def match_xmm_to_ukirt(): """ A function that performs an "inverse" cross-match between X-ray selected sources from XMM, and our UKIRT stars. """ # Produces a table of cross-match IDs and indices. mated_xmm = tablemater(XMM_north, ukirt_list) mated_c1 = tablemater(XMM_north_c1, ukirt_list) mated_c2 = tablemater(XMM_north_c2, ukirt_list) mated_c3 = tablemater(XMM_north_c3, ukirt_list) mated_list = [mated_xmm, mated_c1, mated_c2, mated_c3] # What kinds of plots do we want? # Histogram of S, for each xray category (incl. "all") fig = plt.figure() uks_i = 'UKIRT_autocan_strict_allstars_index' uks_d = autocan_strict uka_i = 'UKIRT_autocan_true_allstars_index' uka_d = autocan_true s1 = plt.subplot(4,1,1) s2 = plt.subplot(4,1,2) s3 = plt.subplot(4,1,3) s4 = plt.subplot(4,1,4) subplot_list = [s1, s2, s3, s4] name_list = ["all XMM sources", "Class 1 XMM sources", "Class 2 XMM sources", "Class 3 XMM sources"] for s, m, name in zip(subplot_list, mated_list, name_list): # in approximate english: "the stats table, where you take the row # handed to you by the mated table, but only where there's a match" try: # AUTO s.hist( uka_d.Stetson[ m.where(m[uka_i] != -1)[uka_i] ], range=[0,5], bins=20, color='0.7', label="1-band pristine" ) except: pass try: # STRICT s.hist( uks_d.Stetson[ m.where(m[uks_i] != -1)[uks_i] ], range=[0,5], bins=20, color='0.2', label="3-band pristine" ) except: pass # annotate each subplot so they're readable if s == s1: s.text(0.35, 0.75, name, transform=s.transAxes) else: s.text(0.65, 0.75, name, transform=s.transAxes) s1.set_title("Histogram: Stetson indices of X-ray-selected stars in ONC") s1.legend() s4.set_xlabel("Stetson Index") # Now, I want to print out some stats relevant to what we want. # Think of how "official_star_counter" works. # For each group, print the stuff. for s, m, name in zip(subplot_list, mated_list, name_list): # Median S and MAD? auto_stetson = uka_d.Stetson[m.where(m[uka_i] != -1)[uka_i]] strict_stetson = uks_d.Stetson[m.where(m[uks_i] != -1)[uks_i]] print ("%s Median Stetson for Q=1+2: %.3f +- %.2f" % (name, np.median(auto_stetson), rb.mad(auto_stetson))) print "N = %d" % len(auto_stetson) print ("%s Median Stetson for Q=2: %.3f +- %.2f" % (name, np.median(strict_stetson), rb.mad(strict_stetson))) print "N = %d" % len(strict_stetson) for s, m, name in zip(subplot_list, mated_list, name_list): # Median Delta Mag (and MAD)? # auto_delta = uka_d.[m.where(m[uka_i] != -1)[uka_i]]# doesn't quite work strict_delta = uks_d.k_range[m.where(m[uks_i] != -1)[uks_i]] print ("%s Median delta-K (max-min) for strict-stars: %.3f +- %.2f" % (name, np.median(strict_delta), rb.mad(strict_delta))) print "N = %d" % len(strict_delta) # What fraction have good periods? Not answerable right now. return mated_xmm, mated_c1, mated_c2, mated_c3
def f_magnitude_hists_by_class(threepanels=True, onepanels=False): """ Makes a series of multipanel histograms of variability. Uses "strict" sources only for these. """ megeath_class_column = make_megeath_class_column() strict_protostars = ukvar_spread.where( (ukvar_spread.strict == 1) & (megeath_class_column == 'P')) strict_disks = ukvar_spread.where( (ukvar_spread.strict == 1) & (megeath_class_column == 'D')) strict_nondisks = ukvar_spread.where( (ukvar_spread.strict == 1) & (megeath_class_column == 'ND')) print "Protostars: %d, Disks: %d, Nondisks: %d" % ( len(strict_protostars), len(strict_disks), len(strict_nondisks) ) # Let's test the J mag aspect of this, and then define some dicts or forloops to iterate through all "5" bands. names = ['J mag', 'H mag', 'K mag', '(J-H) color', '(H-K) color'] bands = ['j', 'h', 'k', 'jmh', 'hmk'] text_xposition = [0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.275, 0.275] figs = [] hist_kwargs = {'range':(0,2), 'bins':20} if threepanels: for b, n, x in zip(bands, names, text_xposition): j_fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,6)) figs.append(j_fig) jsub1 = plt.subplot(3,1,1) jsub1.hist(strict_protostars['%s_ranger' % b], color=color_dict['protostar'], **hist_kwargs) jsub1.text(x, 0.65, "protostars \n" r"median $\Delta %s: $%.2f \pm %.2f$" % ( n.replace(' ', '$ '), np.median(strict_protostars['%s_ranger' % b]), rb.mad(strict_protostars['%s_ranger' % b])), transform = jsub1.transAxes) jsub2 = plt.subplot(3,1,2, sharex=jsub1) jsub2.hist(strict_disks['%s_ranger' % b], color=color_dict['disk'], **hist_kwargs) jsub2.text(x, 0.65, "disks \n" r"median $\Delta %s: $%.2f \pm %.2f$" % ( n.replace(' ', '$ '), np.median(strict_disks['%s_ranger' % b]), rb.mad(strict_disks['%s_ranger' % b])), transform = jsub2.transAxes) jsub3 = plt.subplot(3,1,3, sharex=jsub1) jsub3.hist(strict_nondisks['%s_ranger' % b], color=color_dict['nondisk'], **hist_kwargs) jsub3.text(x, 0.65, "non-disks \n" r"median $\Delta %s: $%.2f \pm %.2f$" % ( n.replace(' ', '$ '), np.median(strict_nondisks['%s_ranger' % b]), rb.mad(strict_nondisks['%s_ranger' % b])), transform = jsub3.transAxes) jsub1.set_title("%s range for $Q=2$ variables"%n) jsub3.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta %s (outlier-proof)" % n.replace(' ', '$ ')) if onepanels: fig = plt.figure() figs.append(fig) plt.hist(strict_nondisks['k_ranger'], color=color_dict['nondisk'], hatch='/', label='Megeath Non-disks', **hist_kwargs) plt.hist(strict_disks['k_ranger'], color=color_dict['disk'], alpha=0.5, hatch='\\', label='Megeath Disks', **hist_kwargs) plt.hist(strict_protostars['k_ranger'], color=color_dict['protostar'], hatch='--', label='Megeath Protostars', **hist_kwargs) plt.title("K magnitude range (robust) for pristine-data variables") plt.xlabel(r"$\Delta K$ magnitude (outlier-proof)") plt.legend() return figs
def match_spitzer_to_ukirt(): """ A function that performs an "inverse" cross-match between mid-IR selected sources from Spitzer/Megeath2012, and our UKIRT stars. """ # Produces a table of cross-match IDs and indices. mated_spitzer = tablemater(Megeath2012, ukirt_list) # Clearly, we need to update this to use slices of the Megeath table # filtered on Class. mated_P = tablemater(Megeath_P, ukirt_list) mated_D = tablemater(Megeath_D, ukirt_list) mated_ND = tablemater(Megeath_ND, ukirt_list) mated_list = [mated_P, mated_D, mated_ND] # What kinds of plots do we want? # Histogram of S, for each IR category fig = plt.figure() uks_i = 'UKIRT_autocan_strict_allstars_index' uks_d = autocan_strict uka_i = 'UKIRT_autocan_true_allstars_index' uka_d = autocan_true s1 = plt.subplot(3,1,1) s2 = plt.subplot(3,1,2) s3 = plt.subplot(3,1,3) subplot_list = [s1, s2, s3] name_list = ["Spitzer Protostars", "Spitzer Disked sources", "Spitzer Non-Disked sources"] for s, m, name in zip(subplot_list, mated_list, name_list): # in approximate english: "the stats table, where you take the row # handed to you by the mated table, but only where there's a match" try: # AUTO s.hist( uka_d.Stetson[ m.where(m[uka_i] != -1)[uka_i] ], range=[0,5], bins=20, color='0.7', label="Q=1" ) except: pass array_in_question = uka_d.Stetson[ m.where(m[uka_i] != -1)[uka_i] ] print len(array_in_question[array_in_question>5]) try: # STRICT s.hist( uks_d.Stetson[ m.where(m[uks_i] != -1)[uks_i] ], range=[0,5], bins=20, color='0.2', label="Q=2" ) except: pass # Calculate medians. auto_stetson = uka_d.Stetson[m.where(m[uka_i] != -1)[uka_i]] strict_stetson = uks_d.Stetson[m.where(m[uks_i] != -1)[uks_i]] print ("%s Median Stetson for Q=1+2: %.3f +- %.2f" % (name, np.median(auto_stetson), rb.mad(auto_stetson))) print "N = %d" % len(auto_stetson) print ("%s Median Stetson for Q=2: %.3f +- %.2f" % (name, np.median(strict_stetson), rb.mad(strict_stetson))) print "N = %d" % len(strict_stetson) # annotate each subplot so they're readable if s == s1: xtext = 0.65 else: xtext = 0.5 s.text(xtext, 0.75, "%s\nMedian S: %.2f$\pm$%.2f" % (name, np.median(auto_stetson), rb.mad(auto_stetson)), transform=s.transAxes) s1.set_title("Histogram: Stetson indices of Spitzer-selected stars in ONC") s1.legend(loc="upper left") s3.set_xlabel("Stetson Index") # Now, I want to print out some stats relevant to what we want. # Think of how "official_star_counter" works. # For each group, print the stuff. print "" for s, m, name in zip(subplot_list, mated_list, name_list): # Mean Delta Mag (and sigmas)? auto_delta = uka_d.k_ranger[m.where(m[uka_i] != -1)[uka_i]]# doesn't quite work strict_delta = uks_d.k_ranger[m.where(m[uks_i] != -1)[uks_i]] print ("%s Median delta-K (max-min) for Q=2: %.3f +- %.2f" % (name, np.median(strict_delta), rb.mad(strict_delta))) print ("%s Median delta-K (max-min) for Q=1+2: %.3f +- %.2f" % (name, np.median(auto_delta), rb.mad(auto_delta))) # What fraction have good periods? Not answerable right now. # Finally, let's make a plot of S vs alpha_irac. fig2 = plt.figure() # define the Stetson column and the alpha_irac column m = mated_spitzer meg_i = 'Megeath2012_index' meg_d = auto_alpha_irac = meg_d.alpha[m.where( m[uka_i] != -1)[meg_i] ] strict_alpha_irac = meg_d.alpha[m.where( m[uks_i] != -1)[meg_i] ] auto_stetson = uka_d.Stetson[m.where(m[uka_i] != -1)[uka_i]] strict_stetson = uks_d.Stetson[m.where(m[uks_i] != -1)[uks_i]] plt.plot( auto_alpha_irac, auto_stetson, 'o', color='0.7', label="Q=1") plt.plot( strict_alpha_irac, strict_stetson, 'o', color='0.2', label="Q=2") plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r"Spectral index $\alpha_{IRAC}$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("Stetson Index", fontsize=18) plt.title(r"Stetson vs $\alpha$ for Spitzer-selected sources") plt.semilogy() return mated_spitzer, mated_P, mated_D, fig, fig2