Пример #1
def history(name):
    """Page history."""
    name = Wiki.url_to_name(name)

    # Look up the page.
    page = Wiki.get_page(name)
    if not page:
        flash("Wiki page not found.")
        return redirect(url_for(".index"))

    authors = dict()
    history = list()
    for rev in page["revisions"]:
        uid = rev["author"]
        if not uid in authors:
            authors[uid] = User.get_user(uid=uid)

                pretty_time=pretty_time(Config.wiki.time_format, rev["time"]),

    g.info["link"] = Wiki.name_to_url(name)
    g.info["title"] = name
    g.info["history"] = history
    return template("wiki/history.html")
Пример #2
def history(name):
    """Page history."""
    name = Wiki.url_to_name(name)

    # Look up the page.
    page = Wiki.get_page(name)
    if not page:
        flash("Wiki page not found.")
        return redirect(url_for(".index"))

    authors = dict()
    history = list()
    for rev in page["revisions"]:
        uid = rev["author"]
        if not uid in authors:
            authors[uid] = User.get_user(uid=uid)

                pretty_time=pretty_time(Config.wiki.time_format, rev["time"]),

    g.info["link"] = Wiki.name_to_url(name)
    g.info["title"] = name
    g.info["history"] = history
    return template("wiki/history.html")
Пример #3
def edit():
    """Wiki page editor."""
    title = request.args.get("name", "")
    body = ""
    history = True  # Update History box is always checked by default
    note = request.args.get("note", "")

    # Editing an existing page?
    page = Wiki.get_page(title)
    if page:
        head = page["revisions"][0]
        body = head["body"]

    if request.method == "POST":
        # Submitting the form.
        action = request.form.get("action", "preview")
        title = request.form.get("name", "")
        body = request.form.get("body", "")
        history = request.form.get("history", "false") == "true"
        note = request.form.get("note", "")

        if action == "preview":
            # Just previewing it.
            g.info["preview"] = True

            # Render markdown
            g.info["rendered_body"] = Wiki.render_page(body)

            # Render emoticons.
            g.info["rendered_body"] = Emoticons.render(g.info["rendered_body"])
        elif action == "publish":
            # Publishing! Validate inputs.
            invalid = False

            if len(title) == 0:
                invalid = True
                flash("You must have a page title.")
            if len(body) == 0:
                invalid = True
                flash("You must have a page body.")

            if not invalid:
                # Update the page.
                return redirect(
                    url_for("wiki.view_page", name=Wiki.name_to_url(title)))

    g.info["title"] = title
    g.info["body"] = body
    g.info["note"] = note
    g.info["history"] = history
    return template("wiki/edit.html")
Пример #4
def edit():
    """Wiki page editor."""
    title = request.args.get("name", "")
    body = ""
    history = True  # Update History box is always checked by default
    note = request.args.get("note", "")

    # Editing an existing page?
    page = Wiki.get_page(title)
    if page:
        head = page["revisions"][0]
        body = head["body"]

    if request.method == "POST":
        # Submitting the form.
        action = request.form.get("action", "preview")
        title = request.form.get("name", "")
        body = request.form.get("body", "")
        history = request.form.get("history", "false") == "true"
        note = request.form.get("note", "")

        if action == "preview":
            # Just previewing it.
            g.info["preview"] = True

            # Render markdown
            g.info["rendered_body"] = Wiki.render_page(body)

            # Render emoticons.
            g.info["rendered_body"] = Emoticons.render(g.info["rendered_body"])
        elif action == "publish":
            # Publishing! Validate inputs.
            invalid = False

            if len(title) == 0:
                invalid = True
                flash("You must have a page title.")
            if len(body) == 0:
                invalid = True
                flash("You must have a page body.")

            if not invalid:
                # Update the page.
                Wiki.edit_page(author=g.info["session"]["uid"], name=title, body=body, note=note, history=history)
                return redirect(url_for("wiki.view_page", name=Wiki.name_to_url(title)))

    g.info["title"] = title
    g.info["body"] = body
    g.info["note"] = note
    g.info["history"] = history
    return template("wiki/edit.html")
Пример #5
def view_page(name):
    """Show a specific wiki page."""
    link = name
    name = Wiki.url_to_name(name)

    g.info["link"] = link
    g.info["title"] = name

    # Look up the page.
    page = Wiki.get_page(name)
    if not page:
        # Page doesn't exist... yet!
        g.info["title"] = Wiki.url_to_name(name)
        return template("wiki/missing.html"), 404

    # Which revision to show?
    version = request.args.get("revision", None)
    if version:
        # Find this one.
        rev = None
        for item in page["revisions"]:
            if item["id"] == version:
                rev = item

        if rev is None:
            flash("That revision was not found for this page.")
            rev = page["revisions"][0]
        # Show the latest one.
        rev = page["revisions"][0]

    # Getting the plain text source?
    if request.args.get("source", None):
        g.info["markdown"] = render_markdown(
            "\n".join(["# Source: {}".format(name), "", "```markdown", rev["body"], "```"])
        return template("markdown.inc.html")

    # Render it!
    g.info["rendered_body"] = Wiki.render_page(rev["body"])
    g.info["rendered_body"] = Emoticons.render(g.info["rendered_body"])
    g.info["pretty_time"] = pretty_time(Config.wiki.time_format, rev["time"])

    # Author info
    g.info["author"] = User.get_user(uid=rev["author"])

    return template("wiki/page.html")
Пример #6
def view_page(name):
    """Show a specific wiki page."""
    link = name
    name = Wiki.url_to_name(name)

    g.info["link"] = link
    g.info["title"] = name

    # Look up the page.
    page = Wiki.get_page(name)
    if not page:
        # Page doesn't exist... yet!
        g.info["title"] = Wiki.url_to_name(name)
        return template("wiki/missing.html"), 404

    # Which revision to show?
    version = request.args.get("revision", None)
    if version:
        # Find this one.
        rev = None
        for item in page["revisions"]:
            if item["id"] == version:
                rev = item

        if rev is None:
            flash("That revision was not found for this page.")
            rev = page["revisions"][0]
        # Show the latest one.
        rev = page["revisions"][0]

    # Getting the plain text source?
    if request.args.get("source", None):
        g.info["markdown"] = render_markdown("\n".join([
            "# Source: {}".format(name), "", "```markdown", rev["body"], "```"
        return template("markdown.inc.html")

    # Render it!
    g.info["rendered_body"] = Wiki.render_page(rev["body"])
    g.info["rendered_body"] = Emoticons.render(g.info["rendered_body"])
    g.info["pretty_time"] = pretty_time(Config.wiki.time_format, rev["time"])

    # Author info
    g.info["author"] = User.get_user(uid=rev["author"])

    return template("wiki/page.html")