Пример #1
    def act(self, game):
        all_locs = {(x, y) for x in xrange(19) for y in xrange(19)}
        spawn = {loc for loc in all_locs if 'spawn' in rg.loc_types(loc)}
        obstacle = {loc for loc in all_locs if 'obstacle' in rg.loc_types(loc)}
        team = {loc for loc in game.robots if game.robots[loc].player_id == self.player_id}
        enemy = set(game.robots) - team

        adjacent = set(rg.locs_around(self.location)) - obstacle
        adjacent_enemy = adjacent & enemy
        adjacent_enemy2 = {loc for loc in adjacent if (set(rg.locs_around(loc)) & enemy)} - team
        safe = adjacent - adjacent_enemy - adjacent_enemy2 - spawn - team

        def mindist(bots, loc):
            return min(bots, key=lambda x: rg.dist(x, loc))

            if enemy:
                closest_enemy = mindist(enemy, self.location)
            closest_enemy = rg.CENTER_POINT

            move = ['guard']

            if self.location in spawn:
                if safe:
                    move = ['move', mindist(safe, rg.CENTER_POINT)]
            elif adjacent_enemy:
                if 9 * len(adjacent_enemy) >= self.hp:
                    if safe:
                        move = ['move', mindist(safe, rg.CENTER_POINT)]
                    move = ['attack', adjacent_enemy.pop()]
            elif adjacent_enemy2:
                move = ['attack', adjacent_enemy2.pop()]
            elif safe:
                move = ['move', mindist(safe, closest_enemy)]
Пример #2
    def commandGuard(self, game):
        #Ustawia status 'alarm' jeżeli wrogi robot jest za blisko
        if values.commands[self.robot_id]['action'] == 'nil':
            for bots in values.enemies:
                if rg.wdist(self.location, bots) == R_FROM_ENEMY:
                    values.commands[self.robot_id]['action'] = 'guard'
                    values.commands[self.robot_id]['status'] = 'alarm'
        #Jeżeli w pobliżu nie ma wrogów, a robot ma status 'alarm', zmienia jego status na 'calm'
        if values.commands[self.robot_id]['action'] == 'alarm':
            sEnemies = set(values.enemies)

            for loc in rg.locs_around(self.location):
                sEnemies -= set(loc)

            if len(sEnemies) == len(values.enemies):
                values.commands[self.robot_id]['action'] = 'nil'
                values.commands[self.robot_id]['status'] = 'calm'
                    self.robot_id]['destination'] = values.safeSpace
Пример #3
 def _validate_action(robot, action):
     Need to be VERY CAREFUL here not to call any built-in functions on
     'action' unless it is known to be completely safe. A malicious bot may
     return an object with overwritten built-in functions that run arbitrary
     Player._validate_type(robot, 'action', action, (list, tuple))
     Player._validate_length(robot, 'action', action, (1, 2))
     Player._validate_type(robot, 'action[0]', action[0], (str, ))
     if action[0] in ('move', 'attack'):
         if len(action) != 2:
             raise Exception(
                 'Bot {0}: {1} requires a location as well.'.format(
                     robot.robot_id, action))
         Player._validate_type(robot, 'action[1]', action[1], (list, tuple))
         Player._validate_length(robot, 'action[1]', action[1], (2, ))
         Player._validate_type(robot, 'action[1][0]', action[1][0],
         Player._validate_type(robot, 'action[1][1]', action[1][1],
         valid_locs = rg.locs_around(robot.location,
                                     filter_out=['invalid', 'obstacle'])
         if action[1] not in valid_locs:
             raise Exception('Bot {0}: {1} is not a valid action.'.format(
                 robot.robot_id, action))
     elif action[0] not in ('guard', 'suicide'):
         raise ValueError('Bot %d: action must be one of "guard", '
                          '"suicide", "move", or "attack".')
Пример #4
 def _surrounding(location):
     """test closest place location and property
         location (tuple): location of the map
         tuple: return[0], list, a list of location of normal places
                return[1], list, a list of location of spawn places
     normal = rg.locs_around(location, filter_out=('invalid', 'obstacle', 'spawn'))
     spawn = rg.locs_around(location, filter_out=('invalid', 'obstacle'))
     new_spawn = [val for val in spawn if val not in normal]
     # intersection = [val for val in normal if val in new_spawn]
     # print "intersection", intersection
     return normal, new_spawn
Пример #5
 def _validate_action(robot, action):
     Need to be VERY CAREFUL here not to call any built-in functions on
     'action' unless it is known to be completely safe. A malicious bot may
     return an object with overwritten built-in functions that run arbitrary
     Player._validate_type(robot, 'action', action, (list, tuple))
     Player._validate_length(robot, 'action', action, (1, 2))
     Player._validate_type(robot, 'action[0]', action[0], (str,))
     if action[0] in ('move', 'attack'):
         if len(action) != 2:
             raise Exception(
                 'Bot {0}: {1} requires a location as well.'.format(
                     robot.robot_id, action)
         Player._validate_type(robot, 'action[1]', action[1], (list, tuple))
         Player._validate_length(robot, 'action[1]', action[1], (2,))
             robot, 'action[1][0]', action[1][0], (int, long, float))
             robot, 'action[1][1]', action[1][1], (int, long, float))
         valid_locs = rg.locs_around(
             robot.location, filter_out=['invalid', 'obstacle'])
         if action[1] not in valid_locs:
             raise Exception(
                 'Bot {0}: {1} is not a valid action.'.format(
                     robot.robot_id, action)
     elif action[0] not in ('guard', 'suicide'):
         raise Exception('Bot %d: action must be one of "guard", "suicide",'
                         '"move", or "attack".')
Пример #6
 def get_possible_actions(self):
     possible_moves = [s.ACTION_SUICIDE]
     possible_locs = rg.locs_around(self.location,
                                    filter_out=('invalid', 'obstacle'))
     for loc in possible_locs:
         possible_moves.append((s.ACTION_MOVE, loc))
         possible_moves.append((s.ACTION_ATTACK, loc))
     return possible_moves
Пример #7
 def commandSuicide(self, game):
     #Jeżeli ilość punktów życia jest mniejsza od liczby punktów obrażeń,
     #które może zebrać od wrogów obok niego, popełnia samobójstwo
     ene = set(values.enemies) & set(rg.locs_around(self.location))
     if self.hp >= len(ene) * 8 and self.hp <= len(ene) * 10:
         values.commands[self.robot_id]['action'] = 'suicide'
         values.commands[self.robot_id]['status'] = 'suicide'
Пример #8
    def _get_damage_map(self, actions):
        damage_map = defaultdict(
            lambda: [{} for _ in range(settings.player_count)])

        for loc, robot in list(self.robots.items()):
            actor_id = robot.player_id

            if actions[loc][0] == 'attack':
                target = actions[loc][1]
                damage = self._attack_random.randint(*settings.attack_range)
                damage_map[target][actor_id][loc] = damage
            elif actions[loc][0] == 'suicide':
                damage = settings.suicide_damage
                for target in rg.locs_around(loc):
                    damage_map[target][actor_id][loc] = damage

        return damage_map
Пример #9
    def _get_damage_map(self, actions):
        damage_map = defaultdict(
            lambda: [{} for _ in xrange(settings.player_count)])

        for loc, robot in self.robots.iteritems():
            actor_id = robot.player_id

            if actions[loc][0] == 'attack':
                target = actions[loc][1]
                damage = self._attack_random.randint(
                damage_map[target][actor_id][loc] = damage
            elif actions[loc][0] == 'suicide':
                damage = settings.suicide_damage
                for target in rg.locs_around(loc):
                    damage_map[target][actor_id][loc] = damage

        return damage_map
Пример #10
    def is_valid_action(self, actor, action):
            if len(str(action)) > self._settings.str_limit:
                return False

            if len(repr(action)) > self._settings.str_limit:
                return False

            if action[0] in ['move', 'attack']:
                return action[1] in rg.locs_around(
                    actor, filter_out=['invalid', 'obstacle'])
            elif action[0] in ['guard', 'suicide']:
                return True
                return False

            return False
Пример #11
    def commandAttack(self, game):
        #Jeżeli wrogi robot znajduje się obok, ustawia status 'atack', aby go atakować
        for bots in values.enemies:
            if rg.wdist(self.location, bots) == 1:
                values.commands[self.robot_id]['action'] = 'attack'
                values.commands[self.robot_id]['stauts'] = 'attack'
                values.commands[self.robot_id]['destination'] = bots

        #Jeżeli w pobliżu nie ma wrogów, a robot ma status 'atack', zmienia jego status na 'calm'
        if len(set(values.enemies) -
               set(rg.locs_around(self.location))) == len(values.enemies):
            values.commands[self.robot_id]['action'] = 'nil'
            values.commands[self.robot_id]['status'] = 'calm'
            values.commands[self.robot_id]['destination'] = values.safeSpace
Пример #12
 def call_suicide(self, action_table):
     self.hp = 0
     self.call_attack(self.location, action_table, damage=settings.suicide_damage)
     for loc in rg.locs_around(self.location):
         self.call_attack(loc, action_table, damage=settings.suicide_damage)
Пример #13
 def test_around(self):
     filtered = set(rg.locs_around((3, 3)))
     self.assertEqual(filtered, set([(3, 2), (4, 3), (3, 4), (2, 3)]))
Пример #14
    def get_delta(self, actions, spawn=True):
        delta = []

        def dest(loc):
            if actions[loc][0] == 'move':
                return actions[loc][1]
                return loc

        hitpoints = defaultdict(lambda: set())

        def stuck(loc):
            # we are not moving anywhere
            # inform others
            old_hitpoints = hitpoints[loc]
            hitpoints[loc] = set([loc])

            for rival in old_hitpoints:
                if rival != loc:

        for loc in self.robots:

        for loc in self.robots:
            if len(hitpoints[dest(loc)]) > 1 or (self.is_robot(dest(loc)) and
                                                 dest(loc) != loc and
                                                 dest(dest(loc)) == loc):
                # we've got a problem

        # calculate new locations
        for loc, robot in self.robots.iteritems():
            if actions[loc][0] == 'move' and loc in hitpoints[loc]:
                new_loc = loc
                new_loc = dest(loc)

                'loc': loc,
                'hp': robot.hp,
                'player_id': robot.player_id,
                'loc_end': new_loc,
                'hp_end': robot.hp  # will be adjusted later

        # {loc: set(robots collided with loc}
        collisions = defaultdict(lambda: set())
        for loc in self.robots:
            for loc2 in hitpoints[dest(loc)]:

        # {loc: [damage_dealt_by_player_0, damage_dealt_by_player_1]}
        damage_map = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])

        for loc, robot in self.robots.iteritems():
            actor_id = robot.player_id

            if actions[loc][0] == 'attack':
                target = actions[loc][1]
                damage = self._attack_random.randint(
                damage_map[target][actor_id] += damage

            if actions[loc][0] == 'suicide':
                damage_map[loc][1 - actor_id] += self._settings.robot_hp

                damage = self._settings.suicide_damage
                for target in rg.locs_around(loc):
                    damage_map[target][actor_id] += damage

        # apply damage
        for delta_info in delta:
            loc = delta_info.loc
            loc_end = delta_info.loc_end
            robot = self.robots[loc]

            # apply collision damage
            if actions[loc][0] != 'guard':
                damage = self._settings.collision_damage

                for loc2 in collisions[delta_info.loc]:
                    if robot.player_id != self.robots[loc2].player_id:
                        delta_info.hp_end -= damage

            # apply other damage
            damage_taken = damage_map[loc_end][1 - robot.player_id]
            if actions[loc][0] == 'guard':
                damage_taken /= 2

            delta_info.hp_end -= damage_taken

        if spawn:
            if self.turn % self._settings.spawn_every == 0:
                # clear bots on spawn
                for delta_info in delta:
                    loc_end = delta_info.loc_end

                    if loc_end in self._settings.spawn_coords:
                        delta_info.hp_end = 0

                # spawn bots
                locations = self._get_spawn_locations()
                for player_id, locs in enumerate(locations):
                    for loc in locs:
                            'loc': loc,
                            'hp': 0,
                            'player_id': player_id,
                            'loc_end': loc,
                            'hp_end': self._settings.robot_hp

        return delta
Пример #15
 def act(self, game):
     assert rg.CENTER_POINT is not None
     assert rg.locs_around((9, 9)) is not None
     return ["guard"]
Пример #16
 def test_around_filter(self):
     filtered = set(rg.locs_around((3, 3), filter_out=['obstacle']))
     self.assertEqual(filtered, set([(4, 3), (3, 4)]))
Пример #17
 def test_around(self):
     filtered = set(rg.locs_around((3, 3)))
     self.assertEqual(filtered, set([(3, 2), (4, 3), (3, 4), (2, 3)]))
Пример #18
 def act(self, game):
     assert rg.CENTER_POINT is not None
     assert rg.locs_around((9, 9)) is not None
     return ['guard']
Пример #19
 def movable_loc(self, loc):
     good_around = rg.locs_around(self.location,
         filter_out=['invalid', 'obstacle'])
     return loc in good_around
Пример #20
 def test_around_filter(self):
     filtered = set(rg.locs_around((3, 3), filter_out=['obstacle']))
     self.assertEqual(filtered, set([(4, 3), (3, 4)]))
Пример #21
    def get_robots_around(self, loc):
        locs_around = rg.locs_around(loc, filter_out=['obstacle', 'invalid'])

        robots = [self.field[x] for x in locs_around]
        return [x for x in robots if x not in (None, self)]