Пример #1
def get_neighbors(idx, Iskel):
    Get a flattened array of neighboring pixel indices.

    Returns a flattened array of the neighboring pixel indices within Iskel
    that are True. Only looks at 8-connected neighbors (i.e. a 3x3 kernel with
    centered on idx).

    idx : np.int
        Index within Iskel to get neighbors.
    Iskel : np.ndarray
        Image of the skeletonized mask, but can be any image array.

    neighbor_idcs_gloal : list
        Indices within Iskel of True pixels bordering idx.

    size = (3, 3)
    cent_idx = 4  # OR int((size[0]*size[1] - 1) / 2)

    # Pull square with idx at center
    I, row_offset, col_offset = iu.get_array(idx, Iskel, size)
    I_flat = np.ravel(I)

    # Find its neighbors (next possible steps)
    neighbor_idcs, _ = iu.neighbors_flat(cent_idx, I_flat, size[1])
    neighbor_idcs_gloal = iu.reglobalize_flat_idx(neighbor_idcs, size,
                                                  row_offset, col_offset,

    return neighbor_idcs_gloal
Пример #2
def get_neighbors(idx, Iskel):

    size = (3, 3)
    cent_idx = 4  # OR int((size[0]*size[1] - 1) / 2)

    # Pull square with idx at center
    I, row_offset, col_offset = iu.get_array(idx, Iskel, size)
    I_flat = np.ravel(I)

    # Find its neighbors (next possible steps)
    neighbor_idcs, _ = iu.neighbors_flat(cent_idx, I_flat, size[1])
    neighbor_idcs_gloal = iu.reglobalize_flat_idx(neighbor_idcs, size,
                                                  row_offset, col_offset,

    return neighbor_idcs_gloal
Пример #3
def is_bp(idx, Iskel):
    Determine if an index is a branchpoint.

    Determines if the index given by idx is a branchpoint. Branchpoints are
    not simply pixels in the skeleton with more than two neighbors; they are
    pruned through a somewhat complicated procedure that minimizes the number
    of required branchpoints to preserve the skeleton topology.

    idx : np.int
        Index within Iskel to determine if it is a branchpoint.
    Iskel : np.ndarray
        Image of the skeletonized mask, but can be any image array.

    isbp : int
        1 if idx is a branchpoint, else 0.

    # TODO: change to return True/False rather than 1/0.
    # Trivial case, only one or two neighbors is not bp
    neighs = get_neighbors(idx, Iskel)
    if len(neighs) < 3:
        return 0

    # Pull out the neighborhood
    big_enough = 0
    size = (7, 7)

    # Loop to ensure the domain is large enough to capture all connected
    # nconn>2 pixels
    while big_enough == 0:
        centidx = (int((size[0] - 1) / 2), int((size[1] - 1) / 2))
        I, roffset, coffset = iu.get_array(idx, Iskel, size)

        # Find 4-connected pixels with connectivity > 2
        Ic = iu.im_connectivity(I)
        Ict = np.zeros_like(I)
        Ict[Ic > 2] = 1
        Ilab = measure.label(Ict, background=0, connectivity=1)

        cpy, cpx = np.where(Ilab == Ilab[centidx])
        big_enough = 1
        if 1 in cpx or size[0] - 2 in cpx:
            size = (size[0] + 4, size[1])
            big_enough = 0
        if 1 in cpy or size[1] - 2 in cpy:
            size = (size[0], size[1] + 4)
            big_enough = 0

    # Reduce image to subset of connected conn > 2 pixels with a 1 pixel
    # buffer by zeroing out values outside the domain
    I[:np.min(cpy) - 1, :] = 0
    I[np.max(cpy) + 2:, :] = 0
    I[:, :np.min(cpx) - 1] = 0
    I[:, np.max(cpx) + 2:] = 0

    # Take only the largest blob in case there are border stragglers
    I = iu.largest_blobs(I, 1, 'keep')

    # Zero out everything outside our region of interest
        Ilab != Ilab[centidx],
        Ic > 2)] = 1  # set edge pixel connectivity to 1 (even if not true)
    Ic[I != 1] = 0

    # Trivial case where idx is the only possible branchpoint
    if np.sum(Ic > 2) == 1:
        return 1

    # Compute number of axes and four-connectivity
    Ina = naxes_connectivity(I)
    Inf = iu.nfour_connectivity(I)
    # Ravel everything
    Icr = np.ravel(Ic)
    Inar = np.ravel(Ina)
    Infr = np.ravel(Inf)

    bps = isbp_parsimonious(Ic, Icr, Inar, Infr)

    # Return branchpoints to global, flat coordinates
    bps = iu.reglobalize_flat_idx(bps, Ic.shape, roffset, coffset, Iskel.shape)

    # Check input idx for being a branchpoint
    if idx in bps:
        isbp = 1
        isbp = 0

    return isbp
Пример #4
def is_bp(idx, Iskel):
    Returns 1 if a pixel is a branchpoint in a skeleton given by vrtpath; else 0

    # Trivial case, only one or two neighbors is not bp
    neighs = get_neighbors(idx, Iskel)
    if len(neighs) < 3:
        return 0

    # Pull out the neighborhood
    big_enough = 0
    size = (7, 7)

    # Loop to ensure our size is large enough to capture all connected nconn>2 pixels
    while big_enough == 0:
        centidx = (int((size[0] - 1) / 2), int((size[1] - 1) / 2))
        I, roffset, coffset = iu.get_array(idx, Iskel, size)

        # Find 4-connected pixels with connectivity > 2
        Ic = iu.im_connectivity(I)
        Ict = np.zeros_like(I)
        Ict[Ic > 2] = 1
        Ilab = measure.label(Ict, background=0, connectivity=1)

        cpy, cpx = np.where(Ilab == Ilab[centidx])
        big_enough = 1
        if 1 in cpx or size[0] - 2 in cpx:
            size = (size[0] + 4, size[1])
            big_enough = 0
        if 1 in cpy or size[1] - 2 in cpy:
            size = (size[0], size[1] + 4)
            big_enough = 0

    # Reduce image to subset of connected conn > 2 pixels with a 1 pixel buffer by zeroing out values outside the domain
    I[:np.min(cpy) - 1, :] = 0
    I[np.max(cpy) + 2:, :] = 0
    I[:, :np.min(cpx) - 1] = 0
    I[:, np.max(cpx) + 2:] = 0

    # Take only the largest blob in case there are border stragglers
    I = iu.largest_blobs(I, 1, 'keep')

    # Zero out everything outside our region of interest
        Ilab != Ilab[centidx],
        Ic > 2)] = 1  # set edge pixel connectivity to 1 (even if not true)
    Ic[I != 1] = 0

    # Trivial case where idx is the only possible branchpoint
    if np.sum(Ic > 2) == 1:
        return 1

    # Compute number of axes and four-connectivity
    Ina = naxes_connectivity(I)
    Inf = iu.nfour_connectivity(I)
    # Ravel everything
    Icr = np.ravel(Ic)
    Inar = np.ravel(Ina)
    Infr = np.ravel(Inf)

    bps = isbp_parsimonious(Ic, Icr, Inar, Infr)

    # Return branchpoints to global, flat coordinates
    bps = iu.reglobalize_flat_idx(bps, Ic.shape, roffset, coffset, Iskel.shape)

    # Check input idx for being a branchpoint
    if idx in bps:
        return 1
        return 0