Пример #1
def main():
    Quarterly unemployment rate in state of Rhode Island taken from Bureau of Labor and Statistics
    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]

    unemp = pd.read_csv(unemp_file)
    unemp["YRMO"] = unemp.YRMO.astype(str)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
           WHERE lb.timestep = {nsteps} - 1
        ORDER BY pop.riipl_id

    with Connection() as cxn:
        features = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection)

    features = features.merge(unemp, how="left",
                              on="YRMO")[["RIIPL_ID", "UNEMP_RATE"]]
    features = features.set_index("RIIPL_ID").rename(
        columns={"UNEMP_RATE": "UNEMP_RI"})

    labels = {"UNEMP_RI": "Rhode Island monthly unemployment rate"}

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #2
def main():
    Indicators for DOC sentences by crime type

    sql = """
          SELECT DISTINCT offense_type AS offense
            FROM {doc_sentences}
           WHERE offense_type IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY offense

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        offenses = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn)

    pivot = ",".join([
        "'{0}' AS doc_sentenced_{0}".format(offense)
        for offense in offenses["OFFENSE"]

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT * 
            FROM (
                  SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                         ds.offense_type AS offense,
                         1 AS sentenced
                    FROM {population} pop
               LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
                      ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
               LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
                      ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
              INNER JOIN {doc_sentences} ds
                      ON pop.riipl_id = ds.riipl_id AND 
                         dd.date_dt = ds.imposed_date
                GROUP BY pop.riipl_id, ds.offense_type
           PIVOT (MAX(sentenced) FOR offense IN ({pivot}))
          """.format(pivot=pivot, **globals())

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index))

    # Drop offense types that are missing for the entire population.
    features = features.dropna(axis=1, how="all").fillna(0).astype(int)

    labels = {}
    for offense in offenses["OFFENSE"]:
        label = "sentenced for {} during lookback period".format(offense)
        labels["DOC_SENTENCED_{}".format(offense.upper())] = label

Пример #3
def main():
    Indicator for UI exhaustion

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
                 1 AS ui_exhaustion
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
      INNER JOIN {dlt_ui_payments} du
              ON pop.riipl_id = du.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = du.trans_date
          WHERE  void_check_flag IS NULL AND
                 delete_flag IS NULL AND
                 opening_credits > 0 AND
                 closing_credits <= 0

    with Connection() as cxn:
        features = features.join(
            pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection, index_col=index)).fillna(0)

    labels = {"UI_EXHAUSTION": "Exhausted UI benefits"}

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #4
def main():

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,   
                 SUM(cc.car_crash) AS car_crashes,
                 SUM(cc.injured)   AS car_crash_injuries
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
      INNER JOIN {car_crashes} cc
              ON pop.riipl_id = cc.riipl_id AND 
                 cc.yrmo = lb.yrmo
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with Connection() as cxn:
        features = features.join(
            pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection).set_index(index))

    features = features.fillna(0)

    labels = {
        "count of car crashes involved in during lookback period",
        "count of car crash injuries during lookback period",

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #5
def main():
    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON pop.initial_dt = dd.date_dt
       LEFT JOIN {mega} mega
              ON pop.riipl_id = mega.riipl_id AND
                 dd.yrmo = mega.month
        ORDER BY pop.riipl_id

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn, index_col="RIIPL_ID")

    labels = {
        "AGE": "Age at first prescription",
        "RACE": "Race (Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native American, Other, White)",
        "SEX": "Sex at first prescription",
        "MARITAL_STATUS": "Marital status at first prescription",
        "BMI": "Body Mass Index at first prescription"

    SaveFeatures(features, outfile, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #6
def main():
    Home addresses from MEGA table

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
      INNER JOIN {mega} m 
              ON pop.riipl_id = m.riipl_id AND
                 lb.yrmo = m.month
           WHERE m.address_trct IS NOT NULL

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        values = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index)

    labels = {}
    for trct in values.ADDRESS_TRCT.unique():
        name = "TRCT_{}".format(trct)
        feature = values[values["ADDRESS_TRCT"] == trct]
        feature[name] = 1
        features = features.join(feature[name])
        labels[name] = "lived in Census tract {} during lookback period".format(trct)

    features = features.fillna(0)

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels, bool_features=list(labels))
Пример #7
def main():

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 SUM(citations) AS citations,
                 SUM(fines)     AS citation_fines
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {citations} c
              ON pop.riipl_id = c.riipl_id AND 
                 c.yrmo = lb.yrmo
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with Connection() as cxn:
        features = features.join(
            pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection).set_index(index))

    features = features.fillna(0)

    labels = {
        "CITATIONS": "Number of police citations",
        "CITATION_FINES": "Total fines from police citations"

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #8
def main():
    Indicators for commited, released, or charged from DOC events

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN de.event_type = 'Committed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS doc_commited,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN de.event_type = 'Released'  THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS doc_released,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN de.event_type = 'Charged'   THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS doc_charged
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
       LEFT JOIN {doc_events} de
              ON pop.riipl_id = de.riipl_id AND 
                 dd.date_dt = de.event_date
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index))

    labels = {
        "DOC_COMMITED" : "Committed to a corrections facility",
        "DOC_RELEASED" : "Released from a corrections facility",
        "DOC_CHARGED"  : "Charged with a crime"

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #9
def main():

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    # Claims payments

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 SUM(mc.pay_amt) AS medicaid_payments,
                 SUM(CASE WHEN mc.src_id IN (4, 8, 16, 17, 26, 27) THEN mc.pay_amt ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_prof_payments,
                 SUM(CASE WHEN mc.ed_flag = 1 THEN mc.pay_amt ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_ed_payments
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
      INNER JOIN {medicaid_claims} mc
              ON pop.riipl_id = mc.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = mc.claim_dt
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index))

    # Pharmacy payments

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 SUM(mp.pay_amt) AS medicaid_rx_payments
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
      INNER JOIN {medicaid_pharmacy} mp
              ON pop.riipl_id = mp.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = mp.dispensed_dt
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index))

    # Payments are comprehensive, so a missing value means $0
    features = features.fillna(0)

    labels = {
        "MEDICAID_PAYMENTS"      : "Total Medicaid payments",
        "MEDICAID_PROF_PAYMENTS" : "Total Medicaid payments to professionals",
        "MEDICAID_ED_PAYMENTS"   : "Total Medicaid payments to Emergency Departments",
        "MEDICAID_RX_PAYMENTS"   : "Total Medicaid pharmacy payments"

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #10
def main():
    Nationwide unemployment rate by NAICS code at a yearly level from Bureau of Labor and Statistics
    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]

    unemp = pd.read_csv(unemp_file)
    unemp["NAICS"] = unemp.NAICS.astype(str)

    # Calculate average unemployment by year
    unemp_avg = unemp.groupby("YR").mean().reset_index()

    # Lookup all wage records in the lookback period, and order by
    # wages, to select the NAICS for the highest wage.
    sql = """
                 TO_CHAR(pop.initial_dt, 'YYYY') AS yr,
                 SUBSTR(dw.naics4, 1, 2) AS naics
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dlt_wage} dw
              ON pop.riipl_id = dw.riipl_id AND
                 lb.yyq = dw.yyq
        ORDER BY pop.riipl_id, dw.wages

    with Connection() as cxn:
        features = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection).drop_duplicates(
            index, keep="last").set_index(index)

    # Use the previous year for joining the unemployment rate
    features["YR"] = features.YR.astype(int) - 1

    # Join NAICS unemployment, using avg unemployment when no NAICS is available
    naics = features.merge(unemp, how="left", on=["YR",

    avg = features.merge(unemp_avg, how="left", on="YR").NAICS_UNEMP_RATE

    features["UNEMP_NAICS"] = np.where(naics.notnull(), naics, avg)

    labels = {
        "unemployment rate by NAICS code at national level in year before index date"

    SaveFeatures(features[["UNEMP_NAICS"]], out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #11
def main():

    icd9 = pd.concat([
        pd.read_csv(icd9_file1, usecols=[0, 1], names=["DIAG_CDE", "DESC"]),

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 COUNT(*) AS n
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
      INNER JOIN {medicaid_diag_cde} mdc
              ON pop.riipl_id = mdc.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = mdc.claim_dt
      INNER JOIN {diag_corr} dc
              ON mdc.diag_cde = dc.diag_cde AND
                 ABS(dc.corr) > 0
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id, mdc.diag_cde

    with Connection() as cxn:
        values = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection)

    cdes = values.DIAG_CDE.unique()

    labels = {}
    for cde in cdes:
        feature = values.loc[values.DIAG_CDE == cde, "N"]
        feature.name = "DIAG_{}".format(cde)
        features = features.join(feature)
            desc = icd9.loc[cde, "DESC"]
        except KeyError:
            desc = "unknown description"
        label = "number of diagnoses for '{}' during lookback period".format(
        labels[feature.name] = label

    features = features.fillna(0)

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #12
def main():

    procs = pd.read_csv(procsfile, sep="|", index_col="PROC_CDE")

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 COUNT(*) AS n
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
      INNER JOIN {medicaid_proc_cde} mpc
              ON pop.riipl_id = mpc.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = mpc.claim_dt
      INNER JOIN {proc_corr} pc
              ON mpc.proc_cde = pc.proc_cde AND
                 ABS(pc.corr) > 0
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id, mpc.proc_cde

    with Connection() as cxn:
        values = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection)

    cdes = values.PROC_CDE.unique()

    labels = {}
    for cde in cdes:
        feature = values.loc[values.PROC_CDE == cde, "N"]
        feature.name = "PROC_{}".format(cde)
        features = features.join(feature)
            desc = procs.loc[cde, "DESCRIPTION"]
        except KeyError:
            desc = "unknown procedure"
        label = "number of procedures for '{}' during lookback period".format(
        labels[feature.name] = label

    features = features.fillna(0)

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #13
def main():
    Opioid prescriptions and adverse outcomes among DHS household

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 SUM(ABS(no.opioid))     AS dhs_hh_opioid_rx,
                 SUM(no.recovery)        AS dhs_hh_recovery_rx,
                 COUNT(o.outcome_any_dt) AS dhs_hh_outcomes
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
       LEFT JOIN {household} hh
              ON pop.riipl_id = hh.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {medicaid_pharmacy} mp
              ON hh.riipl_id_hh = mp.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = mp.dispensed_dt
       LEFT JOIN {ndc_opioids} no
              ON mp.ndc9_code = no.ndc
       LEFT JOIN {outcomes} o
              ON hh.riipl_id_hh = o.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = o.outcome_any_dt
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with Connection() as cxn:
        features = features.join(
            pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection).set_index(index))

    features = features.fillna(0)

    labels = {
        "DHS_HH_OPIOID_RX": "Number of opioid prescriptions in household",
        "DHS_HH_RECOVERY_RX": "Number of recovery prescriptions in household",
        "DHS_HH_OUTCOMES": "Number of adverse outcomes in household"

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #14
def main():

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rd.gender = 'M'                THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS sex_m,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rd.primary_lang_cd = '01'      THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS lang_spanish,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rd.primary_lang_cd = '31'      THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS lang_portu,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rd.primary_lang_cd <> '00' AND
                               rd.primary_lang_cd <> '01' AND
                               rd.primary_lang_cd <> '31'     THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS lang_other
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {medicaid_enrollment} me
              ON pop.riipl_id = me.riipl_id AND
                 lb.yrmo = me.yrmo
       LEFT JOIN {recip_demo} rd
              ON me.re_unique_id = rd.recipient_id
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index))

    features = features.fillna(0)

    labels = {
        "SEX_M": "Sex is male",
        "LANG_SPANISH": "Primary language is Spanish",
        "LANG_PORTU": "Primary language is Portuguese",
        "Primary language is not English, Spanish, or Portuguese",

Пример #15
def main():
    Social program payments from MEGA table

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,   
                 SUM(m.snap_payments)  AS snap_payments,
                 SUM(m.tanf_payments)  AS tanf_payments,
                 SUM(m.tdi_payments)   AS tdi_payments,
                 SUM(m.ui_payments)    AS ui_payments,
                 SUM(m.ssi_supplement) AS ssi_supplement,
                 SUM(m.gpa_payments)   AS gpa_payments,
                 SUM(m.ccap_payments)  AS ccap_payments
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
      INNER JOIN {mega} m
              ON pop.riipl_id = m.riipl_id AND
                 lb.yrmo = m.month
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index))

    # Payments are comprehensive, so a missing value means $0
    features = features.fillna(0)

    labels = {
        "SNAP_PAYMENTS"  : "Total Food Stamps payments",
        "TANF_PAYMENTS"  : "Total TANF payments",
        "TDI_PAYMENTS"   : "Total TDI payments",
        "UI_PAYMENTS"    : "Total Unemployment Insurance payments",
        "SSI_SUPPLEMENT" : "Total SSI supplement",
        "GPA_PAYMENTS"   : "Total GPA payments",
        "CCAP_PAYMENTS"  : "Total CCAP payments"

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #16
def main():

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
            FROM {population} pop

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn, index_col=index)

    labels = {"INJECTION": "Initial exposure was an opioid injection"}

Пример #17
def main():
    Size of DHS household and indicator for births in the DHS household from MEGA table

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 COUNT(DISTINCT m2.riipl_id) AS dhs_hh_size,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN m1.age > 1 AND m2.age < 1
                          THEN 1
                          ELSE 0 END)        AS dhs_hh_birth
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
      INNER JOIN {mega} m1
              ON pop.riipl_id = m1.riipl_id AND
                 lb.yrmo = m1.month
      INNER JOIN {mega} m2
              ON m1.dhs_hh_id = m2.dhs_hh_id AND
                 m1.month = m2.month
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with Connection() as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection).set_index(index))

    features = features.fillna(0)

    labels = {
        "DHS_HH_SIZE"  : "Size of household",
        "DHS_HH_BIRTH" : "New birth in household"

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels, bool_features=["DHS_HH_BIRTH"])
Пример #18
def main():
    Demographics variables from MEGA table

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 CASE WHEN MAX(m.age) >= 18 AND MAX(m.age) < 24 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS age_1,
                 CASE WHEN MAX(m.age) >= 24 AND MAX(m.age) < 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS age_2,
                 CASE WHEN MAX(m.age) >= 30 AND MAX(m.age) < 40 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS age_3,
                 CASE WHEN MAX(m.age) >= 40 AND MAX(m.age) < 55 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS age_4,
                 CASE WHEN MAX(m.age) >= 55 AND MAX(m.age) < 65 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS age_5,
                 CASE WHEN MAX(m.age) >= 65                     THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS age_6,
                 CASE WHEN AVG(m.bmi) < 18.5                    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS bmi_under,
                 CASE WHEN AVG(m.bmi) >= 25 AND AVG(m.bmi) < 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS bmi_over,
                 CASE WHEN AVG(m.bmi) >= 30                     THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS bmi_obese,
                 CASE WHEN COUNT(m.bmi) = 0                     THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS bmi_missing,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN(m.marital_status) = 1            THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS married,
                 CASE WHEN COUNT(m.marital_status) = 0          THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS married_missing,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN m.race = 'Black'                 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS race_black,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN m.race = 'Hispanic'              THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS race_hispanic,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN m.race = 'Asian'                 THEN 1
                          WHEN m.race = 'Native American'       THEN 1
                          WHEN m.race = 'Other'                 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS race_other,
                 CASE WHEN COUNT(m.race) = 0                    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END  AS race_missing
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {mega} m
              ON pop.riipl_id = m.riipl_id AND
                 lb.yrmo = m.month
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id
        ORDER BY pop.riipl_id

    with Connection() as cxn:
        features = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection, index_col="RIIPL_ID")

    labels = {
        "AGE_1": "Age is 18-23",
        "AGE_2": "Age is 24-29",
        "AGE_3": "Age is 30-39",
        "AGE_4": "Age is 40-54",
        "AGE_5": "Age is 55-64",
        "AGE_6": "Age is 65+",
        "BMI_UNDER": "Body mass index is underweight",
        "BMI_OVER": "Body mass index is overweight",
        "BMI_OBESE": "Body mass index is obese",
        "BMI_MISSING": "Body mass index is missing",
        "MARRIED": "Married",
        "MARRIED_MISSING": "Marital status is missing",
        "RACE_BLACK": "Race is African American",
        "RACE_HISPANIC": "Ethnicity is Hispanic",
        "RACE_OTHER": "Race is Asian, Native American, or other",
        "RACE_MISSING": "Race is missing"

Пример #19
def main():

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 COUNT(DISTINCT me.re_unique_id)                                           AS medicaid_n_ids,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN UPPER(dim.description) LIKE '%PREG%'     THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_pregnant,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN UPPER(dim.description) LIKE '%PARTUM%'   THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_postpartum,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN UPPER(dim.description) LIKE '%BLIND%'    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_blind,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN UPPER(dim.description) LIKE '%DISABLED%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_disabled,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN UPPER(dim.description) LIKE '%ALIEN%'    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_alien,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN UPPER(dim.description) LIKE '%CHILD%'    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_child,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN dim.needy_ind = 'Medically'              THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_med_needy,
                 MAX(NVL(me.managed_care, 0))                                              AS medicaid_managed_care,
                 MAX(NVL(me.premium_payment, 0))                                           AS medicaid_prem_payment,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rxn.payer_cd = 'B'                       THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_payer_bhddh,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rxn.payer_cd = 'C'                       THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_payer_cmap,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rxn.payer_cd = 'D'                       THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_payer_doc,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rxn.payer_cd = 'H'                       THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_payer_aids,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rxn.payer_cd = 'O'                       THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_payer_ors,
                 MAX(CASE WHEN rxn.payer_cd = 'R'                       THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS medicaid_payer_ripae
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {medicaid_enrollment} me
              ON pop.riipl_id = me.riipl_id AND
                 lb.yrmo = me.yrmo
       LEFT JOIN {dim_aid_ctg_cde} dim
              ON me.aid_category = dim.aid_ctg_cde
       LEFT JOIN {recip_x_ssn} rxn
              ON me.re_unique_id = rxn.recipient_id
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index))

    features = features.fillna(0)

    labels = {
        "Number of unique Medicaid IDs",
        "Medicaid eligibility category contains the word 'pregnant'",
        "Medicaid eligibility category contains the word 'postpartum'",
        "Medicaid eligibility category contains the word 'blind'",
        "Medicaid eligibility category contains the word 'disabled'",
        "Medicaid eligibility category contains the word 'alien'",
        "Medicaid eligibility category contains the word 'child'",
        "Eligible for Medicaid as medically needy",
        "Enrolled in Medicaid managed care",
        "Enrolled in Medicaid premium payment plan",
        "Medicaid payer code is BHDDH",
        "Enrolled in RI Community Medication Assistance Program",
        "Medicaid payer code is Department of Corrections",
        "Medicaid payer code is Ryan White AIDS Drug Assistance Program",
        "Medicaid payer code is ORS",
        "Enrolled in RI Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Elderly"

                 bool_features=[f for f in labels if f != "MEDICAID_N_IDS"])
Пример #20
def main():

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    pop = CachePopulationSubsets(population, index)
    pop["ROW_ID"] = np.arange(len(pop))
    outcomes = pd.read_csv(outcomes_file)
    words = pd.read_csv(words_file, index_col="WORD_ID")

    # Load counts and convert to CSR sparse matrix for efficient row slicing
    counts = mmread(counts_file).tocsr()

    # Further divide training data into training and validation sets for
    # selecting the optimal number of topics
    training = (pop["SUBSET"] == "TRAINING")
    subset = np.random.choice([True, False], len(training), p=[0.25, 0.75])
    validation = (training & subset)
    training = (training & ~subset)
    print(training.sum(), "training")
    print(validation.sum(), "validation")

    # Create training and validation outcomes
    y_train = outcomes.loc[training, "OUTCOME_ANY"].values
    y_validate = outcomes.loc[validation, "OUTCOME_ANY"].values
    print(y_train.sum(), "training outcomes")
    print(y_validate.sum(), "validation outcomes")

    # Transform raw counts to TF-IDF using IDF from the training set
    training = np.where(training)[0]
    validation = np.where(validation)[0]
    counts_train = counts[training, :]
    tfidf = TfidfTransformer()
    counts = tfidf.transform(counts)
    counts_train = counts[training, :]
    counts_validate = counts[validation, :]

    # Select NMF model with best AUC performance on validation data
    best = 0
    best_auc = 0
    nmfs = []
    for i, n in enumerate(ntopics):
        print(n, "topics:")
        nmf = NMF(n, random_state=seed).fit(counts_train)
        X_train = pd.DataFrame(nmf.transform(counts_train))
        X_train["intercept"] = 1
        logit = Logit(y_train, X_train).fit(maxiter=1000, method="cg")
        X_validate = pd.DataFrame(nmf.transform(counts_validate))
        X_validate["intercept"] = 1
        y_pred = logit.predict(X_validate)
        auc = roc_auc_score(y_validate, y_pred)
        print("AUC:", auc)
        if (auc - best_auc) > delta:
            best = i
            best_auc = auc
    print("selected", ntopics[best], "topics")

    # Turn best NMF topics into features
    features = pd.DataFrame(nmfs[best].transform(counts))
    features.columns = [
        "MEDICAID_TOPIC_{}".format(i) for i in range(ntopics[best])
    features["RIIPL_ID"] = pop["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = features.set_index("RIIPL_ID")

    # Use the top 10 words in a topic as its description
    top10words = [
        " ".join(words.loc[i, "WORD"] for i in topic.argsort()[-11:-1])
        for topic in nmfs[best].components_
    descs = [
        "Topic {} ({})".format(i, words) for i, words in enumerate(top10words)
    labels = dict(zip(features.columns, descs))

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #21
def main():
    Industry worked in (NAICS code) from DLT wages

    sql = """
          SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR(naics4, 0, 2) AS naics2
            FROM {dlt_wage}
           ORDER BY naics2

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        naics = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn)

    pivot = ",".join(["'{0}' AS naics_{0}".format(n) for n in naics["NAICS2"]])

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
          SELECT *
            FROM (   
                  SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                         SUBSTR(dw.naics4, 0, 2) AS naics2,
                         1 AS worked
                    FROM {population} pop
               LEFT JOIN (
                          SELECT DISTINCT
                            FROM {lookback}
                         ) lb
                      ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
              INNER JOIN {dlt_wage} dw
                      ON pop.riipl_id = dw.riipl_id AND
                         lb.yyq = dw.yyq
                GROUP BY pop.riipl_id, SUBSTR(dw.naics4, 0, 2)
           PIVOT (MAX(worked) FOR naics2 IN ({pivot}))
         """.format(pivot=pivot, **globals())

    with cx_Oracle.connect("/") as cxn:
        features = features.join(pd.read_sql(sql, cxn).set_index(index))

    # Drop NAICS categories that are missing for the entire population.
    features = features.dropna(axis=1, how="all").fillna(0).astype(int)

    # Missing indicator not needed - provided by WAGES_MISSING

    labels = {}
    naics2_labels = {
        "00": "Unknown",
        "02": "Unknown",
        "11": "Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting",
        "21": "Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction",
        "22": "Utilities",
        "23": "Construction",
        "24": "Unknown",
        "31": "Manufacturing",
        "32": "Manufacturing",
        "33": "Manufacturing",
        "42": "Wholesale Trade",
        "44": "Retail Trade",
        "45": "Retail Trade",
        "48": "Transportation and Warehousing",
        "49": "Transportation and Warehousing",
        "50": "Unknown",
        "51": "Information",
        "52": "Finance and Insurance",
        "53": "Real Estate and Rental and Leasing",
        "54": "Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services",
        "55": "Management of Companies and Enterprises",
        "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services",
        "61": "Educational Services",
        "62": "Health Care and Social Assistance",
        "71": "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation",
        "72": "Accommodation and Food Services",
        "81": "Other Services (except Public Administration)",
        "84": "Unknown",
        "92": "Public Administration",
        "94": "Unknown",
        "99": "Unknown"
    for n, sector in naics2_labels.items():
        label = "worked in {} sector (NAICS {}) during lookback period".format(
            sector, n)
        labels["NAICS_{}".format(n)] = label

                 manifest, (population, index),
Пример #22
def main():
    This code generates the following features based on someone's home census block group:
    * Median income
    * Share below the federal povery line

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    income = pd.read_csv(
        na_values=["-", "**"],
            "Estimate; Median household income in the past 12 months (in 2015 Inflation-adjusted dollars)"
    income.columns = ["GEO_ID", "BLKGRP_MEDIANINCOME"]

    fpl = pd.read_csv(
        na_values=["-", "**"],
            "Id2", "Estimate; Total:",
            "Estimate; Income in the past 12 months below poverty level:"
    fpl.columns = ["GEO_ID", "TOTAL", "FPL"]
    fpl["BLKGRP_BELOWFPL"] = fpl.FPL / fpl.TOTAL
    fpl = fpl[["GEO_ID", "BLKGRP_BELOWFPL"]]

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 STATS_MODE(TO_NUMBER(a.state || a.county || a.trct || a.blkgrp)) AS geo_id,
                 1 AS geocoded
            FROM (
                  SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                         MAX(a.obs_date) AS max_dt
                    FROM {population} pop
              INNER JOIN {address} a
                      ON pop.riipl_id = a.riipl_id AND
                         a.obs_date <= pop.initial_dt
                GROUP BY pop.riipl_id
                 ) pop
      INNER JOIN {address} a
              ON pop.riipl_id = a.riipl_id AND
                 pop.max_dt = a.obs_date
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with Connection() as cxn:
        values = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection)

    values = values.merge(income, how="left", on="GEO_ID")\
                   .merge(fpl,    how="left", on="GEO_ID")

    features = features.join(values.set_index(index))
    del features["GEO_ID"]

    # Mean imputation
    features["GEOCODED"] = features.GEOCODED.fillna(0)
    features["BLKGRP_MEDIANINCOME"] = features.BLKGRP_MEDIANINCOME.fillna(
    features["BLKGRP_BELOWFPL"] = features.BLKGRP_BELOWFPL.fillna(

    labels = {
        "GEOCODED": "Has a geocoded home address",
        "Block group's median annual household income (2015 dollars)",
        "BLKGRP_BELOWFPL": "Share of block group below poverty line"

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #23
def main():

    ccs = pd.read_csv(ccs_file,
                      usecols=[0, 1],
                      names=["DIAG_CDE", "DISEASE"])
    ccs["DIAG_CDE"] = ccs.DIAG_CDE.str.strip()

    cci = pd.read_csv(cci_file,
                      usecols=[0, 2],
                      names=["DIAG_CDE", "CHRONIC"])
    cci = cci[cci.CHRONIC == 1]
    cci["DIAG_CDE"] = cci.DIAG_CDE.str.strip()

    index = ["RIIPL_ID"]
    features = CachePopulation(population, index).set_index(index)

    sql = """
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
      INNER JOIN {diag_cde} d
              ON pop.riipl_id = d.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = d.claim_dt

    with Connection() as cxn:
        diags = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection)

    ndisease = diags.merge(ccs, how="inner", on="DIAG_CDE")[index+["DISEASE"]]\
                    .agg({"DISEASE": pd.Series.nunique})\
                    .rename(columns={"DISEASE": "MEDICAID_DISEASE_SCORE"})
    features = features.join(ndisease)

    nchronic = diags.merge(cci, how="inner", on="DIAG_CDE")[index+["CHRONIC"]]\
                    .rename(columns={"CHRONIC": "MEDICAID_CHRONIC_SCORE"})
    features = features.join(nchronic)

    sql = """
          SELECT pop.riipl_id,
                 COUNT(DISTINCT p.proc_cde) AS medicaid_procedures
            FROM {population} pop
       LEFT JOIN {lookback} lb
              ON pop.riipl_id = lb.riipl_id
       LEFT JOIN {dim_date} dd
              ON lb.yrmo = dd.yrmo
      INNER JOIN {proc_cde} p
              ON pop.riipl_id = p.riipl_id AND
                 dd.date_dt = p.claim_dt
        GROUP BY pop.riipl_id

    with Connection() as cxn:
        nproc = pd.read_sql(sql, cxn._connection, index_col=index)

    features = features.join(nproc).fillna(0)

    # Add squared terms
    for x in [
        features["{}_SQ".format(x)] = features[x] * features[x]

    labels = {
        "MEDICAID_DISEASE_SCORE": "Number of AHRQ CCS diseases",
        "MEDICAID_CHRONIC_SCORE": "Number of AHRQ CCI chronic conditions",
        "MEDICAID_PROCEDURES": "Number of distinct procedures",
        "MEDICAID_DISEASE_SCORE_SQ": "Squared number of AHRQ CCS diseases",
        "Squared number of AHRQ CCI chronic conditions",
        "MEDICAID_PROCEDURES_SQ": "Squared number of distinct procedures"

    SaveFeatures(features, out, manifest, population, labels)
Пример #24
index = ["RIIPL_ID"]

# Load features

features = reduce(lambda x, y: x.join(y), [
    pd.read_csv(feature_file, index_col=index)
    for feature_file in feature_files

# Load manifest

manifest = pd.read_csv(manifest_file,
                       names=["var", "desc"],

# Create pairwise interactions

interactions = pd.DataFrame(index=features.index)
labels = {}

for var1 in set1:
    for var2 in set2:
        varx = "{}_X_{}".format(var1, var2)
        interactions[varx] = features[var1] * features[var2]
        labels[varx] = "'{}' X '{}'".format(manifest[var1], manifest[var2])

SaveFeatures(interactions, out, out_manifest, population, labels)

# vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4