Пример #1
#Include standard library dependencies
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

#Include Dictionaries
from SARplatform import plat_dict

#Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsTools
from ritsar import imgTools

#Create platform dictionary
platform = plat_dict()

#Create image plane dictionary
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform)

#Simulate phase history, if needed
nsamples = platform['nsamples']
npulses = platform['npulses']
x = img_plane['u']; y = img_plane['v']
points = [[0,0,0],
amplitudes = [1,1,1]
phs = phsTools.simulate_phs(platform, points, amplitudes)

#Apply RVP correction
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)
Пример #2
from sys import path

#Include Dictionaries
from SARplatform import plat_dict

#Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsTools
from ritsar import imgTools

#Create platform dictionary
platform = plat_dict()

#Create image plane dictionary
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform, aspect = 1)

#Simulate phase history, if needed
nsamples = platform['nsamples']
npulses = platform['npulses']
x = img_plane['u']; y = img_plane['v']
points = [[0,0,0],
amplitudes = [1,1,1]
phs = phsTools.simulate_phs(platform, points, amplitudes)

#Apply RVP correction
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)
Пример #3
#Include standard library dependencies
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib import cm
cmap = cm.Greys_r

#Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsRead
from ritsar import phsTools
from ritsar import imgTools

#Define directory containing *.au2 and *.phs files
directory = './data/Sandia/'

#Import phase history and create platform dictionary
[phs, platform] = phsRead.Sandia(directory)

#Correct for reisdual video phase
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)

#Import image plane dictionary from './parameters/img_plane'
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform,
                           res_factor = 1.0, n_hat = platform['n_hat'])

#Apply polar format algorithm to phase history data
#(Other options not available since platform position is unknown)
img_pf = imgTools.polar_format(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 43)

#Output image
plt.imshow(np.abs(img_pf)**(0.1), cmap = cmap)
Пример #4
#Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsRead
from ritsar import imgTools

#Define top level directory containing *.mat file
#and choose polarization and starting azimuth
pol = 'HH'
directory = './data/AFRL/pass1'
start_az = 1

#Import phase history and create platform dictionary
[phs, platform] = phsRead.AFRL(directory, pol, start_az, n_az = 3)

#Create image plane dictionary
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform, res_factor = 1.5, upsample = True, aspect = 1.0)

#Apply algorithm of choice to phase history data
img_bp = imgTools.backprojection(phs, platform, img_plane, taylor = 43, upsample = 6)
#img_pf = imgTools.polar_format(phs, platform, img_plane, taylor = 43)

#Output image
plt.imshow(np.abs(img_bp)**0.5, cmap = cm.Greys_r)

#Autofocus image
#img_af, af_ph = imgTools.autoFocus(img_bp, win = 0, win_params = [300,0.8])
img_af, af_ph = imgTools.autoFocus(img_bp, win = 0, win_params = [300,0.8])

#Output autofocused image
Пример #5
#Add include directories to default path list
from sys import path

#Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsRead
from ritsar import phsTools
from ritsar import imgTools

#Define directory containing *.au2 and *.phs files
directory = './data/DIRSIG/'

#Import phase history and create platform dictionary
[phs, platform] = phsRead.DIRSIG(directory)

#Correct for reisdual video phase
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)

#Demodulate phase history with constant reference, if needed 
phs_fixed = phsTools.phs_to_const_ref(phs_corr, platform, upchirp = 1)

#Import image plane dictionary from './parameters/img_plane'
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform, res_factor = 1.0, aspect = 1.0)

#Apply polar format algorithm to phase history data
img_wk = imgTools.omega_k(phs_fixed, platform, taylor = 13, upsample = 2)
#img_bp = imgTools.backprojection(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 13, upsample = 6)
#img_pf = imgTools.polar_format(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 13)

#Output image
imgTools.imshow(img_wk, [-20,0])
Пример #6
    #AFRL DSBP demo
    #Define top level directory containing *.mat file
    #and choose polarization and starting azimuth
    pol = 'HH'
    directory = './data/AFRL/pass1'
    start_az = 1

    #Import phase history and create platform dictionary
    [phs, platform] = phsRead.AFRL(directory, pol, start_az, n_az=4)

    #Create image plane dictionary
    img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform,

    #full backprojection
    start = time()
    img_bp = imgTools.backprojection(phs,
    bp_time = time() - start

    #Fast-factorized backprojection without multi-processing
    start = time()
    img_FFBP = imgTools.FFBP(phs, platform, img_plane, taylor=17, factor_max=2)
    fbp_time = time() - start
Пример #7
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib import cm
cmap = cm.Greys_r

#Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsRead
from ritsar import phsTools
from ritsar import imgTools

#Define directory containing *.au2 and *.phs files
directory = './data/DIRSIG/'

#Import phase history and create platform dictionary
[phs, platform] = phsRead.DIRSIG(directory)

#Correct for reisdual video phase
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)

#Demodulate phase history with constant reference, if needed 
phs_fixed = phsTools.phs_to_const_ref(phs_corr, platform, upchirp = 1)

#Import image plane dictionary from './parameters/img_plane'
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform, res_factor = 0.5, aspect = 2.0)

#Apply polar format algorithm to phase history data
img_wk = imgTools.omega_k(phs_fixed, platform, taylor = 43, upsample = 2)
#img_bp = imgTools.backprojection(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 43, upsample = 6)
#img_pf = imgTools.polar_format(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 43)

#Output image
plt.imshow(np.abs(img_wk), cmap = cmap)
Пример #8

# Include Dictionaries
from SARplatformUHF import plat_dict

# Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsTools
from ritsar import imgTools

# Create platform dictionary
platform = plat_dict()

# Create image plane dictionary
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform, aspect=1)

# Simulate phase history, if needed
nsamples = platform['nsamples']
npulses = platform['npulses']
x = img_plane['u']
y = img_plane['v']
points = [[0, 0, 0], [0, -100, 0], [200, 0, 0]]
amplitudes = [1, 1, 1]
phs = phsTools.simulate_phs(platform, points, amplitudes)

# Apply RVP correction
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)
Пример #9

# Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsRead
from ritsar import phsTools
from ritsar import imgTools

# Define directory containing *.img files
directory = './data/DIRSIG/'

# Import phase history and create platform dictionary
[phs, platform] = phsRead.DIRSIG(directory)

# Correct for reisdual video phase
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)

# Demodulate phase history with constant reference, if needed
phs_fixed = phsTools.phs_to_const_ref(phs_corr, platform, upchirp=1)

# Import image plane dictionary from './parameters/img_plane'
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform, res_factor=1.0, aspect=1.0)

# Apply polar format algorithm to phase history data
img_wk = imgTools.omega_k(phs_fixed, platform, taylor=13, upsample=2)
# img_bp = imgTools.backprojection(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 13, upsample = 6)
# img_pf = imgTools.polar_format(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 13)

# Output image
imgTools.imshow(img_wk, [-20, 0])
Пример #10
# Add include directories to default path list
from sys import path


# Include SARIT toolset
from ritsar import phsRead
from ritsar import phsTools
from ritsar import imgTools

# Define directory containing *.au2 and *.phs files
directory = './data/Sandia/'

# Import phase history and create platform dictionary
[phs, platform] = phsRead.Sandia(directory)

# Correct for residual video phase
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)

# Import image plane dictionary from './parameters/img_plane'
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform,

# Apply polar format algorithm to phase history data
# (Other options not available since platform position is unknown)
img_pf = imgTools.polar_format(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor=30)

# Output image
imgTools.imshow(img_pf, [-45, 0])