Пример #1
def main():

    nTrain = 200
    nQuery = [150, 100]
    nDims = 2

    # Make test dataset:
    X = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0, size=(nTrain, nDims))
    X = (X + 0.2 * (X > 0.5))/1.2
    X = X[np.argsort(X[:, 0])]
    noise = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(nTrain,))
    Y = (np.cos(3*np.pi*X[:, 0]) + np.cos(3*np.pi*X[:, 1])) + noise

    data_mean = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
    ys = Y-data_mean

    # make a gridded query
    Xsx = np.linspace(0., 1., nQuery[0])
    Xsy = np.linspace(0., 1., nQuery[1])
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(Xsx, Xsy)
    Xs = np.vstack((xv.ravel(), yv.ravel())).T

    # Compose isotropic kernel:
    def kerneldef(h, k):
        a = h(0.1, 5, 0.1)
        b = h(0.1, 5, 0.1)
        logsigma = h(-6, 1)
        return a*k(gp.kernels.gaussian, b) + k(gp.kernels.lognoise, logsigma)

    hyper_params = gp.learn(X, ys, kerneldef, verbose=True, ftol=1e-5,

    print(gp.describe(kerneldef, hyper_params))

    regressor = gp.condition(X, ys, kerneldef, hyper_params)

    query = gp.query(regressor, Xs)
    post_mu = gp.mean(query) + data_mean
    post_var = gp.variance(query, noise=True)

    # Shift outputs back:
    ax = pl.subplot(131)
    pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=20, c=Y, linewidths=0)
    pl.subplot(132, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    pl.scatter(Xs[:, 0], Xs[:, 1], s=20, c=post_mu, linewidths=0)
    pl.subplot(133, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    pl.scatter(Xs[:, 0], Xs[:, 1], s=20, c=np.sqrt(post_var), linewidths=0)
Пример #2
def main():

    nTrain = 20
    nQuery = 100
    nDims = 1
    noise_level = 0.05

    # Test dataset----------------------------------------------
    X = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0, size=(nTrain, nDims))
    X = X[np.argsort(X[:, 0])]  # n*d
    underlyingFunc = (lambda x: np.sin(2*np.pi*x) + 5 +
                      np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=0.05,
                                       size=(x.shape[0], 1)))
    y = underlyingFunc(X) + noise_level * np.random.randn(nTrain, 1)
    y = y.ravel()
    Xs = np.linspace(0., 1., nQuery)[:, np.newaxis]
    data_mean = np.mean(y)
    ys = y - data_mean
    # ----------------------------------------------------------

    # Define a pathological GP kernel:
    def kerneldef(h, k):
        a = h(0.1, 5, 0.1)
        b = h(0.1, 5, 0.1)
        logsigma = h(-6, 1)
        return (a*k(gp.kernels.gaussian, b) + .1*b*k(gp.kernels.matern3on2, a)
                + k(gp.kernels.lognoise, logsigma))

    # Learning signal and noise hyperparameters
    hyper_params = gp.learn(X, ys, kerneldef, verbose=False, ftol=1e-15,

    # old_hyper_params = [1.48, .322, np.log(0.0486)]
    # print(gp.describe(kerneldef, old_hyper_params))
    print(gp.describe(kerneldef, hyper_params))

    regressor = gp.condition(X, ys, kerneldef, hyper_params)
    query = gp.query(regressor, Xs)
    post_mu = gp.mean(query) + data_mean
    # post_cov = gp.covariance(query)
    post_var = gp.variance(query, noise=True)

    # Plot
    fig = pl.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(Xs, post_mu, 'k-')
    upper = post_mu + 2*np.sqrt(post_var)
    lower = post_mu - 2*np.sqrt(post_var)

    ax.fill_between(Xs.ravel(), upper, lower,
                    facecolor=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), edgecolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    ax.plot(regressor.X[:, 0], regressor.y+data_mean, 'r.')
Пример #3
    def predict(self, Xq, real=True):
        Predict the query mean and variance using the Gaussian process model.

            Infers the mean and variance of the Gaussian process at given
            locations using the data collected so far

        .. note :: [Properties Modified]

        Xq : numpy.ndarray
            Query points
        real : bool, optional
            To use only the real observations or also the virtual observations

            Expectance of the prediction at the given locations
            Variance of the prediction at the given locations
        assert self.hyperparams, "Sampler is not trained yet. " \
                                 "Possibly not enough observations provided."

        # To use only the real data, extract the real data and compute the
        # regressors using only the real data
        if real:
            X_real, y_real = self.get_real_data()
            regressors = [gp.condition(X_real, y_real[:, i_task] -
                          self.kerneldef, self.hyperparams[i_task])
                          for i_task in range(self.n_tasks)]

        # Otherwise, just use the regressors we already have
            regressors = self.regressors

        # Compute using the standard predictor sequence
        predictors = [gp.query(r, Xq) for r in regressors]
        yq_exp = [gp.mean(p) for p in predictors]
        yq_var = [gp.variance(p) for p in predictors]

        return np.asarray(yq_exp).T + self.y_mean, np.asarray(yq_var).T
Пример #4
    def update_regressors(self):
        Update the regressors of the Gaussian process model.

        Only makes sense to do this after hyperparameters are learned

        .. note :: [Properties Modified]

        .. note :: [Further Work] Use Cholesky Update here correctly to cache
                    regressors and improve efficiency
        if self.hyperparams is None:
            # raise ValueError('Hyperparameters are not learned yet.' +
            #                  'Regressors cannot be updated.')

        # Create the regressors if it hasn't already been
        self.regressors = []
        for i_task in range(self.n_tasks):
                gp.condition(self.X(), self.y()[:, i_task] -
                             self.kerneldef, self.hyperparams[i_task]))
Пример #5
def main():

    # Settings

    # Algorithmic properties
    nbases = 50
    lenscale = 1  # For all basis functions that take lengthscales
    lenscale2 = 0.5  # For the Combo basis
    noise = 1
    order = 7  # For polynomial basis
    rate = 0.9
    eta = 1e-5
    passes = 1000
    batchsize = 100
    reg = 1

    # np.random.seed(100)

    N = 500
    Ns = 250

    # Dataset selection
    # dataset = 'sinusoid'
    dataset = 'gp1D'

    # Dataset properties
    lenscale_true = 0.7  # For the gpdraw dataset
    noise_true = 0.1

    basis = 'RKS'
    # basis = 'FF'
    # basis = 'RBF'
    # basis = 'Linear'
    # basis = 'Poly'
    # basis = 'Combo'

    # Make Data

    # Sinusoid
    if dataset == 'sinusoid':
        Xtrain = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, N)[:, np.newaxis]
        ytrain = np.sin(Xtrain).flatten() + np.random.randn(N) * noise
        Xtest = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, Ns)[:, np.newaxis]
        ftest = np.sin(Xtest).flatten()

    # Random RBF GP
    elif dataset == 'gp1D':

        Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest, ftest = \
            gen_gausprocess_se(N, Ns, lenscale=lenscale_true, noise=noise_true)

        raise ValueError('Invalid dataset!')

    # Make Bases

    if basis == 'FF':
        base = basis_functions.FastFood(nbases, Xtrain.shape[1])
    elif basis == 'RKS':
        base = basis_functions.RandomRBF(nbases, Xtrain.shape[1])
    elif basis == 'RBF':
        base = basis_functions.RadialBasis(Xtrain)
    elif basis == 'Linear':
        base = basis_functions.LinearBasis(onescol=True)
    elif basis == 'Poly':
        base = basis_functions.PolynomialBasis(order)
    elif basis == 'Combo':
        base1 = basis_functions.RandomRBF(nbases, Xtrain.shape[1])
        base2 = basis_functions.LinearBasis(onescol=True)
        base3 = basis_functions.FastFood(nbases, Xtrain.shape[1])
        base = base1 + base2 + base3
        raise ValueError('Invalid basis!')

    # Set up optimisation
    # learning_params = gp.OptConfig()
    # learning_params.sigma = gp.auto_range(kdef)
    # learning_params.noise = gp.Range([1e-5], [1e5], [1])
    # learning_params.walltime = 60

    # Learn regression parameters and predict

    if basis == 'Linear' or basis == 'Poly':
        hypers = []
    elif basis == 'FF' or basis == 'RKS' or basis == 'RBF':
        hypers = [lenscale]
    elif basis == 'Combo':
        hypers = [lenscale, lenscale2]
        raise ValueError('Invalid basis!')

    params_elbo = regression.learn(Xtrain, ytrain, base, hypers, var=noise**2,
    Ey_e, Vf_e, Vy_e = regression.predict(Xtest, base, *params_elbo)
    Sy_e = np.sqrt(Vy_e)

    # Nonparametric variational inference GLM

    llhood = likelihoods.Gaussian()
    lparams = [noise**2]
    params_glm = glm.learn(Xtrain, ytrain, llhood, lparams, base, hypers,
                           regulariser=reg, use_sgd=True, rate=rate,
                           postcomp=10, eta=eta, batchsize=batchsize,
    Ey_g, Vf_g, Eyn, Eyx = glm.predict_meanvar(Xtest, llhood, base,
    Vy_g = Vf_g + params_glm[2][0]
    Sy_g = np.sqrt(Vy_g)

    # Learn GP and predict

    def kdef(h, k):
        return (h(1e-5, 1., 0.5) * k(kern.gaussian, h(1e-5, 1e5, lenscale)) +
                k(kern.lognoise, h(-4, 1, -3)))
    hyper_params = gp.learn(Xtrain, ytrain, kdef, verbose=True, ftol=1e-15,

    regressor = gp.condition(Xtrain, ytrain, kdef, hyper_params)
    query = gp.query(regressor, Xtest)
    Ey_gp = gp.mean(query)
    Vf_gp = gp.variance(query)
    Vy_gp = gp.variance(query, noise=True)
    Sy_gp = np.sqrt(Vy_gp)

    # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    # Evaluate LL and SMSE

    LL_elbo = mll(ftest, Ey_e, Vf_e)
    LL_gp = mll(ftest, Ey_gp, Vf_gp)
    LL_g = mll(ftest, Ey_g, Vy_g)

    smse_elbo = smse(ftest, Ey_e)
    smse_gp = smse(ftest, Ey_gp)
    smse_glm = smse(ftest, Ey_g)

    log.info("A la Carte, LL: {}, smse = {}, noise: {}, hypers: {}"
             .format(LL_elbo, smse_elbo, np.sqrt(params_elbo[3]),
    log.info("GP, LL: {}, smse = {}, noise: {}, hypers: {}"
             .format(LL_gp, smse_gp, hyper_params[1], hyper_params[0]))
    log.info("GLM, LL: {}, smse = {}, noise: {}, hypers: {}"
             .format(LL_g, smse_glm, np.sqrt(params_glm[2][0]),

    # Plot

    Xpl_t = Xtrain.flatten()
    Xpl_s = Xtest.flatten()

    # Training/Truth
    pl.plot(Xpl_t, ytrain, 'k.', label='Training')
    pl.plot(Xpl_s, ftest, 'k-', label='Truth')

    # ELBO Regressor
    pl.plot(Xpl_s, Ey_e, 'g-', label='Bayesian linear regression')
    pl.fill_between(Xpl_s, Ey_e - 2 * Sy_e, Ey_e + 2 * Sy_e, facecolor='none',
                    edgecolor='g', linestyle='--', label=None)

    # GP
    # pl.plot(Xpl_s, Ey_gp, 'b-', label='GP')
    # pl.fill_between(Xpl_s, Ey_gp - 2 * Sy_gp, Ey_gp + 2 * Sy_gp,
    #                 facecolor='none', edgecolor='b', linestyle='--',
    #                 label=None)

    # GLM Regressor
    pl.plot(Xpl_s, Ey_g, 'm-', label='GLM')
    pl.fill_between(Xpl_s, Ey_g - 2 * Sy_g, Ey_g + 2 * Sy_g, facecolor='none',
                    edgecolor='m', linestyle='--', label=None)


    pl.title('Regression demo')

Пример #6

# Predict Revrand

Ey, Vf, _, _ = glm.predict_meanvar(X_test, llhood, base, *params)
Vy = Vf + params[2][0]
Sy = np.sqrt(Vy)

# Predict GP

regressor = gp.condition(X_train_sub, y_train_sub, kdef, hyper_params)
query = gp.query(regressor, X_test)
Ey_gp = gp.mean(query)
Vf_gp = gp.variance(query)
Vy_gp = gp.variance(query, noise=True)
Sy_gp = np.sqrt(Vy_gp)

# Validation

log.info("Subset GP smse = {}, msll = {},\n\thypers = {}, noise = {}."
         .format(smse(y_test, Ey_gp), msll(y_test, Ey_gp, Vy_gp, y_train),
                 hyper_params[0], hyper_params[1]))
log.info("Revrand smse = {}, msll = {},\n\thypers = {}, noise = {}."
Пример #7

# Predict Revrand

Ey, Vf, _, _ = glm.predict_meanvar(X_test, llhood, base, *params)
Vy = Vf + params[2][0]
Sy = np.sqrt(Vy)

# Predict GP

regressor = gp.condition(X_train_sub, y_train_sub, kdef, hyper_params)
query = gp.query(regressor, X_test)
Ey_gp = gp.mean(query)
Vf_gp = gp.variance(query)
Vy_gp = gp.variance(query, noise=True)
Sy_gp = np.sqrt(Vy_gp)

# Validation

log.info("Subset GP smse = {}, msll = {},\n\thypers = {}, noise = {}.".format(
    smse(y_test, Ey_gp), msll(y_test, Ey_gp, Vy_gp, y_train), hyper_params[0],
log.info("Revrand smse = {}, msll = {},\n\thypers = {}, noise = {}.".format(
    smse(y_test, Ey), msll(y_test, Ey, Vy, y_train), params[2],