def __init__(self):"xh: compass_server=%s" % CONF.compass_server) self.client = Client(CONF.compass_server) self.subnet_mapping = {} self.role_mapping = {} self.host_mapping = {} self.host_ips = defaultdict(list) self.host_roles = {} self.login()
class CompassClient(object): def __init__(self):"xh: compass_server=%s" % CONF.compass_server) self.client = Client(CONF.compass_server) self.subnet_mapping = {} self.role_mapping = {} self.host_mapping = {} self.host_ips = defaultdict(list) self.host_roles = {} self.login() def is_ok(self, status): if status < 300 and status >= 200: return True def login(self): status, resp = self.client.get_token( CONF.compass_user_email, CONF.compass_user_password ) 'login status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp ) if self.is_ok(status): return resp["token"] else: raise Exception( 'failed to login %s with user %s', CONF.compass_server, CONF.compass_user_email ) def get_machines(self): status, resp = self.client.list_machines() if not self.is_ok(status): LOG.error( 'get all machines status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp) raise RuntimeError('failed to get machines') machines_to_add = list(set([ machine for machine in CONF.machines.split(',') if machine ])) machines_db = [str(m["mac"]) for m in resp]'machines in db: %s\n to add: %s', machines_db, machines_to_add) if not set(machines_to_add).issubset(set(machines_db)): raise RuntimeError('unidentify machine to add') return [m["id"] for m in resp if str(m["mac"]) in machines_to_add] def list_clusters(self): status, resp = self.client.list_clusters(name=CONF.cluster_name) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError('failed to list cluster') cluster = resp[0] return cluster['id'] def get_adapter(self): """get adapter.""" status, resp = self.client.list_adapters(name=CONF.adapter_name) 'get all adapters status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp ) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError('failed to get adapters') os_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_os_pattern) flavor_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_flavor_pattern) adapter_id = None os_id = None flavor_id = None adapter = None adapter = resp[0] adapter_id = adapter['id'] for supported_os in adapter['supported_oses']: if not os_re or os_re.match(supported_os['name']): os_id = supported_os['os_id'] break if 'flavors' in adapter: for flavor in adapter['flavors']: if not flavor_re or flavor_re.match(flavor['name']): flavor_id = flavor['id'] break assert(os_id and flavor_id) return (adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) def add_subnets(self): subnets = [ subnet for subnet in CONF.subnets.split(',') if subnet ] assert(subnets) subnet_mapping = {} for subnet in subnets: try: netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet) except: raise RuntimeError('subnet %s format is invalid' % subnet) status, resp = self.client.add_subnet(subnet)'add subnet %s status %s response %s', subnet, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to add subnet %s' % subnet) subnet_mapping[resp['subnet']] = resp['id'] self.subnet_mapping = subnet_mapping def add_cluster(self, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id): """add a cluster.""" cluster_name = CONF.cluster_name assert(cluster_name) status, resp = self.client.add_cluster( cluster_name, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add cluster failed")'add cluster %s status: %s resp:%s', cluster_name, status,resp) if isinstance(resp, list): cluster = resp[0] else: cluster = resp cluster_id = cluster['id'] flavor = cluster.get('flavor', {}) roles = flavor.get('roles', []) for role in roles: if role.get('optional', False): self.role_mapping[role['name']] = ROLE_ASSIGNED else: self.role_mapping[role['name']] = ROLE_UNASSIGNED return cluster_id def add_cluster_hosts(self, cluster_id, machines): hostnames = [ hostname for hostname in CONF.hostnames.split(',') if hostname ] assert(len(machines) == len(hostnames)) machines_dict = [] for machine_id, hostname in zip(machines, hostnames): machines_dict.append({ 'machine_id': machine_id, 'name': hostname }) # add hosts to the cluster. status, resp = self.client.add_hosts_to_cluster( cluster_id, {'machines': machines_dict})'add machines %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', machines_dict, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host to cluster failed") for host in resp['hosts']: self.host_mapping[host['hostname']] = host['id'] assert(len(self.host_mapping) == len(machines)) def set_cluster_os_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster os config.""" os_config = {} language = CONF.language timezone = CONF.timezone http_proxy = CONF.http_proxy https_proxy = CONF.https_proxy local_repo_url = CONF.local_repo_url repo_name = CONF.repo_name deploy_type = CONF.deploy_type if not https_proxy and http_proxy: https_proxy = http_proxy no_proxy = [ no_proxy for no_proxy in CONF.no_proxy.split(',') if no_proxy ] compass_server = CONF.compass_server if http_proxy: for hostname, ips in self.host_ips.items(): no_proxy.append(hostname) no_proxy.extend(ips) ntp_server = CONF.ntp_server or compass_server dns_servers = [ dns_server for dns_server in CONF.dns_servers.split(',') if dns_server ] if not dns_servers: dns_servers = [compass_server] domain = CONF.domain if not domain: raise Exception('domain is not defined') search_path = [ search_path for search_path in CONF.search_path.split(',') if search_path ] if not search_path: search_path = [domain] default_gateway = CONF.default_gateway if not default_gateway: raise Exception('default gateway is not defined') general_config = { 'language': language, 'timezone': timezone, 'ntp_server': ntp_server, 'dns_servers': dns_servers, 'default_gateway': default_gateway } if http_proxy: general_config['http_proxy'] = http_proxy if https_proxy: general_config['https_proxy'] = https_proxy if no_proxy: general_config['no_proxy'] = no_proxy if domain: general_config['domain'] = domain if search_path: general_config['search_path'] = search_path if local_repo_url: general_config['local_repo'] = local_repo_url if repo_name: general_config['repo_name'] = repo_name if deploy_type: general_config['deploy_type'] = deploy_type os_config["general"] = general_config server_credential = CONF.server_credential if '=' in server_credential: server_username, server_password = server_credential.split('=', 1) elif server_credential: server_username = server_password = server_credential else: server_username = '******' server_password = '******' os_config['server_credentials'] = { 'username': server_username, 'password': server_password } partitions = [ partition for partition in CONF.partitions.split(',') if partition ] partition_config = {} for partition in partitions: assert("=" in partition) partition_name, partition_value = partition.split('=', 1) partition_name = partition_name.strip() partition_value = partition_value.strip() assert(partition_name and partition_value) if partition_value.endswith('%'): partition_type = 'percentage' partition_value = int(partition_value[:-1]) else: partition_type = 'size' partition_config[partition_name] = { partition_type: partition_value } os_config['partition'] = partition_config """ os_config_filename = CONF.os_config_json_file if os_config_filename: util.merge_dict( os_config, _load_config(os_config_filename) ) """ status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config( cluster_id, os_config=os_config) 'set os config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', os_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to set os config %s to cluster %s' \ % (os_config, cluster_id)) def set_host_networking(self): """set cluster hosts networking.""" def get_subnet(ip_str): try:"subnets: %s" % self.subnet_mapping.keys()) ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_str) for cidr, subnet_id in self.subnet_mapping.items(): subnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) if ip in subnet: return True, subnet_id"ip %s not in %s" % (ip_str, cidr)) return False, None except: LOG.exception("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) return False, None for host_network in CONF.host_networks.split(';'): hostname, networks_str = host_network.split(':', 1) hostname = hostname.strip() networks_str = networks_str.strip() assert(hostname in self.host_mapping) host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] intf_list = networks_str.split(',') for intf_str in intf_list: interface, intf_properties = intf_str.split('=', 1) intf_properties = intf_properties.strip().split('|') assert(intf_properties) ip_str = intf_properties[0] status, subnet_id = get_subnet(ip_str) if not status: raise RuntimeError("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) properties = dict([ (intf_property, True) for intf_property in intf_properties[1:] ]) 'add host %s interface %s ip %s network proprties %s', hostname, interface, ip_str, properties) status, response = self.client.add_host_network( host_id, interface, ip=ip_str, subnet_id=subnet_id, **properties ) 'add host %s interface %s ip %s network properties %s ' 'status %s: %s', hostname, interface, ip_str, properties, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host network failed") self.host_ips[hostname].append(ip_str) def set_cluster_package_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster package config.""" package_config = {"security": {}} service_credentials = [ service_credential for service_credential in CONF.service_credentials.split(',') if service_credential ] service_credential_cfg = {} 'service credentials: %s', service_credentials ) for service_credential in service_credentials: if ':' not in service_credential: raise Exception( 'there is no : in service credential %s' % service_credential ) service_name, service_pair = service_credential.split(':', 1) if '=' not in service_pair: raise Exception( 'there is no = in service %s security' % service_name ) username, password = service_pair.split('=', 1) service_credential_cfg[service_name] = { 'username': username, 'password': password } console_credentials = [ console_credential for console_credential in CONF.console_credentials.split(',') if console_credential ] 'console credentials: %s', console_credentials ) console_credential_cfg = {} for console_credential in console_credentials: if ':' not in console_credential: raise Exception( 'there is no : in console credential %s' % console_credential ) console_name, console_pair = console_credential.split(':', 1) if '=' not in console_pair: raise Exception( 'there is no = in console %s security' % console_name ) username, password = console_pair.split('=', 1) console_credential_cfg[console_name] = { 'username': username, 'password': password } package_config["security"] = {"service_credentials": service_credential_cfg, "console_credentials": console_credential_cfg} network_mapping = dict([ network_pair.split('=', 1) for network_pair in CONF.network_mapping.split(',') if '=' in network_pair ]) package_config['network_mapping'] = network_mapping assert(os.path.exists(CONF.network_cfg)) network_cfg = yaml.load(open(CONF.network_cfg)) package_config["network_cfg"] = network_cfg assert(os.path.exists(CONF.neutron_cfg)) neutron_cfg = yaml.load(open(CONF.neutron_cfg)) package_config["neutron_config"] = neutron_cfg """ package_config_filename = CONF.package_config_json_file if package_config_filename: util.merge_dict( package_config, _load_config(package_config_filename) ) """ package_config['ha_proxy'] = {} if CONF.cluster_vip: package_config["ha_proxy"]["vip"] = CONF.cluster_vip package_config['enable_secgroup'] = (CONF.enable_secgroup == "true") package_config['enable_fwaas'] = (CONF.enable_fwaas== "true") package_config['enable_vpnaas'] = (CONF.enable_vpnaas== "true") status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config( cluster_id, package_config=package_config) 'set package config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', package_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set cluster package_config failed") def set_host_roles(self, cluster_id, host_id, roles): status, response = self.client.update_cluster_host( cluster_id, host_id, roles=roles) 'set cluster %s host %s roles %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_id, roles, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set host roles failed") for role in roles: if role in self.role_mapping: self.role_mapping[role] = ROLE_ASSIGNED def set_all_hosts_roles(self, cluster_id): for host_str in CONF.host_roles.split(';'): host_str = host_str.strip() hostname, roles_str = host_str.split('=', 1) assert(hostname in self.host_mapping) host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [role.strip() for role in roles_str.split(',') if role] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles unassigned_hostnames = list(set(self.host_mapping.keys()) \ - set(self.host_roles.keys())) unassigned_roles = [ role for role, status in self.role_mapping.items() if is_role_unassigned(status)] assert(len(unassigned_hostnames) >= len(unassigned_roles)) for hostname, role in map(None, unassigned_hostnames, unassigned_roles): host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, [role]) self.host_roles[hostname] = [role] unassigned_hostnames = list(set(self.host_mapping.keys()) \ - set(self.host_roles.keys())) if not unassigned_hostnames: return # assign default roles to unassigned hosts default_roles = [ role for role in CONF.default_roles.split(',') if role ] assert(default_roles) cycle_roles = itertools.cycle(default_roles) for hostname in unassigned_hostnames: host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles def deploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): host_ids = self.host_mapping.values() status, response = self.client.review_cluster( cluster_id, review={'hosts': host_ids} ) 'review cluster %s hosts %s, status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_ids, status, response ) #TODO, what this doning? if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("review cluster host failed") status, response = self.client.deploy_cluster( cluster_id, deploy={'hosts': host_ids} ) 'deploy cluster %s hosts %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_ids, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("deploy cluster failed") def redeploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): status, response = self.client.redeploy_cluster( cluster_id ) if not self.is_ok(status): 'deploy cluster %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, status, response ) raise RuntimeError("redeploy cluster failed") def get_installing_progress(self, cluster_id): """get intalling progress.""" action_timeout = time.time() + 60 * float(CONF.action_timeout) deployment_timeout = time.time() + 60 * float( CONF.deployment_timeout) current_time = time.time deployment_failed = True while current_time() < deployment_timeout: status, cluster_state = self.client.get_cluster_state(cluster_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("can not get cluster state") if cluster_state['state'] in ['UNINITIALIZED', 'INITIALIZED']: if current_time() >= action_timeout: deployment_failed = True 'get cluster %s state status %s: %s, successful', cluster_id, status, cluster_state ) break else: time.sleep(5) continue elif cluster_state['state'] == 'SUCCESSFUL': deployment_failed = False 'get cluster %s state status %s: %s, successful', cluster_id, status, cluster_state ) break elif cluster_state['state'] == 'ERROR': deployment_failed = True 'get cluster %s state status %s: %s, error', cluster_id, status, cluster_state ) break kill_print_proc() if deployment_failed: raise RuntimeError("deploy cluster failed") def check_dashboard_links(self, cluster_id): dashboard_url = CONF.dashboard_url if not dashboard_url:'no dashboarde url set') return dashboard_link_pattern = re.compile( CONF.dashboard_link_pattern) r = requests.get(dashboard_url, verify=False) r.raise_for_status() match = if match: 'dashboard login page for cluster %s can be downloaded', cluster_id) else: msg = ( '%s failed to be downloaded\n' 'the context is:\n%s\n' ) % (dashboard_url, r.text) raise Exception(msg)
class CompassClient(object): def __init__(self):"xh: compass_server=%s" % CONF.compass_server) self.client = Client(CONF.compass_server) self.subnet_mapping = {} self.role_mapping = {} self.host_mapping = {} self.host_ips = defaultdict(list) self.host_roles = {} self.login() def is_ok(self, status): if status < 300 and status >= 200: return True def login(self): status, resp = self.client.get_token(CONF.compass_user_email, CONF.compass_user_password)"login status: %s, resp: %s", status, resp) if self.is_ok(status): return resp["token"] else: raise Exception("failed to login %s with user %s", CONF.compass_server, CONF.compass_user_email) def get_machines(self): status, resp = self.client.list_machines() if not self.is_ok(status): LOG.error("get all machines status: %s, resp: %s", status, resp) raise RuntimeError("failed to get machines") machines_to_add = list(set([machine for machine in CONF.machines.split(",") if machine])) machines_db = [str(m["mac"]) for m in resp]"machines in db: %s\n to add: %s", machines_db, machines_to_add) if not set(machines_to_add).issubset(set(machines_db)): raise RuntimeError("unidentify machine to add") return [m["id"] for m in resp if str(m["mac"]) in machines_to_add] def list_clusters(self): status, resp = self.client.list_clusters(name=CONF.cluster_name) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError("failed to list cluster") cluster = resp[0] return cluster["id"] def get_adapter(self): """get adapter.""" status, resp = self.client.list_adapters(name=CONF.adapter_name)"get all adapters status: %s, resp: %s", status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError("failed to get adapters") os_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_os_pattern) flavor_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_flavor_pattern) adapter_id = None os_id = None flavor_id = None adapter = None adapter = resp[0] adapter_id = adapter["id"] for supported_os in adapter["supported_oses"]: if not os_re or os_re.match(supported_os["name"]): os_id = supported_os["os_id"] break if "flavors" in adapter: for flavor in adapter["flavors"]: if not flavor_re or flavor_re.match(flavor["name"]): flavor_id = flavor["id"] break assert os_id and flavor_id return (adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) def add_subnets(self): subnets = [subnet for subnet in CONF.subnets.split(",") if subnet] assert subnets subnet_mapping = {} for subnet in subnets: try: netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet) except: raise RuntimeError("subnet %s format is invalid" % subnet) status, resp = self.client.add_subnet(subnet)"add subnet %s status %s response %s", subnet, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("failed to add subnet %s" % subnet) subnet_mapping[resp["subnet"]] = resp["id"] self.subnet_mapping = subnet_mapping def add_cluster(self, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id): """add a cluster.""" cluster_name = CONF.cluster_name assert cluster_name status, resp = self.client.add_cluster(cluster_name, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add cluster failed")"add cluster %s status: %s resp:%s", cluster_name, status, resp) if isinstance(resp, list): cluster = resp[0] else: cluster = resp cluster_id = cluster["id"] flavor = cluster.get("flavor", {}) roles = flavor.get("roles", []) for role in roles: if role.get("optional", False): self.role_mapping[role["name"]] = ROLE_ASSIGNED else: self.role_mapping[role["name"]] = ROLE_UNASSIGNED return cluster_id def add_cluster_hosts(self, cluster_id, machines): hostnames = [hostname for hostname in CONF.hostnames.split(",") if hostname] assert len(machines) == len(hostnames) machines_dict = [] for machine_id, hostname in zip(machines, hostnames): machines_dict.append({"machine_id": machine_id, "name": hostname}) # add hosts to the cluster. status, resp = self.client.add_hosts_to_cluster(cluster_id, {"machines": machines_dict})"add machines %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s", machines_dict, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host to cluster failed") for host in resp["hosts"]: self.host_mapping[host["hostname"]] = host["id"] assert len(self.host_mapping) == len(machines) def set_cluster_os_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster os config.""" os_config = {} language = CONF.language timezone = CONF.timezone http_proxy = CONF.http_proxy https_proxy = CONF.https_proxy local_repo_url = CONF.local_repo_url repo_name = CONF.repo_name deploy_type = CONF.deploy_type if not https_proxy and http_proxy: https_proxy = http_proxy no_proxy = [no_proxy for no_proxy in CONF.no_proxy.split(",") if no_proxy] compass_server = CONF.compass_server if http_proxy: for hostname, ips in self.host_ips.items(): no_proxy.append(hostname) no_proxy.extend(ips) ntp_server = CONF.ntp_server or compass_server dns_servers = [dns_server for dns_server in CONF.dns_servers.split(",") if dns_server] if not dns_servers: dns_servers = [compass_server] domain = CONF.domain if not domain: raise Exception("domain is not defined") search_path = [search_path for search_path in CONF.search_path.split(",") if search_path] if not search_path: search_path = [domain] default_gateway = CONF.default_gateway if not default_gateway: raise Exception("default gateway is not defined") general_config = { "language": language, "timezone": timezone, "ntp_server": ntp_server, "dns_servers": dns_servers, "default_gateway": default_gateway, } if http_proxy: general_config["http_proxy"] = http_proxy if https_proxy: general_config["https_proxy"] = https_proxy if no_proxy: general_config["no_proxy"] = no_proxy if domain: general_config["domain"] = domain if search_path: general_config["search_path"] = search_path if local_repo_url: general_config["local_repo"] = local_repo_url if repo_name: general_config["repo_name"] = repo_name if deploy_type: general_config["deploy_type"] = deploy_type os_config["general"] = general_config server_credential = CONF.server_credential if "=" in server_credential: server_username, server_password = server_credential.split("=", 1) elif server_credential: server_username = server_password = server_credential else: server_username = "******" server_password = "******" os_config["server_credentials"] = {"username": server_username, "password": server_password} partitions = [partition for partition in CONF.partitions.split(",") if partition] partition_config = {} for partition in partitions: assert "=" in partition partition_name, partition_value = partition.split("=", 1) partition_name = partition_name.strip() partition_value = partition_value.strip() assert partition_name and partition_value if partition_value.endswith("%"): partition_type = "percentage" partition_value = int(partition_value[:-1]) else: partition_type = "size" partition_config[partition_name] = {partition_type: partition_value} os_config["partition"] = partition_config """ os_config_filename = CONF.os_config_json_file if os_config_filename: util.merge_dict( os_config, _load_config(os_config_filename) ) """ status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config(cluster_id, os_config=os_config)"set os config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s", os_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("failed to set os config %s to cluster %s" % (os_config, cluster_id)) def set_host_networking(self): """set cluster hosts networking.""" def get_subnet(ip_str): try:"subnets: %s" % self.subnet_mapping.keys()) ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_str) for cidr, subnet_id in self.subnet_mapping.items(): subnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) if ip in subnet: return True, subnet_id"ip %s not in %s" % (ip_str, cidr)) return False, None except: LOG.exception("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) return False, None for host_network in CONF.host_networks.split(";"): hostname, networks_str = host_network.split(":", 1) hostname = hostname.strip() networks_str = networks_str.strip() assert hostname in self.host_mapping host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] intf_list = networks_str.split(",") for intf_str in intf_list: interface, intf_properties = intf_str.split("=", 1) intf_properties = intf_properties.strip().split("|") assert intf_properties ip_str = intf_properties[0] status, subnet_id = get_subnet(ip_str) if not status: raise RuntimeError("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) properties = dict([(intf_property, True) for intf_property in intf_properties[1:]])"add host %s interface %s ip %s network proprties %s", hostname, interface, ip_str, properties) status, response = self.client.add_host_network( host_id, interface, ip=ip_str, subnet_id=subnet_id, **properties ) "add host %s interface %s ip %s network properties %s " "status %s: %s", hostname, interface, ip_str, properties, status, response, ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host network failed") self.host_ips[hostname].append(ip_str) def set_cluster_package_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster package config.""" package_config = {"security": {}} service_credentials = [ service_credential for service_credential in CONF.service_credentials.split(",") if service_credential ] service_credential_cfg = {}"service credentials: %s", service_credentials) for service_credential in service_credentials: if ":" not in service_credential: raise Exception("there is no : in service credential %s" % service_credential) service_name, service_pair = service_credential.split(":", 1) if "=" not in service_pair: raise Exception("there is no = in service %s security" % service_name) username, password = service_pair.split("=", 1) service_credential_cfg[service_name] = {"username": username, "password": password} console_credentials = [ console_credential for console_credential in CONF.console_credentials.split(",") if console_credential ]"console credentials: %s", console_credentials) console_credential_cfg = {} for console_credential in console_credentials: if ":" not in console_credential: raise Exception("there is no : in console credential %s" % console_credential) console_name, console_pair = console_credential.split(":", 1) if "=" not in console_pair: raise Exception("there is no = in console %s security" % console_name) username, password = console_pair.split("=", 1) console_credential_cfg[console_name] = {"username": username, "password": password} package_config["security"] = { "service_credentials": service_credential_cfg, "console_credentials": console_credential_cfg, } network_mapping = dict( [network_pair.split("=", 1) for network_pair in CONF.network_mapping.split(",") if "=" in network_pair] ) package_config["network_mapping"] = network_mapping assert os.path.exists(CONF.network_cfg) network_cfg = yaml.load(open(CONF.network_cfg)) package_config["network_cfg"] = network_cfg assert os.path.exists(CONF.neutron_cfg) neutron_cfg = yaml.load(open(CONF.neutron_cfg)) package_config["neutron_config"] = neutron_cfg """ package_config_filename = CONF.package_config_json_file if package_config_filename: util.merge_dict( package_config, _load_config(package_config_filename) ) """ package_config["ha_proxy"] = {} if CONF.cluster_vip: package_config["ha_proxy"]["vip"] = CONF.cluster_vip package_config["enable_secgroup"] = CONF.enable_secgroup == "true" package_config["enable_fwaas"] = CONF.enable_fwaas == "true" package_config["enable_vpnaas"] = CONF.enable_vpnaas == "true" status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config(cluster_id, package_config=package_config)"set package config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s", package_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set cluster package_config failed") def set_host_roles(self, cluster_id, host_id, roles): status, response = self.client.update_cluster_host(cluster_id, host_id, roles=roles)"set cluster %s host %s roles %s status %s: %s", cluster_id, host_id, roles, status, response) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set host roles failed") for role in roles: if role in self.role_mapping: self.role_mapping[role] = ROLE_ASSIGNED def set_all_hosts_roles(self, cluster_id): for host_str in CONF.host_roles.split(";"): host_str = host_str.strip() hostname, roles_str = host_str.split("=", 1) assert hostname in self.host_mapping host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [role.strip() for role in roles_str.split(",") if role] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles unassigned_hostnames = list(set(self.host_mapping.keys()) - set(self.host_roles.keys())) unassigned_roles = [role for role, status in self.role_mapping.items() if is_role_unassigned(status)] assert len(unassigned_hostnames) >= len(unassigned_roles) for hostname, role in map(None, unassigned_hostnames, unassigned_roles): host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, [role]) self.host_roles[hostname] = [role] unassigned_hostnames = list(set(self.host_mapping.keys()) - set(self.host_roles.keys())) if not unassigned_hostnames: return # assign default roles to unassigned hosts default_roles = [role for role in CONF.default_roles.split(",") if role] assert default_roles cycle_roles = itertools.cycle(default_roles) for hostname in unassigned_hostnames: host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles def deploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): host_ids = self.host_mapping.values() status, response = self.client.review_cluster(cluster_id, review={"hosts": host_ids})"review cluster %s hosts %s, status %s: %s", cluster_id, host_ids, status, response) # TODO, what this doning? if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("review cluster host failed") status, response = self.client.deploy_cluster(cluster_id, deploy={"hosts": host_ids})"deploy cluster %s hosts %s status %s: %s", cluster_id, host_ids, status, response) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("deploy cluster failed") def redeploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): status, response = self.client.redeploy_cluster(cluster_id) if not self.is_ok(status):"deploy cluster %s status %s: %s", cluster_id, status, response) raise RuntimeError("redeploy cluster failed") def get_cluster_state(self, cluster_id): for _ in range(10): try: status, cluster_state = self.client.get_cluster_state(cluster_id) if self.is_ok(status): break except: status = 500 cluster_state = "" LOG.error("can not get cluster %s's state, try again" % cluster_id) time.sleep(6) return status, cluster_state def get_installing_progress(self, cluster_id): def _get_installing_progress(): """get intalling progress.""" deployment_timeout = time.time() + 60 * float(CONF.deployment_timeout) current_time = time.time while current_time() < deployment_timeout: status, cluster_state = self.get_cluster_state(cluster_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("can not get cluster state") elif cluster_state["state"] == "SUCCESSFUL":"get cluster %s state status %s: %s, successful", cluster_id, status, cluster_state) break elif cluster_state["state"] == "ERROR": raise RuntimeError("get cluster %s state status %s: %s, error", (cluster_id, status, cluster_state))"current_time=%s, deployment_timeout=%s" % (current_time(), deployment_timeout)) time.sleep(5) if not current_time() < deployment_timeout: raise RuntimeError("installation timeout") try: _get_installing_progress() finally: # do this twice, make sure process be killed kill_print_proc() kill_print_proc() def check_dashboard_links(self, cluster_id): dashboard_url = CONF.dashboard_url if not dashboard_url:"no dashboarde url set") return dashboard_link_pattern = re.compile(CONF.dashboard_link_pattern) r = requests.get(dashboard_url, verify=False) r.raise_for_status() match = if match:"dashboard login page for cluster %s can be downloaded", cluster_id) else: msg = ("%s failed to be downloaded\n" "the context is:\n%s\n") % (dashboard_url, r.text) raise Exception(msg)
class CompassClient(object): def __init__(self):"xh: compass_server=%s" % CONF.compass_server) self.client = Client(CONF.compass_server) self.subnet_mapping = {} self.role_mapping = {} self.host_mapping = {} self.host_ips = defaultdict(list) self.host_roles = {} self.login() def is_ok(self, status): if status < 300 and status >= 200: return True def login(self): status, resp = self.client.get_token(CONF.compass_user_email, CONF.compass_user_password)'login status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp) if self.is_ok(status): return resp["token"] else: raise Exception('failed to login %s with user %s', CONF.compass_server, CONF.compass_user_email) def get_machines(self): status, resp = self.client.list_machines() if not self.is_ok(status): LOG.error('get all machines status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp) raise RuntimeError('failed to get machines') machines_to_add = list( set([machine for machine in CONF.machines.split(',') if machine])) machines_db = [str(m["mac"]) for m in resp]'machines in db: %s\n to add: %s', machines_db, machines_to_add) if not set(machines_to_add).issubset(set(machines_db)): raise RuntimeError('unidentify machine to add') return [m["id"] for m in resp if str(m["mac"]) in machines_to_add] def list_clusters(self): status, resp = self.client.list_clusters(name=CONF.cluster_name) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError('failed to list cluster') cluster = resp[0] return cluster['id'] def get_adapter(self): """get adapter.""" status, resp = self.client.list_adapters(name=CONF.adapter_name)'get all adapters status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError('failed to get adapters') os_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_os_pattern) flavor_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_flavor_pattern) adapter_id = None os_id = None flavor_id = None adapter = None adapter = resp[0] adapter_id = adapter['id'] for supported_os in adapter['supported_oses']: if not os_re or os_re.match(supported_os['name']): os_id = supported_os['os_id'] break if 'flavors' in adapter: for flavor in adapter['flavors']: if not flavor_re or flavor_re.match(flavor['name']): flavor_id = flavor['id'] break assert (os_id and flavor_id) return (adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) def add_subnets(self): subnets = [subnet for subnet in CONF.subnets.split(',') if subnet] assert (subnets) subnet_mapping = {} _, subnets_in_db = self.client.list_subnets() for subnet in subnets: try: netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet) except: raise RuntimeError('subnet %s format is invalid' % subnet) if CONF.expansion == "false": status, resp = self.client.add_subnet(subnet)'add subnet %s status %s response %s', subnet, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to add subnet %s' % subnet) subnet_mapping[resp['subnet']] = resp['id'] else: for subnet_in_db in subnets_in_db: if subnet == subnet_in_db['subnet']: subnet_mapping[subnet] = subnet_in_db['id'] self.subnet_mapping = subnet_mapping def add_cluster(self, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id): """add a cluster.""" cluster_name = CONF.cluster_name assert (cluster_name) status, resp = self.client.add_cluster(cluster_name, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add cluster failed")'add cluster %s status: %s resp:%s', cluster_name, status, resp) if isinstance(resp, list): cluster = resp[0] else: cluster = resp cluster_id = cluster['id'] flavor = cluster.get('flavor', {}) roles = flavor.get('roles', []) for role in roles: if role.get('optional', False): self.role_mapping[role['name']] = ROLE_ASSIGNED else: self.role_mapping[role['name']] = ROLE_UNASSIGNED return cluster_id def add_cluster_hosts(self, cluster_id, machines): hostnames = [ hostname for hostname in CONF.hostnames.split(',') if hostname ] machines = machines[-len(hostnames):] assert (len(machines) == len(hostnames)) machines_dict = [] for machine_id, hostname in zip(machines, hostnames): machines_dict.append({'machine_id': machine_id, 'name': hostname}) # add hosts to the cluster. status, resp = self.client.add_hosts_to_cluster( cluster_id, {'machines': machines_dict})'add machines %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', machines_dict, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host to cluster failed") for host in resp['hosts']: if host['hostname'] in hostnames: self.host_mapping[host['hostname']] = host['id'] if CONF.expansion == "false": assert (len(self.host_mapping) == len(machines)) def set_cluster_os_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster os config.""" os_config = {} language = CONF.language timezone = CONF.timezone http_proxy = CONF.http_proxy https_proxy = CONF.https_proxy local_repo_url = CONF.local_repo_url repo_name = CONF.repo_name deploy_type = CONF.deploy_type if not https_proxy and http_proxy: https_proxy = http_proxy no_proxy = [ no_proxy for no_proxy in CONF.no_proxy.split(',') if no_proxy ] compass_server = CONF.compass_server if http_proxy: for hostname, ips in self.host_ips.items(): no_proxy.append(hostname) no_proxy.extend(ips) ntp_server = CONF.ntp_server or compass_server dns_servers = [ dns_server for dns_server in CONF.dns_servers.split(',') if dns_server ] if not dns_servers: dns_servers = [compass_server] domain = CONF.domain if not domain: raise Exception('domain is not defined') search_path = [ search_path for search_path in CONF.search_path.split(',') if search_path ] if not search_path: search_path = [domain] default_gateway = CONF.default_gateway if not default_gateway: raise Exception('default gateway is not defined') general_config = { 'language': language, 'timezone': timezone, 'ntp_server': ntp_server, 'dns_servers': dns_servers, 'default_gateway': default_gateway } if http_proxy: general_config['http_proxy'] = http_proxy if https_proxy: general_config['https_proxy'] = https_proxy if no_proxy: general_config['no_proxy'] = no_proxy if domain: general_config['domain'] = domain if search_path: general_config['search_path'] = search_path if local_repo_url: general_config['local_repo'] = local_repo_url if repo_name: general_config['repo_name'] = repo_name if deploy_type: general_config['deploy_type'] = deploy_type os_config["general"] = general_config server_credential = CONF.server_credential if '=' in server_credential: server_username, server_password = server_credential.split('=', 1) elif server_credential: server_username = server_password = server_credential else: server_username = '******' server_password = '******' os_config['server_credentials'] = { 'username': server_username, 'password': server_password } partitions = [ partition for partition in CONF.partitions.split(',') if partition ] partition_config = {} for partition in partitions: assert ("=" in partition) partition_name, partition_value = partition.split('=', 1) partition_name = partition_name.strip() partition_value = partition_value.strip() assert (partition_name and partition_value) if partition_value.endswith('%'): partition_type = 'percentage' partition_value = int(partition_value[:-1]) else: partition_type = 'size' partition_config[partition_name] = { partition_type: partition_value } os_config['partition'] = partition_config """ os_config_filename = CONF.os_config_json_file if os_config_filename: util.merge_dict( os_config, _load_config(os_config_filename) ) """ status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config(cluster_id, os_config=os_config)'set os config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', os_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to set os config %s to cluster %s' % (os_config, cluster_id)) def set_host_networking(self): """set cluster hosts networking.""" def get_subnet(ip_str): try:"subnets: %s" % self.subnet_mapping.keys()) ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_str) for cidr, subnet_id in self.subnet_mapping.items(): subnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) if ip in subnet: return True, subnet_id"ip %s not in %s" % (ip_str, cidr)) return False, None except: LOG.exception("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) return False, None for host_network in CONF.host_networks.split(';'): hostname, networks_str = host_network.split(':', 1) hostname = hostname.strip() networks_str = networks_str.strip() assert (hostname in self.host_mapping) host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] intf_list = networks_str.split(',') for intf_str in intf_list: interface, intf_properties = intf_str.split('=', 1) intf_properties = intf_properties.strip().split('|') assert (intf_properties) ip_str = intf_properties[0] status, subnet_id = get_subnet(ip_str) if not status: raise RuntimeError("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) properties = dict([(intf_property, True) for intf_property in intf_properties[1:]]) 'add host %s interface %s ip %s network properties %s', hostname, interface, ip_str, properties) status, response = self.client.add_host_network( host_id, interface, ip=ip_str, subnet_id=subnet_id, **properties) 'add host %s interface %s ip %s network properties %s ' 'status %s: %s', hostname, interface, ip_str, properties, status, response) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host network failed") self.host_ips[hostname].append(ip_str) def set_cluster_package_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster package config.""" package_config = {"security": {}} service_credentials = [ service_credential for service_credential in CONF.service_credentials.split(',') if service_credential ] service_credential_cfg = {}'service credentials: %s', service_credentials) for service_credential in service_credentials: if ':' not in service_credential: raise Exception('there is no : in service credential %s' % service_credential # noqa ) service_name, service_pair = service_credential.split(':', 1) if '=' not in service_pair: raise Exception('there is no = in service %s security' % service_name) username, password = service_pair.split('=', 1) service_credential_cfg[service_name] = { 'username': username, 'password': password } console_credentials = [ console_credential for console_credential in CONF.console_credentials.split(',') if console_credential ]'console credentials: %s', console_credentials) console_credential_cfg = {} for console_credential in console_credentials: if ':' not in console_credential: raise Exception('there is no : in console credential %s' % console_credential # noqa ) console_name, console_pair = console_credential.split(':', 1) if '=' not in console_pair: raise Exception('there is no = in console %s security' % console_name) username, password = console_pair.split('=', 1) console_credential_cfg[console_name] = { 'username': username, 'password': password } moon_cfgs = [cfg for cfg in CONF.moon_cfg.split(',') if cfg]'moon configure: %s', moon_cfgs) moon_cfg = {} for cfg in moon_cfgs: if ':' not in cfg: raise Exception('there is no : in cfg %s' % cfg # noqa ) role, conf_pair = cfg.split(':', 1) if '=' not in conf_pair: raise Exception('there is no = in %s configure pair' % conf_pair) key, value = conf_pair.split('=', 1) moon_cfg[role] = {} if role not in moon_cfg else moon_cfg[role] moon_cfg[role][key] = value package_config["moon_cfg"] = moon_cfg package_config["security"] = { "service_credentials": service_credential_cfg, # noqa "console_credentials": console_credential_cfg } # noqa network_mapping = dict([ network_pair.split('=', 1) for network_pair in CONF.network_mapping.split(',') if '=' in network_pair ]) package_config['network_mapping'] = network_mapping assert (os.path.exists(CONF.network_cfg)) network_cfg = yaml.safe_load(open(CONF.network_cfg)) package_config["network_cfg"] = network_cfg assert (os.path.exists(CONF.neutron_cfg)) neutron_cfg = yaml.safe_load(open(CONF.neutron_cfg)) package_config["neutron_config"] = neutron_cfg """ package_config_filename = CONF.package_config_json_file if package_config_filename: util.merge_dict( package_config, _load_config(package_config_filename) ) """ package_config['ha_proxy'] = {} if CONF.cluster_vip: package_config["ha_proxy"]["vip"] = CONF.cluster_vip package_config['enable_secgroup'] = (CONF.enable_secgroup == "true") package_config['enable_fwaas'] = (CONF.enable_fwaas == "true") package_config['enable_vpnaas'] = (CONF.enable_vpnaas == "true") package_config[ 'odl_l3_agent'] = "Enable" if CONF.odl_l3_agent == "Enable" else "Disable" # noqa package_config[ 'onos_sfc'] = "Enable" if CONF.onos_sfc == "Enable" else "Disable" # noqa package_config['plugins'] = [] if CONF.plugins: for item in CONF.plugins.split(','): key, value = item.split(':') package_config['plugins'].append({key: value}) status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config( cluster_id, package_config=package_config)'set package config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', package_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set cluster package_config failed") def set_host_roles(self, cluster_id, host_id, roles): status, response = self.client.update_cluster_host(cluster_id, host_id, roles=roles)'set cluster %s host %s roles %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_id, roles, status, response) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set host roles failed") for role in roles: if role in self.role_mapping: self.role_mapping[role] = ROLE_ASSIGNED def set_all_hosts_roles(self, cluster_id): for host_str in CONF.host_roles.split(';'): host_str = host_str.strip() hostname, roles_str = host_str.split('=', 1) assert (hostname in self.host_mapping) host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [role.strip() for role in roles_str.split(',') if role] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles unassigned_hostnames = list( set(self.host_mapping.keys()) - set(self.host_roles.keys())) # noqa unassigned_roles = [ role for role, status in self.role_mapping.items() if is_role_unassigned(status) ] assert (len(unassigned_hostnames) >= len(unassigned_roles)) for hostname, role in map(None, unassigned_hostnames, unassigned_roles): host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, [role]) self.host_roles[hostname] = [role] unassigned_hostnames = list( set(self.host_mapping.keys()) - set(self.host_roles.keys())) # noqa if not unassigned_hostnames: return # assign default roles to unassigned hosts default_roles = [ role for role in CONF.default_roles.split(',') if role ] assert (default_roles) cycle_roles = itertools.cycle(default_roles) for hostname in unassigned_hostnames: host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles def deploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): host_ids = self.host_mapping.values() status, response = self.client.review_cluster( cluster_id, review={'hosts': host_ids})'review cluster %s hosts %s, status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_ids, status, response) # TODO, what this doning? if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("review cluster host failed") status, response = self.client.deploy_cluster( cluster_id, deploy={'hosts': host_ids})'deploy cluster %s hosts %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_ids, status, response) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("deploy cluster failed") def redeploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): status, response = self.client.redeploy_cluster(cluster_id) if not self.is_ok(status):'deploy cluster %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, status, response) raise RuntimeError("redeploy cluster failed") def get_cluster_state(self, cluster_id): for _ in range(10): try: status, cluster_state = self.client.get_cluster_state( cluster_id) if self.is_ok(status): break except: status = 500 cluster_state = "" LOG.error("can not get cluster %s's state, try again" % cluster_id) time.sleep(6) return status, cluster_state def get_ansible_print(self): def print_log(log): try: with open(log, 'r') as file: while True: line = file.readline() if not line: time.sleep(0.1) continue line = line.replace('\n', '') print line sys.stdout.flush() except: raise RuntimeError("open ansible.log error") current_time = time.time() install_timeout = current_time + 60 * CONF.install_os_timeout while current_time < install_timeout: ready = True for id in self.host_mapping.values(): status, response = self.client.get_host_state(id) if response['state'] != 'SUCCESSFUL': ready = False break current_time = time.time() if not ready: time.sleep(8) else: break if current_time >= install_timeout: raise RuntimeError("OS installation timeout") else:"OS installation complete") # time.sleep(CONF.ansible_start_wait) compass_dir = os.getenv('COMPASS_DIR') ansible_log = "%s/work/deploy/docker/ansible/run/%s-%s/ansible.log" \ % (compass_dir, CONF.adapter_name, CONF.cluster_name) os.system("sudo touch %s" % ansible_log) os.system("sudo chmod +x -R %s/work/deploy/docker/ansible/run/" % compass_dir) ansible_print = multiprocessing.Process(target=print_log, args=(ansible_log, )) ansible_print.start() return ansible_print def get_installing_progress(self, cluster_id, ansible_print): def _get_installing_progress(): """get intalling progress.""" deployment_timeout = time.time() + 60 * float( CONF.deployment_timeout) # noqa current_time = time.time while current_time() < deployment_timeout: if not ansible_print.is_alive(): raise RuntimeError("can not get ansible log") status, cluster_state = self.get_cluster_state(cluster_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("can not get cluster state") elif cluster_state['state'] == 'SUCCESSFUL':'get cluster %s state status %s: %s, successful', cluster_id, status, cluster_state) break elif cluster_state['state'] == 'ERROR': raise RuntimeError( 'get cluster %s state status %s: %s, error', (cluster_id, status, cluster_state)) time.sleep(10) if current_time() >= deployment_timeout:"current_time=%s, deployment_timeout=%s" % (current_time(), deployment_timeout))"cobbler status:") os.system("sudo docker exec compass-cobbler bash -c \ 'cobbler status'") raise RuntimeError("installation timeout") try: _get_installing_progress() finally: ansible_print.terminate() def check_dashboard_links(self, cluster_id): dashboard_url = CONF.dashboard_url if not dashboard_url:'no dashboarde url set') return dashboard_link_pattern = re.compile(CONF.dashboard_link_pattern) r = requests.get(dashboard_url, verify=False) r.raise_for_status() match = if match:'dashboard login page for cluster %s can be downloaded', cluster_id) else: msg = ('%s failed to be downloaded\n' 'the context is:\n%s\n') % (dashboard_url, r.text) raise Exception(msg)
'ROLES_LIST': ['allinone-compute'], 'MACHINES_TO_ADD': ['00:0c:29:a7:ea:4b'], 'BUILD_TIMEOUT': 60, 'SEARCH_PATH': [''], 'SERVER_USERNAME': '******', 'SERVER_PASSWORD': '******' } for v in PRESET_VALUES: if v in os.environ.keys(): PRESET_VALUES[v] = os.environ.get(v) print (v + PRESET_VALUES[v] + " is set by env variables") else: print (PRESET_VALUES[v]) # instantiate a client client = Client(COMPASS_SERVER_URL) # login status, response = client.login(COMPASS_LOGIN_EMAIL, COMPASS_LOGIN_PASSWORD) print '============================================================' print 'login status: %s response: %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) # list all switches status, response = client.list_switches() print '=============================================================' print 'get all switches status: %s response: %s' % (status, response) # add a switch status, response = client.add_switch(
'ROLES_LIST': ['allinone-compute'], 'MACHINES_TO_ADD': ['00:0c:29:a7:ea:4b'], 'BUILD_TIMEOUT': 60, 'SEARCH_PATH': [''], 'SERVER_USERNAME': '******', 'SERVER_PASSWORD': '******' } for v in PRESET_VALUES: if v in os.environ.keys(): PRESET_VALUES[v] = os.environ.get(v) print(v + PRESET_VALUES[v] + " is set by env variables") else: print(PRESET_VALUES[v]) # instantiate a client client = Client(COMPASS_SERVER_URL) # login status, response = client.login(COMPASS_LOGIN_EMAIL, COMPASS_LOGIN_PASSWORD) print '============================================================' print 'login status: %s response: %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) # list all switches status, response = client.list_switches() print '=============================================================' print 'get all switches status: %s response: %s' % (status, response) # add a switch status, response = client.add_switch(SWITCH_IP, SWITCH_SNMP_VERSION,
class CompassClient(object): def __init__(self):"xh: compass_server=%s" % CONF.compass_server) self.client = Client(CONF.compass_server) self.subnet_mapping = {} self.role_mapping = {} self.host_mapping = {} self.host_ips = defaultdict(list) self.host_roles = {} self.login() def is_ok(self, status): if status < 300 and status >= 200: return True def login(self): status, resp = self.client.get_token( CONF.compass_user_email, CONF.compass_user_password ) 'login status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp ) if self.is_ok(status): return resp["token"] else: raise Exception( 'failed to login %s with user %s', CONF.compass_server, CONF.compass_user_email ) def get_machines(self): status, resp = self.client.list_machines() 'get all machines status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to get machines') machines_to_add = list(set([ machine for machine in CONF.machines.split(',') if machine ]))'machines to add: %s', machines_to_add) machines_db = [str(m["mac"]) for m in resp]'machines in db: %s', machines_db) assert(set(machines_db) == set(machines_to_add)) return [m["id"] for m in resp] def get_adapter(self): """get adapter.""" status, resp = self.client.list_adapters(name=CONF.adapter_name) 'get all adapters status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp ) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError('failed to get adapters') os_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_os_pattern) flavor_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_flavor_pattern) adapter_id = None os_id = None flavor_id = None adapter = None adapter = resp[0] adapter_id = adapter['id'] for supported_os in adapter['supported_oses']: if not os_re or os_re.match(supported_os['name']): os_id = supported_os['os_id'] break if 'flavors' in adapter: for flavor in adapter['flavors']: if not flavor_re or flavor_re.match(flavor['name']): flavor_id = flavor['id'] break assert(os_id and flavor_id) return (adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) def add_subnets(self): subnets = [ subnet for subnet in CONF.subnets.split(',') if subnet ] assert(subnets) subnet_mapping = {} for subnet in subnets: try: netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet) except Exception: raise RuntimeError('subnet %s format is invalid' % subnet) status, resp = self.client.add_subnet(subnet) 'add subnet %s status %s response %s', subnet, status, resp ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to add subnet %s' % subnet) subnet_mapping[resp['subnet']] = resp['id'] self.subnet_mapping = subnet_mapping def add_cluster(self, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id): """add a cluster.""" cluster_name = CONF.cluster_name assert(cluster_name) status, resp = self.client.add_cluster( cluster_name, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add cluster failed") 'add cluster %s status: %s resp:%s', cluster_name, status, resp ) if isinstance(resp, list): cluster = resp[0] else: cluster = resp cluster_id = cluster['id'] flavor = cluster.get('flavor', {}) roles = flavor.get('roles', []) for role in roles: if role.get('optional', False): self.role_mapping[role['name']] = ROLE_ASSIGNED else: self.role_mapping[role['name']] = ROLE_UNASSIGNED return cluster_id def add_cluster_hosts(self, cluster_id, machines): hostnames = [ hostname for hostname in CONF.hostnames.split(',') if hostname ] assert(len(machines) == len(hostnames)) machines_dict = [] for machine_id, hostname in zip(machines, hostnames): machines_dict.append({ 'machine_id': machine_id, 'name': hostname }) # add hosts to the cluster. status, resp = self.client.add_hosts_to_cluster( cluster_id, {'machines': machines_dict}) 'add machines %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', machines_dict, cluster_id, status, resp ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host to cluster failed") for host in resp['hosts']: self.host_mapping[host['hostname']] = host['id'] assert(len(self.host_mapping) == len(machines)) def set_cluster_os_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster os config.""" os_config = {} language = CONF.language timezone = CONF.timezone http_proxy = CONF.http_proxy https_proxy = CONF.https_proxy local_repo_url = CONF.local_repo_url repo_name = CONF.repo_name deploy_type = CONF.deploy_type if not https_proxy and http_proxy: https_proxy = http_proxy no_proxy = [ no_proxy for no_proxy in CONF.no_proxy.split(',') if no_proxy ] compass_server = CONF.compass_server if http_proxy: for hostname, ips in self.host_ips.items(): no_proxy.append(hostname) no_proxy.extend(ips) ntp_server = CONF.ntp_server or compass_server dns_servers = [ dns_server for dns_server in CONF.dns_servers.split(',') if dns_server ] if not dns_servers: dns_servers = [compass_server] domain = CONF.domain if not domain: raise Exception('domain is not defined') search_path = [ search_path for search_path in CONF.search_path.split(',') if search_path ] if not search_path: search_path = [domain] default_gateway = CONF.default_gateway if not default_gateway: raise Exception('default gateway is not defined') general_config = { 'language': language, 'timezone': timezone, 'ntp_server': ntp_server, 'dns_servers': dns_servers, 'default_gateway': default_gateway } if http_proxy: general_config['http_proxy'] = http_proxy if https_proxy: general_config['https_proxy'] = https_proxy if no_proxy: general_config['no_proxy'] = no_proxy if domain: general_config['domain'] = domain if search_path: general_config['search_path'] = search_path if local_repo_url: general_config['local_repo'] = local_repo_url if repo_name: general_config['repo_name'] = repo_name if deploy_type: general_config['deploy_type'] = deploy_type os_config["general"] = general_config server_credential = CONF.server_credential if '=' in server_credential: server_username, server_password = server_credential.split('=', 1) elif server_credential: server_username = server_password = server_credential else: server_username = '******' server_password = '******' os_config['server_credentials'] = { 'username': server_username, 'password': server_password } partitions = [ partition for partition in CONF.partitions.split(',') if partition ] partition_config = {} for partition in partitions: assert("=" in partition) partition_name, partition_value = partition.split('=', 1) partition_name = partition_name.strip() partition_value = partition_value.strip() assert(partition_name and partition_value) if partition_value.endswith('%'): partition_type = 'percentage' partition_value = int(partition_value[:-1]) else: partition_type = 'size' partition_config[partition_name] = { partition_type: partition_value } os_config['partition'] = partition_config """ os_config_filename = CONF.os_config_json_file if os_config_filename: util.merge_dict( os_config, _load_config(os_config_filename) ) """ status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config( cluster_id, os_config=os_config) 'set os config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', os_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to set os config %s to cluster %s' % (os_config, cluster_id)) def set_host_networking(self): """set cluster hosts networking.""" def get_subnet(ip_str): try:"subnets: %s" % self.subnet_mapping.keys()) ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_str) for cidr, subnet_id in self.subnet_mapping.items(): subnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) if ip in subnet: return True, subnet_id"ip %s not in %s" % (ip_str, cidr)) return False, None except Exception: LOG.exception("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) return False, None for host_network in CONF.host_networks.split(';'): hostname, networks_str = host_network.split(':', 1) hostname = hostname.strip() networks_str = networks_str.strip() assert(hostname in self.host_mapping) host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] intf_list = networks_str.split(',') for intf_str in intf_list: interface, intf_properties = intf_str.split('=', 1) intf_properties = intf_properties.strip().split('|') assert(intf_properties) ip_str = intf_properties[0] status, subnet_id = get_subnet(ip_str) if not status: raise RuntimeError("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) properties = dict([ (intf_property, True) for intf_property in intf_properties[1:] ]) 'add host %s interface %s ip %s network proprties %s', hostname, interface, ip_str, properties) status, response = self.client.add_host_network( host_id, interface, ip=ip_str, subnet_id=subnet_id, **properties ) 'add host %s interface %s ip %s network properties %s ' 'status %s: %s', hostname, interface, ip_str, properties, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host network failed") self.host_ips[hostname].append(ip_str) def set_cluster_package_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster package config.""" package_config = {"security": {}} service_credentials = [ service_credential for service_credential in CONF.service_credentials.split(',') if service_credential ] service_credential_cfg = {} 'service credentials: %s', service_credentials ) for service_credential in service_credentials: if ':' not in service_credential: raise Exception( 'no : in service credential %s' % service_credential ) service_name, service_pair = service_credential.split(':', 1) if '=' not in service_pair: raise Exception( 'there is no = in service %s security' % service_name ) username, password = service_pair.split('=', 1) service_credential_cfg[service_name] = { 'username': username, 'password': password } console_credentials = [ console_credential for console_credential in CONF.console_credentials.split(',') if console_credential ] 'console credentials: %s', console_credentials ) console_credential_cfg = {} for console_credential in console_credentials: if ':' not in console_credential: raise Exception( 'there is no : in console credential %s' % console_credential ) console_name, console_pair = console_credential.split(':', 1) if '=' not in console_pair: raise Exception( 'there is no = in console %s security' % console_name ) username, password = console_pair.split('=', 1) console_credential_cfg[console_name] = { 'username': username, 'password': password } package_config["security"] = { "service_credentials": service_credential_cfg, "console_credentials": console_credential_cfg } network_mapping = dict([ network_pair.split('=', 1) for network_pair in CONF.network_mapping.split(',') if '=' in network_pair ]) package_config['network_mapping'] = network_mapping assert(os.path.exists(CONF.network_cfg)) network_cfg = yaml.load(open(CONF.network_cfg)) package_config["network_cfg"] = network_cfg assert(os.path.exists(CONF.neutron_cfg)) neutron_cfg = yaml.load(open(CONF.neutron_cfg)) package_config["neutron_config"] = neutron_cfg """ package_config_filename = CONF.package_config_json_file if package_config_filename: util.merge_dict( package_config, _load_config(package_config_filename) ) """ package_config['ha_proxy'] = {} if CONF.cluster_vip: package_config["ha_proxy"]["vip"] = CONF.cluster_vip package_config['enable_secgroup'] = (CONF.enable_secgroup == "true") status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config( cluster_id, package_config=package_config) 'set package config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', package_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set cluster package_config failed") def set_host_roles(self, cluster_id, host_id, roles): status, response = self.client.update_cluster_host( cluster_id, host_id, roles=roles) 'set cluster %s host %s roles %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_id, roles, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set host roles failed") for role in roles: if role in self.role_mapping: self.role_mapping[role] = ROLE_ASSIGNED def set_all_hosts_roles(self, cluster_id): for host_str in CONF.host_roles.split(';'): host_str = host_str.strip() hostname, roles_str = host_str.split('=', 1) assert(hostname in self.host_mapping) host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [role.strip() for role in roles_str.split(',') if role] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles unassigned_hostnames = list(set(self.host_mapping.keys()) - set(self.host_roles.keys())) unassigned_roles = [role for role, status in self.role_mapping.items() if is_role_unassigned(status)] assert(len(unassigned_hostnames) >= len(unassigned_roles)) for hostname, role in map( None, unassigned_hostnames, unassigned_roles ): host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, [role]) self.host_roles[hostname] = [role] unassigned_hostnames = list(set(self.host_mapping.keys()) - set(self.host_roles.keys())) if not unassigned_hostnames: return # assign default roles to unassigned hosts default_roles = [ role for role in CONF.default_roles.split(',') if role ] assert(default_roles) cycle_roles = itertools.cycle(default_roles) for hostname in unassigned_hostnames: host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles def deploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): host_ids = self.host_mapping.values() status, response = self.client.review_cluster( cluster_id, review={'hosts': host_ids} ) 'review cluster %s hosts %s, status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_ids, status, response ) # TODO('what this doning?') if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("review cluster host failed") status, response = self.client.deploy_cluster( cluster_id, deploy={'hosts': host_ids} ) 'deploy cluster %s hosts %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_ids, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("deploy cluster failed") def get_installing_progress(self, cluster_id): """get intalling progress.""" action_timeout = time.time() + 60 * float(CONF.action_timeout) deployment_timeout = time.time() + 60 * float( CONF.deployment_timeout) current_time = time.time() deployment_failed = True while current_time < deployment_timeout: status, cluster_state = self.client.get_cluster_state(cluster_id) 'get cluster %s state status %s: %s', cluster_id, status, cluster_state ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("can not get cluster state") if cluster_state['state'] in ['UNINITIALIZED', 'INITIALIZED']: if current_time >= action_timeout: deployment_failed = True break else: continue elif cluster_state['state'] == 'SUCCESSFUL': deployment_failed = False break elif cluster_state['state'] == 'ERROR': deployment_failed = True break if deployment_failed: raise RuntimeError("deploy cluster failed") def check_dashboard_links(self, cluster_id): dashboard_url = CONF.dashboard_url if not dashboard_url:'no dashboarde url set') return dashboard_link_pattern = re.compile( CONF.dashboard_link_pattern) r = requests.get(dashboard_url, verify=False) r.raise_for_status() match = if match: 'dashboard login page for cluster %s can be downloaded', cluster_id) else: msg = ( '%s failed to be downloaded\n' 'the context is:\n%s\n' ) % (dashboard_url, r.text) raise Exception(msg)