class RoboclawWrapper(object): """Interface between the roboclaw motor drivers and the higher level rover code""" def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo( "Initializing motor controllers") # initialize attributes self.rc = None self.err = [None] * 5 self.address = [] self.current_enc_vals = None self.mutex = False self.roboclaw_mapping = rospy.get_param('~roboclaw_mapping') self.encoder_limits = {} self.establish_roboclaw_connections() self.killMotors() # don't move at start self.setup_encoders() # save settings to non-volatile (permanent) memory for address in self.address: self.rc.WriteNVM(address) for address in self.address: self.rc.ReadNVM(address) self.corner_max_vel = 1000 self.corner_accel = 2000 self.roboclaw_overflow = 2**15-1 accel_max = 655359 accel_rate = 0.5 self.accel_pos = int((accel_max /2) + accel_max * accel_rate) self.accel_neg = int((accel_max /2) - accel_max * accel_rate) self.errorCheck() self.killMotors() # set up publishers and subscribers self.corner_cmd_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_corner", CommandCorner, self.corner_cmd_cb, queue_size=1) self.drive_cmd_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_drive", CommandDrive, self.drive_cmd_cb, queue_size=1) self.enc_pub = rospy.Publisher("/encoder", JointState, queue_size=1) self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("/status", Status, queue_size=1) def run(self): """Blocking loop which runs after initialization has completed""" rate = rospy.Rate(5) mutex_rate = rospy.Rate(10) status = Status() counter = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): while self.mutex and not rospy.is_shutdown(): mutex_rate.sleep() self.mutex = True # read from roboclaws and publish try: self.read_encoder_values() self.enc_pub.publish(self.current_enc_vals) except AssertionError as read_exc: rospy.logwarn( "Failed to read encoder values") if (counter >= 10): status.battery = self.getBattery() status.temp = self.getTemp() status.current = self.getCurrents() status.error_status = self.getErrors() self.status_pub.publish(status) counter = 0 self.mutex = False counter += 1 rate.sleep() def establish_roboclaw_connections(self): """ Attempt connecting to the roboclaws :raises Exception: when connection to one or more of the roboclaws is unsuccessful """ self.rc = Roboclaw(rospy.get_param('/motor_controller/device', "/dev/serial0"), rospy.get_param('/motor_controller/baud_rate', 115200)) self.rc.Open() address_raw = rospy.get_param('motor_controller/addresses') address_list = (address_raw.split(',')) self.address = [None]*len(address_list) for i in range(len(address_list)): self.address[i] = int(address_list[i]) # initialize connection status to successful all_connected = True for address in self.address: rospy.logdebug("Attempting to talk to motor controller ''".format(address)) version_response = self.rc.ReadVersion(address) connected = bool(version_response[0]) if not connected: rospy.logerr("Unable to connect to roboclaw at '{}'".format(address)) all_connected = False else: rospy.logdebug("Roboclaw version for address '{}': '{}'".format(address, version_response[1])) if all_connected: rospy.loginfo("Sucessfully connected to RoboClaw motor controllers") else: raise Exception("Unable to establish connection to one or more of the Roboclaw motor controllers") def setup_encoders(self): """Set up the encoders""" for motor_name, properties in self.roboclaw_mapping.iteritems(): if "corner" in motor_name: enc_min, enc_max = self.read_encoder_limits(properties["address"], properties["channel"]) self.encoder_limits[motor_name] = (enc_min, enc_max) else: self.encoder_limits[motor_name] = (None, None) self.rc.ResetEncoders(properties["address"]) def read_encoder_values(self): """Query roboclaws and update current motors status in encoder ticks""" enc_msg = JointState() enc_msg.header.stamp = for motor_name, properties in self.roboclaw_mapping.iteritems(): position = self.read_encoder_position(properties["address"], properties["channel"]) velocity = self.read_encoder_velocity(properties["address"], properties["channel"]) current = self.read_encoder_current(properties["address"], properties["channel"]) enc_msg.position.append(self.tick2position(position, self.encoder_limits[motor_name][0], self.encoder_limits[motor_name][1], properties['ticks_per_rev'], properties['gear_ratio'])) enc_msg.velocity.append(self.qpps2velocity(velocity, properties['ticks_per_rev'], properties['gear_ratio'])) enc_msg.effort.append(current) self.current_enc_vals = enc_msg def corner_cmd_cb(self, cmd): r = rospy.Rate(10) rospy.logdebug("Corner command callback received: {}".format(cmd)) while self.mutex and not rospy.is_shutdown(): r.sleep() self.mutex = True # convert position to tick encmin, encmax = self.encoder_limits["corner_left_front"] left_front_tick = self.position2tick(cmd.left_front_pos, encmin, encmax, self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_front"]["ticks_per_rev"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_front"]["gear_ratio"]) encmin, encmax = self.encoder_limits["corner_left_back"] left_back_tick = self.position2tick(cmd.left_back_pos, encmin, encmax, self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_back"]["ticks_per_rev"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_back"]["gear_ratio"]) encmin, encmax = self.encoder_limits["corner_right_back"] right_back_tick = self.position2tick(cmd.right_back_pos, encmin, encmax, self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_back"]["ticks_per_rev"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_back"]["gear_ratio"]) encmin, encmax = self.encoder_limits["corner_right_front"] right_front_tick = self.position2tick(cmd.right_front_pos, encmin, encmax, self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_front"]["ticks_per_rev"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_front"]["gear_ratio"]) self.send_position_cmd(self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_front"]["address"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_front"]["channel"], left_front_tick) self.send_position_cmd(self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_back"]["address"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_back"]["channel"], left_back_tick) self.send_position_cmd(self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_back"]["address"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_back"]["channel"], right_back_tick) self.send_position_cmd(self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_front"]["address"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_front"]["channel"], right_front_tick) self.mutex = False def drive_cmd_cb(self, cmd): r = rospy.Rate(10) rospy.logdebug("Drive command callback received: {}".format(cmd)) while self.mutex and not rospy.is_shutdown(): r.sleep() self.mutex = True props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_left_front"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.left_front_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_left_middle"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.left_middle_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_left_back"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.left_back_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_right_back"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.right_back_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_right_middle"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.right_middle_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_right_front"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.right_front_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) self.mutex = False def send_position_cmd(self, address, channel, target_tick): """ Wrapper around one of the send position commands :param address: :param channel: :param target_tick: int """ cmd_args = [self.corner_accel, self.corner_max_vel, self.corner_accel, target_tick, 1] if channel == "M1": return self.rc.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM1(address, *cmd_args) elif channel == "M2": return self.rc.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM2(address, *cmd_args) else: raise AttributeError("Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format(channel)) def read_encoder_position(self, address, channel): """Wrapper around self.rc.ReadEncM1 and self.rcReadEncM2 to simplify code""" if channel == "M1": val = self.rc.ReadEncM1(address) elif channel == "M2": val = self.rc.ReadEncM2(address) else: raise AttributeError("Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format(channel)) assert val[0] == 1 return val[1] def read_encoder_limits(self, address, channel): """Wrapper around self.rc.ReadPositionPID and returns subset of the data :return: (enc_min, enc_max) """ if channel == "M1": result = self.rc.ReadM1PositionPID(address) elif channel == "M2": result = self.rc.ReadM2PositionPID(address) else: raise AttributeError("Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format(channel)) assert result[0] == 1 return (result[-2], result[-1]) def send_velocity_cmd(self, address, channel, target_qpps): """ Wrapper around one of the send velocity commands :param address: :param channel: :param target_qpps: int """ # clip values target_qpps = max(-self.roboclaw_overflow, min(self.roboclaw_overflow, target_qpps)) accel = self.accel_pos if target_qpps < 0: accel = self.accel_neg if channel == "M1": return self.rc.DutyAccelM1(address, accel, target_qpps) elif channel == "M2": return self.rc.DutyAccelM2(address, accel, target_qpps) else: raise AttributeError("Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format(channel)) def read_encoder_velocity(self, address, channel): """Wrapper around self.rc.ReadSpeedM1 and self.rcReadSpeedM2 to simplify code""" if channel == "M1": val = self.rc.ReadSpeedM1(address) elif channel == "M2": val = self.rc.ReadSpeedM2(address) else: raise AttributeError("Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format(channel)) assert val[0] == 1 return val[1] def read_encoder_current(self, address, channel): """Wrapper around self.rc.ReadCurrents to simplify code""" if channel == "M1": return self.rc.ReadCurrents(address)[0] elif channel == "M2": return self.rc.ReadCurrents(address)[1] else: raise AttributeError("Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format(channel)) def tick2position(self, tick, enc_min, enc_max, ticks_per_rev, gear_ratio): """ Convert the absolute position from ticks to radian relative to the middle position :param tick: :param enc_min: :param enc_max: :param ticks_per_rev: :return: """ ticks_per_rad = ticks_per_rev / (2 * math.pi) if enc_min is None or enc_max is None: return tick / ticks_per_rad mid = enc_min + (enc_max - enc_min) / 2 # positive values correspond to the wheel turning left (z-axis points up) return -(tick - mid) / ticks_per_rad * gear_ratio def position2tick(self, position, enc_min, enc_max, ticks_per_rev, gear_ratio): """ Convert the absolute position from radian relative to the middle position to ticks Clip values that are outside the range [enc_min, enc_max] :param position: :param enc_min: :param enc_max: :param ticks_per_rev: :return: """ # positive values correspond to the wheel turning left (z-axis points up) position *= -1 ticks_per_rad = ticks_per_rev / (2 * math.pi) if enc_min is None or enc_max is None: return position * ticks_per_rad mid = enc_min + (enc_max - enc_min) / 2 tick = int(mid + position * ticks_per_rad / gear_ratio) return max(enc_min, min(enc_max, tick)) def qpps2velocity(self, qpps, ticks_per_rev, gear_ratio): """ Convert the given quadrature pulses per second to radian/s :param qpps: int :param ticks_per_rev: :param gear_ratio: :return: """ return qpps / (2 * math.pi * gear_ratio * ticks_per_rev) def velocity2qpps(self, velocity, ticks_per_rev, gear_ratio): """ Convert the given velocity to quadrature pulses per second :param velocity: rad/s :param ticks_per_rev: :param gear_ratio: :return: int """ return int(velocity * 2 * math.pi * gear_ratio * ticks_per_rev) def getBattery(self): return self.rc.ReadMainBatteryVoltage(self.address[0])[1] def getTemp(self): temp = [None] * 5 for i in range(5): temp[i] = self.rc.ReadTemp(self.address[i])[1] return temp def getCurrents(self): currents = [None] * 10 for i in range(5): currs = self.rc.ReadCurrents(self.address[i]) currents[2*i] = currs[1] currents[(2*i) + 1] = currs[2] return currents def getErrors(self): return self.err def killMotors(self): """Stops all motors on Rover""" for i in range(5): self.rc.ForwardM1(self.address[i], 0) self.rc.ForwardM2(self.address[i], 0) def errorCheck(self): """Checks error status of each motor controller, returns 0 if any errors occur""" for i in range(len(self.address)): self.err[i] = self.rc.ReadError(self.address[i])[1] for error in self.err: if error: self.killMotors() rospy.logerr("Motor controller Error: \n'{}'".format(error))
class MotorControllers(object): ''' Motor class contains the methods necessary to send commands to the motor controllers for the corner and drive motors. There are many other ways of commanding the motors from the RoboClaw, we suggest trying to write your own Closed loop feedback method for the drive motors! ''' def __init__(self): ## MAKE SURE TO FIX CONFIG.JSON WHEN PORTED TO THE ROVER! #self.rc = Roboclaw( config['CONTROLLER_CONFIG']['device'], # config['CONTROLLER_CONFIG']['baud_rate'] # ) rospy.loginfo("Initializing motor controllers") #self.rc = Roboclaw( rospy.get_param('motor_controller_device', "/dev/serial0"), # rospy.get_param('baud_rate', 115200)) sdev = "/dev/ttyAMA0" sdev = "/dev/serial0" self.rc = Roboclaw(sdev, 115200) self.rc.Open() self.accel = [0] * 10 self.qpps = [None] * 10 self.err = [None] * 5 # PSW address_raw = "128,129,130,131,132" #address_raw = rospy.get_param('motor_controller_addresses') address_list = (address_raw.split(',')) self.address = [None] * len(address_list) for i in range(len(address_list)): self.address[i] = int(address_list[i]) version = 1 for address in self.address: print("Attempting to talk to motor controller", address) version = version & self.rc.ReadVersion(address)[0] print version if version != 0: print "[Motor__init__] Sucessfully connected to RoboClaw motor controllers" else: raise Exception( "Unable to establish connection to Roboclaw motor controllers") self.killMotors() self.enc_min = [] self.enc_max = [] for address in self.address: #self.rc.SetMainVoltages(address, rospy.get_param('battery_low', 11)*10), rospy.get_param('battery_high', 18)*10)) if address == 131 or address == 132: #self.rc.SetM1MaxCurrent(address, int(config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['max_corner_current']*100)) #self.rc.SetM2MaxCurrent(address, int(config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['max_corner_current']*100)) self.enc_min.append(self.rc.ReadM1PositionPID(address)[-2]) self.enc_min.append(self.rc.ReadM2PositionPID(address)[-2]) self.enc_max.append(self.rc.ReadM1PositionPID(address)[-1]) self.enc_max.append(self.rc.ReadM2PositionPID(address)[-1]) else: #self.rc.SetM1MaxCurrent(address, int(config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['max_drive_current']*100)) #self.rc.SetM2MaxCurrent(address, int(config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['max_drive_current']*100)) self.rc.ResetEncoders(address) rospy.set_param('enc_min', str(self.enc_min)[1:-1]) rospy.set_param('enc_max', str(self.enc_max)[1:-1]) for address in self.address: self.rc.WriteNVM(address) for address in self.address: self.rc.ReadNVM(address) #''' voltage = self.rc.ReadMainBatteryVoltage(0x80)[1] / 10.0 lvolts = rospy.get_param('low_voltage', 11) lvolts = rospy.get_param('low_voltage', 9) if voltage >= lvolts: print "[Motor__init__] Voltage is safe at: ", print voltage, print "V" else: print "[Motor__init__] Voltage is unsafe at: ", voltage, "V ( low = ", lvolts, ")" raise Exception("Unsafe Voltage of" + voltage + " Volts") #''' i = 0 for address in self.address: self.qpps[i] = self.rc.ReadM1VelocityPID(address)[4] self.accel[i] = int(self.qpps[i] * 2) self.qpps[i + 1] = self.rc.ReadM2VelocityPID(address)[4] self.accel[i + 1] = int(self.qpps[i] * 2) i += 2 accel_max = 655359 accel_rate = 0.5 self.accel_pos = int((accel_max / 2) + accel_max * accel_rate) self.accel_neg = int((accel_max / 2) - accel_max * accel_rate) self.errorCheck() mids = [None] * 4 self.enc = [None] * 4 for i in range(4): mids[i] = (self.enc_max[i] + self.enc_min[i]) / 2 #self.cornerToPosition(mids) time.sleep(2) self.killMotors() def cornerToPosition(self, tick): ''' Method to send position commands to the corner motor :param list tick: A list of ticks for each of the corner motors to move to, if tick[i] is 0 it instead stops that motor from moving ''' speed, accel = 1000, 2000 #These values could potentially need tuning still for i in range(4): index = int(math.ceil((i + 1) / 2.0) + 2) if tick[i] != -1: if (i % 2): self.rc.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM2(self.address[index], accel, speed, accel, tick[i], 1) else: self.rc.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM1(self.address[index], accel, speed, accel, tick[i], 1) else: if not (i % 2): self.rc.ForwardM1(self.address[index], 0) else: self.rc.ForwardM2(self.address[index], 0) def sendMotorDuty(self, motorID, speed): ''' Wrapper method for an easier interface to control the drive motors, sends open-loop commands to the motors :param int motorID: number that corresponds to each physical motor :param int speed: Speed for each motor, range from 0-127 ''' #speed = speed/100.0 #speed *= 0.5 addr = self.address[int(motorID / 2)] if speed > 0: if not motorID % 2: command = self.rc.ForwardM1 else: command = self.rc.ForwardM2 else: if not motorID % 2: command = self.rc.BackwardM1 else: command = self.rc.BackwardM2 speed = abs(int(speed * 127)) return command(addr, speed) def sendSignedDutyAccel(self, motorID, speed): addr = self.address[int(motorID / 2)] if speed > 0: accel = self.accel_pos else: accel = self.accel_neg if not motorID % 2: command = self.rc.DutyAccelM1 else: command = self.rc.DutyAccelM2 speed = int(32767 * speed / 100.0) return command(addr, accel, speed) def getCornerEnc(self): enc = [] for i in range(4): index = int(math.ceil((i + 1) / 2.0) + 2) if not (i % 2): enc.append(self.rc.ReadEncM1(self.address[index])[1]) else: enc.append(self.rc.ReadEncM2(self.address[index])[1]) self.enc = enc return enc @staticmethod def tick2deg(tick, e_min, e_max): ''' Converts a tick to physical degrees :param int tick : Current encoder tick :param int e_min: The minimum encoder value based on physical stop :param int e_max: The maximum encoder value based on physical stop ''' return (tick - (e_max + e_min) / 2.0) * (90.0 / (e_max - e_min)) def getCornerEncAngle(self): if self.enc[0] == None: return -1 deg = [None] * 4 for i in range(4): deg[i] = int( self.tick2deg(self.enc[i], self.enc_min[i], self.enc_max[i])) return deg def getDriveEnc(self): enc = [None] * 6 for i in range(6): if not (i % 2): enc[i] = self.rc.ReadEncM1(self.address[int(math.ceil(i / 2))])[1] else: enc[i] = self.rc.ReadEncM2(self.address[int(math.ceil(i / 2))])[1] return enc def getBattery(self): return self.rc.ReadMainBatteryVoltage(self.address[0])[1] def getTemp(self): temp = [None] * 5 for i in range(5): temp[i] = self.rc.ReadTemp(self.address[i])[1] return temp def getCurrents(self): currents = [None] * 10 for i in range(5): currs = self.rc.ReadCurrents(self.address[i]) currents[2 * i] = currs[1] currents[(2 * i) + 1] = currs[2] return currents def getErrors(self): return self.err def killMotors(self): ''' Stops all motors on Rover ''' for i in range(5): self.rc.ForwardM1(self.address[i], 0) self.rc.ForwardM2(self.address[i], 0) def errorCheck(self): ''' Checks error status of each motor controller, returns 0 if any errors occur ''' for i in range(len(self.address)): self.err[i] = self.rc.ReadError(self.address[i])[1] for error in self.err: if error: self.killMotors() #self.writeError() rospy.loginfo("Motor controller Error", error) return 1 def writeError(self): ''' Writes the list of errors to a text file for later examination ''' f = open('errorLog.txt', 'a') errors = ','.join(str(e) for e in self.err) f.write('\n' + 'Errors: ' + '[' + errors + ']' + ' at: ' + str( f.close()
class RoboclawWrapper(object): """Interface between the roboclaw motor drivers and the higher level rover code""" def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing motor controllers") # initialize attributes self.rc = None self.err = [None] * 5 self.address = [] self.current_enc_vals = None self.corner_cmd_buffer = None self.drive_cmd_buffer = None self.roboclaw_mapping = rospy.get_param('~roboclaw_mapping') self.encoder_limits = {} self.establish_roboclaw_connections() self.stop_motors() # don't move at start self.setup_encoders() # save settings to non-volatile (permanent) memory for address in self.address: self.rc.WriteNVM(address) for address in self.address: self.rc.ReadNVM(address) self.corner_max_vel = 1000 # corner motor acceleration # Even though the actual method takes longs (2*32-1), roboclaw blog says 2**15 is 100% accel_max = 2**15 - 1 accel_rate = rospy.get_param('/corner_acceleration_factor', 0.8) self.corner_accel = int(accel_max * accel_rate) self.roboclaw_overflow = 2**15 - 1 # drive motor acceleration accel_max = 2**15 - 1 accel_rate = rospy.get_param('/drive_acceleration_factor', 0.5) self.drive_accel = int(accel_max * accel_rate) self.velocity_timeout = rospy.Duration( rospy.get_param('/velocity_timeout', 2.0)) self.time_last_cmd = self.stop_motors() # set up publishers and subscribers self.corner_cmd_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_corner", CommandCorner, self.corner_cmd_cb, queue_size=1) self.drive_cmd_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_drive", CommandDrive, self.drive_cmd_cb, queue_size=1) self.enc_pub = rospy.Publisher("/encoder", JointState, queue_size=1) self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("/status", Status, queue_size=1) def run(self): """Blocking loop which runs after initialization has completed""" rate = rospy.Rate(8) status = Status() counter = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Check to see if there are commands in the buffer to send to the motor controller if self.drive_cmd_buffer: drive_fcn = self.send_drive_buffer_velocity drive_fcn(self.drive_cmd_buffer) self.drive_cmd_buffer = None if self.corner_cmd_buffer: self.send_corner_buffer(self.corner_cmd_buffer) self.corner_cmd_buffer = None # read from roboclaws and publish try: self.read_encoder_values() self.enc_pub.publish(self.current_enc_vals) except AssertionError as read_exc: rospy.logwarn("Failed to read encoder values") # Downsample the rate of less important data if (counter >= 5): status.battery = self.read_battery() status.temp = self.read_temperatures() status.current = self.read_currents() status.error_status = self.read_errors() counter = 0 # stop the motors if we haven't received a command in a while now = if now - self.time_last_cmd > self.velocity_timeout: # rather than a hard stop, send a ramped velocity command self.drive_cmd_buffer = CommandDrive() self.send_drive_buffer_velocity(self.drive_cmd_buffer) self.time_last_cmd = now # so this doesn't get called all the time self.status_pub.publish(status) counter += 1 rate.sleep() def establish_roboclaw_connections(self): """ Attempt connecting to the roboclaws :raises Exception: when connection to one or more of the roboclaws is unsuccessful """ self.rc = Roboclaw( rospy.get_param('/motor_controller/device', "/dev/serial0"), rospy.get_param('/motor_controller/baud_rate', 115200)) self.rc.Open() address_raw = rospy.get_param('motor_controller/addresses') address_list = (address_raw.split(',')) self.address = [None] * len(address_list) for i in range(len(address_list)): self.address[i] = int(address_list[i]) # initialize connection status to successful all_connected = True for address in self.address: rospy.logdebug( "Attempting to talk to motor controller ''".format(address)) version_response = self.rc.ReadVersion(address) connected = bool(version_response[0]) if not connected: rospy.logerr( "Unable to connect to roboclaw at '{}'".format(address)) all_connected = False else: rospy.logdebug( "Roboclaw version for address '{}': '{}'".format( address, version_response[1])) if all_connected: rospy.loginfo( "Sucessfully connected to RoboClaw motor controllers") else: raise Exception( "Unable to establish connection to one or more of the Roboclaw motor controllers" ) def setup_encoders(self): """Set up the encoders""" for motor_name, properties in self.roboclaw_mapping.iteritems(): if "corner" in motor_name: enc_min, enc_max = self.read_encoder_limits( properties["address"], properties["channel"]) self.encoder_limits[motor_name] = (enc_min, enc_max) else: self.encoder_limits[motor_name] = (None, None) self.rc.ResetEncoders(properties["address"]) def read_encoder_values(self): """Query roboclaws and update current motors status in encoder ticks""" enc_msg = JointState() enc_msg.header.stamp = for motor_name, properties in self.roboclaw_mapping.iteritems(): position = self.read_encoder_position(properties["address"], properties["channel"]) velocity = self.read_encoder_velocity(properties["address"], properties["channel"]) current = self.read_encoder_current(properties["address"], properties["channel"]) enc_msg.position.append( self.tick2position(position, self.encoder_limits[motor_name][0], self.encoder_limits[motor_name][1], properties['ticks_per_rev'], properties['gear_ratio'])) enc_msg.velocity.append( self.qpps2velocity(velocity, properties['ticks_per_rev'], properties['gear_ratio'])) enc_msg.effort.append(current) self.current_enc_vals = enc_msg def corner_cmd_cb(self, cmd): """ Takes the corner command and stores it in the buffer to be sent on the next iteration of the run() loop. """ rospy.logdebug("Corner command callback received: {}".format(cmd)) self.time_last_cmd = self.corner_cmd_buffer = cmd def send_corner_buffer(self, cmd): """ Sends the corner command to the motor controller. """ # convert position to tick encmin, encmax = self.encoder_limits["corner_left_front"] left_front_tick = self.position2tick( cmd.left_front_pos, encmin, encmax, self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_front"]["ticks_per_rev"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_front"]["gear_ratio"]) encmin, encmax = self.encoder_limits["corner_left_back"] left_back_tick = self.position2tick( cmd.left_back_pos, encmin, encmax, self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_back"]["ticks_per_rev"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_back"]["gear_ratio"]) encmin, encmax = self.encoder_limits["corner_right_back"] right_back_tick = self.position2tick( cmd.right_back_pos, encmin, encmax, self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_back"]["ticks_per_rev"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_back"]["gear_ratio"]) encmin, encmax = self.encoder_limits["corner_right_front"] right_front_tick = self.position2tick( cmd.right_front_pos, encmin, encmax, self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_front"]["ticks_per_rev"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_front"]["gear_ratio"]) self.send_position_cmd( self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_front"]["address"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_front"]["channel"], left_front_tick) self.send_position_cmd( self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_back"]["address"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_left_back"]["channel"], left_back_tick) self.send_position_cmd( self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_back"]["address"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_back"]["channel"], right_back_tick) self.send_position_cmd( self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_front"]["address"], self.roboclaw_mapping["corner_right_front"]["channel"], right_front_tick) def drive_cmd_cb(self, cmd): """ Takes the drive command and stores it in the buffer to be sent on the next iteration of the run() loop. """ rospy.logdebug("Drive command callback received: {}".format(cmd)) self.drive_cmd_buffer = cmd self.time_last_cmd = def send_drive_buffer_velocity(self, cmd): """ Sends the drive command to the motor controller, closed loop velocity commands """ props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_left_front"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.left_front_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_left_middle"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.left_middle_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_left_back"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.left_back_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_right_back"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.right_back_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_right_middle"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.right_middle_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) props = self.roboclaw_mapping["drive_right_front"] vel_cmd = self.velocity2qpps(cmd.right_front_vel, props["ticks_per_rev"], props["gear_ratio"]) self.send_velocity_cmd(props["address"], props["channel"], vel_cmd) def send_position_cmd(self, address, channel, target_tick): """ Wrapper around one of the send position commands :param address: :param channel: :param target_tick: int """ cmd_args = [ self.corner_accel, self.corner_max_vel, self.corner_accel, target_tick, 1 ] if channel == "M1": return self.rc.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM1(address, *cmd_args) elif channel == "M2": return self.rc.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM2(address, *cmd_args) else: raise AttributeError( "Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format( channel)) def read_encoder_position(self, address, channel): """Wrapper around self.rc.ReadEncM1 and self.rcReadEncM2 to simplify code""" if channel == "M1": val = self.rc.ReadEncM1(address) elif channel == "M2": val = self.rc.ReadEncM2(address) else: raise AttributeError( "Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format( channel)) assert val[0] == 1 return val[1] def read_encoder_limits(self, address, channel): """Wrapper around self.rc.ReadPositionPID and returns subset of the data :return: (enc_min, enc_max) """ if channel == "M1": result = self.rc.ReadM1PositionPID(address) elif channel == "M2": result = self.rc.ReadM2PositionPID(address) else: raise AttributeError( "Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format( channel)) assert result[0] == 1 return (result[-2], result[-1]) def send_velocity_cmd(self, address, channel, target_qpps): """ Wrapper around one of the send velocity commands :param address: :param channel: :param target_qpps: int """ # clip values target_qpps = max(-self.roboclaw_overflow, min(self.roboclaw_overflow, target_qpps)) if channel == "M1": return self.rc.SpeedAccelM1(address, self.drive_accel, target_qpps) elif channel == "M2": return self.rc.SpeedAccelM2(address, self.drive_accel, target_qpps) else: raise AttributeError( "Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format( channel)) def read_encoder_velocity(self, address, channel): """Wrapper around self.rc.ReadSpeedM1 and self.rcReadSpeedM2 to simplify code""" if channel == "M1": val = self.rc.ReadSpeedM1(address) elif channel == "M2": val = self.rc.ReadSpeedM2(address) else: raise AttributeError( "Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format( channel)) assert val[0] == 1 return val[1] def read_encoder_current(self, address, channel): """Wrapper around self.rc.ReadCurrents to simplify code""" if channel == "M1": return self.rc.ReadCurrents(address)[0] elif channel == "M2": return self.rc.ReadCurrents(address)[1] else: raise AttributeError( "Received unknown channel '{}'. Expected M1 or M2".format( channel)) def tick2position(self, tick, enc_min, enc_max, ticks_per_rev, gear_ratio): """ Convert the absolute position from ticks to radian relative to the middle position :param tick: :param enc_min: :param enc_max: :param ticks_per_rev: :return: """ ticks_per_rad = ticks_per_rev / (2 * math.pi) if enc_min is None or enc_max is None: return tick / ticks_per_rad mid = enc_min + (enc_max - enc_min) / 2 return (tick - mid) / ticks_per_rad * gear_ratio def position2tick(self, position, enc_min, enc_max, ticks_per_rev, gear_ratio): """ Convert the absolute position from radian relative to the middle position to ticks Clip values that are outside the range [enc_min, enc_max] :param position: :param enc_min: :param enc_max: :param ticks_per_rev: :return: """ ticks_per_rad = ticks_per_rev / (2 * math.pi) if enc_min is None or enc_max is None: return position * ticks_per_rad mid = enc_min + (enc_max - enc_min) / 2 tick = int(mid + position * ticks_per_rad / gear_ratio) return max(enc_min, min(enc_max, tick)) def qpps2velocity(self, qpps, ticks_per_rev, gear_ratio): """ Convert the given quadrature pulses per second to radian/s :param qpps: int :param ticks_per_rev: :param gear_ratio: :return: """ return qpps * 2 * math.pi / (gear_ratio * ticks_per_rev) def velocity2qpps(self, velocity, ticks_per_rev, gear_ratio): """ Convert the given velocity to quadrature pulses per second :param velocity: rad/s :param ticks_per_rev: :param gear_ratio: :return: int """ return int(velocity * gear_ratio * ticks_per_rev / (2 * math.pi)) def read_battery(self): """Read battery voltage from one of the roboclaws as a proxy for all roboclaws""" # roboclaw reports value in 10ths of a Volt return self.rc.ReadMainBatteryVoltage(self.address[0])[1] / 10.0 def read_temperatures(self): temp = [None] * 5 for i in range(5): # reported by roboclaw in 10ths of a Celsius temp[i] = self.rc.ReadTemp(self.address[i])[1] / 10.0 return temp def read_currents(self): currents = [None] * 10 for i in range(5): currs = self.rc.ReadCurrents(self.address[i]) # reported by roboclaw in 10ths of an Ampere currents[2 * i] = currs[1] / 100.0 currents[(2 * i) + 1] = currs[2] / 100.0 return currents def stop_motors(self): """Stops all motors on Rover""" for i in range(5): self.rc.ForwardM1(self.address[i], 0) self.rc.ForwardM2(self.address[i], 0) def read_errors(self): """Checks error status of each motor controller, returns 0 if no errors reported""" err = [0] * 5 for i in range(len(self.address)): err[i] = self.rc.ReadError(self.address[i])[1] if err[i] != 0: rospy.logerr( "Motor controller '{}' reported error code {}".format( self.address[i], err[i])) return err
class Motor(object): ''' Motor class contains the methods necessary to send commands to the motor controllers for the corner and drive motors. There are many other ways of commanding the motors from the RoboClaw, we suggest trying to write your own Closed loop feedback method for the drive motors! ''' def __init__(self,config): super(Motor,self).__init__(config) self.rc = Roboclaw( config['CONTROLLER_CONFIG']['device'], config['CONTROLLER_CONFIG']['baud_rate'] ) self.rc.Open() self.address = config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['controller_address'] self.accel = [0] * 10 self.qpps = [None] * 10 self.err = [None] * 5 version = 1 for address in self.address: version = version & self.rc.ReadVersion(address)[0] print(self.rc.ReadVersion(address)[0]) if version != 0: print("[Motor__init__] Sucessfully connected to RoboClaw motor controllers") else: print("-----") raise Exception("Unable to establish connection to Roboclaw motor controllers") self.enc_min =[] self.enc_max =[] for address in self.address: self.rc.SetMainVoltages(address, int(config['BATTERY_CONFIG']['low_voltage']*10), int(config['BATTERY_CONFIG']['high_voltage']*10) ) if address == 131 or address == 132: self.rc.SetM1MaxCurrent(address, int(config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['max_corner_current']*100)) self.rc.SetM2MaxCurrent(address, int(config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['max_corner_current']*100)) self.enc_min.append(self.rc.ReadM1PositionPID(address)[-2]) self.enc_min.append(self.rc.ReadM2PositionPID(address)[-2]) self.enc_max.append(self.rc.ReadM1PositionPID(address)[-1]) self.enc_max.append(self.rc.ReadM2PositionPID(address)[-1]) else: self.rc.SetM1MaxCurrent(address, int(config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['max_drive_current']*100)) self.rc.SetM2MaxCurrent(address, int(config['MOTOR_CONFIG']['max_drive_current']*100)) self.rc.ResetEncoders(address) for address in self.address: self.rc.WriteNVM(address) for address in self.address: self.rc.ReadNVM(address) voltage = self.rc.ReadMainBatteryVoltage(0x80)[1]/10.0 if voltage >= config['BATTERY_CONFIG']['low_voltage']: print("[Motor__init__] Voltage is safe at: ",voltage, "V") else: raise Exception("Unsafe Voltage of" + voltage + " Volts") i = 0 for address in self.address: self.qpps[i] = self.rc.ReadM1VelocityPID(address)[4] self.accel[i] = int(self.qpps[i]*2) self.qpps[i+1] = self.rc.ReadM2VelocityPID(address)[4] self.accel[i+1] = int(self.qpps[i]*2) i+=2 self.errorCheck() def cornerToPosition(self,tick): ''' Method to send position commands to the corner motor :param list tick: A list of ticks for each of the corner motors to move to, if tick[i] is 0 it instead stops that motor from moving ''' speed, accel = 1000,2000 #These values could potentially need tuning still self.errorCheck() for i in range(4): index = int(math.ceil((i+1)/2.0)+2) if tick[i]: if (i % 2): self.rc.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM2(self.address[index],accel,speed,accel,tick[i],1) else: self.rc.SpeedAccelDeccelPositionM1(self.address[index],accel,speed,accel,tick[i],1) else: if not (i % 2): self.rc.ForwardM1(self.address[index],0) else: self.rc.ForwardM2(self.address[index],0) def sendMotorDuty(self, motorID, speed): ''' Wrapper method for an easier interface to control the drive motors, sends open-loop commands to the motors :param int motorID: number that corresponds to each physical motor :param int speed: Speed for each motor, range from 0-127 ''' self.errorCheck() addr = self.address[int(motorID/2)] if speed > 0: if not motorID % 2: command = self.rc.ForwardM1 else: command = self.rc.ForwardM2 else: if not motorID % 2: command = self.rc.BackwardM1 else: command = self.rc.BackwardM2 speed = abs(int(speed * 127)) return command(addr,speed) def killMotors(self): ''' Stops all motors on Rover ''' for i in range(5): self.rc.ForwardM1(self.address[i],0) self.rc.ForwardM2(self.address[i],0) def errorCheck(self): ''' Checks error status of each motor controller, returns 0 if any errors occur ''' for i in range(5): self.err[i] = self.rc.ReadError(self.address[i])[1] for error in self.err: if error: self.killMotors() self.writeError() raise Exception("Motor controller Error", error) return 1 def writeError(self): ''' Writes the list of errors to a text file for later examination ''' f = open('errorLog.txt','a') errors = ','.join(str(e) for e in self.err) f.write('\n' + 'Errors: ' + '[' + errors + ']' + ' at: ' + str( f.close()