Пример #1
def EniSearch(request):
    Creates webpage form to display detergent and deposit structures upon entering smiles as well as returns binding constants
    between the detergent and deposit
    from tools import getAbrahamAB

    if request.method == "POST":
        form = EniSearchForm(request.POST, error_class=DivErrorList)
        if form.is_valid():
            detergent_adjlist = form.cleaned_data["detergent"]
            deposit_adjlist = form.cleaned_data["deposit"]

            detergent = Molecule()
            detergent_smiles = detergent.toSMILES()
            detergent_structure = getStructureMarkup(detergent)

            deposit = Molecule()
            deposit_smiles = deposit.toSMILES()
            deposit_structure = getStructureMarkup(deposit)

            detergentA, detergentB = getAbrahamAB(detergent_smiles)
            depositA, depositB = getAbrahamAB(deposit_smiles)

            # Estimating the binding strength assuming the the detergent to be the donor and dirt to be acceptor
            logK_AB = 7.354 * detergentA * depositB
            # Estimating the binding strength assuming the the detergent to be the acceptor and dirt to be donor
            logK_BA = 7.354 * detergentB * depositA

        detergentA = 0
        detergentB = 0
        depositA = 0
        depositB = 0
        logK_AB = 0
        logK_BA = 0
        form = EniSearchForm()

    return render_to_response(
            "detergentA": detergentA,
            "detergentB": detergentB,
            "depositA": depositA,
            "depositB": depositB,
            "logKAB": logK_AB,
            "logKBA": logK_BA,
            "form": form,
Пример #2
def example():
    """Create a set of sample tables"""

    # In practice, you'd most likely be embedding your HTML tables in
    # a web page template. For demonstration purposes, we'll create a
    # simple page with a few default styles.
    htmlheader = """\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
<title>Sample table</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: Helvetica,Arial,FreeSans; }
table.reporttable { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; }
table.reporttable tr.tr_odd { background-color: #eee; }
table.reporttable tr.tr_even { background-color: #bbb; }
table.reporttable th { background-color: blue; color: white; }
table.reporttable td.cell_bold { font-weight: bold; }
table.reporttable td.cell_money { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
    htmlfooter = """\

    exampletypes = ((PDFTable, 'pdf'), (HTMLTable, 'html'), (SpreadsheetTable, 'xls'))

    #### Example with several row types

#    mainrs = RowSpec(
#        ColumnSpec('foo', 'Column 1', width=1),
#        ColumnSpec('bar', 'Column 2', width=1),
#        ColumnSpec('baz', 'Column 3', width=1),
#        ColumnSpec('qux', 'Column 4', width=4))
#    subrow1 = RowSpec(
#        ColumnSpec('subfoo1', 'First wide column', bold=True, span=2, width=2),
#        ColumnSpec('subbar1', 'Second wide column', span=2))
#    subrow2 = RowSpec(
#        ColumnSpec('subfoo2', 'A table-wide column', span=4))
#    summaryrow = RowSpec(
#        ColumnSpec('junk1', span=2, width=2),
#        ColumnSpec('baz', bold=True, width=1),
#        ColumnSpec('junk2'))
#    lines = []
#    lines.append([mainrs({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3, 'qux': 'Bar.  ' * 30}),
#                  subrow1({'subfoo1': 'And', 'subbar1': 'another'}),
#                  subrow2({'subfoo2': 'This is a test.  ' * 15}),
#                  subrow2({'subfoo2': 'And another test'})])
#    for i in range(5):
#        lines.append(mainrs({'foo': i, 'bar': 14, 'baz': 15, 'qux': 'extra'}))
#    lines.append(summaryrow({'junk1': None, 'baz': 'Summary!', 'junk2': None}))
#    for tableclass, extension in exampletypes:
#        outfile = open('showcase.%s' % extension, 'wb')
#        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
#            outfile.write(htmlheader)
#        outfile.write(tableclass('Sample Table',
#                                 '%s test' % extension.upper(),
#                                 headers=[mainrs, subrow1, subrow2]).render(lines))
#        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
#            outfile.write(htmlfooter)

    #### Converting species dictionary from RMG-Java in bond connectivity
    # format into the smile and 

    import decimal
    import random
    import numpy as np
    import csv
    import itertools
    from rmgpy.molecule import Molecule

    #reading text file of species
    groups= []
    uniquekeys = []
    def isa_group_separator(line):
        return line=='\n'
    with open('Species_Dictionary.txt') as f:
        for key,group in itertools.groupby(f,isa_group_separator):
        #print groups , len(groups)
    # Since empty lines are appered as seperate lists in the groups lis,
    # this section is removing them from the final list
    groupsb = list()
    for sublist in groups:
        if not any(map(str.strip, sublist)):  # this detects blanks
            continue  # it was blank, so skip it
        if sublist not in groupsb:  # this detects duplicates
    #print groupsb , len (groupsb)
    # remove '\n' from each item in list
    def stripp(x):
        return x.strip('\n')
    groupsb=[list(map(stripp,x)) for x in groupsb]
    #print groupsb 

    rows = []
    for index, adjacency_list in enumerate(groupsb, start=1):
        species_name = adjacency_list[0]
        mol = Molecule().fromAdjacencyList('\n'.join(adjacency_list))
        smiles = mol.toSMILES()
        rows.append({'Index': index,
                     'Species': species_name,
                     'SMILES': smiles,
                     'Molecule': mol,
    print "Made {num} rows".format(num=len(rows))

    invoicerow = RowSpec(ColumnSpec('Index', 'Index #'),
                         ColumnSpec('Species', 'Species Name'),
                         ColumnSpec('SMILES', 'SMILES'),
                         ColumnSpec('Molecule', 'Molecule'),
    lines = invoicerow.makeall(rows)

    def image(mol):
        from base64 import b64encode
        src = mol._repr_png_()
        encoded = b64encode(src)
        return '<img alt="{name}" src="data:image/png;base64,{data}" />'.format(name=mol.toSMILES(), data=encoded)
    image.htmlsafe = True
    def blank(mol):
        return ''

    for tableclass, extension in exampletypes:
        outfile = open('Species.%s' % extension, 'wb')

        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
            tableclass.castfunctions[Molecule] = image
            tableclass.castfunctions[Molecule] = blank

        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
        outfile.write(tableclass('Species dictionary',
                                 'species list from RMG-java generated mechanism for bio-oil gasification',
        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
Пример #3
def example():
    """Create a set of sample tables"""

    # In practice, you'd most likely be embedding your HTML tables in
    # a web page template. For demonstration purposes, we'll create a
    # simple page with a few default styles.
    htmlheader = """\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
<title>Sample table</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: Helvetica,Arial,FreeSans; }
table.reporttable { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; }
table.reporttable tr.tr_odd { background-color: #eee; }
table.reporttable tr.tr_even { background-color: #bbb; }
table.reporttable th { background-color: blue; color: white; }
table.reporttable td.cell_bold { font-weight: bold; }
table.reporttable td.cell_money { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
    htmlfooter = """\

    exampletypes = ((PDFTable, 'pdf'), (HTMLTable, 'html'), (SpreadsheetTable,

    #### Example with several row types

    #    mainrs = RowSpec(
    #        ColumnSpec('foo', 'Column 1', width=1),
    #        ColumnSpec('bar', 'Column 2', width=1),
    #        ColumnSpec('baz', 'Column 3', width=1),
    #        ColumnSpec('qux', 'Column 4', width=4))
    #    subrow1 = RowSpec(
    #        ColumnSpec('subfoo1', 'First wide column', bold=True, span=2, width=2),
    #        ColumnSpec('subbar1', 'Second wide column', span=2))
    #    subrow2 = RowSpec(
    #        ColumnSpec('subfoo2', 'A table-wide column', span=4))
    #    summaryrow = RowSpec(
    #        ColumnSpec('junk1', span=2, width=2),
    #        ColumnSpec('baz', bold=True, width=1),
    #        ColumnSpec('junk2'))
    #    lines = []
    #    lines.append([mainrs({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3, 'qux': 'Bar.  ' * 30}),
    #                  subrow1({'subfoo1': 'And', 'subbar1': 'another'}),
    #                  subrow2({'subfoo2': 'This is a test.  ' * 15}),
    #                  subrow2({'subfoo2': 'And another test'})])
    #    for i in range(5):
    #        lines.append(mainrs({'foo': i, 'bar': 14, 'baz': 15, 'qux': 'extra'}))
    #    lines.append(summaryrow({'junk1': None, 'baz': 'Summary!', 'junk2': None}))
    #    for tableclass, extension in exampletypes:
    #        outfile = open('showcase.%s' % extension, 'wb')
    #        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
    #            outfile.write(htmlheader)
    #        outfile.write(tableclass('Sample Table',
    #                                 '%s test' % extension.upper(),
    #                                 headers=[mainrs, subrow1, subrow2]).render(lines))
    #        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
    #            outfile.write(htmlfooter)

    #### Converting species dictionary from RMG-Java in bond connectivity
    # format into the smile and

    import decimal
    import random
    import numpy as np
    import csv
    import itertools
    from rmgpy.molecule import Molecule

    #reading text file of species
    groups = []
    uniquekeys = []

    def isa_group_separator(line):
        return line == '\n'

    with open('Species_Dictionary.txt') as f:
        for key, group in itertools.groupby(f, isa_group_separator):
        #print groups , len(groups)

    # Since empty lines are appered as seperate lists in the groups lis,
    # this section is removing them from the final list
    groupsb = list()
    for sublist in groups:
        if not any(map(str.strip, sublist)):  # this detects blanks
            continue  # it was blank, so skip it
        if sublist not in groupsb:  # this detects duplicates
    #print groupsb , len (groupsb)

    # remove '\n' from each item in list
    def stripp(x):
        return x.strip('\n')

    groupsb = [list(map(stripp, x)) for x in groupsb]
    #print groupsb

    rows = []
    for index, adjacency_list in enumerate(groupsb, start=1):
        species_name = adjacency_list[0]
        mol = Molecule().fromAdjacencyList('\n'.join(adjacency_list))
        smiles = mol.toSMILES()
            'Index': index,
            'Species': species_name,
            'SMILES': smiles,
            'Molecule': mol,
    print "Made {num} rows".format(num=len(rows))

    invoicerow = RowSpec(
        ColumnSpec('Index', 'Index #'),
        ColumnSpec('Species', 'Species Name'),
        ColumnSpec('SMILES', 'SMILES'),
        ColumnSpec('Molecule', 'Molecule'),
    lines = invoicerow.makeall(rows)

    def image(mol):
        from base64 import b64encode
        src = mol._repr_png_()
        encoded = b64encode(src)
        return '<img alt="{name}" src="data:image/png;base64,{data}" />'.format(
            name=mol.toSMILES(), data=encoded)

    image.htmlsafe = True

    def blank(mol):
        return ''

    for tableclass, extension in exampletypes:
        outfile = open('Species.%s' % extension, 'wb')

        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
            tableclass.castfunctions[Molecule] = image
            tableclass.castfunctions[Molecule] = blank

        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
                'Species dictionary',
                'species list from RMG-java generated mechanism for bio-oil gasification',
        if tableclass is HTMLTable:
Пример #4
 with open(f) as thermofile:
     line = thermofile.readline()
     match = re.match('InChI = "(.*?)(\/mult\d)*"',line)
     if not match: continue
     inchi = match.group(1)
     mult = match.group(2)
     if mult: continue
     mol = Molecule()
     mmol = rmgpy.qm.mopac.MopacMolPM3(mol, settings)
     print mmol.uniqueID, f
     thermo = mmol.loadThermoData()
     if not thermo: continue
     assert inchi.startswith('InChI=1S/')
     inchimain = inchi[9:]
     keystart = keydict[inchimain]
     jthermo = thermodict[keystart]
     print mol.toSMILES()
     print inchi
     print keystart
     print thermo
     print jthermo
     print 'H', thermo.H298.value/jthermo.H298.value, thermo.H298.value-jthermo.H298.value 
     print 'S', thermo.S298.value/jthermo.S298.value, thermo.S298.value-jthermo.S298.value
     print 'Cp', thermo.Cpdata.values/jthermo.Cpdata.values
Пример #5
MaxCarbonNumberPerSpecies:     20
MaxOxygenNumberPerSpecies:     20
MaxRadicalNumberPerSpecies:    20
MaxSulfurNumberPerSpecies:     20
MaxSiliconNumberPerSpecies:    20
MaxHeavyAtomNumberPerSpecies: 100
MaxCycleNumberPerSpecies:      20

Name: RMG-minimal
Location: primaryThermoLibrary


    for f in os.listdir(folder):
        f = os.path.join(folder, f)
        stem, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
        if ext != '.thermo':

        data = rmgpy.qm.molecule.loadThermoDataFile(f)
        mol = Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(data['adjacencyList'])

        output.write('// {0!s}\n'.format(data['InChI']))
        output.write('// {0!r}\n'.format(data['thermoData']).replace(
            '),', '),\n//           '))
        output.write(data['adjacencyList'] + '\n')
Пример #6
MaxCarbonNumberPerSpecies:     20
MaxOxygenNumberPerSpecies:     20
MaxRadicalNumberPerSpecies:    20
MaxSulfurNumberPerSpecies:     20
MaxSiliconNumberPerSpecies:    20
MaxHeavyAtomNumberPerSpecies: 100
MaxCycleNumberPerSpecies:      20

Name: RMG-minimal
Location: primaryThermoLibrary


    for f in os.listdir(folder):
        f = os.path.join(folder,f)
        stem, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
        if ext != '.thermo':
        data = rmgpy.qm.molecule.loadThermoDataFile(f)
        mol = Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(data['adjacencyList'])
        output.write('// {0!s}\n'.format(data['InChI']))
        output.write('// {0!r}\n'.format(data['thermoData']).replace('),','),\n//           '))