Пример #1
    def test_subtract(self):
        a = Time(5, 5 * 10e8)
        b = a - Time(4, 6 * 10e8)
        self.assertEqual(b.sec, 0)
        self.assertEqual(b.nsec, 9 * 10e8)

        b = a - 1.1
        self.assertEqual(b.sec, 4)
        self.assertEqual(b.nsec, 4 * 10e8)

        b = 9.9 - a
        self.assertEqual(b.sec, 4)
        self.assertEqual(b.nsec, 4 * 10e8)

        a -= a
        self.assertEqual(a.sec, 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.nsec, 0)

        a -= Time(2, 10e8)
        self.assertEqual(a.sec, -3)
        self.assertEqual(a.nsec, 9 * 10e8)

        a += 1.1
        self.assertEqual(a.sec, -1)
        self.assertEqual(a.nsec, 0)
Пример #2
def sleep_sim_time(world, seconds):
    start = world.last_time if world.last_time else Time()
    remain = seconds

    while remain > 0:
        yield From(trollius.sleep(0.05))
        now = world.last_time if world.last_time else Time()
        remain = seconds - float(now - start)
Пример #3
    def _robot_inserted(self, robot_name, tree, robot, parents, msg,
        Registers a newly inserted robot and marks the insertion
        message response as handled.

        :param tree:
        :param robot_name:
        :param tree:
        :param robot:
        :param parents:
        :param msg:
        :type msg: pygazebo.msgs.response_pb2.Response
        :param return_future: Future to resolve with the created robot object.
        :type return_future: Future
        inserted = ModelInserted()
        model = inserted.model
        time = Time(msg=inserted.time)
        p = model.pose.position
        position = Vector3(p.x, p.y, p.z)

        robot = Robot(robot_name, tree, robot, position, time, parents)
Пример #4
 def age(self):
     Returns this robot's age as a Time object.
     Depends on the last and first update times.
     :rtype: Time
     return Time() if self.last_update is None else self.last_update - self.starting_time
Пример #5
    def test_cmp(self):
        a = Time(dbl=1.0)
        b = Time(dbl=2.0)
        c = Time(dbl=1.0)

        self.assertTrue(a < b)
        self.assertFalse(a > b)
        self.assertTrue(b > a)
        self.assertFalse(b < a)
        self.assertTrue(b >= a)
        self.assertFalse(b <= a)
        self.assertTrue(a <= b)
        self.assertFalse(a >= b)

        self.assertTrue(a <= c)
        self.assertTrue(a >= c)
        self.assertTrue(c >= a)
        self.assertTrue(a >= c)
Пример #6
def sleep_sim_time(world, seconds, state_break=[False]):
    Sleeps for a certain number of simulation seconds,
    note that this is always approximate as it relies
    on real world sleeping.
    :param world:
    :param seconds:
    :param state_break: List containing one boolean, the
                        wait will be terminated if this
                        is set to True (basically a hack
                        to break out of automatic mode early).
    start = world.last_time if world.last_time else Time()
    remain = seconds

    while remain > 0 and not state_break[0]:
        yield From(trollius.sleep(0.1))
        now = world.last_time if world.last_time else Time()
        remain = seconds - float(now - start)
Пример #7
    def displacement(self):
        Returns a tuple of the displacement in both time and space
        between the first and last registered element in the speed
        :return: Tuple where the first item is a displacement vector
                 and the second a `Time` instance.
        :rtype: tuple(Vector3, Time)
        if self.last_position is None:
            return Vector3(0, 0, 0), Time()

        return (self._positions[-1] - self._positions[0],
                self._times[-1] - self._times[0])
Пример #8
    def test_add(self):
        a = Time(5, 5 * 10e8)
        b = a + a
        self.assertEqual(b.sec, 11)
        self.assertEqual(b.nsec, 0)

        b = a + 1.1
        self.assertEqual(b.sec, 6)
        self.assertEqual(b.nsec, 6 * 10e8)

        b = 1.1 + a
        self.assertEqual(b.sec, 6)
        self.assertEqual(b.nsec, 6 * 10e8)

        a += a
        self.assertEqual(a.sec, 11)
        self.assertEqual(a.nsec, 0)

        a += 1.1
        self.assertEqual(a.sec, 12)
        self.assertEqual(a.nsec, 10e8)
Пример #9
    def _update_poses(self, msg):
        Handles the pose info message by updating robot positions.
        :param msg:
        poses = poses_stamped_pb2.PosesStamped()

        self.last_time = t = Time(msg=poses.time)
        if self.start_time is None:
            self.start_time = t

        for pose in poses.pose:
            robot = self.robots.get(pose.name, None)
            if not robot:

            position = Vector3(pose.position.x, pose.position.y,
            # robot.update_position(t, position, self.write_poses)

Пример #10
 def test_create(self):
     a = Time(0, -10)
     self.assertEqual(a.sec, -1)
     self.assertEqual(a.nsec, 10e9 - 10)
Пример #11
 def test_eq(self):
     a = Time(5, 5 * 10e8)
     self.assertEqual(a, 5.5)
     self.assertEqual(a, Time(5, 5 * 10e8))
     self.assertNotEqual(a, Time(5, 6 * 10e8))
Пример #12
 def test_float(self):
     a = Time(1, 5 * 10e8)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(1.5, float(a))
Пример #13
    def run_single(self):
        conf = self.conf
        insert_queue = []

        if not self.do_restore:
            if self.current_run == 0:
                # Only build arena on first run
                yield From(wait_for(self.build_arena()))

            # Set initial battery charge
            self.current_charge = self.conf.initial_charge
            self.last_charge_update = 0.0
            self.births = 0
            self.deaths = 0

            # Generate a starting population
            trees, bboxes = yield From(self.generate_population(conf.initial_population_size))
            insert_queue = zip(trees, bboxes, [None for _ in range(len(trees))])

        # Simple loop timing mechanism
        timers = {k: Time() for k in ['reproduce', 'death', 'snapshot',
                                      'log_fitness', 'rtf', 'insert_queue']}
        this = self

        def timer(name, t):
            :param t:
            :param name:
            if this.last_time is not None and float(this.last_time - timers[name]) > t:
                timers[name] = this.last_time
                return True

            return False

        # Some variables
        real_time = time.time()
        rtf_interval = 10.0
        sleep_time = 0.1
        run_result = 'unknown'
        started = False

        while True:
            if insert_queue and (not started or timer('insert_queue', 1.0)):
                tree, bbox, parents = insert_queue.pop()
                res = yield From(self.birth(tree, bbox, parents))
                if res:
                    yield From(res)

            if not started:
                # Start the world
                yield From(wait_for(self.pause(False)))
                started = True

            # Perform operations only if there are no items
            # in the insert queue, makes snapshotting easier.
            if insert_queue:
                # Space out robot inserts with one simulation second
                # to allow them to drop in case they are too close.
                # Sleep for a very small interval every time until
                # all inserts are done
                yield From(trollius.sleep(0.01))

            if timer('snapshot', 100.0):
                # Snapshot the world every 100 simulation seconds
                yield From(self.create_snapshot())
                yield From(wait_for(self.pause(False)))

            if timer('death', 3.0):
                # Kill off robots over their age every 5 simulation seconds
                futs = yield From(self.kill_old_robots())
                if futs:
                    yield From(multi_future(futs))

            if timer('reproduce', 3.0):
                # Attempt a reproduction every 3 simulation seconds
                potential_parents = self.select_parents()
                if potential_parents:
                    ra = random.choice(potential_parents)
                    rb = self.select_optimal_mate(ra)
                    result = yield From(self.attempt_mate(ra, rb))

                    if result:
                        child, bbox = result
                        insert_queue.append((child, bbox, (ra, rb)))

            if timer('log_fitness', 2.0):
                # Log overall fitness every 2 simulation seconds

            if timer('rtf', rtf_interval):
                # Print RTF to screen every so often
                nw = time.time()
                diff = nw - real_time
                real_time = nw
                print("RTF: %f" % (rtf_interval / diff))

            # Stop conditions
            num_bots = len(self.robots)
            age = float(self.age())

            if num_bots <= conf.extinction_cutoff:
                print("%d or fewer robots left in population - extinction." %
                run_result = 'extinction'
            elif age > conf.stability_cutoff:
                print("World older than %f seconds, stable." % conf.stability_cutoff)
                run_result = 'stable'

            yield From(trollius.sleep(sleep_time))

        # Delete all robots and reset the world, just in case a new run
        # will be started.
        yield From(wait_for(self.delete_all_robots()))
        yield From(wait_for(self.reset()))
        yield From(wait_for(self.pause(True)))
        yield From(trollius.sleep(0.5))
Пример #14
    def run(self):
        conf = self.conf
        insert_queue = []

        if not self.do_restore:
            # Build the arena
            yield From(wait_for(self.build_arena()))

            # Generate a starting population
            trees, bboxes = yield From(
            insert_queue = zip(trees, bboxes,
                               [None for _ in range(len(trees))])

        # Simple loop timing mechanism
        timers = {
            k: Time()
            for k in ['reproduce', 'death', 'snapshot', 'log_fitness', 'rtf']
        this = self

        def timer(name, t):
            :param t:
            :param name:
            if this.last_time is not None and float(this.last_time -
                                                    timers[name]) > t:
                timers[name] = this.last_time
                return True

            return False

        # Start the world
        real_time = time.time()
        yield From(wait_for(self.pause(False)))
        while True:
            if insert_queue:
                tree, bbox, parents = insert_queue.pop()
                yield From(wait_for(self.birth(tree, bbox, parents)))

            # Perform operations only if there are no items
            # in the insert queue, makes snapshotting easier.
            if insert_queue:
                yield From(trollius.sleep(0.2))

            if timer('snapshot', 10.0):
                # Snapshot the world every 10 simulation seconds
                yield From(self.create_snapshot())
                yield From(wait_for(self.pause(False)))

            if timer('death', 5.0):
                # Kill off robots over their age every 5 simulation seconds
                futs = yield From(self.kill_old_robots())
                if futs:
                    yield From(multi_future(futs))

            if len(self.robots) <= 1:
                print("Less than two robots left in population - extinction.")

            if timer('reproduce',
                     3.0) and len(self.robots) < conf.max_population_size:
                # Attempt a reproduction every 3 simulation seconds
                potential_mates = self.select_mates()
                if potential_mates:
                    ra, rb = random.choice(potential_mates)
                    result = yield From(self.attempt_mate(ra, rb))

                    if result:
                        child, bbox = result
                        insert_queue.append((child, bbox, (ra, rb)))

            if timer('log_fitness', 2.0):
                # Log overall fitness every 2 simulation seconds

            if timer('rtf', 1.0):
                # Print RTF to screen every second
                nw = time.time()
                diff = nw - real_time
                real_time = nw
                print("RTF: %f" % (1.0 / diff))

            yield From(trollius.sleep(0.2))