return response.close(
                'Fulfilled', {
                    'contentType': 'PlainText',
                    'content': helper.build_directions_msg(

        # Otherwise, redirect to Amazon Lex to obtain slot values.
        return response.delegate(

    if source == 'FulfillmentCodeHook':
            'request for lot directions={}'.format(parking_request)

        # Clear settings from sessionAttributes
        helper.try_ex(lambda: session_attributes.pop('currentParkingRequest'))
        helper.try_ex(lambda: session_attributes.pop('lastParkingRequest'))

        # End the intent.
        return response.close(
            'Fulfilled', {
                'contentType': 'PlainText',
                'content': helper.build_directions_msg(parking_lot)

    raise Exception('Error fulfilling SpecificParking intent')