def getVisibleMarkers(self): # !!! ,robot):
      robot = self.robots[0]
      foundMarkers = []
      # print "robot", robot._gx, robot._gy, robot._ga

      for (markerX,markerY) in self.markerLoc.keys():

         markerName = self.markerLoc[(markerX,markerY)]
	 markerAngle = self.markerAngle[markerName]
         # print "marker", markerName, markerX, markerY, markerAngle

	 distanceToMarker = calculateHypotenuse(robot._gx-markerX,

         # get the angle to the marker, and its relation to the
	 # orientation of the robot
         angleToMarker = getAbsAngle(centerX=robot._gx, centerY=robot._gy, 
	                             headingX=markerX, headingY=markerY)

	 cameraAngleDiff = normalizeAngle2(angleToMarker-robot._ga+math.pi)

	 # we do the same but this time from the perspective of the
	 # marker 
         angleFromMarker = getAbsAngle(centerX=markerX, centerY=markerY,
	                               headingX=robot._gx, headingY=robot._gy)

	 markerViewDiff = normalizeAngle2(angleFromMarker-markerAngle+math.pi)

	 # print angleToMarker,cameraAngleDiff,",",angleFromMarker,markerViewDiff

	 # see if the marker is in the camera's field of view
         # CAMERA_FIELD_OF_VIEW/2 = 0.35
	 # and that the marker is at a viewable angle from the robot
	 if (cameraAngleDiff < self.CAMERA_FIELD_OF_VIEW/2 and
	     cameraAngleDiff > self.CAMERA_FIELD_OF_VIEW/2*-1 and
	     markerViewDiff < self.MARKER_VIEWABLE_ANGLE/2 and
	     markerViewDiff > self.MARKER_VIEWABLE_ANGLE/2*-1):

   	    # see if that line is clear, i.e., doesn't intersect any walls
   	    seg = Segment((robot._gx, robot._gy), (markerX, markerY))
   	    clear = True
   	    for w in
   	       if (w.intersects(seg)):
		  # print "in the way", w
                  clear = False
            if (clear):
	       # print "I can see ",markerName
	       relXOffM = math.cos(cameraAngleDiff)*distanceToMarker
	       relYOffM = math.sin(cameraAngleDiff)*distanceToMarker

      return foundMarkers
Пример #2
    def determineMove(self, subgoal, sonar):
        # note that we assume that the row and col given are subgoals, this
        # algorithm can NOT deal with walls or obstacles.

        subgoalRow, subgoalCol = subgoal

        subgoalXmm = subgoalRow * self.rowScaleMM
        subgoalYmm = subgoalCol * self.colScaleMM

        angleToGoal = math.atan2((subgoalYmm - self.y_localizeMM) * -1, (subgoalXmm - self.x_localizeMM) * -1)

        robotAngleDiff = -normalizeAngle2(angleToGoal - normalizeAngle2(self.thr_localize))
        print "DIFF:  ", robotAngleDiff

        sensores = sonar
        # sensores = [2.0*float(sonar[k])/float(max(sonar)) for k in range(len(sonar))]
        velgiro = self.calculadorNeuronal.transferencia(sensores + [robotAngleDiff / (2.0 * math.pi)])
        velavan = self.calculaVelocidadAvance(velgiro)
        return (velavan, velgiro)