Пример #1
    def append(self, x: np.ndarray, y: base.typing.Target):
        """Add a (single) sample to the specific class sample window.
            1D-array of feature for a single sample.
            The target data for a single sample. - will be associated with its target window

        if not self._is_initialized:
            self._n_features = get_dimensions(x)[1]

        if self._n_features != get_dimensions(x)[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Inconsistent number of features in X: {}, previously observed {}."
                .format(get_dimensions(x)[1], self._n_features))

        yIndex = self.classes.index(y)  # Gets index of class element

        self._X[yIndex, self._next_insert[yIndex], :] = x

        slot_replaced = self._imask[yIndex, self._next_insert[yIndex]]

        self._imask[yIndex, self._next_insert[yIndex]] = True

        self._next_insert[yIndex] = (
            self._next_insert[yIndex] +
            1 if self._next_insert[yIndex] < self.window_size - 1 else 0
        )  # Postion oldest insert as newest

        if not slot_replaced:
            # This is not used after size == window - size of
            self._size[yIndex] += 1

        return self
Пример #2
    def append(self, x: np.ndarray, y: base.typing.Target) -> "KNeighborsBuffer":
        """Add a (single) sample to the sample window.

            1D-array of feature for a single sample.

            The target data for a single sample.

        ValueError: If at any moment, a sample with a different number of
        attributes than that of the n_attributes parameter is passed, a
        ValueError is raised.

        TypeError: If the buffer type is altered by the user, or is not
        correctly initialized, a TypeError may be raised.

        if not self._is_initialized:
            self._n_features = get_dimensions(x)[1]
            self._n_targets = get_dimensions(y)[1]

        if self._n_features != get_dimensions(x)[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Inconsistent number of features in X: {}, previously observed {}.".format(
                    get_dimensions(x)[1], self._n_features

        self._X[self._next_insert, :] = x
        self._y[self._next_insert] = y

        slot_replaced = self._imask[self._next_insert]

        # Update the instance storing logic
        self._imask[self._next_insert] = True  # Mark slot as filled
        self._next_insert = (
            self._next_insert + 1 if self._next_insert < self.window_size - 1 else 0

        if (
        ):  # The oldest sample was replaced (complete cycle in the buffer)
            self._oldest = self._next_insert
        else:  # Actual buffer increased
            self._size += 1

        return self