Пример #1
	def render( self, request, template, language=None, properties=None, storable=NOTHING, templateType=None, **options ):
		"""Renders a given page `template`, merging the giving `properties`
		in the template environment, and optionally serializing the given
		`storable` so that it becomes available as JSON"""
		properties = properties or {}
		template   = template.split("#")[0].split("?")[0]
		user       = self.getUser(request)
		language   = language or guessLanguage(request)
		if not (storable is NOTHING):
			options["target"] = "web"
			if not storable:
				return request.notFound()
			storable = None
		path = request.path()
		path = path[len(self.DEFAULTS["base"]):]
		if path.startswith(language): path = path[len(language):]
		context = dict(
			path        = path,
			title       = template,
			language    = language,
			isConnected = user and "true" or "false",
			user        = asPrimitive(user, target="template"),
			object      = asPrimitive(storable, **options),
			cachebuster = time.time(),
			currentUrl  = request.path()
		context  = self.merge(context, properties)
		if self.app().config("devmode") or template not in self._templates:
			tmpl = self.loadTemplate(template, type=templateType)
			self._templates[template] = tmpl
			tmpl = self._templates[template]
		page = self._applyTemplate(tmpl, context, language)
		response = request.respond(page)
		return response
Пример #2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creation  : 17-Dec-2012
# Last mod  : 21-Apr-2017
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import os, time, sys, datetime, glob
from retro                    import Dispatcher, Application, Component, on, expose, run, asJSON, asPrimitive, escapeHTML, STANDALONE, WSGI, NOTHING
from retro.contrib.localfiles import LibraryServer
from retro.contrib.i18n       import Translations, localize, guessLanguage, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, setLocales
from retro.contrib.hash       import crypt_decrypt
from retro.contrib.cache      import FileCache, SignatureCache, NoCache, MemoryCache

	import templating
	templating.FORMATTERS["json"]       = lambda v,o,t:asJSON(v)
	templating.FORMATTERS["primitive"]  = lambda v,o,t:asPrimitive(v)
	templating.FORMATTERS["escapeHTML"] = lambda v,o,t:escapeHTML(v)
except ImportError as e:
	templating = None

	import paml.engine as paml_engine
except ImportError as e:
	paml_engine = None

	import wwwclient
except ImportError as e: