Пример #1
    def train_step(self, train_loader):
        device = self.args.device

        CriticAcc = AverageMeter()
        BaselineAcc = AverageMeter()
        ActorLoss = AverageMeter()

        b_loader = tqdm(train_loader)
        for x_batch, y_batch, _ in b_loader:
                f"EpochProvision: Critic: {CriticAcc.avg}, Baseline: {BaselineAcc.avg}, Actor: {ActorLoss.avg}"
            x_batch, y_batch = x_batch.to(device), y_batch.to(device)
            # Select a random batch of samples
            labels = torch.argmax(y_batch, dim=1).long()
            # Generate a batch of selections
            selection_probability = self.model(x_batch, fw_module="selector")
            selection = torch.bernoulli(selection_probability).detach()

            # Predictor objective
            critic_input = x_batch * selection
            critic_out = self.model(critic_input, fw_module="predictor")
            critic_loss = self.critic_loss(critic_out, labels)
            # Baseline objective
            baseline_out = self.model(x_batch, fw_module="baseline")
            baseline_loss = self.baseline_loss(baseline_out, labels)

            batch_data = torch.cat([

            # Actor objective
            actor_output = self.model(x_batch, fw_module="selector")
            actor_loss = self.actor_loss(batch_data, actor_output)

            total_loss = actor_loss + critic_loss + baseline_loss

            N = labels.shape[0]
            critic_acc = accuracy(critic_out, labels)[0]
            baseline_acc = accuracy(baseline_out, labels)[0]
            CriticAcc.update(critic_acc.detach().item(), N)
            BaselineAcc.update(baseline_acc.detach().item(), N)
            ActorLoss.update(actor_loss.detach().item(), N)

        summary = {
            "CriticAcc": CriticAcc.avg,
            "BaselineAcc": BaselineAcc.avg,
            "ActorLoss": ActorLoss.avg

        return summary
    def cla_eval(self,


            tuple: loss, prec

        if self.classifier is not None:
            output = self.classifier(outs)
            output = outs

        loss = criterion(output, target)
        prec1 = helpers.accuracy(output, target)[0]

        return loss, prec1
Пример #3
    def custom_acc(logits, labels):
        """Returns the top1 accuracy, weighted by the class distribution.
        This is important when evaluating an unbalanced dataset. 
        batch_size = labels.size(0)
        maxk = min(5, logits.shape[-1])
        prec1, _ = helpers.accuracy(logits, labels, topk=(1, maxk), exact=True)

        normal_prec1 = prec1.sum(0, keepdim=True).mul_(100 / batch_size)
        weighted_prec1 = prec1 * class_weights[labels.cpu()].cuda()
        weighted_prec1 = weighted_prec1.sum(0, keepdim=True).mul_(100 / batch_size)

        return weighted_prec1.item(), normal_prec1.item()
    def forward(self, x, target, *_, constraint, eps, step_size, iterations,
                random_start=False, random_restarts=False, do_tqdm=False,
                targeted=False, custom_loss=None, should_normalize=True,
                orig_input=None, use_best=True, return_image=True, est_grad=None):
        Implementation of forward (finds adversarial examples). Note that
        this does **not** perform inference and should not be called
        directly; refer to :meth:`robustness.attacker.AttackerModel.forward`
        for the function you should actually be calling.

            x, target (ch.tensor) : see :meth:`robustness.attacker.AttackerModel.forward`
                : threat model for adversarial attacks (:math:`\ell_2` ball,
                :math:`\ell_\infty` ball, :math:`[0, 1]^n`, Fourier basis, or
                custom AttackerStep subclass).
            eps (float) : radius for threat model.
            step_size (float) : step size for adversarial attacks.
            random_start (bool) : if True, start the attack with a random step.
            random_restarts (bool) : if True, do many random restarts and
                take the worst attack (in terms of loss) per input.
            targeted (bool) : if True (False), minimize (maximize) the loss.
            custom_loss (function|None) : if provided, used instead of the
                criterion as the loss to maximize/minimize during
                adversarial attack. The function should take in
                :samp:`model, x, target` and return a tuple of the form
                :samp:`loss, None`, where loss is a tensor of size N
                (per-element loss).
            should_normalize (bool) : If False, don't normalize the input
                (not recommended unless normalization is done in the
                custom_loss instead).
            orig_input (ch.tensor|None) : If not None, use this as the
                center of the perturbation set, rather than :samp:`x`.
            return_image (bool) : If True (default), then return the adversarial
                example as an image, otherwise return it in its parameterization
                (for example, the Fourier coefficients if 'constraint' is
            est_grad (tuple|None) : If not None (default), then these are
                :samp:`(query_radius [R], num_queries [N])` to use for estimating the
                gradient instead of autograd. We use the spherical gradient
                estimator, shown below, along with antithetic sampling [#f1]_
                to reduce variance:
                :math:`\\nabla_x f(x) \\approx \\sum_{i=0}^N f(x + R\\cdot
                \\vec{\\delta_i})\\cdot \\vec{\\delta_i}`, where
                :math:`\delta_i` are randomly sampled from the unit ball.
            An adversarial example for x (i.e. within a feasible set
            determined by `eps` and `constraint`, but classified as:

            * `target` (if `targeted == True`)
            *  not `target` (if `targeted == False`)

        .. [#f1] This means that we actually draw :math:`N/2` random vectors
            from the unit ball, and then use :math:`\delta_{N/2+i} =

        # Can provide a different input to make the feasible set around
        # instead of the initial point
        if orig_input is None: orig_input = x.detach()
        orig_input = orig_input.cuda()

        # Multiplier for gradient ascent [untargeted] or descent [targeted]
        m = -1 if targeted else 1

        # Initialize step class and attacker criterion
        criterion = ch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none').cuda()
        step_class = STEPS[constraint] if isinstance(constraint, str) else constraint
        step = step_class(eps=eps, orig_input=orig_input, step_size=step_size)

        def calc_loss(inp, target):
            Calculates the loss of an input with respect to target labels
            Uses custom loss (if provided) otherwise the criterion
            if should_normalize:
                inp = self.normalize(inp)
            output = self.model(inp)
            if custom_loss:
                return custom_loss(self.model, inp, target)

            return criterion(output, target), output

        # Main function for making adversarial examples
        def get_adv_examples(x):
            # Random start (to escape certain types of gradient masking)
            if random_start:
                x = step.random_perturb(x)

            # Fast Adversaril with FGSM
            x = x.clone().detach()
            δ = step.random_perturb(ch.zeros_like(x)).requires_grad_(True)
            losses, _ = calc_loss(step.to_image(x + δ), target)
            assert losses.shape[0] == x.shape[0], \
                    'Shape of losses must match input!'

            loss = ch.mean(losses)

            if step.use_grad:
                if est_grad is None:
                    grad, = ch.autograd.grad(m * loss, [δ])
                    f = lambda _x, _y: m * calc_loss(step.to_image(_x), _y)[0]
                    grad = helpers.calc_est_grad(f, xd, target, *est_grad)
                grad = None

            with ch.no_grad():
                δ = step.step(δ, grad) # δ = δ + α ∇_δ (f(x + δ))
                x = step.project(x + δ)

            # Save computation (don't compute last loss) if not use_best
            ret = x.clone().detach()
            return step.to_image(ret) if return_image else ret

        # Random restarts: repeat the attack and find the worst-case
        # example for each input in the batch
        if random_restarts:
            to_ret = None

            orig_cpy = x.clone().detach()
            for _ in range(random_restarts):
                adv = get_adv_examples(orig_cpy)

                if to_ret is None:
                    to_ret = adv.detach()

                _, output = calc_loss(adv, target)
                corr, = helpers.accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,), exact=True)
                corr = corr.byte()
                misclass = ~corr
                to_ret[misclass] = adv[misclass]

            adv_ret = to_ret
            adv_ret = get_adv_examples(x)

        return adv_ret
def _model_loop(args, loop_type, loader, model, opt, epoch, adv, writer):
    if not loop_type in ['train', 'val']:
        err_msg = "loop_type ({0}) must be 'train' or 'val'".format(loop_type)
        raise ValueError(err_msg)
    is_train = (loop_type == 'train')

    losses = AverageMeter()
    top1 = AverageMeter()
    top5 = AverageMeter()

    prec = 'NatPrec' if not adv else 'AdvPrec'
    loop_msg = 'Train' if loop_type == 'train' else 'Val'

    # switch to train/eval mode depending
    model = model.train() if is_train else model.eval()

    # If adv training (or evaling), set eps and random_restarts appropriately
    if adv:
        eps = calc_fadein_eps(epoch, args.eps_fadein_epochs, args.eps) \
                if is_train else args.eps
        random_restarts = 0 if is_train else args.random_restarts

    # Custom training criterion
    has_custom_train_loss = has_attr(args, 'custom_train_loss')
    train_criterion = args.custom_train_loss if has_custom_train_loss \
            else ch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    has_custom_adv_loss = has_attr(args, 'custom_adv_loss')
    adv_criterion = args.custom_adv_loss if has_custom_adv_loss else None

    attack_kwargs = {}
    if adv:
        if loop_type == 'train':
            attack_kwargs = {
                'constraint': args.constraint,
                'eps': eps,
                'iterations': 1,
                'step_size': args.fast_attack_lr,
                'random_start': args.random_start,
                'custom_loss': adv_criterion,
                'random_restarts': random_restarts,

        elif loop_type == 'val':
            attack_kwargs = {
                'constraint': args.constraint,
                'eps': eps,
                'step_size': args.attack_lr,
                'iterations': args.attack_steps,
                'random_start': args.random_start,
                'custom_loss': adv_criterion,
                'random_restarts': random_restarts,
                'use_best': bool(args.use_best)

    iterator = tqdm(enumerate(loader), total=len(loader))
    for i, (inp, target) in iterator:
       # measure data loading time
        target = target.cuda(non_blocking=True)
        output, final_inp = model(inp,
        loss = train_criterion(output, target)

        if len(loss.shape) > 0: loss = loss.mean()

        model_logits = output[0] if (type(output) is tuple) else output

        # measure accuracy and record loss
        top1_acc = float('nan')
        top5_acc = float('nan')
            maxk = min(5, model_logits.shape[-1])
            prec1, prec5 = helpers.accuracy(model_logits, target, topk=(1, maxk))

            losses.update(loss.item(), inp.size(0))
            top1.update(prec1[0], inp.size(0))
            top5.update(prec5[0], inp.size(0))

            top1_acc = top1.avg
            top5_acc = top5.avg

        reg_term = 0.0
        if has_attr(args, "regularizer"):
            reg_term =  args.regularizer(model, inp, target)
        loss = loss + reg_term

        # compute gradient and do SGD step
        if is_train:
        elif adv and i == 0 and writer:
            # add some examples to the tensorboard
            nat_grid = make_grid(inp[:15, ...])
            adv_grid = make_grid(final_inp[:15, ...])
            writer.add_image('Nat input', nat_grid, epoch)
            writer.add_image('Adv input', adv_grid, epoch)

        # ITERATOR
        desc = ('{2} Epoch:{0} | Loss {loss.avg:.4f} | '
                '{1}1 {top1_acc:.3f} | {1}5 {top5_acc:.3f} | '
                'Reg term: {reg} ||'.format( epoch, prec, loop_msg,
                loss=losses, top1_acc=top1_acc, top5_acc=top5_acc, reg=reg_term))

        if has_attr(args, 'iteration_hook'):
            args.iteration_hook(model, i, loop_type, inp, target)


    if writer is not None:
        prec_type = 'adv' if adv else 'nat'
        descs = ['loss', 'top1', 'top5']
        vals = [losses, top1, top5]
        for d, v in zip(descs, vals):
            writer.add_scalar('_'.join([prec_type, loop_type, d]), v.avg,

    return top1.avg, losses.avg