Пример #1
def AttachCamera():
    RDK = Robolink()

    item2station_pose = eye(4)
    view_pose_last = eye(4)
    last_item = None


    run = RunApplication()
    while run.Run():
        # Retrieve user selection
        selected_items = RDK.Selection()
        if len(selected_items) <= 0:
            last_item = None

        # Use the first selected item to attach the camera
        item = selected_items[0]

        # Prevent selecting programs or instructions or anything that doesn't move
        if item.type == ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT or item.type == ITEM_TYPE_TOOL or item.type == ITEM_TYPE_FRAME or item.type == ITEM_TYPE_OBJECT or item.type == ITEM_TYPE_TARGET:
            item_pose = item.PoseAbs(
            )  # Selected item pose with respect to the station reference
            item2station_pose = item_pose.inv()

            if last_item != item:
                # If it is the first time we select this item: update the relationship camera 2 item pose
                view_pose = RDK.ViewPose(
                )  # View Pose (camera pose with respect to the station reference)
                camera2item_pose = (item2station_pose * view_pose.inv()).inv()
                msg = 'Camera attached to %s' % item.Name()
                RDK.ShowMessage(msg, False)
                last_item = item

                # calculate the new view pose and udpate it
                view_pose = camera2item_pose * item2station_pose

                # Only update if the view pose changed
                if view_pose != view_pose_last:
                    view_pose_last = view_pose
Пример #2
def RecordProgram():

    # Define the frames per second:

    # Define the video extension (you may need to change the codec)
    #VIDEO_EXTENSION = ".avi"
    VIDEO_EXTENSION = ".mp4"

    # Choose the codec (mp4v, XVID or DIVX)
    #FOURCC = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX') # good quality (avi)
    #FOURCC = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') # low quality (avi)
    FOURCC = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')  # good quality (mp4)

    # Default screenshot style:
    SNAPSHOT_STYLE = "Snapshot"

    # Other snapshot styles are not recommended, otherwise it will create a delay and a lot of flickering
    # Instead, change the appearance of RoboDK in the menu Tools-Options-Display
    #SNAPSHOT_STYLE = "SnapshotWhite"
    #SNAPSHOT_STYLE = "SnapshotWhiteNoText"
    #SNAPSHOT_STYLE = "SnapshotNoTextNoFrames"

    PREFER_SOCKET = True # If available, prefer socket (usually faster) over temporary file to retrieve the image

    # Use a temporary folder
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='Record_') as td:

        RDK = Robolink()

        file_video_temp = os.path.join(td, 'RoboDK_Video' + VIDEO_EXTENSION)

        video = None
        frame = None
        use_socket = PREFER_SOCKET  
        render_time_last = 0
        time_per_frame = 1 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND

        app = RunApplication()
        while app.Run():

            # There's no need to get a new image if no render as occurred.
            render_time = int(RDK.Command("LastRender"))
            if (render_time_last != render_time):
                render_time_last = render_time

                def getSnapshot(use_socket, tempdir):
                    fallback = False
                    if use_socket:
                        # Socket method. Added in version 5.3.2
                            bytes_img = RDK.Cam2D_Snapshot('', None)  # None means station and will throw before version 5.3.2
                            if isinstance(bytes_img, bytes) and bytes_img != b'':
                                return True, cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(bytes_img, np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
                        except Exception:
                            fallback = True

                    # Fallback to tempfile method
                    tf = tempdir + '/temp.png'
                    if RDK.Command(SNAPSHOT_STYLE, tf) == 'OK':
                        return not fallback, cv2.imread(tf)

                    return False, None

                # Get the station snapshot
                success, frame = getSnapshot(use_socket, td)
                if not success:
                    if use_socket:
                        use_socket = False
                        RDK.ShowMessage("Problems retrieving the RoboDK image buffer", False)

            # Write the frame to the video file
            if video is None:
                # Requires at least one frame to extract the frame size.
                height, width = frame.shape[:2] 
                video = cv2.VideoWriter(file_video_temp, FOURCC, FRAMES_PER_SECOND, (width, height))

            # Wait some time, if necessary, to have accurate frame rate
            elapsed = toc()
            if elapsed < time_per_frame:
                t_sleep = time_per_frame - elapsed
                print("Waiting for next frame: " + str(t_sleep))

        print("Done recording")

        # Check if nothing was saved
        if video is None:

        # Save the file
        msg_str = "Saving video recording... "
        RDK.ShowMessage(msg_str, False)

        # Create a suggested file name
        print("Saving video...")
        date_str = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
        path_rdk = RDK.getParam('PATH_DESKTOP')  # or path_rdk = RDK.getParam('PATH_OPENSTATION')
        file_name = "RoboDK-Video-" + date_str + VIDEO_EXTENSION

        # Ask the user to provide a file to save
        file_path = getSaveFileName(path_preference=path_rdk, strfile=file_name, defaultextension=VIDEO_EXTENSION, filetypes=[("Video file", "*" + VIDEO_EXTENSION)])
        if not file_path:

        # Save the file
        print("Saving video to: " + file_path)
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            print("Deleting existing file: " + file_path)

        # Move the file
        os.rename(file_video_temp, file_path)

    # Done
    msg_str = "Video recording saved: " + file_path
    RDK.ShowMessage(msg_str, False)