Пример #1
def upload_from_www(form):
    """Upload a photo from the Internet.

    This requires the `form` object, but not necessarily Flask's. It just has to
    be a dict with the form keys for the upload.

    Returns the same structure as `upload_from_pc()`.

    url = form.get("url")
    if not url or not allowed_filetype(url):
        return dict(success=False, error="Invalid file extension.")

    # Make a temp filename for it.
    filetype = url.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
    tempfile = "{}/rophako-photo-{}.{}".format(Config.site.tempdir, int(time.time()), filetype)
    logger.debug("Save incoming photo to: {}".format(tempfile))

    # Grab the file.
        data = requests.get(url).content
        return dict(success=False, error="Failed to get that URL.")

    fh = open(tempfile, "wb")

    # All good so far. Process the photo.
    return process_photo(form, tempfile)
Пример #2
def crop_photo(key, x, y, length):
    """Change the crop coordinates of a photo and re-crop it."""
    index = get_index()
    if not key in index["map"]:
        raise Exception("Can't crop photo: doesn't exist!")

    album = index["map"][key]

    # Sanity check.
    if not album in index["albums"]:
        raise Exception("Can't find photo in album!")

    logger.debug("Recropping photo {}".format(key))

    # Delete all the images except the large one.
    for size in ["thumb", "avatar"]:
        pic = index["albums"][album][key][size]
        logger.debug("Delete {} size: {}".format(size, pic))
        os.unlink(os.path.join(Config.photo.root_private, pic))

    # Regenerate all the thumbnails.
    large = index["albums"][album][key]["large"]
    source = os.path.join(Config.photo.root_private, large)
    for size in ["thumb", "avatar"]:
        pic = resize_photo(source, size, crop=dict(
        index["albums"][album][key][size] = pic

    # Save changes.
Пример #3
def crop_photo(key, x, y, length):
    """Change the crop coordinates of a photo and re-crop it."""
    index = get_index()
    if not key in index["map"]:
        raise Exception("Can't crop photo: doesn't exist!")

    album = index["map"][key]

    # Sanity check.
    if not album in index["albums"]:
        raise Exception("Can't find photo in album!")

    logger.debug("Recropping photo {}".format(key))

    # Delete all the images except the large one.
    for size in ["thumb", "avatar"]:
        pic = index["albums"][album][key][size]
        logger.debug("Delete {} size: {}".format(size, pic))
        os.unlink(os.path.join(Config.photo.root_private, pic))

    # Regenerate all the thumbnails.
    large = index["albums"][album][key]["large"]
    source = os.path.join(Config.photo.root_private, large)
    for size in ["thumb", "avatar"]:
        pic = resize_photo(source, size, crop=dict(
        index["albums"][album][key][size] = pic

    # Save changes.
Пример #4
def commit(document, data, cache=True):
    """Insert/update a document in the DB."""

    # Only allow one commit at a time.
    lock = lock_cache(document)

    # Need to create the file?
    path = mkpath(document)
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        parts = path.split("/")
        parts.pop() # Remove the file part
        directory = list()

        # Create all the folders.
        for part in parts:
            segment = "/".join(directory)
            if len(segment) > 0 and not os.path.isdir(segment):
                logger.debug("JsonDB: mkdir {}".format(segment))
                os.mkdir(segment, 0o755)

    # Write the JSON.
    write_json(path, data)

    # Update the cached document.
    if cache:
        set_cache(document, data, expires=cache_lifetime)
        set_cache(document+"_mtime", time.time(), expires=cache_lifetime)

    # Release the lock.
Пример #5
def commit(document, data, cache=True):
    """Insert/update a document in the DB."""

    # Only allow one commit at a time.
    lock = lock_cache(document)

    # Need to create the file?
    path = mkpath(document)
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        parts = path.split("/")
        parts.pop()  # Remove the file part
        directory = list()

        # Create all the folders.
        for part in parts:
            segment = "/".join(directory)
            if len(segment) > 0 and not os.path.isdir(segment):
                logger.debug("JsonDB: mkdir {}".format(segment))
                os.mkdir(segment, 0o755)

    # Write the JSON.
    write_json(path, data)

    # Update the cached document.
    if cache:
        set_cache(document, data, expires=cache_lifetime)
        set_cache(document + "_mtime", time.time(), expires=cache_lifetime)

    # Release the lock.
Пример #6
def delete(document):
    """Delete a document from the DB."""
    path = mkpath(document)
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        logger.debug("Delete DB document: {}".format(path))
Пример #7
def upload_from_www(form):
    """Upload a photo from the Internet.

    This requires the `form` object, but not necessarily Flask's. It just has to
    be a dict with the form keys for the upload.

    Returns the same structure as `upload_from_pc()`.

    url = form.get("url")
    if not url or not allowed_filetype(url):
        return dict(success=False, error="Invalid file extension.")

    # Make a temp filename for it.
    filetype = url.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
    tempfile = "{}/rophako-photo-{}.{}".format(Config.site.tempdir,
                                               int(time.time()), filetype)
    logger.debug("Save incoming photo to: {}".format(tempfile))

    # Grab the file.
        data = requests.get(url).content
        return dict(success=False, error="Failed to get that URL.")

    fh = open(tempfile, "wb")

    # All good so far. Process the photo.
    return process_photo(form, tempfile)
Пример #8
def get_next_id(index):
    """Get the next free ID for a blog post."""
    logger.debug("Getting next available blog ID number")
    sort = sorted(index.keys(), key=lambda x: int(x))
    next_id = 1
    if len(sort) > 0:
        next_id = int(sort[-1]) + 1
    logger.debug("Highest post ID is: {}".format(next_id))

    # Sanity check!
    if next_id in index:
        raise Exception("Failed to get_next_id for the blog. Chosen ID is still in the index!")
    return next_id
Пример #9
def get_next_id(index):
    """Get the next free ID for a blog post."""
    logger.debug("Getting next available blog ID number")
    sort = sorted(index.keys(), key=lambda x: int(x))
    next_id = 1
    if len(sort) > 0:
        next_id = int(sort[-1]) + 1
    logger.debug("Highest post ID is: {}".format(next_id))

    # Sanity check!
    if next_id in index:
        raise Exception(
            "Failed to get_next_id for the blog. Chosen ID is still in the index!"
    return next_id
Пример #10
def get_cache(key):
    """Get a cached item."""
    key = Config.db.redis_prefix + key
    value = None
    client = get_redis()
    if not client:

        value  = client.get(key)
        if value:
            value = json.loads(value)
        logger.debug("Redis exception: couldn't get_cache {}".format(key))
        value = None
    return value
Пример #11
def lock_cache(key, timeout=5, expire=20):
    """Cache level 'file locking' implementation.

    The `key` will be automatically suffixed with `_lock`.
    The `timeout` is the max amount of time to wait for a lock.
    The `expire` is how long a lock may exist before it's considered stale.

    Returns True on success, None on failure to acquire lock."""
    client = get_redis()
    if not client:

    # Take the lock.
    lock = client.lock(key, timeout=expire)
    logger.debug("Cache lock acquired: {}, expires in {}s".format(key, expire))
    return lock
Пример #12
def lock_cache(key, timeout=5, expire=20):
    """Cache level 'file locking' implementation.

    The `key` will be automatically suffixed with `_lock`.
    The `timeout` is the max amount of time to wait for a lock.
    The `expire` is how long a lock may exist before it's considered stale.

    Returns True on success, None on failure to acquire lock."""
    client = get_redis()
    if not client:

    # Take the lock.
    lock = client.lock(key, timeout=expire)
    logger.debug("Cache lock acquired: {}, expires in {}s".format(key, expire))
    return lock
Пример #13
def write_json(path, data):
    """Write a JSON document."""
    path = str(path)

    # Don't allow any fishy looking paths.
    if ".." in path:
        logger.error("ERROR: JsonDB tried to write a path with two dots: {}".format(path))
        raise Exception()

    logger.debug("JsonDB: WRITE > {}".format(path))

    # Open and lock the file.
    fh = codecs.open(path, 'w', 'utf-8')
    flock(fh, LOCK_EX)

    # Write it.
    fh.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))

    # Unlock and close.
    flock(fh, LOCK_UN)
Пример #14
def upload_from_pc(request):
    """Upload a photo from the user's filesystem.

    This requires the Flask `request` object. Returns a dict with the following

    * success: True || False
    * error: if unsuccessful
    * photo: if successful

    form = request.form
    count = 0
    status = None
    for upload in reversed(request.files.getlist("file")):
        count += 1

        # Make a temp filename for it.
        filetype = upload.filename.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
        if not allowed_filetype(upload.filename):
            return dict(success=False, error="Unsupported file extension.")

        tempfile = "{}/rophako-photo-{}.{}".format(Config.site.tempdir,
                                                   int(time.time()), filetype)
        logger.debug("Save incoming photo to: {}".format(tempfile))

        # All good so far. Process the photo.
        status = process_photo(form, tempfile)
        if not status["success"]:
            return status

    # Multi upload?
    if count > 1:
        status["multi"] = True
        status["multi"] = False

    return status
Пример #15
def upload_from_pc(request):
    """Upload a photo from the user's filesystem.

    This requires the Flask `request` object. Returns a dict with the following

    * success: True || False
    * error: if unsuccessful
    * photo: if successful

    form   = request.form
    count  = 0
    status = None
    for upload in reversed(request.files.getlist("file")):
        count += 1

        # Make a temp filename for it.
        filetype = upload.filename.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
        if not allowed_filetype(upload.filename):
            return dict(success=False, error="Unsupported file extension.")

        tempfile = "{}/rophako-photo-{}.{}".format(Config.site.tempdir, int(time.time()), filetype)
        logger.debug("Save incoming photo to: {}".format(tempfile))

        # All good so far. Process the photo.
        status = process_photo(form, tempfile)
        if not status["success"]:
            return status

    # Multi upload?
    if count > 1:
        status["multi"] = True
        status["multi"] = False

    return status
Пример #16
def write_json(path, data):
    """Write a JSON document."""
    path = str(path)

    # Don't allow any fishy looking paths.
    if ".." in path:
            "ERROR: JsonDB tried to write a path with two dots: {}".format(
        raise Exception()

    logger.debug("JsonDB: WRITE > {}".format(path))

    # Open and lock the file.
    fh = codecs.open(path, 'w', 'utf-8')
    flock(fh, LOCK_EX)

    # Write it.
    fh.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))

    # Unlock and close.
    flock(fh, LOCK_UN)
Пример #17
def get(document, cache=True):
    """Get a specific document from the DB."""
    logger.debug("JsonDB: GET {}".format(document))

    # Exists?
    if not exists(document):
        logger.debug("Requested document doesn't exist")
        return None

    path = mkpath(document)
    stat = os.stat(path)

    # Do we have it cached?
    data = get_cache(document) if cache else None
    if data:
        # Check if the cache is fresh.
        if stat.st_mtime > get_cache(document+"_mtime"):
            return data

    # Get a lock for reading.
    lock = lock_cache(document)

    # Get the JSON data.
    data = read_json(path)

    # Unlock!

    # Cache and return it.
    if cache:
        set_cache(document, data, expires=cache_lifetime)
        set_cache(document+"_mtime", stat.st_mtime, expires=cache_lifetime)

    return data
Пример #18
def get(document, cache=True):
    """Get a specific document from the DB."""
    logger.debug("JsonDB: GET {}".format(document))

    # Exists?
    if not exists(document):
        logger.debug("Requested document doesn't exist")
        return None

    path = mkpath(document)
    stat = os.stat(path)

    # Do we have it cached?
    data = get_cache(document) if cache else None
    if data:
        # Check if the cache is fresh.
        if stat.st_mtime > get_cache(document + "_mtime"):
            del_cache(document + "_mtime")
            return data

    # Get a lock for reading.
    lock = lock_cache(document)

    # Get the JSON data.
    data = read_json(path)

    # Unlock!

    # Cache and return it.
    if cache:
        set_cache(document, data, expires=cache_lifetime)
        set_cache(document + "_mtime", stat.st_mtime, expires=cache_lifetime)

    return data
Пример #19
def post_entry(post_id, fid, epoch, author, subject, avatar, categories,
               privacy, ip, emoticons, comments, format, body):
    """Post (or update) a blog entry."""

    # Fetch the index.
    index = get_index()

    # Editing an existing post?
    if not post_id:
        post_id = get_next_id(index)

    logger.debug("Posting blog post ID {}".format(post_id))

    # Get a unique friendly ID.
    if not fid:
        # The default friendly ID = the subject.
        fid = subject.lower()
        fid = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', '-', fid)
        fid = re.sub(r'\-+', '-', fid)
        fid = fid.strip("-")
        logger.debug("Chosen friendly ID: {}".format(fid))

    # Make sure the friendly ID is unique!
    if len(fid):
        test = fid
        loop = 1
        logger.debug("Verifying the friendly ID is unique: {}".format(fid))
        while True:
            collision = False

            for k, v in index.items():
                # Skip the same post, for updates.
                if k == post_id: continue

                if v["fid"] == test:
                    # Not unique.
                    loop += 1
                    test = fid + "_" + unicode(loop)
                    collision = True
                    logger.debug("Collision with existing post {}: {}".format(k, v["fid"]))

            # Was there a collision?
            if collision:
                continue # Try again.

            # Nope!
        fid = test

    # DB body for the post.
    db = dict(
        fid        = fid,
        ip         = ip,
        time       = epoch or int(time.time()),
        categories = categories,
        sticky     = False, # TODO: implement sticky
        comments   = comments,
        emoticons  = emoticons,
        avatar     = avatar,
        privacy    = privacy or "public",
        author     = author,
        subject    = subject,
        format     = format,
        body       = body,

    # Write the post.
    JsonDB.commit("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id), db)

    # Update the index cache.
    update_index(post_id, db, index)

    return post_id, fid
Пример #20
def get_user(uid=None, username=None):
    """Get a user's DB file, or None if not found."""
    if username:
        uid = get_uid(username)
        logger.debug("get_user: resolved username {} to UID {}".format(username, uid))
    return JsonDB.get("users/by-id/{}".format(uid))
Пример #21
def unlock_cache(lock):
    """Release the lock on a cache key."""
    if lock:
        logger.debug("Cache lock released")
Пример #22
def post_entry(post_id, fid, epoch, author, subject, avatar, categories,
               privacy, ip, emoticons, comments, format, body):
    """Post (or update) a blog entry."""

    # Fetch the index.
    index = get_index()

    # Editing an existing post?
    if not post_id:
        post_id = get_next_id(index)

    logger.debug("Posting blog post ID {}".format(post_id))

    # Get a unique friendly ID.
    if not fid:
        # The default friendly ID = the subject.
        fid = subject.lower()
        fid = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', '-', fid)
        fid = re.sub(r'\-+', '-', fid)
        fid = fid.strip("-")
        logger.debug("Chosen friendly ID: {}".format(fid))

    # Make sure the friendly ID is unique!
    if len(fid):
        test = fid
        loop = 1
        logger.debug("Verifying the friendly ID is unique: {}".format(fid))
        while True:
            collision = False

            for k, v in index.items():
                # Skip the same post, for updates.
                if k == post_id: continue

                if v["fid"] == test:
                    # Not unique.
                    loop += 1
                    test = fid + "_" + unicode(loop)
                    collision = True
                    logger.debug("Collision with existing post {}: {}".format(
                        k, v["fid"]))

            # Was there a collision?
            if collision:
                continue  # Try again.

            # Nope!
        fid = test

    # DB body for the post.
    db = dict(
        time=epoch or int(time.time()),
        sticky=False,  # TODO: implement sticky
        privacy=privacy or "public",

    # Write the post.
    JsonDB.commit("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id), db)

    # Update the index cache.
    update_index(post_id, db, index)

    return post_id, fid
Пример #23
def unlock_cache(lock):
    """Release the lock on a cache key."""
    if lock:
        logger.debug("Cache lock released")
Пример #24
def process_photo(form, filename):
    """Formats an incoming photo."""

    # Resize the photo to each of the various sizes and collect their names.
    sizes = dict()
    for size in PHOTO_SCALES.keys():
        sizes[size] = resize_photo(filename, size)

    # Remove the temp file.

    # What album are the photos going to?
    album     = form.get("album", "")
    new_album = form.get("new-album", None)
    new_desc  = form.get("new-description", None)
    if album == "" and new_album:
        album = new_album

    # Sanitize the name.
    album = sanitize_name(album)
    if album == "":
        logger.warning("Album name didn't pass sanitization! Fall back to default album name.")
        album = Config.photo.default_album

    # Make up a unique public key for this set of photos.
    key = random_hash()
    while photo_exists(key):
        key = random_hash()
    logger.debug("Photo set public key: {}".format(key))

    # Get the album index to manipulate ordering.
    index = get_index()

    # Update the photo data.
    if not album in index["albums"]:
        index["albums"][album] = {}
    if not "settings" in index:
        index["settings"] = dict()
    if not album in index["settings"]:
        index["settings"][album] = {
            "format": "classic",
            "description": new_desc,

    index["albums"][album][key] = dict(
        caption=form.get("caption", ""),
        description=form.get("description", ""),

    # Maintain a photo map to album.
    index["map"][key] = album

    # Add this pic to the front of the album.
    if not album in index["photo-order"]:
        index["photo-order"][album] = []
    index["photo-order"][album].insert(0, key)

    # If this is a new album, add it to the front of the album ordering.
    if not album in index["album-order"]:
        index["album-order"].insert(0, album)

    # Set the album cover for a new album.
    if not album in index["covers"] or len(index["covers"][album]) == 0:
        index["covers"][album] = key

    # Save changes to the index.

    return dict(success=True, photo=key)
Пример #25
def resize_photo(filename, size, crop=None):
    """Resize a photo from the target filename into the requested size.

    Optionally the photo can be cropped with custom parameters.

    # Find the file type.
    filetype = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
    if filetype == "jpeg": filetype = "jpg"

    # Open the image.
    img = Image.open(filename)

    # Make up a unique filename.
    outfile = random_name(filetype)
    target  = os.path.join(Config.photo.root_private, outfile)
    logger.debug("Output file for {} scale: {}".format(size, target))

    # Get the image's dimensions.
    orig_width, orig_height = img.size
    new_width = PHOTO_SCALES[size]
    logger.debug("Original photo dimensions: {}x{}".format(orig_width, orig_height))

    # For the large version, only scale it, don't crop it.
    if size == "large":
        # Do we NEED to scale it?
        if orig_width <= new_width:
            logger.debug("Don't need to scale down the large image!")
            return outfile

        # Scale it down.
        ratio      = float(new_width) / float(orig_width)
        new_height = int(float(orig_height) * float(ratio))
        logger.debug("New image dimensions: {}x{}".format(new_width, new_height))
        img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        return outfile

    # For all other versions, crop them into a square.
    x, y, length = 0, 0, 0

    # Use 0,0 and find the shortest dimension for the length.
    if orig_width > orig_height:
        length = orig_height
        length = orig_width

    # Did they give us crop coordinates?
    if crop is not None:
        x = crop["x"]
        y = crop["y"]
        if crop["length"] > 0:
            length = crop["length"]

    # Adjust the coords if they're impossible.
    if x < 0:
        logger.warning("X-Coord is less than 0; fixing!")
        x = 0
    if y < 0:
        logger.warning("Y-Coord is less than 0; fixing!")
        y = 0
    if x > orig_width:
        logger.warning("X-Coord is greater than image width; fixing!")
        x = orig_width - length
        if x < 0: x = 0
    if y > orig_height:
        logger.warning("Y-Coord is greater than image height; fixing!")
        y = orig_height - length
        if y < 0: y = 0

    # Make sure the crop box fits.
    if x + length > orig_width:
        diff = x + length - orig_width
        logger.warning("Crop box is outside the right edge of the image by {}px; fixing!".format(diff))
        length -= diff
    if y + length > orig_height:
        diff = y + length - orig_height
        logger.warning("Crop box is outside the bottom edge of the image by {}px; fixing!".format(diff))
        length -= diff

    # Do we need to scale?
    if new_width == length:
        logger.debug("Image doesn't need to be cropped or scaled!")
        return outfile

    # Crop to the requested box.
    logger.debug("Cropping the photo")
    img = img.crop((x, y, x+length, y+length))

    # Scale it to the proper dimensions.
    img = img.resize((new_width, new_width), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    return outfile
Пример #26
def resize_photo(filename, size, crop=None):
    """Resize a photo from the target filename into the requested size.

    Optionally the photo can be cropped with custom parameters.

    # Find the file type.
    filetype = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
    if filetype == "jpeg": filetype = "jpg"

    # Open the image.
    img = Image.open(filename)

    # Make up a unique filename.
    outfile = random_name(filetype)
    target = os.path.join(Config.photo.root_private, outfile)
    logger.debug("Output file for {} scale: {}".format(size, target))

    # Get the image's dimensions.
    orig_width, orig_height = img.size
    new_width = PHOTO_SCALES[size]
    logger.debug("Original photo dimensions: {}x{}".format(
        orig_width, orig_height))

    # For the large version, only scale it, don't crop it.
    if size == "large":
        # Do we NEED to scale it?
        if orig_width <= new_width:
            logger.debug("Don't need to scale down the large image!")
            return outfile

        # Scale it down.
        ratio = float(new_width) / float(orig_width)
        new_height = int(float(orig_height) * float(ratio))
        logger.debug("New image dimensions: {}x{}".format(
            new_width, new_height))
        img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        return outfile

    # For all other versions, crop them into a square.
    x, y, length = 0, 0, 0

    # Use 0,0 and find the shortest dimension for the length.
    if orig_width > orig_height:
        length = orig_height
        length = orig_width

    # Did they give us crop coordinates?
    if crop is not None:
        x = crop["x"]
        y = crop["y"]
        if crop["length"] > 0:
            length = crop["length"]

    # Adjust the coords if they're impossible.
    if x < 0:
        logger.warning("X-Coord is less than 0; fixing!")
        x = 0
    if y < 0:
        logger.warning("Y-Coord is less than 0; fixing!")
        y = 0
    if x > orig_width:
        logger.warning("X-Coord is greater than image width; fixing!")
        x = orig_width - length
        if x < 0: x = 0
    if y > orig_height:
        logger.warning("Y-Coord is greater than image height; fixing!")
        y = orig_height - length
        if y < 0: y = 0

    # Make sure the crop box fits.
    if x + length > orig_width:
        diff = x + length - orig_width
            "Crop box is outside the right edge of the image by {}px; fixing!".
        length -= diff
    if y + length > orig_height:
        diff = y + length - orig_height
            "Crop box is outside the bottom edge of the image by {}px; fixing!"
        length -= diff

    # Do we need to scale?
    if new_width == length:
        logger.debug("Image doesn't need to be cropped or scaled!")
        return outfile

    # Crop to the requested box.
    logger.debug("Cropping the photo")
    img = img.crop((x, y, x + length, y + length))

    # Scale it to the proper dimensions.
    img = img.resize((new_width, new_width), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    return outfile
Пример #27
def process_photo(form, filename):
    """Formats an incoming photo."""

    # Resize the photo to each of the various sizes and collect their names.
    sizes = dict()
    for size in PHOTO_SCALES.keys():
        sizes[size] = resize_photo(filename, size)

    # Remove the temp file.

    # What album are the photos going to?
    album = form.get("album", "")
    new_album = form.get("new-album", None)
    new_desc = form.get("new-description", None)
    if album == "" and new_album:
        album = new_album

    # Sanitize the name.
    album = sanitize_name(album)
    if album == "":
            "Album name didn't pass sanitization! Fall back to default album name."
        album = Config.photo.default_album

    # Make up a unique public key for this set of photos.
    key = random_hash()
    while photo_exists(key):
        key = random_hash()
    logger.debug("Photo set public key: {}".format(key))

    # Get the album index to manipulate ordering.
    index = get_index()

    # Update the photo data.
    if not album in index["albums"]:
        index["albums"][album] = {}
    if not "settings" in index:
        index["settings"] = dict()
    if not album in index["settings"]:
        index["settings"][album] = {
            "format": "classic",
            "description": new_desc,

    index["albums"][album][key] = dict(ip=remote_addr(),
                                       caption=form.get("caption", ""),
                                       description=form.get("description", ""),

    # Maintain a photo map to album.
    index["map"][key] = album

    # Add this pic to the front of the album.
    if not album in index["photo-order"]:
        index["photo-order"][album] = []
    index["photo-order"][album].insert(0, key)

    # If this is a new album, add it to the front of the album ordering.
    if not album in index["album-order"]:
        index["album-order"].insert(0, album)

    # Set the album cover for a new album.
    if not album in index["covers"] or len(index["covers"][album]) == 0:
        index["covers"][album] = key

    # Save changes to the index.

    return dict(success=True, photo=key)