def get(self, serial): """REST GET implementation for the URI: http://<server>:<port>/analytics/temperature/sensors/<string:serial>? duration=<duration> Parameters ---------- serial: str (required) sensor serial number It is assumed that this method is called within the context of an HTTP request. And that the HTTP request contains query parameters with the request.args as containing the following: duration: str (required) A valid duration as defined by the DURATION_ENUM Raises: ------ BadRequest if sensor with serial is not registered or if sensor is not enabled. """ params = request.args if not params: raise BadRequest("Parameter duration=<duration> is missing") if not isinstance(params, dict): raise BadRequest("params must be an instance of dict") if "duration" not in params: raise BadRequest("Missing required duration parameter") duration = params.get("duration") is_valid = DURATION_ENUM.is_valid(duration) if not is_valid: raise BadRequest("duration=[{0}] is not valid".format(duration)) # retrieve sensor info from DB sensor = SensorDAO.get_sensor(serial) if sensor is None: raise NotFound("No sensor registered for serial [{0}]".format(serial)) readings = SensorDAO.get_readings(serial, duration) sensor_data = dict() sensor_data["serial"] = sensor["serial"] response = OrderedDict() response[STATUS_KEY] = STATUS_SUCCESS response[SENSOR_KEY] = sensor_data response[DATA_KEY] = readings json_response = jsonify(response) return json_response
def get(self, serial): """REST GET implementation for the URI: http://<server>:<port>/information/sensors/<string:serial> Parameters ---------- serial: str (required) sensor serial number Raises: ------ NotFound if sensor with serial is not found. """ # retrieve sensor info from DB sensor = SensorDAO.get_sensor(serial) if sensor is None: raise NotFound("No sensor registered for serial [{0}]".format(serial)) data = OrderedDict() data["serial"] = sensor["serial"] data["type"] = sensor["type"] data["name"] = sensor["name"] data["state"] = sensor["state"] data["geolocation"] = sensor["geolocation"] data["address"] = sensor["address"] data["location"] = sensor["location"] response = OrderedDict() response[STATUS_KEY] = STATUS_SUCCESS response[SENSOR_KEY] = data json_response = jsonify(response) return json_response
def read_store_readings (): """ Function used to read and store sensor readings """ logging.debug("inside read_store_readings...") if globalFlaskApp is None: logging.error("Flask has not been initialized!") raise EnvironmentError("Flask has not been initialized") # error flag used to send email only once if error occurs. error_flag = False headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} sensor_url = ini_config.get("Sensor", "SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_URL") sensor_serial = ini_config.get("Sensor", "SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_SERIAL") rest_url = (sensor_url + "/" + sensor_serial) logging.debug("sensor REST URL is [{0}]".format(rest_url)) rest_user = ini_config.get("Sensor", "SENSOR_REST_API_USERNAME") rest_pw = ini_config.get("Sensor", "SENSOR_REST_API_PASSWORD") req_timeout = ini_config.getint("Sensor", "SENSOR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT") sleep_timeout = ini_config.getint("Sensor", "SENSOR_SLEEP_TIME") recipient = ini_config.get("Email", "RECIPIENT_EMAIL") with globalFlaskApp.app_context(): logging.debug("starting forever loop within Flask app context") # start daemon forever loop while True: try: # collect data from sensor using RESTFul API logging.debug("Sending request to [{0}] with user [{1}]" .format(rest_url, rest_user)) r = requests.get(rest_url, verify=False, auth=(rest_user, rest_pw), headers=headers, timeout=req_timeout) # if code gets here no exception has occurred. reset flag. error_flag = False if (r.status_code != 200): logging.error("Response status code [{0}] : [{1}]" .format(r.status_code, r.text)) else: output = r.json() sensor = output[SENSOR_KEY] readings = output[DATA_KEY] logging.debug("Adding sensor record with unit [{0}], " "value [{1}], utc [{2}], serial [{3}] to " "database." .format(readings["unit"], readings["value"], readings["utc"], sensor["serial"])) SensorDAO.add_reading(readings["unit"], readings["value"], readings["utc"], sensor["serial"]) # python 3.4: ConnectionRefusedError except (ConnectionError, Timeout) as err: # e.g., server is down. sys.stderr.write(str(err)) logging.exception("Connection Error with URL [{0}], " "user [{1}] in runserver daemon: [{2}]" .format(rest_url, rest_user, err)) if not error_flag : # only send email once. subject = "sensorserver: Connection/Timeout Error""Sending email to [{0}] with subject [{1}]" .format(recipient, subject)) message = ("Connection/Timeout Error to URL [{0}]: [{1}]" .format(rest_url, err)) try: EMail.send_email(recipient, subject, message)"email to [{0}] with subject [{1}] sent." .format(recipient, subject)) except Exception as mail_err: logging.error("Error [{0}] sending email." .format(mail_err)) error_flag = True except (HTTPError, RequestException) as err: sys.stderr.write(str(err)) logging.exception("HTTP/Request Error to URL [{0}] in " "runserver daemon: [{1}]" .format(rest_url, err)) if not error_flag : # only send email once. subject = "sensorserver: HTTP Error""Sending email to [{0}] with subject [{1}]" .format(recipient, subject)) message = ("HTTP/Request to URL [{0}] Error: [{1}]" .format(rest_url, err)) try: EMail.send_email(recipient, subject, message) "email to [{0}] with subject [{1}] was sent." .format(recipient, subject)) except Exception as mail_err: logging.error("Error [{0}] sending email." .format(mail_err)) error_flag = True except (EnvironmentError, Exception) as err: sys.stderr.write(str(err)) logging.exception("Error in runserver daemon: [{0}]" .format(err)) if not error_flag : # only send email once. subject = "sensorserver: Environment Error""Sending email to [{0}] with subject [{1}]" .format(recipient, subject)) message = "EXITING APPLICATION. Error: [{0}]".format(err) try: EMail.send_email(recipient, subject, message) "email to [{0}] with subject [{1}] was sent." .format(recipient, subject)) except Exception as mail_err: logging.error("Error [{0}] sending email." .format(mail_err)) error_flag = True except: # catch *all* other exceptions err = sys.exc_info()[0] logging.exception("Error occurred in runserver daemon: [{0}]" .format(err)) write_to_file("<p>Error in runsensor daemon: [{0}]</p>" .format(err), sys.stderr) exit(1) time.sleep(sleep_timeout) return