Пример #1
class ik_helper:
    def __init__(self, jpos, quat):
        self.jpos = jpos
        self.quat = quat

        self.controller = SawyerIKController(

    def _robot_jpos_getter(self):
        return self.jpos

    def xyz_to_jvel(self, xyz_action, jpos, quat):
        self.jpos = jpos
        self.quat = quat

        constant_quat = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
        input_1 = self._make_input(
            np.concatenate((xyz_action[:3], constant_quat)), self.quat)

        self.controller.sync_ik_robot(self._robot_jpos_getter(), simulate=True)
        velocities = self.controller.get_control(**input_1)
        gripper_action = np.ones(1)
        low_action = np.concatenate([velocities, gripper_action])
        return low_action

    def _make_input(self, action, old_quat):
        Helper function that returns a dictionary with keys dpos, rotation from a raw input
        array. The first three elements are taken to be displacement in position, and a
        quaternion indicating the change in rotation with respect to @old_quat.
        return {
            "dpos": action[:3],
            # IK controller takes an absolute orientation in robot base frame
            "rotation": T.quat2mat(T.quat_multiply(old_quat, action[3:7])),
Пример #2
class inverse_kin:
    def __init__(self, env):
        self.env = env.wrapped_env.env
        self.controller = SawyerIKController(

    def _robot_jpos_getter(self):
        Helper function to pass to the ik controller for access to the
        current robot joint positions.
        return np.array(self.env._joint_positions)

    def xyz_to_jvel(self, xyz_action):
        constant_quat = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
        input_1 = self._make_input(
            np.concatenate((xyz_action[:3], constant_quat)),

        velocities = self.controller.get_control(**input_1)
        gripper_action = np.ones(1)
        low_action = np.concatenate([velocities, gripper_action])
        return low_action

    def _make_input(self, action, old_quat):
        Helper function that returns a dictionary with keys dpos, rotation from a raw input
        array. The first three elements are taken to be displacement in position, and a
        quaternion indicating the change in rotation with respect to @old_quat.
        return {
            "dpos": action[:3],
            # IK controller takes an absolute orientation in robot base frame
            "rotation": T.quat2mat(T.quat_multiply(old_quat, action[3:7])),
Пример #3
class IKWrapper(Wrapper):
    env = None

    def __init__(self, env, action_repeat=1, gripper=False):
        Initializes the inverse kinematics wrapper.
        This wrapper allows for controlling the robot through end effector
        movements instead of joint velocities.

            env (MujocoEnv instance): The environment to wrap.
            action_repeat (int): Determines the number of times low-level joint
                control actions will be commanded per high-level end effector
                action. Higher values will allow for more precise control of
                the end effector to the commanded targets.

        if self.env.mujoco_robot.name == "sawyer":

            self.controller = SawyerIKController(
            raise Exception("Only Sawyer robot environments supported for IK "
                            "control currently.")

        self.action_repeat = action_repeat
        self.gripper = gripper
        if self.gripper:
            low = -np.array([.1, .1, .1, 1])
            high = np.array([.1, .1, .1, 1])

            self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=low, high=high)

            low = -np.array([.1, .1, .1])
            high = np.array([.1, .1, .1])

            self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=low, high=high)

        self.action_spec = low, high

    def set_robot_joint_positions(self, positions):
        Overrides the function to set the joint positions directly, since we need to notify
        the IK controller of the change.

    def _robot_jpos_getter(self):
        Helper function to pass to the ik controller for access to the
        current robot joint positions.
        return np.array(self.env._joint_positions)

    def reset(self):
        ret = super().reset()
        return ret

    def step(self, action):
        Move the end effector(s) according to the input control.

            action (numpy array): The array should have the corresponding elements.
                0-2: The desired change in end effector position in x, y, and z.
                (now constant orientation and gripper)
                3-6: The desired change in orientation, expressed as a (x, y, z, w) quaternion.
                    Note that this quaternion encodes a relative rotation with respect to the
                    current gripper orientation. If the current rotation is r, this corresponds
                    to a quaternion d such that r * d will be the new rotation.
                *: Controls for gripper actuation.

        if self.gripper:
            gripper_action = action[3:]
            gripper_action = np.ones(1)
        constant_quat = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
        input_1 = self._make_input(np.concatenate((action[:3], constant_quat)),
        if self.env.mujoco_robot.name == "sawyer":
            velocities = self.controller.get_control(**input_1)
            low_action = np.concatenate([velocities, gripper_action])
            raise Exception("Only Sawyer robot environments supported for IK "
                            "control currently.")

        # keep trying to reach the target in a closed-loop
        for i in range(self.action_repeat):
            ret = self.env.step(low_action)
            if i + 1 < self.action_repeat:
                velocities = self.controller.get_control()
                if self.env.mujoco_robot.name == "sawyer":
                    low_action = np.concatenate([velocities, action[7:]])
                    raise Exception(
                        "Only Sawyer robot environments supported for IK "
                        "control currently.")

        return ret

    def _make_input(self, action, old_quat):
        Helper function that returns a dictionary with keys dpos, rotation from a raw input
        array. The first three elements are taken to be displacement in position, and a
        quaternion indicating the change in rotation with respect to @old_quat.
        return {
            "dpos": action[:3],
            # IK controller takes an absolute orientation in robot base frame
            "rotation": T.quat2mat(T.quat_multiply(old_quat, action[3:7])),