Пример #1
    def setup(self, cds_list, proxy_list, master_hostname):
        logger.info("Setting up RHUA instance " + self.hostname)
        capassword = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(10))
        logger.debug("Running /mnt/install_RHUA.sh")
        self.run_sync("cd /mnt && ./install_RHUA.sh", True)
        self.run_sync("chown apache.apache /var/lib/pulp", True)
        self.run_sync("mkdir /etc/rhui/pem ||:", True)
        self.run_sync("mkdir /etc/rhui/confrpm ||:", True)
        # Creating CA
        logger.debug("Creating CA")
        self.run_sync("echo " + capassword + " > /etc/rhui/pem/ca.pwd", True)
        self.run_sync("echo 10 > /etc/rhui/pem/ca.srl", True)
        self.run_sync("openssl req  -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout /etc/rhui/pem/ca.key -subj \"/C=US/ST=NC/L=Raleigh/CN=" + self.hostname + " CA\" -out /etc/rhui/pem/ca.crt -days 365 -passout \"pass:"******"\"", True)
        # Creating answers
        logger.debug("Creating answers file")
        proxy_host = None
        if proxy_list != []:
            proxy_host = proxy_list[0].hostname
        Util.generate_answers(RS, version="1.0", generate_certs=True, proxy_host=proxy_host, proxy_port="3128", proxy_user="******", proxy_password=self.proxy_password, capassword=capassword)

        logger.debug("Running rhui-installer")
        self.run_sync("rhui-installer /etc/rhui/answers", True)
        for server in [self] + cds_list:
            #Setting conf RPM names
            rpmname = self.run_sync("ls -1 /etc/rhui/confrpm/" + server.hostname + "-" + self.version + "-*.rpm | head -1")
        # Installing coverage
        if args.coverage:
        # Installing RHUA
        logger.debug("Installing RHUI conf rpm")
        self.run_sync("rpm -e " + self.hostname)
        self.run_sync("rpm -i " + self.confrpm, True)
        if proxy_list != []:
            # Preventing access without proxy
            self.run_sync("iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 443 -j ACCEPT", True)
            for server in [self] + cds_list:
                # Allowing to connect to all CDSes and RHUA itself
                self.run_sync("iptables -A OUTPUT -d " + server.public_ip + " -j ACCEPT", True)
                self.run_sync("iptables -A OUTPUT -d " + server.private_ip + " -j ACCEPT", True)
            self.run_sync("iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j REJECT", True)
            self.run_sync("service iptables save", True)
        logger.info("RHUA " + self.hostname + " setup finished")