Пример #1
    def get_tag_count(self, ref, start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift,
        Gets the tag count associated with self.bam based on start, end and ext.

        Keyword arguments:
        ref -- Chromosome name.
        start -- Initial genomic coordinate of signal.
        end -- Final genomic coordinate of signal.
        downstream_ext -- Number of bps to extend towards the downstream region (right for forward strand and left for reverse strand).
        upstream_ext -- Number of bps to extend towards the upstream region (left for forward strand and right for reverse strand).
        forward_shift -- Number of bps to shift the reads aligned to the forward strand. Can be a positive number for a shift towards the downstream region (towards the inside of the aligned read) and a negative number for a shift towards the upstream region.
        reverse_shift -- Number of bps to shift the reads aligned to the reverse strand. Can be a positive number for a shift towards the upstream region and a negative number for a shift towards the downstream region (towards the inside of the aligned read).
        initial_clip -- Signal will be initially clipped at this level to avoid outliers.

        tag_count -- Total signal.

        # Fetch raw signal
        pileup_region = PileupRegion(start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift)
        if ps_version == "0.7.5":
            self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end, callback=pileup_region)
            iter = self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end)
            for alignment in iter: pileup_region.__call__(alignment)
        raw_signal = array([min(e, initial_clip) for e in pileup_region.vector])

        # Tag count
            tag_count = sum(raw_signal)
        except Exception:
            tag_count = 0

        return tag_count
Пример #2
    def get_tag_count(self, ref, start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift,
        Gets the tag count associated with self.bam based on start, end and ext.

        Keyword arguments:
        ref -- Chromosome name.
        start -- Initial genomic coordinate of signal.
        end -- Final genomic coordinate of signal.
        downstream_ext -- Number of bps to extend towards the downstream region (right for forward strand and left for reverse strand).
        upstream_ext -- Number of bps to extend towards the upstream region (left for forward strand and right for reverse strand).
        forward_shift -- Number of bps to shift the reads aligned to the forward strand. Can be a positive number for a shift towards the downstream region (towards the inside of the aligned read) and a negative number for a shift towards the upstream region.
        reverse_shift -- Number of bps to shift the reads aligned to the reverse strand. Can be a positive number for a shift towards the upstream region and a negative number for a shift towards the downstream region (towards the inside of the aligned read).
        initial_clip -- Signal will be initially clipped at this level to avoid outliers.

        tag_count -- Total signal.

        # Fetch raw signal
        pileup_region = PileupRegion(start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift)
        if ps_version == "0.7.5":
            self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end, callback=pileup_region)
            iter = self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end)
            for alignment in iter: pileup_region.__call__(alignment)
        raw_signal = array([min(e, initial_clip) for e in pileup_region.vector])

        # Tag count
            tag_count = sum(raw_signal)
        except Exception:
            tag_count = 0

        return tag_count
Пример #3
    # Iterating on MPBSs
    intFile = open(intFileName, "r")
    spr = 0.0
    counter = 0.0
    for line in intFile:

        # Fetching signal
        ll = line.strip().split("\t")
        mLen = int(ll[2]) - int(ll[1])
        mid = (int(ll[1]) + int(ll[2])) / 2
        p1 = max(mid - halfWindow, 0)
        p2 = mid + halfWindow

        # Fetch raw signal
        pileup_region = PileupRegion(p1, p2, 1)
        if (ps_version == "0.7.5"):
            iter = bam.fetch(reference=ll[0], start=p1, end=p2)
            for alignment in iter:
        raw_signal = array(
            [min(e, initial_clip) for e in pileup_region.vector])

        # Std-based clipping
        mean = raw_signal.mean()
        std = raw_signal.std()
Пример #4
  # Iterating on MPBSs
  intFile = open(intFileName,"r")
  spr = 0.0
  counter = 0.0
  for line in intFile:

    # Fetching signal
    ll = line.strip().split("\t")
    mLen = int(ll[2]) - int(ll[1])
    mid = (int(ll[1])+int(ll[2]))/2
    p1 = max(mid - halfWindow,0)
    p2 = mid + halfWindow

    # Fetch raw signal
    pileup_region = PileupRegion(p1,p2,1)
    if(ps_version == "0.7.5"):
      bam.fetch(reference=ll[0], start=p1, end=p2, callback = pileup_region)
      iter = bam.fetch(reference=ll[0], start=p1, end=p2)
      for alignment in iter: pileup_region.__call__(alignment)
    raw_signal = array([min(e,initial_clip) for e in pileup_region.vector])
    # Std-based clipping
    mean = raw_signal.mean()
    std = raw_signal.std()
    clip_signal = [min(e, mean + (10 * std)) for e in raw_signal]

    # Bias Correction
    correctedSignal = bias_correction(bam, clip_signal, biasTableF, biasTableR, genomeFileName, ll[0], p1, p2)
Пример #5
    def get_signal(self, ref, start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift,
                   initial_clip=1000, per_norm=98, per_slope=98,
                   bias_table=None, genome_file_name=None, print_raw_signal=False):
        Gets the signal associated with self.bam based on start, end and ext.
        initial_clip, per_norm and per_slope are used as normalization factors during the normalization
        and slope evaluation procedures.

        Keyword arguments:
        ref -- Chromosome name.
        start -- Initial genomic coordinate of signal.
        end -- Final genomic coordinate of signal.
        initial_clip -- Signal will be initially clipped at this level to avoid outliers.
        per_norm -- Percentile value for 'hon_norm' function of the normalized signal.
        per_slope -- Percentile value for 'hon_norm' function of the slope signal.
        bias_table -- Bias table to perform bias correction.
        genome_file_name -- Genome to perform bias correction.
        downstream_ext -- Number of bps to extend towards the downstream region
        (right for forward strand and left for reverse strand).
        upstream_ext -- Number of bps to extend towards the upstream region
        (left for forward strand and right for reverse strand).
        forward_shift -- Number of bps to shift the reads aligned to the forward strand.
        Can be a positive number for a shift towards the downstream region
        (towards the inside of the aligned read) and a negative number for a shift towards the upstream region.
        reverse_shift -- Number of bps to shift the reads aligned to the reverse strand.
        Can be a positive number for a shift towards the upstream region and a negative number
        for a shift towards the downstream region (towards the inside of the aligned read).

        hon_signal -- Normalized signal.
        slopehon_signal -- Slope signal.
        # Fetch raw signal
        pileup_region = PileupRegion(start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift)
        if ps_version == "0.7.5":
            self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end, callback=pileup_region)
            iter = self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end)
            for alignment in iter:
        raw_signal = array([min(e, initial_clip) for e in pileup_region.vector])

        # Std-based clipping
        mean = raw_signal.mean()
        std = raw_signal.std()
        clip_signal = [min(e, mean + (10 * std)) for e in raw_signal]

        # Cleavage bias correction
        bc_signal = self.bias_correction_dnase(clip_signal, bias_table, genome_file_name, ref, start, end,
                                               forward_shift, reverse_shift)

        # Boyle normalization (within-dataset normalization)
        boyle_signal = array(self.boyle_norm(bc_signal))

        # Hon normalization (between-dataset normalization)
        perc = scoreatpercentile(boyle_signal, per_norm)
        std = boyle_signal.std()
        hon_signal = self.hon_norm_dnase(boyle_signal, perc, std)

        # Slope signal
        slope_signal = self.slope(hon_signal, self.sg_coefs)

        # Returning normalized and slope sequences
        return hon_signal, slope_signal
Пример #6
    def print_signal(self, ref, start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift,
                     initial_clip=1000, per_norm=98, per_slope=98, bias_table=None, genome_file_name=None,
                     raw_signal_file=None, bc_signal_file=None, norm_signal_file=None, strand_specific=False):

        if raw_signal_file:
            pileup_region = PileupRegion(start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift)
            if ps_version == "0.7.5":
                self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end, callback=pileup_region)
                iter = self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end)
                for alignment in iter:
            raw_signal = array([min(e, initial_clip) for e in pileup_region.vector])

            f = open(raw_signal_file, "a")
            f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(raw_signal)]) + "\n")

        if bc_signal_file or norm_signal_file:
            # Parameters
            window = 50
            defaultKmerValue = 1.0

            # Initialization
            fasta = Fastafile(genome_file_name)
            fBiasDict = bias_table[0]
            rBiasDict = bias_table[1]
            k_nb = len(fBiasDict.keys()[0])
            p1 = start
            p2 = end
            p1_w = p1 - (window / 2)
            p2_w = p2 + (window / 2)
            p1_wk = p1_w - int(k_nb / 2.)
            p2_wk = p2_w + int(k_nb / 2.)

            currStr = str(fasta.fetch(ref, p1_wk, p2_wk - 1)).upper()
            currRevComp = AuxiliaryFunctions.revcomp(str(fasta.fetch(ref, p1_wk + 1, p2_wk)).upper())

            # Iterating on sequence to create the bias signal
            signal_bias_f = []
            signal_bias_r = []
            for i in range(int(k_nb / 2.), len(currStr) - int(k_nb / 2) + 1):
                fseq = currStr[i - int(k_nb / 2.):i + int(k_nb / 2.)]
                rseq = currRevComp[len(currStr) - int(k_nb / 2.) - i:len(currStr) + int(k_nb / 2.) - i]
                except Exception:
                except Exception:

            # Raw counts
            signal_raw_f = [0.0] * (p2_w - p1_w)
            signal_raw_r = [0.0] * (p2_w - p1_w)
            for read in self.bam.fetch(ref, p1_w, p2_w):
                if not read.is_reverse:
                    cut_site = read.pos + forward_shift
                    if p1_w <= cut_site < p2_w:
                        signal_raw_f[cut_site - p1_w] += 1.0
                    cut_site = read.aend + reverse_shift - 1
                    if p1_w <= cut_site < p2_w:
                        signal_raw_r[cut_site - p1_w] += 1.0

            # Smoothed counts
            Nf = []
            Nr = []
            fSum = sum(signal_raw_f[:window])
            rSum = sum(signal_raw_r[:window])
            fLast = signal_raw_f[0]
            rLast = signal_raw_r[0]
            for i in range((window / 2), len(signal_raw_f) - (window / 2)):
                fSum -= fLast
                fSum += signal_raw_f[i + (window / 2)]
                fLast = signal_raw_f[i - (window / 2) + 1]
                rSum -= rLast
                rSum += signal_raw_r[i + (window / 2)]
                rLast = signal_raw_r[i - (window / 2) + 1]

            # Calculating bias and writing to wig file
            fSum = sum(signal_bias_f[:window])
            rSum = sum(signal_bias_r[:window])
            fLast = signal_bias_f[0]
            rLast = signal_bias_r[0]
            signal_bc = []
            signal_bc_f = []
            signal_bc_r = []
            for i in range((window / 2), len(signal_bias_f) - (window / 2)):
                nhatf = Nf[i - (window / 2)] * (signal_bias_f[i] / fSum)
                nhatr = Nr[i - (window / 2)] * (signal_bias_r[i] / rSum)
                signal_bc.append(nhatf + nhatr)
                fSum -= fLast
                fSum += signal_bias_f[i + (window / 2)]
                fLast = signal_bias_f[i - (window / 2) + 1]
                rSum -= rLast
                rSum += signal_bias_r[i + (window / 2)]
                rLast = signal_bias_r[i - (window / 2) + 1]

            if bc_signal_file:
                f = open(bc_signal_file, "a")
                f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                    [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_bc)]) + "\n")

                if strand_specific:
                    prefix = bc_signal_file.split(".")[0]
                    bc_signal_file_f = prefix + "_Forward" + ".bc.wig"
                    bc_signal_file_r = prefix + "_Reverse" + ".bc.wig"
                    f = open(bc_signal_file_f, "a")
                    f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                        [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_bc_f)]) + "\n")
                    f = open(bc_signal_file_r, "a")
                    f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                        [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_bc_r)]) + "\n")

            if norm_signal_file:
                norm_signal_bc = self.boyle_norm(signal_bc)
                perc = scoreatpercentile(norm_signal_bc, 98)
                std = np.std(norm_signal_bc)
                norm_signal_bc = self.hon_norm_atac(norm_signal_bc, perc, std)
                f = open(norm_signal_file, "a")
                f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                    [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(norm_signal_bc)]) + "\n")

                if strand_specific:
                    prefix = bc_signal_file.split(".")[0]
                    norm_signal_file_f = prefix + "_Forward" + ".norm.wig"
                    norm_signal_file_r = prefix + "_Reverse" + ".norm.wig"

                    signal_norm_f = self.boyle_norm(signal_bc_f)
                    perc = scoreatpercentile(signal_norm_f, 98)
                    std = np.std(signal_norm_f)
                    signal_norm_f = self.hon_norm_atac(signal_norm_f, perc, std)

                    signal_norm_r = self.boyle_norm(signal_bc_r)
                    perc = scoreatpercentile(signal_norm_r, 98)
                    std = np.std(signal_norm_r)
                    signal_norm_r = self.hon_norm_atac(signal_norm_r, perc, std)

                    f = open(norm_signal_file_f, "a")
                    f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                        [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_norm_f)]) + "\n")
                    f = open(norm_signal_file_r, "a")
                    f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                        [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_norm_r)]) + "\n")
Пример #7
    def get_signal(self, ref, start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift,
                   initial_clip=1000, per_norm=98, per_slope=98,
                   bias_table=None, genome_file_name=None, print_raw_signal=False):
        Gets the signal associated with self.bam based on start, end and ext.
        initial_clip, per_norm and per_slope are used as normalization factors during the normalization
        and slope evaluation procedures.

        Keyword arguments:
        ref -- Chromosome name.
        start -- Initial genomic coordinate of signal.
        end -- Final genomic coordinate of signal.
        initial_clip -- Signal will be initially clipped at this level to avoid outliers.
        per_norm -- Percentile value for 'hon_norm' function of the normalized signal.
        per_slope -- Percentile value for 'hon_norm' function of the slope signal.
        bias_table -- Bias table to perform bias correction.
        genome_file_name -- Genome to perform bias correction.
        downstream_ext -- Number of bps to extend towards the downstream region
        (right for forward strand and left for reverse strand).
        upstream_ext -- Number of bps to extend towards the upstream region
        (left for forward strand and right for reverse strand).
        forward_shift -- Number of bps to shift the reads aligned to the forward strand.
        Can be a positive number for a shift towards the downstream region
        (towards the inside of the aligned read) and a negative number for a shift towards the upstream region.
        reverse_shift -- Number of bps to shift the reads aligned to the reverse strand.
        Can be a positive number for a shift towards the upstream region and a negative number
        for a shift towards the downstream region (towards the inside of the aligned read).

        hon_signal -- Normalized signal.
        slopehon_signal -- Slope signal.
        # Fetch raw signal
        pileup_region = PileupRegion(start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift)
        if ps_version == "0.7.5":
            self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end, callback=pileup_region)
            iter = self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end)
            for alignment in iter:
        raw_signal = array([min(e, initial_clip) for e in pileup_region.vector])

        # Std-based clipping
        mean = raw_signal.mean()
        std = raw_signal.std()
        clip_signal = [min(e, mean + (10 * std)) for e in raw_signal]

        # Cleavage bias correction
        bc_signal = self.bias_correction_dnase(clip_signal, bias_table, genome_file_name, ref, start, end,
                                               forward_shift, reverse_shift)

        # Boyle normalization (within-dataset normalization)
        boyle_signal = array(self.boyle_norm(bc_signal))

        # Hon normalization (between-dataset normalization)
        perc = scoreatpercentile(boyle_signal, per_norm)
        std = boyle_signal.std()
        hon_signal = self.hon_norm_dnase(boyle_signal, perc, std)

        # Slope signal
        slope_signal = self.slope(hon_signal, self.sg_coefs)

        # Returning normalized and slope sequences
        return hon_signal, slope_signal
Пример #8
    def print_signal(self, ref, start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift,
                     initial_clip=1000, per_norm=98, per_slope=98, bias_table=None, genome_file_name=None,
                     raw_signal_file=None, bc_signal_file=None, norm_signal_file=None, strand_specific=False):

        if raw_signal_file:
            pileup_region = PileupRegion(start, end, downstream_ext, upstream_ext, forward_shift, reverse_shift)
            if ps_version == "0.7.5":
                self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end, callback=pileup_region)
                iter = self.bam.fetch(reference=ref, start=start, end=end)
                for alignment in iter:
            raw_signal = array([min(e, initial_clip) for e in pileup_region.vector])

            f = open(raw_signal_file, "a")
            f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(raw_signal)]) + "\n")

        if bc_signal_file or norm_signal_file:
            # Parameters
            window = 50
            defaultKmerValue = 1.0

            # Initialization
            fasta = Fastafile(genome_file_name)
            fBiasDict = bias_table[0]
            rBiasDict = bias_table[1]
            k_nb = len(fBiasDict.keys()[0])
            p1 = start
            p2 = end
            p1_w = p1 - (window / 2)
            p2_w = p2 + (window / 2)
            p1_wk = p1_w - int(k_nb / 2.)
            p2_wk = p2_w + int(k_nb / 2.)

            currStr = str(fasta.fetch(ref, p1_wk, p2_wk - 1)).upper()
            currRevComp = AuxiliaryFunctions.revcomp(str(fasta.fetch(ref, p1_wk + 1, p2_wk)).upper())

            # Iterating on sequence to create the bias signal
            signal_bias_f = []
            signal_bias_r = []
            for i in range(int(k_nb / 2.), len(currStr) - int(k_nb / 2) + 1):
                fseq = currStr[i - int(k_nb / 2.):i + int(k_nb / 2.)]
                rseq = currRevComp[len(currStr) - int(k_nb / 2.) - i:len(currStr) + int(k_nb / 2.) - i]
                except Exception:
                except Exception:

            # Raw counts
            signal_raw_f = [0.0] * (p2_w - p1_w)
            signal_raw_r = [0.0] * (p2_w - p1_w)
            for read in self.bam.fetch(ref, p1_w, p2_w):
                if not read.is_reverse:
                    cut_site = read.pos + forward_shift
                    if p1_w <= cut_site < p2_w:
                        signal_raw_f[cut_site - p1_w] += 1.0
                    cut_site = read.aend + reverse_shift - 1
                    if p1_w <= cut_site < p2_w:
                        signal_raw_r[cut_site - p1_w] += 1.0

            # Smoothed counts
            Nf = []
            Nr = []
            fSum = sum(signal_raw_f[:window])
            rSum = sum(signal_raw_r[:window])
            fLast = signal_raw_f[0]
            rLast = signal_raw_r[0]
            for i in range((window / 2), len(signal_raw_f) - (window / 2)):
                fSum -= fLast
                fSum += signal_raw_f[i + (window / 2)]
                fLast = signal_raw_f[i - (window / 2) + 1]
                rSum -= rLast
                rSum += signal_raw_r[i + (window / 2)]
                rLast = signal_raw_r[i - (window / 2) + 1]

            # Calculating bias and writing to wig file
            fSum = sum(signal_bias_f[:window])
            rSum = sum(signal_bias_r[:window])
            fLast = signal_bias_f[0]
            rLast = signal_bias_r[0]
            signal_bc = []
            signal_bc_f = []
            signal_bc_r = []
            for i in range((window / 2), len(signal_bias_f) - (window / 2)):
                nhatf = Nf[i - (window / 2)] * (signal_bias_f[i] / fSum)
                nhatr = Nr[i - (window / 2)] * (signal_bias_r[i] / rSum)
                signal_bc.append(nhatf + nhatr)
                fSum -= fLast
                fSum += signal_bias_f[i + (window / 2)]
                fLast = signal_bias_f[i - (window / 2) + 1]
                rSum -= rLast
                rSum += signal_bias_r[i + (window / 2)]
                rLast = signal_bias_r[i - (window / 2) + 1]

            if bc_signal_file:
                f = open(bc_signal_file, "a")
                f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                    [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_bc)]) + "\n")

                if strand_specific:
                    prefix = bc_signal_file.split(".")[0]
                    bc_signal_file_f = prefix + "_Forward" + ".bc.wig"
                    bc_signal_file_r = prefix + "_Reverse" + ".bc.wig"
                    f = open(bc_signal_file_f, "a")
                    f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                        [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_bc_f)]) + "\n")
                    f = open(bc_signal_file_r, "a")
                    f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                        [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_bc_r)]) + "\n")

            if norm_signal_file:
                norm_signal_bc = self.boyle_norm(signal_bc)
                perc = scoreatpercentile(norm_signal_bc, 98)
                std = np.std(norm_signal_bc)
                norm_signal_bc = self.hon_norm_atac(norm_signal_bc, perc, std)
                f = open(norm_signal_file, "a")
                f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                    [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(norm_signal_bc)]) + "\n")

                if strand_specific:
                    prefix = bc_signal_file.split(".")[0]
                    norm_signal_file_f = prefix + "_Forward" + ".norm.wig"
                    norm_signal_file_r = prefix + "_Reverse" + ".norm.wig"

                    signal_norm_f = self.boyle_norm(signal_bc_f)
                    perc = scoreatpercentile(signal_norm_f, 98)
                    std = np.std(signal_norm_f)
                    signal_norm_f = self.hon_norm_atac(signal_norm_f, perc, std)

                    signal_norm_r = self.boyle_norm(signal_bc_r)
                    perc = scoreatpercentile(signal_norm_r, 98)
                    std = np.std(signal_norm_r)
                    signal_norm_r = self.hon_norm_atac(signal_norm_r, perc, std)

                    f = open(norm_signal_file_f, "a")
                    f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                        [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_norm_f)]) + "\n")
                    f = open(norm_signal_file_r, "a")
                    f.write("fixedStep chrom=" + ref + " start=" + str(start + 1) + " step=1\n" + "\n".join(
                        [str(e) for e in nan_to_num(signal_norm_r)]) + "\n")