def train(self, batch): T = batch["s"].size(0) self.optimizer.zero_grad() bht = batch.hist(T - 1) R = self.decide(bht["s"])["V"].squeeze() for i, terminal in enumerate(bht["terminal"]): if terminal: R[i] = 0.0 err = None verr = None perr = None for t in range(T - 2, -1, -1): bht = batch.hist(t) state = self.forward(bht["s"]) r = batch["r"][t] R = self.gamma * R + r for i, terminal in enumerate(bht["terminal"]): if terminal: R[i] = 0.0 V = state["V"].squeeze() coef = Variable(R - -1? pi = state["pi"] a = bht["a"] log_pi = (pi + 1e-6).log() def bw_hook(grad_in): # this works only on pytorch 0.2.0 return grad_in.mul(coef.view(-1, 1)) #log_pi.register_hook(bw_hook) log_pi = log_pi.mul(coef.view(-1, 1)) nlll = nn.NLLLoss()(log_pi, Variable(a)) mse = nn.MSELoss()(V, Variable(R)) verr = add_err(verr,[0]) perr = add_err(perr,[0]) err = add_err(err, mse) err = add_err(err, nlll) self.counter.stats["vcost"].feed(verr / (T - 1)) self.counter.stats["pcost"].feed(perr / (T - 1)) self.counter.stats["cost"].feed([0] / (T - 1)) err.backward() self.optimizer.step()
def update(self, mi, batch, stats): m = mi["model"] args = self.args T = batch["a"].size(0) total_predict_err = None hs = [] for t in range(0, T - 1): # forwarded policy should be identical with current policy bht = batch.hist(t) state_curr = m(bht) if t > 0: prev_a = batch["a"][t - 1] h = state_curr["h"].data for i in range(0, t): future_pred = m.transition(hs[i], prev_a) pred_h = future_pred["hf"] this_err = self.prediction_loss(pred_h, Variable(h)) total_predict_err = add_err(total_predict_err, this_err) hs[i] = pred_h term = Variable(1.0 - batch["terminal"][t].float()).view(-1, 1) for _h in hs: _h.register_hook(lambda grad: grad.mul(term)) hs.append(Variable(h)) stats["predict_err"].feed(total_predict_err.item()) total_predict_err.backward()
def update(self, mi, batch, stats): m = mi["model"] args = self.args T = batch["a"].size(0) total_predict_err = None hs = [] for t in range(0, T - 1): # forwarded policy should be identical with current policy bht = batch.hist(t) state_curr = m(bht) if t > 0: prev_a = batch["a"][t - 1] h = state_curr["h"].data for i in range(0, t): future_pred = m.transition(hs[i], prev_a) pred_h = future_pred["hf"] this_err = self.prediction_loss(pred_h, Variable(h)) total_predict_err = add_err(total_predict_err, this_err) hs[i] = pred_h term = Variable(1.0 - batch["terminal"][t].float()).view(-1, 1) for _h in hs: _h.register_hook(lambda grad: grad.mul(term)) hs.append(Variable(h)) stats["predict_err"].feed([0]) total_predict_err.backward()
def update(self, mi, batch, stats): ''' Update given batch ''' # Current timestep. state_curr = mi["model"](batch.hist(0)) total_loss = None eps = 1e-6 targets = batch.hist(0)["a"] for i, pred in enumerate(state_curr["a"]): if i == 0: prec1, prec5 = self.accuracy(, targets[:, i].contiguous(), topk=(1, 5)) stats["top1_acc"].feed(prec1[0]) stats["top5_acc"].feed(prec5[0]) # backward. loss = self.policy_loss((pred + eps).log(), Variable(targets[:, i])) stats["loss" + str(i)].feed([0]) total_loss = add_err(total_loss, loss / (i + 1)) stats["total_loss"].feed([0]) total_loss.backward()
def update(self, mi, batch, stats): ''' Update given batch ''' # Current timestep. # print("\u001b[31;1m|py|\u001b[0m\u001b[37m", "MultiplePrediction::", inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) state_curr = mi["model"](batch) total_policy_loss = None eps = 1e-6 targets = batch["offline_a"] if "pis" not in state_curr: state_curr["pis"] = [state_curr["pi"]] for i, pred in enumerate(state_curr["pis"]): if i == 0: prec1, prec5 = topk_accuracy(, targets[:, i].contiguous(), topk=(1, 5)) stats["top1_acc"].feed(prec1[0]) stats["top5_acc"].feed(prec5[0]) # backward. loss = self.policy_loss( (pred + eps).log(), Variable(targets[:, i])) stats["loss" + str(i)].feed([0]) total_policy_loss = add_err(total_policy_loss, loss / (i + 1)) total_value_loss = None if "V" in state_curr and "winner" in batch: total_value_loss = self.value_loss( state_curr["V"], Variable(batch["winner"])) stats["total_policy_loss"].feed([0]) if total_value_loss is not None: stats["total_value_loss"].feed([0]) total_loss = total_policy_loss + total_value_loss else: total_loss = total_policy_loss stats["total_loss"].feed([0]) if self.options.multipred_backprop: total_loss.backward()
def update(self, mi, batch, stats): ''' Update given batch ''' # Current timestep. state_curr = mi["model"](batch.hist(0)) total_loss = None eps = 1e-6 targets = batch.hist(0)["offline_a"] for i, pred in enumerate(state_curr["pis"]): if i == 0: prec1, prec5 = topk_accuracy(, targets[:, i].contiguous(), topk=(1, 5)) stats["top1_acc"].feed(prec1[0]) stats["top5_acc"].feed(prec5[0]) # backward. loss = self.policy_loss((pred + eps).log(), Variable(targets[:, i])) stats["loss" + str(i)].feed([0]) total_loss = add_err(total_loss, loss / (i + 1)) stats["total_loss"].feed([0]) if not self.args.multipred_no_backprop: total_loss.backward()
def update(self, mi, batch, stats): ''' Update given batch ''' # Current timestep. state_curr = mi["model"](batch) total_policy_loss = None eps = 1e-6 targets = batch["offline_a"] if "pis" not in state_curr: state_curr["pis"] = [state_curr["pi"]] for i, pred in enumerate(state_curr["pis"]): if i == 0: prec1, prec5 = topk_accuracy(, targets[:, i].contiguous(), topk=(1, 5)) stats["top1_acc"].feed(prec1[0]) stats["top5_acc"].feed(prec5[0]) # backward. loss = self.policy_loss( (pred + eps).log(), Variable(targets[:, i])) stats["loss" + str(i)].feed([0]) total_policy_loss = add_err(total_policy_loss, loss / (i + 1)) total_value_loss = None if "V" in state_curr and "winner" in batch: total_value_loss = self.value_loss( state_curr["V"], Variable(batch["winner"])) stats["total_policy_loss"].feed([0]) if total_value_loss is not None: stats["total_value_loss"].feed([0]) total_loss = total_policy_loss + total_value_loss else: total_loss = total_policy_loss stats["total_loss"].feed([0]) if self.options.multipred_backprop: total_loss.backward()
def update(self, mi, batch, stats): ''' Actor critic model ''' m = mi["model"] args = self.args T = batch["a"].size(0) state_curr = m(batch.hist(T - 1)) self.discounted_reward.setR(state_curr["V"].squeeze().data, stats) next_h = state_curr["h"].data policies = [0] * T policies[T - 1] = state_curr["pi"].data for t in range(T - 2, -1, -1): bht = batch.hist(t) state_curr = m.forward(bht) # go through the sample and get the rewards. a = batch["a"][t] V = state_curr["V"].squeeze() R = self.discounted_reward.feed(dict( r=batch["r"][t], terminal=batch["terminal"][t]), stats=stats) pi = state_curr["pi"] policies[t] = overall_err = None if not args.fixed_policy: overall_err = -, state_curr, bht, stats, old_pi_s=bht) overall_err += self.value_matcher.feed(dict(V=V, target=R), stats) if args.h_smooth: curr_h = state_curr["h"] # Block gradient curr_h = Variable( future_pred = m.transition(curr_h, a) pred_h = future_pred["hf"] predict_err = self.prediction_loss(pred_h, Variable(next_h)) overall_err = add_err(overall_err, predict_err) stats["predict_err"].feed([0]) if args.contrastive_V: # Sample an action other than the current action. prob = / (pi.size(1) - 1)) # Make the selected entry zero. prob.scatter_(1, a.view(-1, 1), 0.0) other_a = prob.multinomial(1) other_future_pred = m.transition(curr_h, other_a) other_pred_h = other_future_pred["hf"] # Make sure the predicted values are lower than the gt # one (we might need to add prob?) # Stop the gradient. pi_V = m.decision( pi_V_other = m.decision( all_one = R.clone().view(-1, 1).fill_(1.0) rank_err = self.rank_loss(pi_V["V"], pi_V_other["V"], Variable(all_one)) value_err = self.prediction_loss(pi_V["V"], Variable(R)) stats["rank_err"].feed([0]) stats["value_err"].feed([0]) overall_err = add_err(overall_err, rank_err) overall_err = add_err(overall_err, value_err) if overall_err is not None: overall_err.backward() next_h = state_curr["h"].data if overall_err is not None: stats["cost"].feed([0]) #print("[%d]: reward=%.4f, sum_reward=%.2f, acc_reward=%.4f, value_err=%.4f, policy_err=%.4f" % (i, r.mean(), r.sum(), R.mean(),[0],[0])) if args.h_match_policy or args.h_match_action: state_curr = m.forward(batch.hist(0)) h = state_curr["h"] if args.fixed_policy: h = Variable( total_policy_err = None for t in range(0, T - 1): # forwarded policy should be identical with current policy V_pi = m.decision_fix_weight(h) a = batch["a"][t] pi_h = V_pi["pi"] # Nothing to learn when t = 0 if t > 0: if args.h_match_policy: policy_err = self.policy_match_loss( pi_h, Variable(policies[t])) stats["policy_match_err%d" % t].feed([0]) elif args.h_match_action: # Add normalization constant logpi_h = (pi_h + args.min_prob).log() policy_err = self.policy_max_action_loss( logpi_h, Variable(a)) stats["policy_match_a_err%d" % t].feed([0]) total_policy_err = add_err(total_policy_err, policy_err) future_pred = m.transition(h, a) h = future_pred["hf"] total_policy_err.backward() stats["total_policy_match_err"].feed([0])
def update(self, mi, batch, stats): ''' Actor critic model ''' m = mi["model"] args = self.args T = batch["a"].size(0) state_curr = m(batch.hist(T - 1)) self.discounted_reward.setR(state_curr["V"].squeeze().data, stats) next_h = state_curr["h"].data policies = [0] * T policies[T - 1] = state_curr["pi"].data for t in range(T - 2, -1, -1): bht = batch.hist(t) state_curr = m.forward(bht) # go through the sample and get the rewards. a = batch["a"][t] V = state_curr["V"].squeeze() R = self.discounted_reward.feed( dict(r=batch["r"][t], terminal=batch["terminal"][t]), stats=stats) pi = state_curr["pi"] policies[t] = overall_err = None if not args.fixed_policy: overall_err = -, state_curr, bht, stats, old_pi_s=bht) overall_err += self.value_matcher.feed(dict(V=V, target=R), stats) if args.h_smooth: curr_h = state_curr["h"] # Block gradient curr_h = Variable( future_pred = m.transition(curr_h, a) pred_h = future_pred["hf"] predict_err = self.prediction_loss(pred_h, Variable(next_h)) overall_err = add_err(overall_err, predict_err) stats["predict_err"].feed([0]) if args.contrastive_V: # Sample an action other than the current action. prob = / (pi.size(1) - 1)) # Make the selected entry zero. prob.scatter_(1, a.view(-1, 1), 0.0) other_a = prob.multinomial(1) other_future_pred = m.transition(curr_h, other_a) other_pred_h = other_future_pred["hf"] # Make sure the predicted values are lower than the gt # one (we might need to add prob?) # Stop the gradient. pi_V = m.decision( pi_V_other = m.decision( all_one = R.clone().view(-1, 1).fill_(1.0) rank_err = self.rank_loss(pi_V["V"], pi_V_other["V"], Variable(all_one)) value_err = self.prediction_loss(pi_V["V"], Variable(R)) stats["rank_err"].feed([0]) stats["value_err"].feed([0]) overall_err = add_err(overall_err, rank_err) overall_err = add_err(overall_err, value_err) if overall_err is not None: overall_err.backward() next_h = state_curr["h"].data if overall_err is not None: stats["cost"].feed([0]) #print("[%d]: reward=%.4f, sum_reward=%.2f, acc_reward=%.4f, value_err=%.4f, policy_err=%.4f" % (i, r.mean(), r.sum(), R.mean(),[0],[0])) if args.h_match_policy or args.h_match_action: state_curr = m.forward(batch.hist(0)) h = state_curr["h"] if args.fixed_policy: h = Variable( total_policy_err = None for t in range(0, T - 1): # forwarded policy should be identical with current policy V_pi = m.decision_fix_weight(h) a = batch["a"][t] pi_h = V_pi["pi"] # Nothing to learn when t = 0 if t > 0: if args.h_match_policy: policy_err = self.policy_match_loss(pi_h, Variable(policies[t])) stats["policy_match_err%d" % t].feed([0]) elif args.h_match_action: # Add normalization constant logpi_h = (pi_h + args.min_prob).log() policy_err = self.policy_max_action_loss(logpi_h, Variable(a)) stats["policy_match_a_err%d" % t].feed([0]) total_policy_err = add_err(total_policy_err, policy_err) future_pred = m.transition(h, a) h = future_pred["hf"] total_policy_err.backward() stats["total_policy_match_err"].feed([0])