Пример #1
	def __init__(self, source_url, target_url):

		self.source_url = source_url
		self.target_url = target_url
		self.error = None
		self.mention = None
		self.__doc__ = None

		# fetch the data from source
		data = requests.get(self.source_url)
		if data.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
			 ## check for charater encodings and use 'correct' data
			if 'charset' in data.headers.get('content-type',''):
				self.__doc__ = bs4.BeautifulSoup(data.text)
				self.__doc__ = bs4.BeautifulSoup(data.content)

		# use ronkyuu to find target_url
		self.source_result = ronkyuu.findMentions(source_url, content=self.__doc__, targetURL=self.target_url )

		if self.__doc__ is not None:
			# source was retrieved
			if self.target_url in self.source_result['refs']:
				# mention to target found
				mf = mf2py.Parser(doc=self.__doc__, url=self.source_url).to_dict()
				self.mention = parse_mention(self.__doc__, mf, self.source_url, self.target_url)
				# source does not mention target
				self.mention = None

			# source could no be retreived
			self.error = {'status':400, 'reason': 'Source URL could not be fetched.'}
Пример #2
def handle_root():
    source = request.form['source']
    target = request.form['target']

    if source == target:
        return Response(response='source same as target', status=400)

    if not discoverEndpoint(target)[1]:
        return Response(response='target does not support webmentions',

    # find mention in source
    result = findMentions(source, target)

    if result['status'] != 200:
        return Response(response='error fetching source', status=400)

    if not result['refs']:
        return Response(response='target not found in source', status=400)

    parsed = mf2py.Parser(url=source).to_dict()
    r = commit_file(webmention_path(source, target), yaml.dump(parsed))
    if r.status_code != 201:
        print('failed to post to github: ' + r.text)
        raise Exception('failed to post to github: ' + str(r))
    return Response(status=201)
Пример #3
 def postEntry(self, entry, ctx):
     source_url = entry.url
     logger.debug("Finding mentions in: %s" % source_url)
     refs = ronkyuu.findMentions(source_url)
     for r in refs.get('refs', []):
         logger.debug("Sending webmention: %s -> %s" % (source_url, r))
         ronkyuu.sendWebmention(source_url, r)
Пример #4
    def runTest(self):
        with HTTMock(bear_im_mock):
            mentions = findMentions(post_url, ['bear.im'])

            assert len(mentions['refs']) > 0
            assert 'http://indiewebify.me/' in mentions['refs'].keys()
            assert tantek_url in mentions['refs'].keys()
Пример #5
	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs ):
		self.past_mentions = kwargs.pop('past_mentions',set())
		# use ronkyuu to parse and findmentions
		result = ronkyuu.findMentions(*args, **kwargs)
		self.status = result['status']
		self.source_url = result['post-url']
		self.source_content = result['content']
		self.present_mentions = result['refs']
Пример #6
def find_mentions(article, siteurl, content_headers, excluded):
    source_url = os.path.join(siteurl, article.url)
    mentionable_content = make_mentionable_input(article, content_headers)
    return findMentions(source_url,
Пример #7
def process(sourceURL, targetURL):
    """Publish webmention for sourceURL

    Publishing is handled as a Webmention sent to the /publish URL
    as the targetURL included somewhere within the sourceURL

    All you need is to include the following:
      <a href="https://indieweb.news/publish"></a>

    somewhere in the sourceURL
    current_app.logger.info('process [%s][%s]' % (sourceURL, targetURL))
    result   = None
    mentions = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL)
    for href in mentions['refs']:
        current_app.logger.info('process href [%s]' % href)
        if href != sourceURL and href == targetURL:
            utcdate   = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            tzLocal   = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
            timestamp = tzLocal.localize(utcdate, is_dst=None)
            postDate  = timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
            domain    = baseDomain(sourceURL, includeScheme=False)
            postID    = str(uuid.uuid4())
            data      = { 'source':  sourceURL,
                          'target':  targetURL,
                          'created': postDate,
                          'updated': postDate,
                          'postid':  postID,
                          'domain':  domain,
            event     = { 'type': 'publish',
                          'key':  postID,

            r = current_app.palala.query('select * from domains where domain = "{domain}"'.format(**data))
            if len(r) > 0:
                current_app.palala.run('update domains set updated = "{updated}" where domain = "{domain}"'.format(domain=domain, updated=postDate))
                current_app.palala.run('insert into domains (domain, created, updated) values ("{domain}","{created}","{updated}");'.format(domain=domain,created=postDate,updated=postDate))

            current_app.palala.run('insert into posts (postid, domain, source, target, created, updated) values ("{postid}","{domain}","{source}","{target}","{created}","{updated}")'.format(**data))

            current_app.dbRedis.lpush('indienews-recent', postID)
            current_app.dbRedis.ltrim('indienews-recent', 0, 50)
            current_app.dbRedis.rpush('indienews-events', json.dumps(event))

            result = data

    return result
Пример #8
def mention(sourceURL, targetURL):
    """Process the Webmention of the targetURL from the sourceURL.

    To verify that the sourceURL has indeed referenced our targetURL
    we run findMentions() at it and scan the resulting href list.

    app.logger.info('discovering Webmention endpoint for %s' % sourceURL)

    mentions = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL)

    for href in mentions['refs']:
        if href <> sourceURL and href == targetURL:
            app.logger.info('post at %s was referenced by %s' % (targetURL, sourceURL))
            events.inboundWebmention(sourceURL, targetURL, mentions=mentions)
def mention(sourceURL, targetURL, vouchDomain=None):
    """Process the Webmention of the targetURL from the sourceURL.

    To verify that the sourceURL has indeed referenced our targetURL
    we run findMentions() at it and scan the resulting href list.
    app.logger.info('discovering Webmention endpoint for %s' % sourceURL)

    mentions = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL)
    result   = False
    app.logger.info('mentions %s' % mentions)
    for href in mentions['refs']:
        if href != sourceURL and href == targetURL:
            app.logger.info('post at %s was referenced by %s' % (targetURL, sourceURL))

            result = processWebmention(sourceURL, targetURL, vouchDomain)
    app.logger.info('mention() returning %s' % result)
    return result
Пример #10
def mention(sourceURL, targetURL, vouchDomain=None):
    """Process the Webmention of the targetURL from the sourceURL.

    To verify that the sourceURL has indeed referenced our targetURL
    we run findMentions() at it and scan the resulting href list.
    app.logger.info('discovering Webmention endpoint for %s' % sourceURL)

    mentions = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL)
    result = False
    app.logger.info('mentions %s' % mentions)
    for href in mentions['refs']:
        if href != sourceURL and href == targetURL:
            app.logger.info('post at %s was referenced by %s' %
                            (targetURL, sourceURL))

            result = processWebmention(sourceURL, targetURL, vouchDomain)
    app.logger.info('mention() returning %s' % result)
    return result
Пример #11
def process_webmention(commit_url, source, target):
    # find mention in source
    result = findMentions(source, target)

    if result['status'] != 200:
        raise Exception('error fetching source')

    if not result['refs']:
        raise Exception('target not found in source')

    parsed = mf2py.Parser(url=source).to_dict()
    webmention = {
        'sourceUrl': source,
        'targetUrl': target,
        'parsedSource': parsed
    r = commit_file(commit_url, yaml.dump(webmention))
    if r.status_code != 201:
        raise Exception('failed to post to github: ' + str(r.status_code) +
                        ', ' + r.text)
Пример #12
def process_webmention(commit_url, source, target):
    # find mention in source
    result = findMentions(source, target)

    if result['status'] != 200:
        raise Exception('error fetching source')

    if not result['refs']:
        raise Exception('target not found in source')

    parsed = mf2parse(source)
    webmention = {
        'sourceUrl': source,
        'targetUrl': target,
        'parsedSource': parsed
    r = commit_file(commit_url, json.dumps(webmention))
    if r.status_code != 201:
        raise Exception(f'failed to post {commit_url} to github: ' +
                        f'{r.status_code}, {r.text}')
Пример #13
def mention(sourceURL,
    """Process the Webmention of the targetURL from the sourceURL.

    To verify that the sourceURL has indeed referenced our targetURL
    we run findMentions() at it and scan the resulting href list.
    cfg = Config()
    if os.path.exists(siteConfigFilename):
    log.info('discovering Webmention endpoint for %s' % sourceURL)

    mentions = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL)
    result = False
    vouched = False
    log.info('mentions %s' % mentions)
    for href in mentions['refs']:
        if href != sourceURL and href == targetURL:
            log.info('post at %s was referenced by %s' %
                     (targetURL, sourceURL))
            if vouchRequired:
                if vouchDomain is None:
                    vouched = False
                    result = False
                    vouched = processVouch(cfg.paths.content, sourceURL,
                                           targetURL, vouchDomain)
                    result = vouched
                vouched = False
                result = True

            if result:
                utcdate = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                tzLocal = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
                timestamp = tzLocal.localize(utcdate, is_dst=None)
                mf2Data = Parser(doc=mentions['content']).to_dict()
                hcard = extractHCard(mf2Data)
                data = {
                    'sourceURL': sourceURL,
                    'targetURL': targetURL,
                    'vouchDomain': vouchDomain,
                    'vouched': vouched,
                    'postDate': timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'),
                    'hcard': hcard,
                    'mf2data': mf2Data,
                    'siteConfig': cfg,
                key = 'webmention::%s::%s' % (
                    timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), targetURL)
                event = {
                    'type': 'webmention',
                    'key': key,

                # mentionData['hcardName'] = hcard['name']
                # mentionData['hcardURL']  = hcard['url']
                # mentionData['mf2data']   = mf2Data
                # sData  = json.dumps(mentionData)
                # safeID = generateSafeName(sourceURL)
                # if db is not None:
                #     db.set('mention::%s' % safeID, sData)

                # targetFile = os.path.join(domainCfg.basepath, safeID)
                # with open(targetFile, 'a+') as h:
                #     h.write(sData)

                # mentionFile = generateMentionName(targetURL, result)
                # with open(mentionFile, 'w') as h:
                #     h.write(_mention % mentionData)

                db.set(key, json.dumps(data))
                db.rpush('kaku-events', json.dumps(event))

    log.info('mention() returning %s' % result)
    return result, vouched
Пример #14
    parser.add_argument('--vouch', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--eventConfigFile', default=None)

    args = parser.parse_args()
    cfg = ronkyuu.discoverConfig(args.eventConfigFile)

    domains = []  # cfg.get('domains', [])
    sourceURL = args.sourceURL
    vouchDomain = args.vouch

    print('Scanning %s for mentions' % sourceURL)
    if vouchDomain is not None:
        print('vouch domain present and will be sent')

    mentions = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL, domains)


    for href in mentions['refs']:
        if sourceURL != href:
            wmStatus, wmUrl = ronkyuu.discoverEndpoint(href, test_urls=False)
            if wmUrl is not None and wmStatus == 200:
                print('\tfound webmention endpoint %s for %s' % (wmUrl, href))
                status_code = ronkyuu.sendWebmention(sourceURL,

                if status_code == requests.codes.ok:
Пример #15
 def runTest(self):
     with HTTMock(mock_response):
         mentions = findMentions(post_url, exclude_domains=['bear.im'])
         assert len(mentions['refs']) > 0
         assert 'http://indiewebify.me/' in mentions['refs']
Пример #16
def checkOutboundWebmentions(sourceURL, html, targetFile, update=False):
    logger.info('checking for outbound webmentions [%s]' % sourceURL)
        cached   = loadOutboundWebmentions(targetFile)
        found    = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL, content=html)
        mentions = {}

        # loop thru webmentions found in our post and
        # check if they are new/updated or already seen
        for href in found['refs']:
            if sourceURL != href:
                key     = 'webmention::%s::%s' % (sourceURL, href)
                keySeen = db.exists(key)
                if keySeen:
                    if update:
                        keySeen = False
                        s       = 'update forced'
                        s = 'already processed'
                    s = 'new mention'
                logger.info('\t%s [%s]' % (s, key))
                mentions[key] = { 'key':     key,
                                  'href':   href,
                                  'keySeen': keySeen,
                                  'removed': False
        # loop thru found webmentions and check against cache for any removed
        for key in cached:
            if key not in mentions:
                mentions[key] = cached[key]
                mentions[key]['removed'] = True
                if 'keySeen' not in mentions[key]:
                    mentions[key]['keySeen'] = False
        removed = []
        for key in mentions:
            mention = mentions[key]
            logger.info('seen: %(keySeen)s removed: %(removed)s [%(key)s]' % mention)

            # send webmentions for new/updated or removed
            if mention['removed'] or not mention['keySeen']:
                if mention['removed']:

                href = mention['href']
                wmStatus, wmUrl, debug = ronkyuu.discoverEndpoint(href, test_urls=False, debug=True)
                logger.info('webmention endpoint discovery: %s [%s]' % (wmStatus, wmUrl))

                if len(debug) > 0:
                    logger.info('\n\tdebug: '.join(debug))
                if wmUrl is not None and wmStatus == 200:
                    logger.info('\tfound webmention endpoint %s for %s' % (wmUrl, href))
                    resp, debug = ronkyuu.sendWebmention(sourceURL, href, wmUrl, debug=True)
                    if len(debug) > 0:
                        logger.info('\n\tdebug: '.join(debug))
                    if resp.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
                        if key not in cached:
                            cached[key] = { 'key':    key,
                                            'href':   href,
                                            'wmUrl':  wmUrl,
                                            'status': resp.status_code
                        if len(resp.history) == 0:
                            db.set(key, resp.status_code)
                            logger.info('\twebmention sent successfully')
                            logger.info('\twebmention POST was redirected')
                        logger.info('\twebmention send returned a status code of %s' % resp.status_code)
        for key in removed:
            del cached[key]

        saveOutboundWebmentions(targetFile, cached)
        logger.exception('exception during checkOutboundWebmentions')
Пример #17
 def runTest(self):
     with HTTMock(mock_response):
         mentions = findMentions(post_url, exclude_domains=['bear.im'])
         assert len(mentions['refs']) > 0
         assert 'http://indiewebify.me/' in mentions['refs']
Пример #18
    parser.add_argument('--vouch',           default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--eventConfigFile', default=None)

    args = parser.parse_args()
    cfg  = ronkyuu.discoverConfig(args.eventConfigFile)

    domains     = []  # cfg.get('domains', [])
    sourceURL   = args.sourceURL
    vouchDomain = args.vouch

    print('Scanning %s for mentions' % sourceURL)
    if vouchDomain is not None:
        print('vouch domain present and will be sent')

    mentions = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL, domains)


    for href in mentions['refs']:
        if sourceURL != href:
            wmStatus, wmUrl = ronkyuu.discoverEndpoint(href, test_urls=False)
            if wmUrl is not None and wmStatus == 200:
                print('\tfound webmention endpoint %s for %s' % (wmUrl, href))
                status_code = ronkyuu.sendWebmention(sourceURL, href, wmUrl, vouchDomain=vouchDomain)

                if status_code == requests.codes.ok:
                    print('\twebmention sent successfully')
                    print('\twebmention send returned a status code of %s' % status_code)
Пример #19
def checkOutboundWebmentions(sourceURL, html, targetFile, update=False):
    logger.info('checking for outbound webmentions [%s]' % sourceURL)
        cached = loadOutboundWebmentions(targetFile)
        found = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL, content=html)
        mentions = {}

        # loop thru webmentions found in our post and
        # check if they are new/updated or already seen
        for href in found['refs']:
            if sourceURL != href:
                key = 'webmention::%s::%s' % (sourceURL, href)
                keySeen = db.exists(key)
                if keySeen:
                    if update:
                        keySeen = False
                        s = 'update forced'
                        s = 'already processed'
                    s = 'new mention'
                logger.info('\t%s [%s]' % (s, key))
                mentions[key] = {
                    'key': key,
                    'href': href,
                    'keySeen': keySeen,
                    'removed': False
        # loop thru found webmentions and check against cache for any removed
        for key in cached:
            if key not in mentions:
                mentions[key] = cached[key]
                mentions[key]['removed'] = True
                if 'keySeen' not in mentions[key]:
                    mentions[key]['keySeen'] = False
        removed = []
        for key in mentions:
            mention = mentions[key]
            logger.info('seen: %(keySeen)s removed: %(removed)s [%(key)s]' %

            # send webmentions for new/updated or removed
            if mention['removed'] or not mention['keySeen']:
                if mention['removed']:

                href = mention['href']
                wmStatus, wmUrl, debug = ronkyuu.discoverEndpoint(
                    href, test_urls=False, debug=True)
                logger.info('webmention endpoint discovery: %s [%s]' %
                            (wmStatus, wmUrl))

                if len(debug) > 0:
                    logger.info('\n\tdebug: '.join(debug))
                if wmUrl is not None and wmStatus == 200:
                    logger.info('\tfound webmention endpoint %s for %s' %
                                (wmUrl, href))
                    resp, debug = ronkyuu.sendWebmention(sourceURL,
                    if len(debug) > 0:
                        logger.info('\n\tdebug: '.join(debug))
                    if resp.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
                        if key not in cached:
                            cached[key] = {
                                'key': key,
                                'href': href,
                                'wmUrl': wmUrl,
                                'status': resp.status_code
                        if len(resp.history) == 0:
                            db.set(key, resp.status_code)
                            logger.info('\twebmention sent successfully')
                            logger.info('\twebmention POST was redirected')
                            '\twebmention send returned a status code of %s' %
        for key in removed:
            del cached[key]

        saveOutboundWebmentions(targetFile, cached)
        logger.exception('exception during checkOutboundWebmentions')
Пример #20
def mention(sourceURL, targetURL, vouchDomain=None):
    """Process the incoming Webmention from the sourceURL.

    To verify that the targetURL being referenced by the sourceURL
    is a valid reference we run findMentions() at it and scan the
    resulting href list.

    This does the following checks:
      1. The sourceURL exists
      2. The sourceURL indeed does reference our targetURL
      3. The sourceURL is a valid Vouch (if configured to check)
      4. The sourceURL is active and not deleted, if deleted then remove
         it from our list of mentions for targetURL
    current_app.logger.info('handling Webmention from %s' % sourceURL)

        result   = False
        vouched  = False
        mentions = ronkyuu.findMentions(sourceURL)
        current_app.logger.info('mentions %s' % mentions)

        if mentions['status'] == 410:
            data = { 'targetURL': targetURL,
                     'sourceURL': sourceURL
            current_app.logger.info('mention removal event from [%s] of [%s]' % (targetURL, sourceURL))
            kakuEvent('mention', 'deleted', data)
            for href in mentions['refs']:
                if href != sourceURL and href == targetURL:
                    current_app.logger.info('post at %s was referenced by %s' % (targetURL, sourceURL))
                    if current_app.config['VOUCH_REQUIRED']:
                        if vouchDomain is None:
                            vouched = False
                            result  = False
                            vouched = processVouch(sourceURL, targetURL, vouchDomain)
                            result  = vouched
                        vouched = False
                        result  = True

                    if result:
                        utcdate   = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                        tzLocal   = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
                        timestamp = tzLocal.localize(utcdate, is_dst=None)
                        mf2Data   = Parser(doc=mentions['content']).to_dict()
                        hcard     = extractHCard(mf2Data)
                        data      = { 'sourceURL':   sourceURL,
                                      'targetURL':   targetURL,
                                      'vouchDomain': vouchDomain,
                                      'vouched':     vouched,
                                      'postDate':    timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'),
                                      'hcard':       hcard,
                                      'mf2data':     mf2Data,
                        current_app.logger.info('mention created for [%s] from [%s]' % (targetURL, sourceURL))
                        current_app.logger.info(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
                        kakuEvent('mention', 'create', data)

        current_app.logger.info('mention() returning %s' % result)
    except ValueError:
        current_app.logger.exception('Exception raised during webmention processing')
        result = False
    return result, vouched