Пример #1
from root import RootWindow
from datapicker import DataPicker
from typepicker import TypePicker
from exportbutton import ExportButton
from advancedplot import AdvancedPlot

root = RootWindow()
root.dataPicker = DataPicker(root)
root.typePicker = TypePicker(root)
root.exportButton = ExportButton(root)
root.advancedPlot = AdvancedPlot(root)

# root
    # dataPicker
        # allGames []
        # allGameNames.get()
        # allGameFileNames []
        # also assigned all players and teams their _name.
        # curatedTeamNames.get() list in box
        # curatedPlayerNames.get()
        # gameBox.curselection() list of selected (number) - allGames
        # teamBox.curselection() - curatedTeamNames
        # playerBox.curselection() - curatedPlayerNames
    # typePicker
        # plotOvertime.get() 1/0
Пример #2
    aslider_min = float(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "MIN_VELOCITY"))*60
increments = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "INCREMENTS")
if increments:
    if "," in increments:
        increments = [i.strip() for i in increments.split(",")]
        increments = increments.split()
print "increment: ", increments
coordinate_display = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "POSITION_UNITS")
lu = units(inifile.find("TRAJ", "LINEAR_UNITS"))
print "lu: ", lu == 1/25.4
# update_ms 更新时间
update_ms = int(1000 * float(inifile.find("DISPLAY","CYCLE_TIME") or 0.020))
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
root_window = RootWindow()

c = linuxcnc.command()
s = linuxcnc.stat()
e = linuxcnc.error_channel()
cmds = command.commands(c, s, e)
#-------下列代码用于加载 Post HAL file  ,和post cmd .目前先不使用
#hp = os.path.expanduser("~/");
#postgui_halfile = inifile.find("HAL", "POSTGUI_HALFILE")
#post_cmd = "halcmd -f " + post_hal_file
#ret = os.system(post_cmd)
#if ret != 0:   #加载异常则打印异常信息并退出
#   print post_hal_file + " load error, exit ...!"
#   exit()