NEWDATA_DIR = 'newdata' """ subdirectory that will be created where the tar file is extracted that will contain the 'new' files which will be compared with those in TESTDATA_DIR. """ VERSION_FILE = 'version.txt' "name of the file containing the version information in the tar file" # maybe these should be in lidarprocessor also? ARRAY_TYPE_TRANSMITTED = 100 ARRAY_TYPE_RECEIVED = 101 # path to so we can run it on Windows GDALCHKSUM = find_executable('') if GDALCHKSUM is None: raise IOError('Cannot find in $PATH') class TestingError(Exception): "Base class for testing Exceptions" class TestingVersionError(TestingError): "Was a mismatch in versions" class TestingDataMismatch(TestingError): "Data does not match between expected and newly calculated" class Checksum(object): """ Holds the separate checksum dictionaries for points, pulses etc.
import h5py from numba import jit import ctypes from rios.parallel.jobmanager import find_executable # Need to give ourselves access to H5Sselect_hyperslab() # within the HDF5 library so we can call it from numba # Sadly, we also need to cope with not accessing this, in order that ReadTheDocs will still # be able to build to documentation. Hence the elaborate try/except madness. try: if sys.platform == 'win32': # Under Python 3.8 and later we must need to know the path to the DLL # For conda installs we could use $CONDA_PREFIX, but we want this # to work for all cases and user may have hdf5.dll somewhere weird. # This breaks the security of the change, but keeps things working.... dllPath = find_executable('hdf5.dll') HDF5_DLL = ctypes.CDLL(dllPath) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': HDF5_DLL = ctypes.CDLL('libhdf5.dylib') else: HDF5_DLL = ctypes.CDLL('') H5Sselect_hyperslab = HDF5_DLL.H5Sselect_hyperslab # checked on 64 and 32 bits H5Sselect_hyperslab.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p ] H5Sselect_hyperslab.restype = ctypes.c_int32 except Exception: H5Sselect_hyperslab = None
def makeStackAndAngles(cmdargs): """ Make an intermediate stack of all the TOA reflectance bands. Also make an image of the angles. Fill in the names of these in the cmdargs object. """ if cmdargs.granuledir is None and cmdargs.safedir is not None: cmdargs.granuledir = findGranuleDir(cmdargs.safedir) # Find the other commands we need, even under Windoze gdalmergeCmd = find_executable("") if gdalmergeCmd is None: msg = "Unable to find command. Check installation of GDAL package. " raise fmaskerrors.FmaskInstallationError(msg) # Make the angles file (fd, anglesfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cmdargs.tempdir, prefix="angles_tmp_", suffix=".img") os.close(fd) xmlfile = findGranuleXml(cmdargs.granuledir) if cmdargs.verbose: print("Making angles image") sentinel2makeAnglesImage.makeAngles(xmlfile, anglesfile) cmdargs.anglesfile = anglesfile # Make a stack of the reflectance bands. Not that we do an explicit resample to the # output pixel size, to avoid picking up the overview layers with the ESA jpg files. # According to @vincentschut, these are shifted slightly, and should be avoided. bandList = [ 'B01', 'B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B05', 'B06', 'B07', 'B08', 'B8A', 'B09', 'B10', 'B11', 'B12' ] imgDir = "{}/IMG_DATA".format(cmdargs.granuledir) resampledBands = [] for band in bandList: (fd, tmpBand) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cmdargs.tempdir, prefix="tmp_{}_".format(band), suffix=".vrt") os.close(fd) inBandImgList = glob.glob("{}/*_{}.jp2".format(imgDir, band)) if len(inBandImgList) != 1: raise fmaskerrors.FmaskFileError( "Cannot find input band {}".format(band)) inBandImg = inBandImgList[0] # Now make a resampled copy to the desired pixel size, using the right resample method resampleMethod = chooseResampleMethod(cmdargs.pixsize, inBandImg) subprocess.check_call([ GDALWARPCMD, '-q', '-tr', str(cmdargs.pixsize), str(cmdargs.pixsize), '-co', 'TILED=YES', '-of', 'VRT', '-r', resampleMethod, inBandImg, tmpBand ]) resampledBands.append(tmpBand) # Now make a stack of these if cmdargs.verbose: print("Making stack of all bands, at {}m pixel size".format( cmdargs.pixsize)) (fd, tmpStack) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cmdargs.tempdir, prefix="tmp_allbands_", suffix=".img") os.close(fd) cmdargs.toa = tmpStack # ensure we are launching python rather than relying on the OS to do the right thing (ie Windows) subprocess.check_call( [sys.executable, gdalmergeCmd, '-q', '-of', DEFAULTDRIVERNAME] + CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS + ['-separate', '-o', cmdargs.toa] + resampledBands) for fn in resampledBands: os.remove(fn) return resampledBands
from fmask import fmaskerrors from fmask.cmdline import sentinel2makeAnglesImage from fmask import fmask # for GDAL command line utilities CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS = [] if DEFAULTDRIVERNAME in dfltDriverOptions: for opt in dfltDriverOptions[DEFAULTDRIVERNAME]: CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS.append('-co') CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS.append(opt) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): GDALWARPCMDNAME = "gdalwarp.exe" else: GDALWARPCMDNAME = "gdalwarp" GDALWARPCMD = find_executable(GDALWARPCMDNAME) if GDALWARPCMD is None: msg = "Unable to find {} command. Check installation of GDAL package".format( GDALWARPCMDNAME) raise fmaskerrors.FmaskInstallationError(msg) def getCmdargs(): """ Get command line arguments """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--safedir", help= ("Name of .SAFE directory, as unzipped from " +
from rios.parallel.jobmanager import find_executable from fmask import config from fmask import fmaskerrors from fmask.cmdline import sentinel2makeAnglesImage from fmask import fmask # for GDAL command line utilities CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS = [] if DEFAULTDRIVERNAME in dfltDriverOptions: for opt in dfltDriverOptions[DEFAULTDRIVERNAME]: CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS.append('-co') CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS.append(opt) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): GDALWARPCMD = find_executable("gdalwarp.exe") else: GDALWARPCMD = find_executable("gdalwarp") def getCmdargs(): """ Get command line arguments """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--safedir", help=("Name of .SAFE directory, as unzipped from " + "a standard ESA L1C zip file. Using this option will automatically create intermediate " + "stacks of the input bands, and so does NOT require --toa or --anglesfile. ")) parser.add_argument("--granuledir", help=("Name of granule sub-directory within the " + ".SAFE directory, as unzipped from a standard ESA L1C zip file. This option is an " + "alternative to --safedir, for use with ESA's old format zipfiles which had multiple " + "granules in each zipfile. Specify the subdirectory of the single tile, under the " +
from __future__ import print_function, division import os import sys import glob from rios.parallel.jobmanager import find_executable if len(sys.argv) < 2: raise SystemExit("missing arguments to expand") outList = [] # will have expanded wildcards exeName = sys.argv[1] if exeName.endswith('.py'): # look up the path of the script and execute with python outList.append(sys.executable) scriptPath = find_executable(exeName) if scriptPath is None: raise SystemExit("Can't find %s" % exeName) outList.append(scriptPath) else: # normal exe - just append it outList.append(exeName) # go through the remaining args and expand them if we can for arg in sys.argv[2:]: expanded = glob.glob(arg) if len(expanded) == 0: # not a file, just add the original string outList.append(arg) else:
def makeStacksAndAngles(cmdargs): """ Find the name of the MTL file. Make an intermediate stacks of all the TOA reflectance and thermal bands. Also make an image of the angles, saturation and TOA reflectance. Fill in the names of these in the cmdargs object. """ # find MTL file wldpath = os.path.join(cmdargs.scenedir, '*_MTL.txt') mtlList = glob.glob(wldpath) if len(mtlList) != 1: raise fmaskerrors.FmaskFileError("Cannot find a *_MTL.txt file in specified dir") cmdargs.mtl = mtlList[0] gdalmergeCmd = find_executable("") if gdalmergeCmd is None: msg = "Unable to find command. Check installation of GDAL package. " raise fmaskerrors.FmaskInstallationError(msg) # we need to find the 'SPACECRAFT_ID' to work out the wildcards to use mtlInfo = config.readMTLFile(cmdargs.mtl) landsat = mtlInfo['SPACECRAFT_ID'][-1] if landsat == '4' or landsat == '5': refWildcard = 'L*_B[1,2,3,4,5,7].TIF' thermalWildcard = 'L*_B6.TIF' elif landsat == '7': refWildcard = 'L*_B[1,2,3,4,5,7].TIF' thermalWildcard = 'L*_B6_VCID_?.TIF' elif landsat == '8': refWildcard = 'LC*_B[1-7,9].TIF' thermalWildcard = 'LC*_B1[0,1].TIF' else: raise SystemExit('Unsupported Landsat sensor') wldpath = os.path.join(cmdargs.scenedir, refWildcard) refFiles = sorted(glob.glob(wldpath)) if len(refFiles) == 0: raise fmaskerrors.FmaskFileError("Cannot find expected reflectance files for sensor") wldpath = os.path.join(cmdargs.scenedir, thermalWildcard) thermalFiles = sorted(glob.glob(wldpath)) if len(thermalFiles) == 0: raise fmaskerrors.FmaskFileError("Cannot find expected thermal files for sensor") if cmdargs.verbose: print("Making stack of all reflectance bands") (fd, tmpRefStack) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cmdargs.tempdir, prefix="tmp_allrefbands_", suffix=".img") os.close(fd) # use sys.executable so Windows works subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, gdalmergeCmd, '-q', '-of', DEFAULTDRIVERNAME] + CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS + ['-separate', '-o', tmpRefStack] + refFiles) # stash so we can delete later cmdargs.refstack = tmpRefStack if cmdargs.verbose: print("Making stack of all thermal bands") (fd, tmpThermStack) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cmdargs.tempdir, prefix="tmp_allthermalbands_", suffix=".img") os.close(fd) subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, gdalmergeCmd, '-q', '-of', DEFAULTDRIVERNAME] + CMDLINECREATIONOPTIONS + ['-separate', '-o', tmpThermStack] + thermalFiles) cmdargs.thermal = tmpThermStack # now the angles if cmdargs.verbose: print("Creating angles file") (fd, anglesfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cmdargs.tempdir, prefix="angles_tmp_", suffix=".img") os.close(fd) usgsLandsatMakeAnglesImage.makeAngles(cmdargs.mtl, tmpRefStack, anglesfile) cmdargs.anglesfile = anglesfile # saturation if cmdargs.verbose: print("Creating saturation file") (fd, saturationfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cmdargs.tempdir, prefix="saturation_tmp_", suffix=".img") os.close(fd) usgsLandsatSaturationMask.makeSaturationMask(cmdargs.mtl, tmpRefStack, saturationfile) cmdargs.saturation = saturationfile # TOA if cmdargs.verbose: print("Creating TOA file") (fs, toafile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cmdargs.tempdir, prefix="toa_tmp_", suffix=".img") os.close(fd) landsatTOA.makeTOAReflectance(tmpRefStack, cmdargs.mtl, anglesfile, toafile) cmdargs.toa = toafile