Пример #1
def queen_conditions(not_x, i, j, n):
    queen = Robdd.make_x(index_of(i, j))

    # creates the rule "none in the same column"
    a = Robdd.true()
    for y in range(1, n + 1):
        if y == j: continue

        a_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i, y)])
        a = synth(a, Bdd.AND, a_)

    # creates the rule "none in the same line"
    b = Robdd.true()
    for x in range(1, n + 1):
        if x == i: continue

        b_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(x, j)])
        b = synth(b, Bdd.AND, b_)

    # creates the rule "none in the diagonals"
    c = Robdd.true()
    x = 1
    while (i - x) > 0 and (j - x) > 0:
        c_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i - x, j - x)])
        c = synth(c, Bdd.AND, c_)
        x += 1

    x = 1
    while (i + x) <= n and (j + x) <= n:
        c_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i + x, j + x)])
        c = synth(c, Bdd.AND, c_)
        x += 1

    d = Robdd.true()
    x = 1
    while (i - x) > 0 and (j + x) <= n:
        d_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i - x, j + x)])
        d = synth(d, Bdd.AND, d_)
        x += 1

    x = 1
    while (i + x) <= n and (j - x) > 0:

        d_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i + x, j - x)])
        d = synth(d, Bdd.AND, d_)
        x += 1

    return synth(synth(a, Bdd.AND, b), Bdd.AND, synth(c, Bdd.AND, d))
Пример #2
def queen_conditions(not_x, i, j, n) :
    queen = Robdd.make_x(index_of(i, j))

    # creates the rule "none in the same column"
    a = Robdd.true()
    for y in range(1, n + 1) :
        if y == j : continue

        a_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i, y)])
        a  = synth(a, Bdd.AND, a_)

    # creates the rule "none in the same line"
    b = Robdd.true()
    for x in range(1, n + 1) :
        if x == i : continue

        b_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(x, j)])
        b  = synth(b, Bdd.AND, b_)

    # creates the rule "none in the diagonals"
    c = Robdd.true()
    x = 1
    while (i - x) > 0 and (j - x) > 0 :
        c_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i - x, j - x)])
        c  = synth(c, Bdd.AND, c_)
        x += 1

    x = 1
    while (i + x) <= n and (j + x) <= n :
        c_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i + x, j + x)])
        c  = synth(c, Bdd.AND, c_)
        x += 1

    d = Robdd.true()
    x = 1
    while (i - x) > 0 and (j + x) <= n : 
        d_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i - x, j + x)])
        d  = synth(d, Bdd.AND, d_)
        x += 1

    x = 1
    while (i + x) <= n and (j - x) > 0 :

        d_ = synth(queen, Bdd.IMPL, not_x[(i + x, j - x)])
        d  = synth(d, Bdd.AND, d_)
        x += 1

    return synth(synth(a, Bdd.AND, b), Bdd.AND, synth(c, Bdd.AND, d))
Пример #3
def queens(n):

    solution = Robdd.true()

    # create the rule "there must be at least one queen at each line"
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        line = Robdd.false()

        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            queen = Robdd.make_x(index_of(i, j))
            line = synth(line, Bdd.OR, queen)

        solution = synth(solution, Bdd.AND, line)

    # create a list of "NOT" expressions
    not_expressions = {}
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            not_expressions[(i, j)] = Robdd.make_not_x(index_of(i, j))

    # create conditions for each position
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            queen = queen_conditions(not_expressions, i, j, n)
            solution = synth(solution, Bdd.AND, queen)

    return solution
Пример #4
def queens(n):

    solution = Robdd.true()

    # create the rule "there must be at least one queen at each line"
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        line = Robdd.false()

        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            queen = Robdd.make_x(index_of(i, j))
            line = synth(line, Bdd.OR, queen)

        solution = synth(solution, Bdd.AND, line)

    # create a list of "NOT" expressions
    not_expressions = {}
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            not_expressions[(i, j)] = Robdd.make_not_x(index_of(i, j))

    # create conditions for each position
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            queen = queen_conditions(not_expressions, i, j, n)
            solution = synth(solution, Bdd.AND, queen)
    return solution
Пример #5
def negate_bdd(bdd):
    neg_bdd = synthesize(bdd, Bdd.AND, Robdd.true())
    for i in xrange(len(neg_bdd.items)):
        neg_bdd.items[i] = tuple((neg_bdd.items[i][0],
                                  not neg_bdd.items[i][1] if neg_bdd.items[i][1] in (True, False) else neg_bdd.items[i][
                                  not neg_bdd.items[i][2] if neg_bdd.items[i][2] in (True, False) else neg_bdd.items[i][

    # invert root, if root is a leaf
    if neg_bdd.root in (0, 1):
        neg_bdd.root ^= 1

    return neg_bdd
Пример #6
def negate_bdd(bdd):
    neg_bdd = synthesize(bdd, Bdd.AND, Robdd.true())
    for i in xrange(len(neg_bdd.items)):
        neg_bdd.items[i] = tuple(
            (neg_bdd.items[i][0], not neg_bdd.items[i][1]
             if neg_bdd.items[i][1] in (True, False) else neg_bdd.items[i][1],
             not neg_bdd.items[i][2]
             if neg_bdd.items[i][2] in (True, False) else neg_bdd.items[i][2]))

    # invert root, if root is a leaf
    if neg_bdd.root in (0, 1):
        neg_bdd.root ^= 1

    return neg_bdd
Пример #7
def add_restriction(s):
    r = Robdd.true()
    for i, b in enumerate(s):
        # if i == 0:
        #     continue
        # if i >= 8 :
        #     continue

        if b == '1':
            current_var = Robdd.make_x(i)
            current_var = Robdd.make_not_x(i)

        r = synth(r, Bdd.AND, current_var)
    return r
Пример #8
 def test_evaluate_should_always_return_true(self):
     robdd = Robdd.true()
     self.assertTrue(robdd.evaluate([0, 0]))
     self.assertTrue(robdd.evaluate([0, 1, 1, 0]))