Пример #1
def distill_model_event(instance, model, action, user_override=None):
    Take created, updated and deleted actions for built-in 
    app/model mappings, convert to the defined event.name
    and let hooks fly.

    If that model isn't represented, we just quit silenty.
    from rest_hooks.models import HOOK_EVENTS

    event_name = None
    for maybe_event_name, auto in HOOK_EVENTS.items():
        if auto:
            # break auto into App.Model, Action
            maybe_model, maybe_action = auto.rsplit('.', 1)
            maybe_action = maybe_action.rsplit('+', 1)
            if model == maybe_model and action == maybe_action[0]:
                event_name = maybe_event_name
                if len(maybe_action) == 2:
                    user_override = False

    if event_name:
        finder = find_and_fire_hook
        if getattr(settings, 'HOOK_FINDER', None):
            finder = get_module(settings.HOOK_FINDER)
        finder(event_name, instance, user_override=user_override)
Пример #2
def distill_model_event(instance, model, action, user_override=None):
    Take created, updated and deleted actions for built-in 
    app/model mappings, convert to the defined event.name
    and let hooks fly.

    If that model isn't represented, we just quit silenty.
    from rest_hooks.models import HOOK_EVENTS

    event_name = None
    for maybe_event_name, auto in HOOK_EVENTS.items():
        if auto:
            # break auto into App.Model, Action
            maybe_model, maybe_action = auto.rsplit('.', 1)
            maybe_action = maybe_action.rsplit('+', 1)
            if model == maybe_model and action == maybe_action[0]:
                event_name = maybe_event_name
                if len(maybe_action) == 2:
                    user_override = False

    if event_name:
        finder = find_and_fire_hook
        if getattr(settings, 'HOOK_FINDER', None):
            finder = get_module(settings.HOOK_FINDER)
        finder(event_name, instance, user_override=user_override)
Пример #3
def distill_model_event(instance, model, action, user_override=None):
    Take created, updated and deleted actions for built-in 
    app/model mappings, convert to the defined event.name
    and let hooks fly.

    If that model isn't represented, we just quit silenty.
    from rest_hooks.models import HOOK_EVENTS

    event_name = None
    for maybe_event_name, auto in HOOK_EVENTS.items():
        if auto:
            # break auto into App.Model, Action
            maybe_model, maybe_action = auto.rsplit('.', 1)
            if model == maybe_model and action == maybe_action:
                event_name = maybe_event_name

    if event_name:
        find_and_fire_hook(event_name, instance, user_override=user_override)
Пример #4
def distill_model_event(instance, model, action, user_override=None):
    Take created, updated and deleted actions for built-in 
    app/model mappings, convert to the defined event.name
    and let hooks fly.

    If that model isn't represented, we just quite silenty.
    from rest_hooks.models import HOOK_EVENTS

    event_name = None
    for maybe_event_name, auto in HOOK_EVENTS.items():
        if auto:
            # break auto into App.Model, Action
            maybe_model, maybe_action = auto.rsplit('.', 1)
            if model == maybe_model and action == maybe_action:
                event_name = maybe_event_name

    if event_name:
        find_and_fire_hook(event_name, instance, user_override=user_override)