Пример #1
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
import rft1d

#(0) Set parameters:
nResponses   = 5
nNodes       = 101
FWHM         = 20.0
### create a boolean mask:
nodes        = np.array([True]*nNodes) #nothing masked out
nodes[20:30] = False  #this region will be masked out
nodes[60:80] = False  #this region will be masked out

#(1) Generate Gaussian 1D fields:
y          = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM)

#(2) Plot:
pyplot.plot([0,100], [0,0], 'k:')
pyplot.xlabel('Field position', size=16)
pyplot.ylabel('z', size=20)
pyplot.title('Broken (piecewise continuous) random fields', size=20)
Пример #2
from matplotlib import pyplot
import rft1d

eps = np.finfo(float).eps  #smallest float

#(0) Set parameters:
nResponses = 2000
nNodes = 101
FWHM = 8.5
interp = True
wrap = True
heights = [2.0, 2.2, 2.4]
c = 2
### generate data:
y = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nNodes, FWHM)
calc = rft1d.geom.ClusterMetricCalculator()
rftcalc = rft1d.prob.RFTCalculator(STAT='Z', nodes=nNodes, FWHM=FWHM)

#(1) Maximum region size:
K0 = np.linspace(eps, 8, 21)
K = [[calc.cluster_extents(yy, h, interp, wrap) for yy in y] for h in heights]
### compute number of upcrossings above a threshold:
C = np.array([[[sum([kkk >= k0 for kkk in kk]) for kk in k] for k in K]
              for k0 in K0])
P = np.mean(C >= c, axis=2).T
P0 = np.array([[rftcalc.p.set(c, k0, h) for h in heights]
               for k0 in K0 / FWHM]).T

#(2) Plot results:
Пример #3
def here_expected_ec_1d(Q, FWHM, u):
	return (Q-1)/FWHM * sqrt(4*log(2)) / (2*pi) * exp(-0.5*(u*u))
### actual EC:
def here_ec(b):
	L,n = rft1d.geom.bwlabel(b)
	return n
### simulate:
nNodes      = 101
FWHM        = [5, 10, 25]
nIterations = 100   #increase this to 1000 to reproduce the results from the paper
heights     = np.linspace(0, 4, 21)
### simulate random fields and compute their EC:
EC          = []
for W in FWHM:
	y       = rft1d.randn1d(nIterations, nNodes, W, pad=True)
	ec      = np.array([[here_ec(yy>u)  for u in heights]   for yy in y]).mean(axis=0)
EC          = np.array(EC)
### expected EC:
E0,E1 = [],[]
for W in FWHM:
	e0    = np.array([here_expected_ec_0d(u)  for u in heights])
	e1    = np.array([here_expected_ec_1d(nNodes, W, u)  for u in heights])
### plot:
ax      = pyplot.axes([0.11,0.14,0.86,0.84])
colors  = ['b', 'g', 'r']
for color,e0,e1,ec in zip(colors, E0, E1, EC):
Пример #4
nResponsesA = 5
nResponsesB = 5
nNodes      = 101
FWHM        = 10.0
nIterations = 5000
### derived parameters:
nA,nB       = nResponsesA, nResponsesB
nTotal      = nA + nB
df          = nA + nB - 2

#(1) Generate Gaussian 1D fields, compute test stat, store field maximum:
T         = []
for i in range(nIterations):
	y     = rft1d.randn1d(nTotal, nNodes, FWHM)
	#compute test stat:
	yA,yB = y[:nA], y[nA:]
	mA,mB = yA.mean(axis=0), yB.mean(axis=0)
	sA,sB = yA.std(ddof=1, axis=0), yB.std(ddof=1, axis=0)
	s     = np.sqrt(    ((nA-1)*sA*sA + (nB-1)*sB*sB)  /  df     )
	t     = (mA-mB) / ( s *np.sqrt(1.0/nA + 1.0/nB))
	T.append( t.max() )
T         = np.asarray(T)

#(2) Survival functions:
heights   = np.linspace(2, 5, 21)
sf        = np.array(  [ (T>h).mean()  for h in heights]  )
sfE       = rft1d.t.sf(heights, df, nNodes, FWHM)  #theoretical
sf0D      = rft1d.t.sf0d(heights, df) #theoretical (0D)
Пример #5
### actual EC:
def here_ec(b):
    L, n = rft1d.geom.bwlabel(b)
    return n

### simulate:
nNodes = 101
FWHM = [5, 10, 25]
nIterations = 100  #increase this to 1000 to reproduce the results from the paper
heights = np.linspace(0, 4, 21)
### simulate random fields and compute their EC:
EC = []
for W in FWHM:
    y = rft1d.randn1d(nIterations, nNodes, W, pad=True)
    ec = np.array([[here_ec(yy > u) for u in heights]
                   for yy in y]).mean(axis=0)
EC = np.array(EC)
### expected EC:
E0, E1 = [], []
for W in FWHM:
    e0 = np.array([here_expected_ec_0d(u) for u in heights])
    e1 = np.array([here_expected_ec_1d(nNodes, W, u) for u in heights])
### plot:
ax = pyplot.axes([0.11, 0.14, 0.86, 0.84])
colors = ['b', 'g', 'r']
Пример #6
Random field generation using rft1d.randn1d

When FWHM gets large (2FWHM>nNodes), the data should be padded
using the *pad* keyword.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
import rft1d

#(0) Set parameters:
nResponses = 5
nNodes = 101
FWHM = 20.0

#(1) Generate Gaussian 1D fields:
y = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nNodes, FWHM, pad=False)

#(2) Plot:
pyplot.plot([0, 100], [0, 0], 'k:')
pyplot.xlabel('Field position', size=16)
pyplot.ylabel('z', size=20)
pyplot.title('Random (Gaussian) fields', size=20)
#(0) Set parameters:
nResponses    = 10000
nNodes        = 101
FWHM          = 13.1877
### generate a field mask:
nodes_full    = np.array([True]*nNodes) #nothing masked out
nodes         = nodes_full.copy()
nodes[20:45]  = False  #this region will be masked out
nodes[60:80]  = False

#(1) Generate Gaussian 1D fields and extract maxima::
y_full        = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nNodes, FWHM)
y_broken      = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM)
ymax_full     = y_full.max(axis=1)
ymax_broken   = np.nanmax(y_broken, axis=1)

#(2) Survival functions for field maximum:
heights    = np.linspace(2.0, 4, 21)
sf_full    = np.array(  [ (ymax_full>=h).mean()  for h in heights]  )
sf_broken  = np.array(  [ (ymax_broken>=h).mean()  for h in heights]  )
### expected:
sfE_full   = rft1d.norm.sf(heights, nNodes, FWHM)  #theoretical
sfE_broken = rft1d.norm.sf(heights, nodes, FWHM)  #theoretical

Пример #8
nNodes = 101
FWHM = [5.0, 10.0, 25.0]
nResponses = 20
heights = np.linspace(1.0, 3.0, 11)
### generate mask:
nodes = np.array([True] * nNodes)
nodes[20:35] = False
nodes[60:80] = False
### assemble the field's geometric characteristics:
nSegments = rft1d.geom.bwlabel(nodes)[
    1]  #number of unbroken field segments (here: 3)
nNodesTotal = nodes.sum()  #number of nodes in the unbroken field segments
fieldSize = nNodesTotal - nSegments

#(1) Generate broken random fields:
y0 = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM[0], pad=True)
y1 = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM[1], pad=True)
y2 = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM[2], pad=True)

#(2) Plot results:
axx = np.linspace(0.04, 0.695, 3)
AX = [pyplot.axes([xx, 0.18, 0.29, 0.8]) for xx in axx]
ax0, ax1, ax2 = AX
### plot fields:
colors = scalar2color(range(nResponses + 3), cmap=cm.RdPu)
[ax0.plot(yy, color=color) for yy, color in zip(y0, colors)]
[ax1.plot(yy, color=color) for yy, color in zip(y1, colors)]
[ax2.plot(yy, color=color) for yy, color in zip(y2, colors)]
### adjust axes:
pyplot.setp(AX, xlim=(0, 100), ylim=(-3.8, 3.8))
Пример #9
		### expectations for unbroken fields:
		ec0u         = here_ec_0d(u, 1)
		ec1u         = here_ec_1d(u, fieldSize, W)
		EC0.append( ec0 + ec1 )
		EC0u.append( ec0u + ec1u )
expectedEC           = np.array(expectedEC)
expectedECunbroken   = np.array(expectedECunbroken)

#(2) Simulate broken random fields and compute their EC:
EC          = []
for W in FWHM:
	y       = rft1d.randn1d(nIterations, nodes, W, pad=True)
	ec      = np.array([[here_ec_actual(yy, u)  for u in heights]   for yy in y]).mean(axis=0)
EC          = np.array(EC)

#(3) Plot results:
ax      = pyplot.axes([0.11,0.14,0.86,0.84])
colors  = ['b', 'r', 'g']
for color,ec0,ec0u,ec in zip(colors, expectedEC, expectedECunbroken, EC):
	ax.plot(heights, ec0u, '-', lw=1, color=color)    #expectation for an unbroken field
	ax.plot(heights, ec0, ':', lw=2, color=color)  #expectation for broken field
	ax.plot(heights, ec, 'o', color=color, markersize=5)  #simulated data
Пример #10
When FWHM gets large (2FWHM>nNodes), the data should be padded
using the *pad* keyword.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
import rft1d

#(0) Set parameters:
nResponses = 5
nNodes     = 101
FWHM       = 20.0

#(1) Generate Gaussian 1D fields:
y          = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nNodes, FWHM, pad=False)

#(2) Plot:
pyplot.plot([0,100], [0,0], 'k:')
pyplot.xlabel('Field position', size=16)
pyplot.ylabel('z', size=20)
pyplot.title('Random (Gaussian) fields', size=20)
Пример #11
### actual EC:
def here_ec(b):
    L, n = rft1d.geom.bwlabel(b)
    return n

#(0) Simulation:
nNodes = 101
FWHM = [5, 10, 25]
nIterations = 100  #increase this to 1000 to reproduce the results from the paper
heights = np.linspace(0, 4, 21)
### simulate random fields and compute their EC:
EC = []
for W in FWHM:
    y = rft1d.randn1d(nIterations, nNodes, W, pad=True)
    ec = np.array([[here_ec(yy > u) for u in heights]
                   for yy in y]).mean(axis=0)
EC = np.array(EC)

#(1) Expected EC:
E0, E1 = [], []
for W in FWHM:
    e0 = np.array([here_expected_ec_0d(u) for u in heights])
    e1 = np.array([here_expected_ec_1d(nNodes, W, u) for u in heights])

#(2) Plot results:
nNodes       = 101
FWHM         = [5.0, 10.0, 25.0]
nResponses   = 20
heights      = np.linspace(1.0, 3.0, 11)
### generate mask:
nodes        = np.array([True]*nNodes)
nodes[20:35] = False
nodes[60:80] = False
### assemble the field's geometric characteristics:
nSegments    = rft1d.geom.bwlabel(nodes)[1]  #number of unbroken field segments (here: 3)
nNodesTotal  = nodes.sum() #number of nodes in the unbroken field segments
fieldSize    = nNodesTotal - nSegments

#(1) Generate broken random fields:
y0           = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM[0], pad=True)
y1           = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM[1], pad=True)
y2           = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM[2], pad=True)

#(2) Plot results:
axx         = np.linspace(0.04, 0.695, 3)
AX          = [pyplot.axes([xx,0.18,0.29,0.8])   for xx in axx]
ax0,ax1,ax2 = AX
### plot fields:
colors      = scalar2color(list(range(nResponses+3)), cmap=cm.RdPu)
[ax0.plot(yy, color=color)  for yy,color in zip(y0,colors)]
Пример #13
from matplotlib import pyplot
import rft1d

#(0) Set parameters:
nResponses = 10000
nNodes = 101
FWHM = 13.1877
### generate a field mask:
nodes_full = np.array([True] * nNodes)  #nothing masked out
nodes = nodes_full.copy()
nodes[20:45] = False  #this region will be masked out
nodes[60:80] = False

#(1) Generate Gaussian 1D fields and extract maxima::
y_full = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nNodes, FWHM)
y_broken = rft1d.randn1d(nResponses, nodes, FWHM)
ymax_full = y_full.max(axis=1)
ymax_broken = np.nanmax(y_broken, axis=1)

#(2) Survival functions for field maximum:
heights = np.linspace(2.0, 4, 21)
sf_full = np.array([(ymax_full >= h).mean() for h in heights])
sf_broken = np.array([(ymax_broken >= h).mean() for h in heights])
### expected:
sfE_full = rft1d.norm.sf(heights, nNodes, FWHM)  #theoretical
sfE_broken = rft1d.norm.sf(heights, nodes, FWHM)  #theoretical

#(3) Plot results: