Пример #1
    def get_person_by_surrogate_id(self, surrogate_id):
        #Validate input

        url = "/notification/v1/person/%s" % (surrogate_id)

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        person = Person()
        Serializer().deserialize(person, response.data)
        return person
Пример #2
    def get_channels_by_sln_year_quarter(self, channel_type, sln, year, quarter):
        Search for all channels by sln, year and quarter
        url = "/notification/v1/channel?type=%s&tag_sln=%s&tag_year=%s&tag_quarter=%s" % (channel_type, sln, year, quarter)

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        channel_list = ChannelList()
        Serializer().deserialize(channel_list, response.data)

        return channel_list.view_models
Пример #3
    def get_channels(self, first_result = 1, max_results = 10):
        Search for all channels
        url = "/notification/v1/channel?first_result=%s&max_results=%s" % (first_result, max_results)

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        channel_list = ChannelList()
        Serializer().deserialize(channel_list, response.data)

        return channel_list.view_models
Пример #4
    def resend_sms_endpoint_verification(self, endpoint_id):
        Calls NWS function to resend verification message to endpoint's phone number
        #Validate input

        url = "/notification/v1/endpoint/%s/verification" % (endpoint_id)

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        post_response = dao.postURL(url, None, None)

        if post_response.status != 202:
            raise DataFailureException(url, post_response.status, post_response.data)

        return post_response.status
Пример #5
    def get_channel_by_surrogate_id(self, channel_type, surrogate_id):
        Get a channel by surrogate id
        key = "%s|%s" % (channel_type, surrogate_id)
        url = "/notification/v1/channel/%s" % (quote(key))

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        channel = Channel()
        Serializer().deserialize(channel, response.data)

        return channel
Пример #6
    def update_channel(self, channel):
        Update an existing channel

        :param channel:
        is the updated channel that the client wants to update
        #Update the channel
        dao = NWS_DAO()
        url = "/notification/v1/channel/%s" % (channel.channel_id)

        put_response = dao.putURL(url, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, Serializer().serialize(channel))

        #Http response code 204 No Content:
        #The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body
        if put_response.status != 204:
            raise DataFailureException(url, put_response.status, put_response.data)

        return put_response.status
Пример #7
    def create_new_channel(self, channel):
        Create a new channel

        :param channel:
        is the new channel that the client wants to create
        #Create new channel
        dao = NWS_DAO()
        url = "/notification/v1/channel"

        post_response = dao.postURL(url, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, Serializer().serialize(channel))

        #HTTP Status Code 201 Created: The request has been fulfilled and resulted
        #in a new resource being created
        if post_response.status != 201:
            raise DataFailureException(url, post_response.status, post_response.data)

        return post_response.status
Пример #8
    def get_endpoint_by_endpoint_id(self, endpoint_id):
        Get an endpoint by endpoint id
        #Validate the channel_id

        url = "/notification/v1/endpoint/%s" % (endpoint_id)

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        endpoint = Endpoint()
        Serializer().deserialize(endpoint, response.data)

        return endpoint
Пример #9
    def get_channel_by_channel_id(self, channel_id):
        Get a channel by channel id
        #Validate the channel_id

        url = "/notification/v1/channel/%s" % (channel_id)

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        channel = Channel()
        Serializer().deserialize(channel, response.data)

        return channel
Пример #10
    def get_endpoints_by_subscriber_id(self, subscriber_id):
        Search for all endpoints by a given subscriber
        #Validate input

        url = "/notification/v1/endpoint?subscriber_id=%s" % (subscriber_id)

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        endpoint_list = EndpointList()
        Serializer().deserialize(endpoint_list, response.data)

        return endpoint_list.view_models
Пример #11
    def term_has_active_channel(self, channel_type, term):
        Checks to see if there exists a channel for the given sws.Term object's
        year and quarter.
        #Sets now to midnight of current day to allow for caching
        now = datetime.combine(datetime.utcnow().date(), time.min).isoformat()

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        url = "/notification/v1/channel?tag_year=%s&tag_quarter=%s&max_results=1&expires_after=%s" % (term.year, term.quarter, now)
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})
        if response.status != 200:
            return False

        data = json.loads(response.data)
        if "TotalCount" in data:
            if data["TotalCount"] > 0:
                return True

        return False
Пример #12
    def create_new_message(self, dispatch):
        Create a new dispatch

        :param dispatch:
        is the new dispatch that the client wants to create

        #Create new dispatch
        dao = NWS_DAO()
        url = "/notification/v1/dispatch"

        data = Serializer().serialize(dispatch)

        post_response = dao.postURL(url, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, data)

        if post_response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, post_response.status, post_response.data)

        return post_response.status
Пример #13
    def delete_channel(self, channel_id):
        Deleting an existing channel

        :param channel_id:
        is the channel that the client wants to delete

        #Validate the subscription_id

        #Delete the subscription
        url = "/notification/v1/channel/%s" % (channel_id)
        dao = NWS_DAO()
        delete_response = dao.deleteURL(url, None)

        #Http response code 204 No Content:
        #The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body
        if delete_response.status != 204:
            raise DataFailureException(url, delete_response.status, delete_response.data)

        return delete_response.status
Пример #14
    def update_person(self, person):
        Update an existing person

        :param person:
        is the updated person that the client wants to update

        attributes = person.get_attributes()
        person.attributes = None

        for attribute in attributes:
            if attribute.name in MANAGED_ATTRIBUTES:

            person.add_attribute(attribute.name, attribute.value, None, None)
        #    ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_EMAIL_DISPATCHED_COUNT = 'DispatchedEmailCount'
        #    ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SMS_DISPATCHED_COUNT = 'DispatchedTextMessageCount'
        #        ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SMS_SENT_COUNT = 'SentTextMessageCount'
        #            ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_COUNT = 'SubscriptionCount'

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        url = "/notification/v1/person/%s" % (person.person_id)
        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
        if self.override_user is not None:
            headers['X_UW_ACT_AS'] = self.override_user

        put_response = dao.putURL(url, headers, Serializer().serialize(person))

        #Http response code 204 No Content:
        #The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body
        if put_response.status != 204:
            raise DataFailureException(url, put_response.status, put_response.data)

        return put_response.status
Пример #15
    def get_endpoint_by_address(self, endpoint_address):
        Get an endpoint by address

        url = "/notification/v1/endpoint?endpoint_address=%s" % endpoint_address

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:

            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        endpoint_list = EndpointList()
        Serializer().deserialize(endpoint_list, response.data)

        endpoint_vms = endpoint_list.view_models
        if len(endpoint_vms) == 0:
            raise DataFailureException(url, 404, {"Message": "No endpoint found"})

        endpoint = endpoint_vms[0]
        return endpoint
Пример #16
    def get_endpoint_by_subscriber_id_and_protocol(self, subscriber_id, protocol):
        Get an endpoint by subscriber_id and protocol

        url = "/notification/v1/endpoint?subscriber_id=%s&protocol=%s" % (subscriber_id, protocol)

        dao = NWS_DAO()
        response = dao.getURL(url, {"Accept": "application/json"})

        if response.status != 200:
            raise DataFailureException(url, response.status, response.data)

        endpoint_list = EndpointList()
        Serializer().deserialize(endpoint_list, response.data)

        endpoint_vms = endpoint_list.view_models
        if len(endpoint_vms) == 0:
            raise DataFailureException(url, 404, {"Message": "No SMS endpoint found"})

        endpoint = endpoint_vms[0]
        return endpoint
Пример #17
    def create_new_subscription(self, subscription):
        Create a new subscription

        :param subscription:
        is the new subscription that the client wants to create
        #Validate input
        if subscription.get_subscription_id() is not None:

        if subscription.get_endpoint() is not None:
            if subscription.get_endpoint().user:

            if subscription.get_endpoint().get_endpoint_id() is not None:

        if subscription.get_channel() is not None:

        #Create new subscription
        dao = NWS_DAO()
        url = "/notification/v1/subscription"
        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
        if self.override_user is not None:
            headers['X_UW_ACT_AS'] = self.override_user

        post_response = dao.postURL(url, headers, Serializer().serialize(subscription))

        #HTTP Status Code 201 Created: The request has been fulfilled and resulted
        #in a new resource being created
        if post_response.status != 201:
            raise DataFailureException(url, post_response.status, post_response.data)

        return post_response.status
Пример #18
def proxy(request, service, url):

    if not hasattr(settings, "RESTCLIENTS_ADMIN_GROUP"):
        print "You must have a group defined as your admin group."
        print 'Configure that using RESTCLIENTS_ADMIN_GROUP="u_foo_bar"'
        raise Exception("Missing RESTCLIENTS_ADMIN_GROUP in settings")

    user_service = UserService()
    actual_user = user_service.get_original_user()
    g = Group()
    is_admin = g.is_member_of_group(actual_user,

    if not is_admin:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

    use_pre = False
    headers = {}
    if service == "sws":
        dao = SWS_DAO()
        headers["X-UW-Act-as"] = actual_user
    elif service == "pws":
        dao = PWS_DAO()
    elif service == "gws":
        dao = GWS_DAO()
    elif service == "nws":
        dao = NWS_DAO()
    elif service == "hfs":
        dao = Hfs_DAO()
    elif service == "book":
        dao = Book_DAO()
    elif service == "canvas":
        dao = Canvas_DAO()
    elif service == "grad":
        dao = Grad_DAO()
    elif service == "uwnetid":
        dao = Uwnetid_DAO()
    elif service == "libraries":
        dao = MyLibInfo_DAO()
    elif service == "libcurrics":
        dao = LibCurrics_DAO()
    elif service == "myplan":
        dao = MyPlan_DAO()
    elif service == "iasystem":
        dao = IASYSTEM_DAO()
        headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.collection+json"}
        subdomain = None
        if url.endswith('/evaluation'):
            if url.startswith('uwb/') or url.startswith('uwt/'):
                subdomain = url[:3]
                url = url[4:]
                subdomain = url[:2]
                url = url[3:]
    elif service == "calendar":
        dao = TrumbaCalendar_DAO()
        use_pre = True
        return HttpResponseNotFound("Unknown service: %s" % service)

    url = "/%s" % quote(url)

    if request.GET:
            url = "%s?%s" % (url, urlencode(request.GET))
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            err = "Bad URL param given to the restclients browser"
            return HttpResponse(err)

    start = time()
        if service == "iasystem" and subdomain is not None:
            response = dao.getURL(url, headers, subdomain)
            response = dao.getURL(url, headers)
    except Exception as ex:
        response = MockHTTP()
        response.status = 500
        response.data = str(ex)

    end = time()

    # Assume json, and try to format it.
        if not use_pre:
            content = format_json(service, response.data)
            json_data = response.data
            content = response.data
            json_data = None
    except Exception as e:
        content = format_html(service, response.data)
        json_data = None

    context = {
        "url": unquote(url),
        "content": content,
        "json_data": json_data,
        "response_code": response.status,
        "time_taken": "%f seconds" % (end - start),
        "headers": response.headers,
        "override_user": user_service.get_override_user(),
        "use_pre": use_pre,

        context["has_extra_template"] = True
        context["extra_template"] = "restclients/extra_info.html"
    except TemplateDoesNotExist:

        context["wrapper_template"] = "restclients/proxy_wrapper.html"
    except TemplateDoesNotExist:
        context["wrapper_template"] = "proxy_wrapper.html"

        search_template_path = re.sub(r"\..*$", "", url)
        search_template = "proxy/%s%s.html" % (service, search_template_path)
        context["search_template"] = search_template
        context["search"] = format_search_params(url)
    except TemplateDoesNotExist:
        context["search_template"] = None

    return render_to_response("proxy.html",