Пример #1
def part_2a():
    """Main Routine"""

    #create Robot Object
    bot = robot_library.Robot()

    bot.set_initial_pos([0, 0, 0])

    #Part A2 Data Set
    movement_data = [[0.5, 0, 1], [0, -1 / (2 * np.pi), 1], [.5, 0, 1],
                     [0, 1 / (2 * np.pi), 1], [.5, 0, 1]]

    # loop through data set calulate robot movement using
    # motion model
    for item in enumerate(movement_data):
        # calculate new state
        bot.make_move(item[1], 0)

    # parse data to plot
    x_arr, y_arr, _t_arr = map(list, zip(*bot.motion_path))

    plt.plot(x_arr, y_arr, 'b')

    plt.title('Part A.2 Results')
    plt.xlabel('Robot X Position (m)')
    plt.ylabel('Robot Y Position (m)')
    plt.legend(['Robot Trajectory'])
Пример #2
def main():
    """Main Routine"""
    bot = robot_library.Robot()

Пример #3
def part_a6():
    """Main Routine"""

    #create Robot Object
    bot = robot_library.Robot()

    bot.set_initial_pos([0, 0, 0])

    #Part A6 Data Set
    sub_num = [6, 13, 17]
    marker_set = [[1.88032539, -5.57229508], [3.07964257, 0.24942861],
                  [-1.04151642, 2.80020985]]

    robot_locs = [[2, 3, 0], [0, 3, 0], [1, -2, 0]]

    global_results = [0, 0, 0]
    error_calc = [0, 0, 0]

    # Calculate Measurement
    for i, item in enumerate(marker_set):

        # set current poisition
        bot.new_pos = robot_locs[i]

        # calculate measurement
        results = bot.read_sensor(item, 1)

        # convert measurement to global domain
        global_results[i] = [
            bot.new_pos[0] + np.cos(results[1]) * results[0],
            bot.new_pos[1] + np.sin(results[1]) * results[0]

        # calculate error
        error_calc[i] = [
            marker_set[i][0] - global_results[i][0],
            marker_set[i][1] - global_results[i][1]

        # print error calculations to console
        print "For Subject #" + str(sub_num[i]) + ":"
        print "The error in the x direction is " + str(
            round(error_calc[i][0], 5))
        print "The error in the y direction is " + str(
            round(error_calc[i][1], 5))
ow = obslib.ChannelWorld(ranges, (2.5,7), 3, 0.2)

# Create the point robot
robot = roblib.Robot(sample_world = world.sample_value, #function handle for collecting observations
                     start_loc = (5.0, 5.0, 0.0), #where robot is instantiated
                     extent = ranges, #extent of the explorable environment
                     kernel_file = None,
                     kernel_dataset = None,
                     prior_dataset =  None, #(data, observations), 
                     init_lengthscale = 1.0, 
                     init_variance = 100.0, 
                     noise = 0.0001,
                     path_generator = 'fully_reachable_goal', #options: default, dubins, equal_dubins, fully_reachable_goal, fully_reachable_step
                     goal_only = True, #select only if using fully reachable step and you want the reward of the step to only be the goal
                     frontier_size = 15,
                     horizon_length = 1.5, 
                     turning_radius = 0.05,
                     sample_step = 0.5,
                     evaluation = evaluation, 
                     f_rew = reward_function, 
                     create_animation = True, #logs images to the file folder
                     learn_params=False, #if kernel params should be trained online
                     nonmyopic=False, #select if you want to use MCTS
                     discretization=(20,20), #parameterizes the fully reachable sets
                     use_cost=False, #select if you want to use a cost heuristic

robot.planner(T = 150)
#robot.visualize_world_model(screen = True)
Пример #5
def part_a3():
    """Main Routine"""

    # load in data files

    odom_data = load_data('ds1_Odometry.dat', 3, 0, [0, 4, 5])
    meas_data = load_data('ds1_Measurement.dat', 3, 0, [0, 4, 6, 7])
    marker_data = load_data('ds1_Landmark_Groundtruth.dat', 3, 0,
                            [0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
    bar_data = load_data('ds1_Barcodes.dat', 3, 0, [0, 3])
    groundtruth_data = load_data('ds1_Groundtruth.dat', 3, 0, [0, 3, 5, 7])

    # create Robot Object

    bot = robot_library.Robot([
        groundtruth_data[0][1], groundtruth_data[0][2], groundtruth_data[0][3]

    # Transform Measurement Subject from Barcode # to Subject #
    for _counter, item in enumerate(meas_data):
        for _match, match in enumerate(bar_data):
            if match[1] == item[1]:
                item[1] = match[0]

# plot Landmarks and Walls


    # Plot Groundtruth Data

    _ignore, ground_x, ground_y, _ground_t = map(list, zip(*groundtruth_data))

    #ground_x = ground_x[0:20000]
    #ground_y = ground_y[0:20000]

    #plt.plot(ground_x[0], ground_y[0], 'kd', markersize=3, label='_nolegend_')
    plt.plot(ground_x, ground_y, 'g')
    #plt.plot(ground_x[-1], ground_y[-1], 'ko', markersize=3, label='_nolegend_')

    # Plot Odometry Dataset

    for i, cur_action in enumerate(odom_data):

        if i + 1 >= len(odom_data):

        movement_data = [
            odom_data[i][1], odom_data[i][2],
            odom_data[i + 1][0] - cur_action[0]
        bot.make_move(movement_data, 1)

    x_arr, y_arr, _t_arr = map(list, zip(*bot.motion_path))

    plt.plot(x_arr, y_arr, 'b')

    plt.legend(['Landmark', 'Wall', 'Groundtruth', 'Robot Trajectory'])
    plt.xlabel('World X Position (m)')
    plt.ylabel('World Y Position (m)')
    plt.title('Odometry Data Vs. Groundtruth Data')

Пример #6
robot = roblib.Robot(sample_world = world.sample_value, #function handle for collecting observations
                     start_loc = (5.0, 5.0, 0.0), #where robot is instantiated
                     extent = ranges, #extent of the explorable environment
                     MAX_COLOR = MAX_COLOR,
                     MIN_COLOR = MIN_COLOR,
                     kernel_file = None,
                     kernel_dataset = None,
                     # prior_dataset =  (data, observations), 
                     prior_dataset =  (xobs, zobs), 
                     # prior_dataset = None,
                     init_lengthscale = LEN,
                     init_variance = VAR,
                     noise = NOISE,
                     # init_lengthscale = 2.0122,
                     # init_variance = 5.3373,
                     # noise = 0.19836,
                     # noise = float(sys.argv[1]),
                     path_generator = PATHSET, #options: default, dubins, equal_dubins, fully_reachable_goal, fully_reachable_step
                     goal_only = GOAL_ONLY, #select only if using fully reachable step and you want the reward of the step to only be the goal
                     frontier_size = 10,
                     horizon_length = 1.50, 
                     turning_radius = 0.11,
                     sample_step = 0.1,
                     evaluation = evaluation, 
                     f_rew = REWARD_FUNCTION, 
                     create_animation = True, #logs images to the file folder
                     learn_params = False, #if kernel params should be trained online
                     nonmyopic = NONMYOPIC,
                     discretization = (20, 20), #parameterizes the fully reachable sets
                     use_cost = USE_COST, #select if you want to use a cost heuristic
                     computation_budget = 250,
                     rollout_length = 1,
                     obstacle_world = ow, 
                     tree_type = TREE_TYPE) 
    PATHSET,  #options: default, dubins, equal_dubins, fully_reachable_goal, fully_reachable_step
    GOAL_ONLY,  #select only if using fully reachable step and you want the reward of the step to only be the goal
    'frontier_size': 15,
    'horizon_length': 1.5,
    'turning_radius': 0.05,
    'sample_step': 0.5,
    'evaluation': evaluation,
    'f_rew': REWARD_FUNCTION,
    'create_animation': True,  #logs images to the file folder
    'learn_params': False,  #if kernel params should be trained online
    'nonmyopic': NONMYOPIC,
    'discretization': (20, 20),  #parameterizes the fully reachable sets
    'use_cost': USE_COST,  #select if you want to use a cost heuristic
    'computation_budget': 250,
    'rollout_length': 5,
    'obstacle_world': ow,
    'tree_type': TREE_TYPE,
    'dimension': DIM

# Create the point robot
robot = roblib.Robot(**kwargs)

#robot.visualize_world_model(screen = True)
robot.visualize_trajectory(screen=False)  #creates a summary trajectory image
robot.plot_information()  #plots all of the metrics of interest