Пример #1
def attacks():
    hit_roller = Roller('d20')
    dmg_seed = arg_value('dmg_seed', 2)
    attacker = Attack([
        for _ in range(arg_value('n_dmg_rollers', 1))
                      damage_modifier=arg_value('dmg_modifier', 0))
    attacks = attacker.attacks(hit_roller,
                               arg_value('n_attacks', 1),
                               risk_buffer=arg_value('risk_buffer', 0),
                               dc=arg_value('dc', 0),
                               modifier=arg_value('hit_modifier', 0),
                               critical=arg_value('critical', 20))
    return jsonify({'return': attacker.html_attacks(attacks)}), 200
Пример #2
def check():
    seed = arg_value('seed', 20, type=int)
    roller = Roller(seed)
    dc = arg_value('dc', 0, type=int)
    roll, beats_dc = roller.check(dc=dc,
                                  modifier=arg_value('modifier', 0, type=int),
                                  critical=arg_value('critical', 20, type=int))
    succeeds = "" if dc == 0 else "Succeeds" if beats_dc else "Fails"
    return jsonify(
        {'return': "{roll} {succeeds}".format(roll=roll,
                                              succeeds=succeeds)}), 200
Пример #3
    def processCommand(self, whole_command):
        Method: processCommand

        Interpret a command

        command_split = whole_command.split(" ")

        command_word = command_split[0]

        if command_word == "roll":

            if len(command_split) == 2:

                roller_string = command_split[1]

                roller = Roller(roller_string)

                return roller.roll()


                raise ClindException(
                    "Error: roll requires exactly one argument")

        elif command_word == "exit":


        elif command_word == "name":

            with open("src/names.txt") as names_file:

                names = list(names_file)

                return random.choice(names).strip() + " " + random.choice(
        elif command_word == "info":

            if len(command_split) == 2:

                topic = command_split[1]
                endpoint = Info.topics[topic]
                return Info(endpoint).listResults()


                return Info.listTopics()


            raise ClindException(
                "Error: command {} not recognized".format(command_word))
Пример #4
def game():
    prompt = ''
    while prompt != 'n':
        prompt = input('Would you like to roll some dice? y/n  ')
        if (prompt.lower() == 'y'):
            dice_str = input('Enter a dice value in the format XdY\n'
                             ' where x is the number of die and\n'
                             ' y is the number of sides per die\n')
            pattern = re.compile(r'\d+d\d+')
            if pattern.match(dice_str) != None:
                dice = dice_str.split('d')
                dice_sides = abs(int(dice[1]))
                num_dice = abs(int(dice[0]))
                if (dice_sides < 100 and num_dice < 100):
                    roller = Roller(num_dice, dice_sides)
                    print('Rolling . . .\n')
                    print('Here are your rolls\n')
                    print('Your values are too big, try again')
                print('Try again.  The format is XdY')
Пример #5
from parser import Parser
from dice_symbols import dice_symbol_table, dice_token_gen
from lis import Environment, standard_env, exec
from roller import Roller

roller = Roller()
parser = Parser(dice_token_gen, dice_symbol_table())
def dice_env():
  env = Environment((), (), standard_env())
    'd': roller.d_roll,
    'z': roller.z_roll,
    '+': lambda left, right: roller.math(left, right, '+'),
    '-': lambda left, right: roller.math(left, right, '-'),
    '*': lambda left, right: roller.math(left, right, '*'),
    '/': lambda left, right: roller.math(left, right, '/'),
    '/+': lambda left, right: roller.math(left, right, '/+'),
    '/-': lambda left, right: roller.math(left, right, '/-'),
    '<': lambda left, right: roller.compare(left, right, '<'),
    '<=': lambda left, right: roller.compare(left, right, '<='),
    '>': lambda left, right: roller.compare(left, right, '>'),
    '>=': lambda left, right: roller.compare(left, right, '>='),
    '=': lambda left, right: roller.compare(left, right, '='),
    '==': lambda left, right: roller.compare(left, right, '=='),
    '!=': lambda left, right: roller.compare(left, right, '!='),
    "H": roller.highest,
    "L": roller.lowest,
    "finalize": roller.finalize
  return env
Пример #6
import os
import discord
import re
from roller import Roller

PREFIX = "::"               # The prefix used for commands
client = discord.Client()   # The bot client
roller = Roller()           # The roller

async def on_message(message):
    Handle messages to initialize the roller

    message - the message that was sent

    # Convert message to lower case and strip whitespace
    command = message.content.lower()
    command = re.sub("\\s+", "", command)

    if command == PREFIX + "roll":
        # Main command to start the roller
        await roller.start_roll(message.channel)
    elif command == PREFIX + "ping":
        # Ping command to check if the bot is still alive
        await message.channel.send("Pong!")

Пример #7
from random import randint
from roller import Roller
from attack import Attack

x = Attack([Roller('d6'), Roller('d6'), Roller('d6')], damage_modifier=2)
hit_roller = Roller('d20')

for i in x.attacks(hit_roller, 10, dc=0, modifier=3, critical=18):