Пример #1
def test_agent_invalid_action():

    random = RandomState()
    agent = StochasticMdpAgent('foo', random, TabularPolicy(None, None), 1.0)

    # test None action
    agent.__act__ = lambda t: None

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Agent returned action of None'):

    # test infeasible action
    action = Action(1, 'foo')
    agent.__act__ = lambda t: action
    state = MdpState(1, [], False)
    agent.sense(state, 0)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=f'Action {action} is not feasible in state {state}'):
Пример #2
def improve(agent: StochasticMdpAgent,
            policy: ParameterizedPolicy,
            environment: MdpEnvironment,
            num_episodes: int,
            update_upon_every_visit: bool,
            alpha: float,
            v_S: Optional[StateValueEstimator],
            thread_manager: RunThreadManager,
            plot_state_value: bool,
            num_episodes_per_checkpoint: Optional[int] = None,
            checkpoint_path: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
    Perform Monte Carlo improvement of an agent's policy within an environment via the REINFORCE policy gradient method.
    This improvement function operates over rewards obtained at the end of episodes, so it is only appropriate for
    episodic tasks.

    :param agent: Agent containing target policy to be optimized.
    :param policy: Parameterized policy to be optimized.
    :param environment: Environment.
    :param num_episodes: Number of episodes to execute.
    :param update_upon_every_visit: True to update each state-action pair upon each visit within an episode, or False to
    update each state-action pair upon the first visit within an episode.
    :param alpha: Policy gradient step size.
    :param thread_manager: Thread manager. The current function (and the thread running it) will wait on this manager
    before starting each iteration. This provides a mechanism for pausing, resuming, and aborting training. Omit for no
    :param plot_state_value: Whether or not to plot the state-value.
    :param v_S: Baseline state-value estimator, or None for no baseline.
    :param num_episodes_per_checkpoint: Number of episodes per checkpoint save.
    :param checkpoint_path: Checkpoint path. Must be provided if `num_episodes_per_checkpoint` is provided.
    :return: Final checkpoint path, or None if checkpoints were not saved.

    if thread_manager is not None:
            'This optimization method will ignore the thread_manager.')

    if checkpoint_path is not None:
        checkpoint_path = os.path.expanduser(checkpoint_path)

    state_value_plot = None
    if plot_state_value and v_S is not None:
        state_value_plot = ScatterPlot('REINFORCE:  State Value', ['Estimate'],

        f'Running Monte Carlo-based REINFORCE improvement for {num_episodes} episode(s).'

    episode_reward_averager = IncrementalSampleAverager()
    episodes_per_print = max(1, int(num_episodes * 0.05))
    final_checkpoint_path = None
    for episode_i in range(num_episodes):

        # reset the environment for the new run (always use the agent we're learning about, as state identifiers come
        # from it), and reset the agent accordingly.
        state = environment.reset_for_new_run(agent)

        # simulate until episode termination, keeping a trace of state-action pairs and their immediate rewards, as well
        # as the times of their first visits (only if we're doing first-visit evaluation).
        t = 0
        state_action_first_t = None if update_upon_every_visit else {}
        t_state_action_reward = []
        total_reward = 0.0
        while not state.terminal and (environment.T is None
                                      or t < environment.T):

            a = agent.act(t)
            state_a = (state, a)

            if state_value_plot is not None:

            # mark time step of first visit, if we're doing first-visit evaluation.
            if state_action_first_t is not None and state_a not in state_action_first_t:
                state_action_first_t[state_a] = t

            next_state, next_reward = environment.advance(state, t, a, agent)
            t_state_action_reward.append((t, state_a, next_reward))
            total_reward += next_reward.r
            state = next_state
            t += 1

            agent.sense(state, t)

        # work backwards through the trace to calculate discounted returns. need to work backward in order for the value
        # of g at each time step t to be properly discounted.
        g = 0
        for i, (t, state_a,
                reward) in enumerate(reversed(t_state_action_reward)):

            g = agent.gamma * g + reward.r

            # if we're doing every-visit, or if the current time step was the first visit to the state-action, then g
            # is the discounted sample value. use it to update the policy.
            if state_action_first_t is None or state_action_first_t[
                    state_a] == t:

                state, a = state_a

                # if we don't have a baseline, then the target is the return.
                if v_S is None:
                    target = g

                # otherwise, update the baseline state-value estimator and set the target to be the difference between
                # observed return and the baseline. actions that produce an above-baseline return will be reinforced.
                    estimate = v_S[state].get_value()
                    target = g - estimate

                policy.append_update(a, state, alpha, target)


        if num_episodes_per_checkpoint is not None and episode_i % num_episodes_per_checkpoint == 0:

            resume_args = {
                'agent': agent,
                'policy': policy,
                'environment': environment,
                'num_episodes': num_episodes,
                'update_upon_every_visit': update_upon_every_visit,
                'alpha': alpha,
                'plot_state_value': plot_state_value,
                'v_S': v_S,
                'num_episodes_per_checkpoint': num_episodes_per_checkpoint,
                'checkpoint_path': checkpoint_path

            checkpoint_path_with_index = insert_index_into_path(
                checkpoint_path, episode_i)
            final_checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path_with_index
            with open(checkpoint_path_with_index, 'wb') as checkpoint_file:
                pickle.dump(resume_args, checkpoint_file)

        episodes_finished = episode_i + 1
        if episodes_finished % episodes_per_print == 0:
                f'Finished {episodes_finished} of {num_episodes} episode(s).')

        f'Completed optimization. Average reward per episode:  {episode_reward_averager.get_value()}'

    return final_checkpoint_path